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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1977180 - Posted: 26 Jan 2019, 19:41:07 UTC - in response to Message 1977177.  

I keep seeing news about Northern Ireland and it's border to Ireland.
Problems that are connected to Brexit.
Are we now seeing the "The Troubles" (Na Trioblóidí) yet again?
Hopefully not.

Yes. And it is all about being ruled from abroad.
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Message 1977183 - Posted: 26 Jan 2019, 19:52:21 UTC - in response to Message 1977180.  

Yes. And it is all about being ruled from abroad.
Much more to it than that. The problem with N.I. is that they WANT the protection of the Crown but do not want to be ruled by it. At one point it was mooted that they become a separate nation rather than a province. Neither Westminster or Dublin will allow that to happen.
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Message 1977185 - Posted: 26 Jan 2019, 19:54:50 UTC - in response to Message 1977180.  

Then perhaps Scotland exit the UK and join EU.
They did have a referendum about that only a couple of years ago.
Oh... Great Britain becoming Little Britain...
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Message 1977187 - Posted: 26 Jan 2019, 20:02:50 UTC - in response to Message 1977185.  

You participated on the Europe threads. Have you forgotten what Sturgeon said?
"She wanted Scotland to be part of both the UK & EU"
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Message 1977191 - Posted: 26 Jan 2019, 20:14:20 UTC - in response to Message 1977187.  
Last modified: 26 Jan 2019, 20:16:18 UTC

I can't really say if I remember her saying that.
But that's crazy.
She want the best of both worlds.
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Message 1977195 - Posted: 26 Jan 2019, 20:25:19 UTC - in response to Message 1977191.  

I can't really say if I remember her saying that.
She did. :-)

But that's crazy.
You're a Swede saying that, just imagine what the rest of the UK think. :)

Going back to the N.I. issues, The UK government are relying on 10 DUP MP's to give them a majority in the house. 10 MP's voting on British issues while refusing to govern their own little part of Britain.
NOW that is crazy!
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Message 1977211 - Posted: 26 Jan 2019, 21:43:29 UTC - in response to Message 1977195.  

Many acronyms there. But I think I have figured that out.
N.I. Northern Ireland.
DUP Democratic Unionist Party. News to me. But I recall the founder Ian Paisley...
MP Member of the Parliament. Knew that:)
Seems to me that living in N.I and Ireland around their border will be The Troubles again:(
Hopefully I'm wrong...
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Message 1977213 - Posted: 26 Jan 2019, 22:07:19 UTC - in response to Message 1977211.  

Now you know why I've been saying: We wee leprechauns will scupper Brexit. :-)
May found that out last week. :-)

Neither the North or South want that to happen but the major sticking point is EU Law & Regulations which May tried to circumvent & failed. :-)
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Message 1977219 - Posted: 26 Jan 2019, 22:29:44 UTC - in response to Message 1977213.  

I love Leprechauns. Brexit or not.
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Profile John Neale
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Message 1977330 - Posted: 27 Jan 2019, 16:02:06 UTC - in response to Message 1977159.  

I suggest you... [snip] ...look up the terms of that EU Partnership Agreement Zambia has with the EU, they will completely empty your EEZ of all marine life for the pittance they offer your Government, your Coastal Communities will catch nothing, you have yet to see the size of the factory ships they will send to do this. Ask people in other African Coastal States what has happened to them.

Whilst I am not in a position to comment on the general point you make about the impact of EU-African agreements on African marine life, your statement as it pertains to Zambia is factually flawed (and therefore makes no sense), for two reasons:
(1) Zambia is a landlocked country (whose economy, incidentally, is based largely on minerals and agriculture, not fishing).
(2) As far as I can ascertain, Zambia has not signed the Economic Partnership Agreement that several other members of the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) region have.

Such errors do your credibility no good.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1977332 - Posted: 27 Jan 2019, 16:08:11 UTC - in response to Message 1977330.  

Such errors do your credibility no good.

Facts don't matter to trumpettes either.
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Message 1977335 - Posted: 27 Jan 2019, 16:25:57 UTC
Last modified: 27 Jan 2019, 16:28:11 UTC

Brexit is turning into a game of Pontoon - The EU is sticking while the UK continues to twist.
Leprechauns insist on no change

The best way to break the deadlock & stun the EU is to take a leaf out of the EU's Bible & take up an idea that was mentioned on the "Nick & Sirius" show a few years ago. Let's all go down the PUB!

Parliamentary Union of Britain made up of 4 independent nations working tgether.

They can then approach the Vatican & ask the Pope for his blessing:
Your holiness, we seek your blessing as we have gone one better
We have FOUR WISE men. :-)

Headless chickens have been mentioned...
"Britain and Ireland are two islands next to each other," he said. "We have to work out these things together and stop talking about games of chicken."

The positives from that totally outweigh the negatives. For starters it does away with the "West Lothian" question.
The MoD can save a fortune by not requiring armed forces in the province as it will no longer exist.
The DUP no longer have a leg to stand on regarding the Crown.
The Royal Navy won't miss their base at Faslane as there will be superb bases available with easier access to the Atlantic.
OH, I saved the best for last. :-)

General Elections...
...think about it. :-)

Edit: One last point for those who would decry the breakup of the Union - What break up? In fact Her Majesty would remain QE2 BUT QE1 of Ireland & the Union Jack will continue to fly. :-)
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Message 1977339 - Posted: 27 Jan 2019, 16:51:39 UTC - in response to Message 1977159.  

I probably should have properly introduced myself, M5WJF. My sincere apologies for not doing so before. It might have saved us both some time if I had.

My name is quite easy to pronounce. It should be really because I'm about as English bred as it's possible to be, and whilst it's true, I was born in Zambia, that was only because my parents were very much part of the same ethos that thought ruling other countries from abroad was a perfectly acceptable thing to do. I tend to think not myself, and being a second generation British citizen living in London for around 31 years now, with an English other half and two lovely English children, I do make the mistake of thinking I'm British with a right to comment on stuff British now and again, but this isn't the first time I've been reminded here and thereabouts, that I'm essentially not to some. Which is fiiiine... :) I understand. It's why I changed my flag from being the Union Jack in the end ... for the sake of peace and harmony :)

I am sorry my attempt at light humour (with regard pronouncing your board name) fell so short of my target. I had thought shortening it to M5 would save me having to scroll back and forth to find it in full, as its long-form just won't stick in my head long enough to complete a post :/

With regard to some of the points you raised:
Zambia is as landlocked as a country can be, so I won't waste too much time looking into what plans the EU has with regard the marine life there, but I am already aware that resources throughout the entire continent are continually being divided up amongst player countries from abroad, the EU included and I'm not at all happy to see it. It's nice to know you feel similarly, and hopefully, post brexit erm... Independence Day :) we in Britain *slide rose-tinted spectacles back up nose* will forge for the very first time in all our dealings with them, a genuinely non-exploitative approach to Africa.

I will definitely take your advice about looking into the Zambia thing in more depth though. Thank you for suggesting it to me.

I'm not here to prove what I say to you, and neither is Sirius, do you expect other people to do your research and answer on your behalf?
Not at all, no. I'm not even sure I was asking you, or Sirius to prove anything although perhaps I could have worded things better to reflect that.

I suggest you keep looking,
I think after getting as far as a fact check from a specialist in EU and international law, I then stopped (in part because I'd read your post whilst I was wrestling with a smartphone and in not the most relaxing of circumstances, which were made worse by the fact I'd never used one before, and kept losing pages :\ midst accidentally causing other things to open on the screen instead :/ frankly, people... it was complete chaos :[ because like you, I'd been really quite outraged to learn we'd never been told anything about what would happen in 2020 and 22 if we stayed in the EU @_@ because if we had, I might well have voted differently. But discovering what seem some very credible assertions that the reason it had been kept from us was because someone may have had to make it up first, somewhat dissipated that.

I'd thought you might have something with more substance to it. Or perhaps Sirius might. Certainly when I get the time, I will have another look, but from the vantage point of my desktop this time. I might even be able to provide some links to help clear up any confusion :)

I think you'll find that no country can have the veto you mention after Qualified Majority Voting is in place, all existing vetoes will be repealed.
I'd need to look into it some more which I've not had the time to do yet, other than to have an initial search for's EU/Brexit work. I checked their credentials first, naturally and the site comes highly recommended by - so it seems a good place to start.

its all over Social Media
Oh, that's where the 2020/22 claims first originated... apparently. Interesting. I don't do social media (unless chatting on various boinc-related boards counts?) But it doesn't surprise me to hear riot-talk is all over it, not at all.

Have a happy one.
Brexit? Why thank you, M5WJF :) I will certainly try. If it helps at all, I fully expect us to leave on the due date.

We've made a bed - and we will have to lie on it. Not everyone will be keenly-waiting in their pyjamas for the big leap in, obviously... but there you go... ;)
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Message 1977341 - Posted: 27 Jan 2019, 17:02:45 UTC

It's from my understanding that England, not the UK, as a whole oppose the EU.
But London is very EU friendly.
The outskirts of London is not.
And the Northern England is EU friendly.
When will there be a General election in the UK?
Will there be a second referendum?
The clock is ticking...
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Message 1977342 - Posted: 27 Jan 2019, 17:06:07 UTC - in response to Message 1977339.  

I'd need to look into it some more which I've not had the time to do yet, other than to have an initial search for's EU/Brexit work. I checked their credentials first, naturally and the site comes highly recommended by - so it seems a good place to start.
I've always found that dealing with the horse's mouth much better than the horse's ass. I provided a link to the EU's own website. A lot can be learned from it, if of course, one can read past the legal bovine excrement. :-)
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1977348 - Posted: 27 Jan 2019, 17:58:25 UTC - in response to Message 1977342.  

I'd need to look into it some more which I've not had the time to do yet, other than to have an initial search for's EU/Brexit work. I checked their credentials first, naturally and the site comes highly recommended by - so it seems a good place to start.
I've always found that dealing with the horse's mouth much better than the horse's ass. I provided a link to the EU's own website. A lot can be learned from it, if of course, one can read past the legal bovine excrement. :-)

Why Sirius, the legal bovine excrement is the story, everything else is just horse and chicken excrement.
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Message 1977350 - Posted: 27 Jan 2019, 18:03:10 UTC - in response to Message 1977348.  

Exactly. A nice game of "Musical Chairs" or should that be "Musical Asses" considering how much excess wind is blown!
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Message 1977352 - Posted: 27 Jan 2019, 18:22:21 UTC - in response to Message 1977350.  
Last modified: 27 Jan 2019, 18:22:52 UTC

Weather report.
A low pressure from the British Isles is now building up during the night passing the North Sea and is expected to reach Scandinavia tomorrow.
Alert. Contact MSB at
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Message 1977679 - Posted: 29 Jan 2019, 15:14:15 UTC

"The time has come for words to be matched by deeds," she says, "if you want Brexit you have to vote for Brexit."
Some facts for the DB: Over 17 million already did.

A clown in the States & a dumb b*tch here, what a "lovely" special relationship!
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Message 1977680 - Posted: 29 Jan 2019, 15:17:20 UTC

Theresa May will ask the EU to reopen Brexit deal.
The key issue May wants to make changes to is the disputed border issue between Ireland and the UK. Several of the Members who voted down the Mays proposal have indicated that they are willing to support the proposal on legal aspects of the border issue being changed.
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