Would you go?

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Profile Taolin

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Message 1962767 - Posted: 1 Nov 2018, 0:50:26 UTC - in response to Message 1957606.  

Only 3?
OK - but I plead innocence. :) :) :) -- I just read it today!

Yep, the wife and I would both go in a flash...
gotta admit the body fixin' would be nice and I'd rather not be lunch, but if it worked, WOWZER!
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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1962897 - Posted: 2 Nov 2018, 0:54:09 UTC - in response to Message 1962805.  

At the time it was only 3. Now it is up to 13 individuals that have commented. As always, some threads take time to take off and arouse interest. The original premise was deliberately open ended to see what interest there was.

My conclusion is that people with medical issues would hope to be cured, and some would only go with their partners.

But we all agree what a fantastic journey it could be.

Oh, I'd go regardless of whether they could fix my body.
Bob DeWoody

My motto: Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow as it may not be required. This no longer applies in light of current events.
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Message 1962960 - Posted: 2 Nov 2018, 14:58:50 UTC - in response to Message 1962959.  

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Profile Steve's

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Message 1966038 - Posted: 18 Nov 2018, 16:41:54 UTC - in response to Message 1956904.  

Without a shadow of doubt i would go and i am married with 2 children
Curiosity killed the cat so the saying go's lets put that to the test
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Profile cRunchy
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Message 1969654 - Posted: 9 Dec 2018, 22:10:38 UTC - in response to Message 1966038.  

I think it is time to put our selves to the test and all turn up at Chris S's house to do pre-flight training in his back yard :)~

As funding is limited everyone needs to make their own space suits and helmets.

Bagsie's (UK slang for I have first choice on) using a space invader crisp box for my helmet.

You up for hosting a convention of extranaughts Chris S?
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Profile Wiggo

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Message 1969721 - Posted: 10 Dec 2018, 6:33:02 UTC

Don't they call them "gardens" over there because they're to small to be called "yards" Chris? :-D

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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 1969757 - Posted: 10 Dec 2018, 13:27:03 UTC - in response to Message 1969736.  
Last modified: 10 Dec 2018, 14:25:50 UTC

Point of order:

We Yanks have gardens at home but they are in our back yards. I had a modest Garden this year of herbs, tomatoes, Peppers and green beans. It was on a smallish, raised bed in my back yard. We have brick yards, lumber yards, junk yards--but also Parking lots.

We have plenty of Gardens as large scale attractions --English style--places to visit and to enjoy the greenery, arrangements, mazes and the flowers. In Charleston (South Carolina) we have Middleton Gardens and Magnolia Gardens. Every state and most major universities have "Gardens" as well. My first serious involvement with the opposite sex started in the Duke Gardens at Duke University listening to the Chad Mitchell Trio--50 years ago or so (sigh) . While I was in Iran the lovely girl I had once sought to marry ran off and got married in the "South Gardens" of the University of Illinois.

On topic--I would not go on a Mars Venture at this point in my life--too much attachment to family and to the way of life here--If I were to come back in another 100 years as a young man without attachments --maybe then.
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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 1969849 - Posted: 11 Dec 2018, 0:25:27 UTC - in response to Message 1969789.  
Last modified: 11 Dec 2018, 0:26:53 UTC

Always good for a tease !!

We have lots of car parks-

I suspect you park your cars in the Harvard Yard

A vegetable patch over here is a garden as is a large public garden for visitors to admire.

Our back yards are not gardens although they will often contain a garden. But then again we usually havre front lawns --never a front garden even in our front yards.

i feel that somehow you Brits are deprived (depraved ?? as well )
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1969877 - Posted: 11 Dec 2018, 10:13:38 UTC

Either the conversation on the way to E,T's world will be very interesting or the airlocks will see some heavy use. :-)
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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1969897 - Posted: 11 Dec 2018, 14:44:57 UTC - in response to Message 1969882.  

Over here it is considered infra dig to park vehicles on grassland, as it tends to produce tyre ruts which is not conducive to a pleasant environment.

In my city, all 4 tires must be on paved ground.
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ID: 1969897 · Report as offensive
Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1969951 - Posted: 12 Dec 2018, 3:23:07 UTC - in response to Message 1969736.  

And a very good morning to you Mr Wiggo!

Americans seem to work on the basis of Jewish Tailors as in "Never mind the quality, feel the width". But in terms of size yes, the UK could fit into Texas 3 times, not that it would want to of course. But we have Garden Cities over here

United Kingdom

Garden City, Flintshire, Wales
Garden Suburb, Oldham, Greater Manchester, England
Hampstead Garden Suburb, London, England
Humberstone Garden Suburb, Leicester, England
Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, England, designed by Ebenezer Howard, originator of the Garden City movement
Welwyn Garden City, England, designed by Ebenezer Howard

It is noted that the USA doesn't have any.

------------> Garden City

Then of course we have the world famous Kew Gardens, and The Royal Horticultural Society's garden at Wisley, Surrey. Then we have the Annual RHS Chelsea Flower show with award winning gardens.

Point made young man? :-))

And we are seriously off topic here as well!

There are numerous communities in the USA with the name Garden City. What that has to do with whether I would volunteer to go to Mars I have no idea.
Bob DeWoody

My motto: Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow as it may not be required. This no longer applies in light of current events.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1969999 - Posted: 12 Dec 2018, 13:52:18 UTC - in response to Message 1969984.  

4. If posters are allowed to regularly talk about cleaning fish tanks, dodgy home electrics, personal medical matters, and general household maintenance in the Number Crunching thread, I should be allowed to briefly talk about gardens in the Science thread. Or do the same rules not apply to everybody?
I have already made the point about off topic posts here in message number 1969736, and as we know, all good conversations meander around the same core topic. . So lets be within the spirit of the rules over here at least..
(We are certainly depraved if we think dumping May and a no deal Brexit is a good thing, then again you voted Trump in).
Speaks volumes. At least when travelling to the stars, one will not be able to access the Wiki. Hmm, wonder what the conversations will revolve around?
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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1970013 - Posted: 12 Dec 2018, 17:13:49 UTC

My comment was merely a wonderment at how far off topic some threads get. Apparently I too had forgotten that the OP was about going away with ET to some other unknown (to us) world.
Bob DeWoody

My motto: Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow as it may not be required. This no longer applies in light of current events.
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Profile cRunchy
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Message 1970391 - Posted: 14 Dec 2018, 23:35:27 UTC - in response to Message 1970025.  
Last modified: 14 Dec 2018, 23:38:02 UTC

My comment was merely a wonderment at how far off topic some threads get.

I will of necessity have to accept a measure of blame.

Apparently I too had forgotten that the OP was about going away with ET to some other unknown (to us) world.

I had to remind myself as well!

In any case, I think a journey to another star would be totally amazing, with your hosts telling you all about your new home, tours of the starship etc. But if you got really bored you could always debate how to run an ethical business or how to sue the local Council, or how to buy a Presidency. Hours of good fun to be had there.

Oh pants :)

I guess we know it is about whether we would go (or throw ourselves) into space knowing the inherent dangers given our current capabilities...

... and perhaps the question is asked in the wrong forum but sanity forbid it ever be asked in the Politics forum.

For me it is a lovely question because, yes immediately here in SETI we understand it is about space travel but...

... it is or could be more than that...

It kind of echoes the idea of throwing ourselves out to the wind and having courage (or ignorance) to make a distinctive change in our lives.

To be poetic the idea of 'Would You Go' makes me think of the Latinium Goddess Aurora..

Upon the dawn \ a new day.

I'm not surprised the thread title invokes many ideas outside of just space travel.

Well done OP :))))

Other questions relating to the original spirit of the the thread might be:

If on Earth you couldn't find a job but you were offered a job on Mars with triple pay as a sewer worker - would you go?

(Somebody has to do the low gravity dirty work.. eek)
ID: 1970391 · Report as offensive
Profile cRunchy
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Message 1970485 - Posted: 15 Dec 2018, 16:58:08 UTC - in response to Message 1970436.  
Last modified: 15 Dec 2018, 16:59:03 UTC

... and perhaps the question is asked in the wrong forum but sanity forbid it ever be asked in the Politics forum.

That is an oxymoron and a complete contradiction in terms.

Hey to be told I used an oxymoron makes me feel quite proud. :)

..... because their own people won't touch them.

But I digress. The option to bugger off to another star system is quite attractive at times!

It is true that us westerners have become quite picky. Don't worry though there is a long term plan to downgrade and turn us away from the social quality of social responsibility towards private resource.

Perhaps what we should do in the aspiration that some alien might turn up and offer safe passage is do a little practice.

Does anyone have a poly-tunnel they don't mind some nuters inhabiting for a week or so?
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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1970618 - Posted: 16 Dec 2018, 6:28:57 UTC - in response to Message 1970485.  

I know a scenario where I wouldn't go. If they told me I would have to teach a bunch of unruly snot nosed 7th graders math.
Bob DeWoody

My motto: Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow as it may not be required. This no longer applies in light of current events.
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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1970654 - Posted: 16 Dec 2018, 10:41:31 UTC - in response to Message 1970618.  

You deserve a purple heart in teaching for battle you've done in the trenches of grade school, Bob.

It certainly brings up a good question about how learning might work in far advanced creatures. I like Chris's idea about osmosis, but I used to sleep with a book under my pillow and it never worked.
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