Last updated 29 Dec 2020, 19:02:00 UTC

Hetper ("From Bodø, Norway, 63 yrs old, former military pilot (trained in Canada and US),senior...")
Erlend Blom ("Hey! I'm 21 years old and live in oslo, Norway! I became interested in ufo's and...")
Alexander ("25. it admin. loves family life=)")
jorjoh ("Ph.D. Student Assessment of lamb carcass composition (fat and muscle tissue) Animalia,...")
Mats ("Hi my name is Mats Fredrik and im 12 years old but im very interested in astronomy and...")
Roar Winther ("Hi people Im a guy from Bergen/Norway that really likes to know as much as possible about...")
Kristian ("Im 31 years old. I live in the middel of Norway near to Trondheim. I have a wife and two...")
Tessa ("Fisherman, working on a norwegian trawler. That is a deep sea trawler. My main interest,...")
pelvetia_polaris* ("Middleaged, have been working as a college teacher after some years on industrial plants....")
Helod ("I'm a 20-year-old student from Norway, who's interested in the research of the...")

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