What to look for

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Message 2070466 - Posted: 12 Mar 2021, 3:21:21 UTC

Are these the seeds of a new generation of SETI?

Memo to scientists. Looking for intelligent life? Have you tried checking for worlds with a lot of industrial pollution?
Take it from us Earthlings, we know what a species can really do to a planet

Astronomers have been offered a cheat sheet on the kinds of things to look out for – from air pollution to energy production – when hunting for signs of intelligent life on faraway exoplanets...

... what exactly should we be searching for? Radio signals? Intergalactic re-runs of Big Bang Theory? Glad you asked: Socas-Navarro, who works at the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, is the first author of a paper published in Acta Astronautica detailing the so-called technosignatures scientists ought to be trying to pick up when looking for intelligent alien life. You can get a preprint list of these signature concepts here.

These signatures are more than a simple wish list for some distant alien race. Technosignature research is gathering momentum, with NASA looking into it since 2018 and sponsoring a virtual conference on the topic last August, which formed the basis for this latest paper. We're told that by piggybacking a few instruments onto future exoplanet telescopes...

Will the next s@h piggyback be out in space?!

Keep searchin',
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Message boards : SETI@home Science : What to look for

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