Ram memory : how much?

Questions and Answers : Windows : Ram memory : how much?
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Nils Bruttin

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Message 2019499 - Posted: 18 Nov 2019, 7:59:37 UTC

Hi there,
I will have a dual Xeon 4210 with 2x16gb RAM for each CPU, meaing CPU1 will have 32gb and CPU2 will have 32gb.

I wonder if it is worth to increase the ram memory to do the task from seti@home projects better and quicker.

How do you see this ?

Many thanks!
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Grant (SSSF)
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Message 2019500 - Posted: 18 Nov 2019, 8:25:30 UTC - in response to Message 2019499.  
Last modified: 18 Nov 2019, 8:26:37 UTC

I will have a dual Xeon 4210 with 2x16gb RAM for each CPU, meaing CPU1 will have 32gb and CPU2 will have 32gb.
With Win10, 4GB is plenty for Seti, so 8GB for Seti and to do other stuff is more than enough.

Running a multi-socket system, it's not so much the amount of memory you have, but the number of channels. You can have all the memory in the world, but if you don't use the right slots if not all are in use, the performance of the system will be massively limited.
That CPU (Xeon Silver 4210) is a six memory channel CPU. So you will need 6 memory modules, for each CPU- and they must be in the correct slots- in order to get good performance out of the system. I don't think they make 1GB modules anymore, so you will be looking at a minimum of 12 * 2GB modules to get good performance out of that system.
Darwin NT
ID: 2019500 · Report as offensive

Questions and Answers : Windows : Ram memory : how much?

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