Why does all but boinc-view require a local client running?

Questions and Answers : Windows : Why does all but boinc-view require a local client running?
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Message 2010471 - Posted: 2 Sep 2019, 16:48:44 UTC

The "old" Windows screen saver collected its data directly from the running client, and is part of the application thus has direct access to the internal data. To do something the same on a remote machine would require the "display" machine being able to access the internal data on the "computing" machine. While this is not impossible, as far as I'm aware nobody has actually coded a computation application that presents its internal data while running in a manner that can be transmitted across a network to the "display" machine. One possible way would be for the calculating machine to send some of its internal data to an "x-windows-like" api, then transmit that data to the remote "display" machine. The display machine would then convert this data stream into a human viewable form. Not an easy job to do, and one that would involve a lot of communication across a potentially insecure network.
There is nothing to stop you trying to do this as the source for both the current Linux MultiBeam application and the "old" screensaver are available to download.
Bob Smith
Member of Seti PIPPS (Pluto is a Planet Protest Society)
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Questions and Answers : Windows : Why does all but boinc-view require a local client running?

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