UTC: Coordinated Universal Time

As a global scientific project, SETI@home keeps time using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and a twenty four hour clock. (UTC is also known as GMT, or Greenwich Mean Time.) Use the following conversion table to convert UTC to your own local time zone. For example, if it is 23:00 UTC and you live in the Pacific Daylight time zone, the conversion factor is -7 hours, which means the local time is 16:00, or 4 pm.

Local Time Zone Conversion from UTC Time at 12:00 UTC
ADT - Atlantic Daylight-3 hours9 am
AST - Atlantic Standard
EDT - Eastern Daylight
-4 hours8 am
EST - Eastern Standard
CDT - Central Daylight
-5 hours7 am
CST - Central Standard
MDT - Mountain Daylight
-6 hours6 am
MST - Mountain Standard
PDT - Pacific Daylight
-7 hours5 am
PST - Pacific Standard
ADT - Alaskan Daylight
-8 hours4 am
ALA - Alaskan Standard-9 hours3 am
HAW - Hawaiian Standard-10 hours2 am
Nome, Alaska-11 hours1 am
CET - Central European
FWT - French Winter
MET - Middle European
MEWT - Middle European Winter
SWT - Swedish Winter
+1 hour1 pm
EET - Eastern European, USSR Zone 1+2 hours2 pm
BT - Baghdad, USSR Zone 2+3 hours3 pm
ZP4 - USSR Zone 3+4 hours4 pm
ZP5 - USSR Zone 4+5 hours5 pm
ZP6 - USSR Zone 5+6 hours6 pm
WAST - West Australian Standard+7 hours7 pm
CCT - China Coast, USSR Zone 7+8 hours8 pm
JST - Japan Standard, USSR Zone 8+9 hours9 pm
EAST - East Australian Standard GST
Guam Standard, USSR Zone 9
+10 hours10 pm
IDLE - International Date Line
NZST - New Zealand Standard
NZT - New Zealand
+12 hoursMidnight

©2025 University of California
SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.