6.06 Pulse power// newbee here.

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Profile Ramses van Kasbergen

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Message 1969079 - Posted: 7 Dec 2018, 12:07:02 UTC

Hello i got a best pulse power:6.06
period 14.4284
score 1.08

for over 26 minuts now.
overall done now at 18%

17 hrs away, could this be the iss.

Ramses van Kasbergen.
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Message 1969081 - Posted: 7 Dec 2018, 12:28:35 UTC

First - Welcome to the boards

Over the years quite a few people have got "excited" when they see a pulse of power x, but that is nothing to be excited about as all we are doing is screening the millions of signals for "potentials". The next phase of the analysis looks at the screened signals and does some very clever correlations with other data from the same bit of the sky to see if there are repeating signals.

BOINC runtime estimates are highly inaccurate until you have completed a number of "normal" tasks - something that can take a few days to weeks just now given the nature of the data we are being asked to process. When looking at a new computer I find it more accurate to look at the percent complete and the elapsed time as once the percent complete is above about 10% one's own estimate is fairly accurate - in your case 18% done in 26 minutes suggests a real runtime of about 130-150 minutes, which is a long way removed from the BOINC "wild guess" of 17 hours!
Bob Smith
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ID: 1969081 · Report as offensive
Profile Ramses van Kasbergen

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Message 1969082 - Posted: 7 Dec 2018, 12:39:31 UTC - in response to Message 1969081.  

Thank you sir, for anser it. For me this is compleet abracadabra. But during last hours i try study on some aspects here, to understand a bit what is going on.

ill sent the info back to SETI, those astroboys know better and more what to do whit this info.

For 26 minutes i thought i was the golden boy. hahaha but back to earth now.

Again thanks for reply and have a nice day.
ID: 1969082 · Report as offensive

Message boards : SETI@home Science : 6.06 Pulse power// newbee here.

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