Would you go?

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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1959868 - Posted: 12 Oct 2018, 11:04:40 UTC - in response to Message 1959867.  

Hmmm. Well, I'm going to have to pull it out of my VHS archives and watch it again, soon.
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Message 1959869 - Posted: 12 Oct 2018, 11:14:22 UTC - in response to Message 1959865.  

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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1959888 - Posted: 12 Oct 2018, 13:02:10 UTC - in response to Message 1959872.  

it releases the missing pilots from Flight 19 and over a dozen other long-missing adults, children, even a few small animals, all from different past eras and all of whom have not aged since their abductions.

Ah yes - I thought that was a cool tie-in with the Bermuda Triangle.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1959903 - Posted: 12 Oct 2018, 13:34:09 UTC - in response to Message 1959865.  

Mission to Mars.
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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1959924 - Posted: 12 Oct 2018, 16:28:00 UTC - in response to Message 1959903.  

Mission to Mars.

I need to watch that movie. I actually have seen bits and pieces of it, but not the whole thing.
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Message 1959928 - Posted: 12 Oct 2018, 18:13:05 UTC - in response to Message 1959924.  

Well, it's an interesting film, the concept should give those who believe/think that E.T. has visited us in the past food for thought.
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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1959934 - Posted: 12 Oct 2018, 19:31:37 UTC

One of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes from the 60's, is the one where a spaceship lands and the alien has a book with him that they finally decode after it's too late and people have gotten on board the ship. Let's just say, the book was not about peace, lol.
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Message 1959941 - Posted: 12 Oct 2018, 20:13:58 UTC

One thing that hesitate me to meet an alien is that even though they look humanoid (normally depicted as such anyway) is they might have bacterias and viruses just as humans have. One only have to think of the America, It was not the European guns or fierce soldiers that conquered the native Americans, but instead it was the common childhood illnesses brought from the Old World by the European conquistadors. Diseases such as smallpox, measles, and typhus annihilated most of the American native populations.
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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1959947 - Posted: 12 Oct 2018, 20:41:42 UTC - in response to Message 1959941.  

That's a very good point - I had not thought about the diseases they might introduce us to.
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Profile cRunchy
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Message 1959972 - Posted: 12 Oct 2018, 23:17:21 UTC - in response to Message 1959950.  
Last modified: 12 Oct 2018, 23:18:48 UTC

thats a very good point. and it is same as colonizing other planets. each planetary ecosystem have their own bacterias/viruses !!

It is a very good point and not too disimilar to people venturing into areas of our own planet.

Meeting unknown populations, diging mines, open cast mining, environmental warming... ect...

Some of the new microbes we encounter on new planets will not know what to do with us (just like a plant virus won't infect a dog..) but some might and if we stay a while some may adapt to their new human hosts or meals.

.. but then humans might also adapt (though probably be it slower.)

I would assume if we found a new planet that had usable gravity and some atmosphere that didn't corrode everything we would start our lives there in some sort of extended sealed habitats.
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Message 1959975 - Posted: 12 Oct 2018, 23:49:02 UTC

Given the fact that aliens could spread diseases to us or humans could spread diseases to aliens.
Why are all depictions of an alien naked, according to people who have met them (Hehehe), and without any protections at all?
I would say that aliens would probably look something like this.
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Profile cRunchy
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Message 1960013 - Posted: 13 Oct 2018, 3:31:00 UTC - in response to Message 1959975.  

... I would say that aliens would probably look something like this.

I'm a bit disappointed as how they going to probe us wearing such suits ;)

The Greys must be totally tiny and anorexic in their match stick suits.

It's 'War of the worlds.' It's our hideous diseases that end up defeating the invaders.

Interesting thought: There is no reason to suggest in the millions of years our planet has existed that no other higher level creatures like ourselves or cultures or economies could not have existed. Perhaps they traveled out to the solar system and killed off most of life.

It is quite possible Mars for example had microbes that would love to eat me as a meat or water bag.

I would still go... but I would want a good suit come full body condom ;/
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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1960087 - Posted: 13 Oct 2018, 18:07:03 UTC

I would hope that if ET has the technology to get here they also have the technology to immunize themselves and us from each other's diseases. I'm betting they would have the means to repair my body so that I might walk again. I do have family here but no one who would care much if I left with the aliens unless it meant I deprived one of them from making the trip. And I wouldn't care much one way or the other if I never came back, except for loosing the chance to tell the world about my adventure in a billion selling book that would make me insanely rich and healthy too.
Bob DeWoody

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Sir Rodney Ffing

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Message 1960340 - Posted: 14 Oct 2018, 23:18:21 UTC - in response to Message 1960026.  
Last modified: 14 Oct 2018, 23:20:20 UTC

All this claptrap about anal probing is ridiculous.
If the strength of a sphincter is prerequisite for hygienic flight conditions for all, then I would disagree with you, sir. Emphatically. ;-)
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Message 1960576 - Posted: 17 Oct 2018, 0:44:05 UTC - in response to Message 1958850.  
Last modified: 17 Oct 2018, 0:49:44 UTC

Here also a quite good reminder that science is not necessarily only proven facts, except for only wonders of nature itself.
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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1960599 - Posted: 17 Oct 2018, 2:55:15 UTC - in response to Message 1960505.  

I would hope that if ET has the technology to get here they also have the technology to immunize themselves and us from each other's diseases

Well sci fi films tend to think not. The various disaster movies often involving Martians have the aliens defeated by simple things we take for granted. And even Klaato died in the end after Gort's brief revival. But of course that may have been easier for the production teams to handle than inventing some super atomic weapon.

How closely do you think that Sci-Fi films and books mimic actual events. Having the aliens die off from being infected by earthly germs is just a convenient plot line to keep us from being eradicated. Any ET smart enough to get here from who knows where must be thousands of years ahead of us in medicine and will also have dealt with similar problems long before they got here.
Bob DeWoody

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Profile cRunchy
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Message 1960702 - Posted: 17 Oct 2018, 22:18:26 UTC - in response to Message 1960620.  
Last modified: 17 Oct 2018, 22:25:56 UTC

Here also a quite good reminder that science is not necessarily only proven facts, except for only wonders of nature itself.

Modern science can explain virtually all of what we used to call the wonders of nature.

The majority of matter in the Universe is made up of dark matter. Dark because we know little about it and what it might hold within it.

Not too different to the 'Dark Ages' after the collapse of the Roman empire.

We have little insight.

We may be able to flesh out the parameters of certain things but can not always tell its nature or story.

Einstein took (or it has been suggested) a core understanding for his theories from Ayuvedic writings on the "atum" (spelling) from 5 thousand years of heritage that used wondering about nature (intellectual and emotional reductionism and expansionism.)

I doubt science has answered but the questions that we can ask with our limited mechanical vision.

The Greek \ Egyptian \ Hellenic \ Alexandrian understanding of a flat world comes into play here. They realise as a ship passes over the horizon it hasn't fallen off the world it has simply gone below the arc of what we can see.

In child psychology a child will cry if their ball goes behind a chair but there is a distinct age where something triggers in their brain (experience and growth) when they realise the ball still exists but their vision is simply blocked or the chair is hiding the ball.

Science (the practice of) is a small aspect of universal human life. We may accept it and enjoy aspects of it or even think we know something about something but it is yet to be universal as a way of being.

I doubt aliens would come just to anal probe us. The might vivisect us.

Given the cost of distance traveled they would probably have some desire for gain or pleasure :(

Raw science does not dictate morality.

To be honest I suspect they would do very much what we would do if we visited their home.

I would consider any voyage but not sure if an alien turned up on my door step I would follow easily.

If some geeza Buddhist monk from Tibet called Norbu Sangpo knocked on your door and told you he would take you on a journey that would be out of this world... would you go??

He'd probably be a prober too :)

OK enough with probing. :)

Science provides outlines and principles we can test and refine to get a model of aspects of the universe (local or major.)

Problem is is that science is led by what we know. It generally doesn't follow the path of what we don't know unless we stumble upon it.

I've always felt truth is something Gods and Mathematicians know. Gods because they know all and Mathematicians because they deal in the finite (1+1 = 2.)

The rest of us and most of have to deal in honesties. A more difficult but perhaps valuable proposition as it keeps us searching for a deeper truth or better honesty.

Don't disagree with you Chris. Just more complex?

To throw oneself out even to the moon with the mindset of discovering what you don't know and not simply to add to what you already know.. Now that would be the adventure.

I want a cave on Mars with a window that looks over the dusty red plains towards earth. Give me a pick, shovel and notebook and I'll dig us a colony and do the science.. and love journey.

I just hope where ever I go it isn't named Botany Bay :/
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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1960715 - Posted: 18 Oct 2018, 1:28:48 UTC

The books and TV series "The Expanse" deals with the question "Would You Go" in a slightly different way. It is set a couple of hundred years in the future where man has colonized most of the solar system. When presented with an opportunity to explore and colonize planets around other stars there is no shortage of volunteers to make the one way trip to new worlds.
Bob DeWoody

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Profile cRunchy
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Message 1960721 - Posted: 18 Oct 2018, 3:01:15 UTC - in response to Message 1960715.  
Last modified: 18 Oct 2018, 3:19:27 UTC

.....TV series "The Expanse" deals with the question "Would You Go" in a slightly different way. ...
... When presented with an opportunity to explore and colonize planets around other stars there is no shortage of volunteers to make the one way trip to new worlds.

corporate capitalism
mobile workforce
nuclear families

They risk not as simple 'volunteers' but from neccesity of work, hope for a good payday or because that is their only place to be.

During the series a preacher on a transport was asked about the one way journey. He spoke of God (his payday?) then said "with great risk comes great reward..."

Truth is that great life changing risk tends to come with great chance of harm or loss.

All the players in the series trust in the science and tech so it is not such a 'real' risk for them.

Perhaps a bit like flying on an older plane today with a company that cares a little more for the profit than the people... but not more than most of us do at some time.

Not a bad series but a very American perspective of how the solar system might be ;)~
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Profile cRunchy
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Message 1960722 - Posted: 18 Oct 2018, 3:06:28 UTC - in response to Message 1960717.  

there is no satisfaction to go live on / in center of a desert rock or meteorite of course.... need a beautiful place :)

I don't know. A meteorite made of gold pressed latinum might be quite a beautiful place!
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