Newbie Re: GPUs

Questions and Answers : Windows : Newbie Re: GPUs
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Message 1984390 - Posted: 10 Mar 2019, 15:46:10 UTC

I have just rejoined SETI@home, though I was a member long ago (probably the Windows 3.1 era). Now using Windows 10 Pro with an Intel i5-8400 processor and a low-end dual output video card.

When I look in Task Manager, I see 5 GPU tasks and one SETI_0.85-Windows, which I assume is the overall manager. My problem is that my CPU keeps warning that it is 100 percent engaged - this is confirmed by the Process viewer. Am I simply going to need a video card with multiple GPUs to offload some of this work, or is there another way around the problem?

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Message 1984505 - Posted: 11 Mar 2019, 5:06:17 UTC - in response to Message 1984390.  
Last modified: 11 Mar 2019, 5:07:18 UTC

My problem is that my CPU keeps warning that it is 100 percent engaged - this is confirmed by the Process viewer.

And that was the case with the earlier versions of Seti as well.
I would personally disable whatever is telling you it's running at 100%. Make sure it is set up to provide an alarm if the CPU overheats, but running at 100% with good cooling isn't an issue. Depending on what you do with your system, 100% usage is actually quite normal- hence not having something that pops up when that is the case.

Am I simply going to need a video card with multiple GPUs to offload some of this work, or is there another way around the problem?

You can't move work from the CPU to the GPU or back the other way.

You could make use of the settings in your Account under Preferences (never used them myself),
When and how BOINC uses your computer Computing preferences,
In the Computing section,
Use at most 100 % of the CPUs
Use at most 100 % of CPU time
Change the 100% of one of those to a different value. The top one will stop using all your CPU cores, but the remaining ones will still be working flat out. The lower one will reduce the temperature of the CPU, by starting & stopping the processing of work (which will result in getting the warning about CPU usage, then no warning, then getting the warning, then no warning, then getting the warning etc- hence my suggestion to disable whatever it is that is notifying you about the CPU usage).
Darwin NT
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Profile Tom M
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Message 1984987 - Posted: 13 Mar 2019, 20:57:31 UTC

I would also set it to not process Intel gpu tasks on the website. That will speed up your overall production (usually).

A proud member of the OFA (Old Farts Association).
ID: 1984987 · Report as offensive

Questions and Answers : Windows : Newbie Re: GPUs

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