Last updated 29 Dec 2020, 19:01:50 UTC

philip-in-hongkong ("A computer user starting from the Apple II age, I've participated in distributed computing...")
C. W. Tai ("Seti@home is great. In fact, it can runs both @home, @work, @school and @Earth!!")
stephensmwong ("I'm Stephen Wong, a guy working in the IT industry in Hong Kong. A die hard Unix fans, the...")
hungalan74 ("Background: I'm from Hong Kong (HKSAR, China), male, 30 years old. Interests: My...")
sixwood ("Here's Fai from Hong Kong, currently an undergraduate in the University of Hong Kong. My...")
·O¥® ("Hello! I think you may be the same as mine that we were came from Salesian! I was graduated...")
Taro (From Hong Kong) ("I live in Hong Kong")

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