Do you think ET is here now. or was in the past?

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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1958377 - Posted: 4 Oct 2018, 15:22:31 UTC - in response to Message 1958369.  

I'm pretty much in the number 3 camp because I think if they discovered us, we'd have hard evidence. We can speculate about their presence on earth in the past when it comes to ancient engineering marvels and all the UFO reports, but we still don't really have anything tangible.
The mind is a weird and mysterious place
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Michael Watson

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Message 1958382 - Posted: 4 Oct 2018, 16:09:21 UTC

I wouldn't know if they are living among us, or not. It remains a possibility. It seems to me that a good case can been made that we are at least under observation by extraterrestrials, and from a negligible distance, in some cases.

The tendency to dismiss the idea of current (partial) contact seems to spring from expecting another race of intelligent life to behave about as we do. The expectation being that they should either step right in and introduce themselves, or openly conduct a war of conquest. That's a rather limited and unimaginative set of options.

For reasons due to their own psychology and/or culture they may do neither of the above. They might want little to do with us directly, but merely to study us and our world, without substantially interfering. Supposing they did wish to contact the human race directly, they might wish to do so only after preparing us for that contact, over a long period of time. A good deal of the ufological record seems to support the latter possibility.
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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1958413 - Posted: 4 Oct 2018, 20:50:52 UTC - in response to Message 1958382.  

The tendency to dismiss the idea of current (partial) contact seems to spring from expecting another race of intelligent life to behave about as we do. The expectation being that they should either step right in and introduce themselves, or openly conduct a war of conquest. That's a rather limited and unimaginative set of options.

For reasons due to their own psychology and/or culture they may do neither of the above.

That's a good point. Do you personally have any theories on what they may look like? I'm not expecting humanoid-looks. I'd actually be more inclined to think an alien presence, if it's amongst us, is in the form of some sort of energy, invisible to us.
The mind is a weird and mysterious place
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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1958415 - Posted: 4 Oct 2018, 20:58:22 UTC

I think reasonable arguments can be made for (2) or (3). But I think it is more likely that, if ET is out there, we just haven't shown up on their radar yet. Read "radar" as any method that ET uses to look for other ETs.
Bob DeWoody

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Michael Watson

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Message 1958446 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 0:05:26 UTC - in response to Message 1958413.  
Last modified: 5 Oct 2018, 0:07:15 UTC

The tendency to dismiss the idea of current (partial) contact seems to spring from expecting another race of intelligent life to behave about as we do. The expectation being that they should either step right in and introduce themselves, or openly conduct a war of conquest. That's a rather limited and unimaginative set of options.

For reasons due to their own psychology and/or culture they may do neither of the above.

That's a good point. Do you personally have any theories on what they may look like? I'm not expecting humanoid-looks. I'd actually be more inclined to think an alien presence, if it's amongst us, is in the form of some sort of energy, invisible to us.

A sufficiently advanced species might be able to present any appearance it wanted to. They might want to look human when dealing with us, or at least similar to humans. This could minimize our alarm at encountering an entirely alien-appearing form of intelligent life.

Then again, there have been arguments advanced that a generally humanoid form might exist naturally on other worlds, because our bodily form is a naturally workable design, and is likely to occur elsewhere, too. Even among creatures on Earth which are widely separated on the evolutionary 'bush', we find examples of 'convergent evolution' where similar forms have cropped up repeatedly.

Take the cases of the Ichthyosaur among the reptiles, the Shark among fishes, and the Dolphin, a mammal. All have quite similar body shapes, due to it being a good, sound solution to the evolutionary challenge of living and moving in the sea.
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Message 1958451 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 0:20:41 UTC - in response to Message 1958446.  

Your convergent design theory makes a lot of sense to me. Note I did not call it an hypothesis.
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Message 1958461 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 1:27:49 UTC - in response to Message 1958446.  

Then again, there have been arguments advanced that a generally humanoid form might exist naturally on other worlds, because our bodily form is a naturally workable design, and is likely to occur elsewhere, too. Even among creatures on Earth which are widely separated on the evolutionary 'bush', we find examples of 'convergent evolution' where similar forms have cropped up repeatedly.
Why should a humanoid form be better than other forms to being intelligent and becoming technologically advanced?
All it takes for an ultimate intelligent being is a smart brain with a smart communication system taking care of the brain.
That is of course extreme but as for humans there are a lot of body forms that maybe are becoming obsolete in the future.
Like legs. Who need them already today?
The same has to be the same for ET.
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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1958478 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 2:45:45 UTC - in response to Message 1958461.  

Then again, there have been arguments advanced that a generally humanoid form might exist naturally on other worlds, because our bodily form is a naturally workable design, and is likely to occur elsewhere, too. Even among creatures on Earth which are widely separated on the evolutionary 'bush', we find examples of 'convergent evolution' where similar forms have cropped up repeatedly.
Why should a humanoid form be better than other forms to being intelligent and becoming technologically advanced?
All it takes for an ultimate intelligent being is a smart brain with a smart communication system taking care of the brain.
That is of course extreme but as for humans there are a lot of body forms that maybe are becoming obsolete in the future.
Like legs. Who need them already today?
The same has to be the same for ET.

If you don't want your legs I'll take them. Don't speak too soon about what you don't need unless you have already lost the use of your legs!!!!
Bob DeWoody

My motto: Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow as it may not be required. This no longer applies in light of current events.
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Message 1958513 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 8:23:23 UTC - in response to Message 1958478.  

If you don't want your legs I'll take them. Don't speak too soon about what you don't need unless you have already lost the use of your legs!!!!
Sorry. I was thinking more like we humans doesn't use our legs as much as we should anymore.
Especially kids today. Usually when parts of an animal are not used or needed, evolution after many generations will make those retract. Like we don't have any tail but we still have a tailbone useless to balance our body.
"If you don't use it, you lose it; and once you lose it, it's gone forever.”
Btw, my girlfriend had to amputate a leg only last year.
That's of course a real bummer:(
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Profile tullio
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Message 1958517 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 9:08:22 UTC

Bicycling is a trend in Italy today, including electric bicycles. But many cyclists are killed by cars and trucks, because bicycle roads are few. There is a project to build a bicycle road from Torino to Trieste.
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Message 1958522 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 10:08:24 UTC - in response to Message 1958516.  

I can't speak for your country, but here in the UK I'm seeing a notable increase in the under 30's jogging around the streets over the last 5-10 years. Modern life with cars, public transport, and the internet tends to encourage a sedentary lifestyle.

I also see many more people out on the streets jogging today. Hardly any under 20's though.
It is easy to get the impression that Swedes has never been so well-trained and high-performing as now. This is just a myth, says Mikael Mattson, physiologist and researcher at GIH. What does the broad Swedish mass do? "Watching sports or do not care at all".
In a survey where we Swedes themselves assess our sportiness, the answer will be a completely different one.
A majority, 66 percent, replies that they spend at least thirty minutes a day with some kind of moderately exertional physical activity. The problem of questionnaire studies is that we can remember mistakenly or driven by wishful thinking.
Maria Hagströmer is a physiotherapist and researcher at Karolinska Institutet. A few years ago, she examined the Swedes' exercise level using motion gauges. The results showed that we Swedes do not exercise as much as we think.
"The study showed that only one percent of the population were active for at least 30 consecutive minutes per day, that is, what one recommends."
Obvisusly this will not change human evolutionary now but maybe in a several hundreds of generations it will show.
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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1958527 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 10:38:06 UTC

The notion that E.T. aliens might be walking amongst us in human disguise is kind of far-fetched to me, but very intriguing, if not scary in an Invasion of the Body Snatchers sort of way.
The mind is a weird and mysterious place
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Profile tullio
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Message 1958558 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 12:47:35 UTC

There is a Classic ride in Tuscany these days with old time bicycles without gearshifts and it is being run by 6000 people,many of them British. and Nordic.
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Message 1958573 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 13:44:44 UTC
Last modified: 5 Oct 2018, 13:47:32 UTC

I think it's strange that so many people thinks that ET is already here.
Stories like this coming from a "source" within the US Government.
In 1999, a contact inside the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency told a reporter his job was to analyze and monitor three extraterrestrial groups who were, and likely still are, inhabiting Earth. The source said the alien species lives inside mountains, under the earth and sea in deep caverns.
Or that we are already part ET. That we have so much junk DNA is actually not junk but our DNA has been modified by ET and waiting to activated by them.
Only human DNA is modified of course, not ape DNA:)
I'm quite sure that if you study more animal DNA, you will find junk DNA in those too.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1958580 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 14:32:48 UTC - in response to Message 1958576.  

What is clear though that a certain proportion of UFO sighting accounts from trusted people, simply show that the objects cannot be man made. No country on Earth has the technology to build such things,
Are you certain of that?

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Message 1958581 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 14:33:30 UTC - in response to Message 1958576.  
Last modified: 5 Oct 2018, 14:49:34 UTC

that a certain proportion of UFO sighting accounts from trusted people, simply show that the objects cannot be man made.
I agree to that UFO sightings is very real and they are many.
Even I have seen some that was weird.
But then saying that many of the objects cannot be man made because "I have not seen anything like that before in my life" as many witnesses use to say...
You cannot simply draw that conclusion.
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"
Sort of quoting the French mathematician Laplace stating that: "The weight of evidence for an extraordinary claim must be proportioned to its strangeness."
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1958595 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 16:36:52 UTC - in response to Message 1958587.  

Quite certain.

That is Project 1794, now declassified. Top speed Mach 4, ceiling 100,000 ft.
Did the E.T that lives amongst us design it?

As for you being that certain, provide proof that E.T landed on Earth. Provide proof that UFO's exist & are alien to Man. You cannot, so come back when you can. :-)
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Message 1958604 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 17:36:55 UTC - in response to Message 1958595.  

Did the E.T that lives amongst us design it?
The Avrocar was developed by Avro Aircraft Ltd. (Canada)
Documents declassified in 2012, tell the story of Project 1794, the $10 million development of a circular VTOL fighter aircraft with lift and thrust from a single turborotor, top speed of between Mach 3 and Mach 4, and a ceiling of 100,000 feet. All in all, an amazing concept.
There was just one problem: It couldn't fly. It could do little more than hover. Two prototypes where built when military finally pulled the plug in 1960.
Could the reason that the Avrocar was classified so long be something else than military?
Hang on. Avro Aircrafts seems familary.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1958620 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 18:57:54 UTC - in response to Message 1958609.  

Naw, she's too busy clubbing in Birmingham. Wonder if E.T. got to her? :-)
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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1958629 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 19:40:59 UTC

I haven't heard anything about cattle mutilations in years, but at one time there were a lot of reports about them being linked to ET's. And what about all those crop circles? Are they all really man-made?
The mind is a weird and mysterious place
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