Last updated 29 Dec 2020, 19:01:50 UTC

agustj ("I'm a computer science student from Iceland.")
Hook1 ("Siminn Internet Einfaldlega stærsta og besta Internetsþjónustan á...")
kiddik-Vaktin ("Born '79, doing computer animation (2D), Doing my hobby right now. :-)")
Timothy Bishop (" ")
The Tux Team ("Im a Sysadmin for a small ISP in northern Iceland and i also work as bouncer on...")
einzi ("Will edit this later")
Misa Joe ("Hello My name is Jóhannes Mundi Kristinsson And i'm 17 years old My hobbies are...")
Jón Helgason ("My name is Jon Helgason. I am from Reykjavik, Iceland. I work at a software company...")
Frami ("Hi. My name is Frank and I live in Iceland. I use SETI@home cause I want to get ET back to...")
Broddi R.H. ("I live in northern Iceland, i.e. in Holar Valley ( 33 Years old. Work as a...")

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