Would the Governments of the World Try to Suppress News of a SETI Discovery?

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Profile tullio
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Message 1951389 - Posted: 22 Aug 2018, 19:23:50 UTC

I am listening to a Shostakovic cello concert. What if ETIs use music as a means of communication? I remember a film where the Martians,after having invaded Earth, are destroyed by a song which is deadly to them.
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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1951410 - Posted: 22 Aug 2018, 21:22:00 UTC - in response to Message 1951389.  

That's a good point, Tullio. As the saying goes, "music is the universal language".

I'd like to see that film you're talking about.
The mind is a weird and mysterious place
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Message 1951418 - Posted: 22 Aug 2018, 22:10:55 UTC - in response to Message 1951410.  

So would I. :-) At first, I thought of "The Day of the Triffids" where music was used to distract them but it was salt water that destroyed them. The other was the "War of the Worlds" where the common cold destroyed them. Wonder if Tullio can remember the film title.
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Message 1951424 - Posted: 22 Aug 2018, 22:25:09 UTC
Last modified: 22 Aug 2018, 22:40:36 UTC

I think it's Mars Attacks :) It's really very good.

The music is Slim Whitman's "Indian Love Call" I had to look that bit up. I could hear it in my head but couldn't remember the title or anything else about it.

edit: we have it on DVD (it was one of my son's favourite films - probably still is) good cast too.

another edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBuk1HXcz1k (not a link to the film version of the song, so as not to spoil it for those who haven't seen it - assuming it is the one Tullio means - but the original song from 1953 I think)
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Message 1951428 - Posted: 22 Aug 2018, 22:33:44 UTC
Last modified: 22 Aug 2018, 23:01:19 UTC

Perhaps Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Oh. That music didn't kill the aliens.
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Message 1951448 - Posted: 23 Aug 2018, 0:37:16 UTC - in response to Message 1951428.  

Perhaps Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Oh. That music didn't kill the aliens.
Doesn't matter - we might not need to kill any :)
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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1951466 - Posted: 23 Aug 2018, 1:47:31 UTC - in response to Message 1951448.  

Does anybody remember the electronic game, "Simon"? It came out about the same time as Close Encounters, and I got one for Christmas. It has blinking lights and sound that you have to emulate by pressing big colorful buttons on the console. It sounds a little like that tune from Close Encounters. Mine still works, perfectly, btw. It's in mint condition. I'll get it out for my meeting with ET.
The mind is a weird and mysterious place
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Profile Pierre A Renaud

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Message 1951480 - Posted: 23 Aug 2018, 3:26:55 UTC - in response to Message 1951466.  

Oh my, yes. I've been playing on one of its reincarnations here since the last few minutes, and I'm sorry to report that until now it seems most efficient at keeping both the cat and aliens at bay.

Perhaps installing this ringtone will prove more efficient ? If I suddenly disappear you'll know it has been working (or with my luck I'll just have successfully scrambled a passing airplane's electronics that subsequently fell on my house).

Does anybody remember the electronic game, "Simon"? It came out about the same time as Close Encounters, and I got one for Christmas. It has blinking lights and sound that you have to emulate by pressing big colorful buttons on the console. It sounds a little like that tune from Close Encounters. Mine still works, perfectly, btw. It's in mint condition. I'll get it out for my meeting with ET.

Apr 3, 1999 - May 3, 2020
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Profile tullio
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Message 1951506 - Posted: 23 Aug 2018, 7:41:31 UTC
Last modified: 23 Aug 2018, 7:42:30 UTC

Infinity in mathematics was theorized by Georg Cantor. Later one mathematician said: no one will chase us from the heaven Cantor has prepared for us. Was he David Hilbert? I don't remember.
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Profile cRunchy
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Message 1951533 - Posted: 23 Aug 2018, 14:37:57 UTC - in response to Message 1951509.  

There are mathematical calculations that use a symbol for infinity, but perhaps the best example is the value of Pi. The latest figure is the two-quadrillionth digit



I don't really see PI as infinity.

I like Ramanujan's number theory (calculating potential iterations) but even he doesn't have an end point for PI.. Though he does have a way of surprising us even in death.

Mathematically for me infinity is 0 or 1 (or maybe emotionally 0.9.999r.)

In terms of computing I love the tri-state of une (1) or ziffar (0) or NULL.

NULL is un-assigned or indeterminate.

I think NULL is a better concept for infinity.

.. but then
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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 1951591 - Posted: 23 Aug 2018, 18:00:48 UTC - in response to Message 1951552.  

I think that he is referring to Cantor's Aleph Null which is the lowest form of infinity.
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Message 1951617 - Posted: 23 Aug 2018, 19:14:26 UTC
Last modified: 23 Aug 2018, 19:21:55 UTC


Trying again, for at least the third attempt, or so, because I would like to have this one before my last post in my own thread, if possible.

If you do not mind, before perhaps continuing, should we perhaps agree on the relationship between Matter, next with respect to energy,
for also that of gravity, as a possible Force?

At least Friday right now, and it became the shopping trip, but next also the Classical Field Equations, when it sometimes could become the Einstein Field Equations, as well.



I found this right now, but also made it the Cosmological principle, for also Special relativity as well.

Be my guest, of course, but next uh what, are we having different Theories, for perhaps also models right now, when only explaining the physical part of the Universe?



Here it perhaps could be fine next to add also that of Cosmological argument as well, but noticing from that above, that it could be a separate discussion here.



We always could be having the Event Horizon, for also the Schwarzschild radius, but also discussed before as well.

Anyway, just for a comparison, or add-on here, for next not meant to say either, because here more about infinity itself, versus the Force of gravity,
when it also could be that of Cosmic expansion, for that of Inflation.

And next perhaps not forgetting that of Logic, or Proof, for that of Probability either, in that it could be God present here, with possibly two hands,
except for not any face either, for that of showing up.

Again it runs off, for next only that of making it small specks, for also that of dots, when also that of galaxies spread across the sky, for only that of Inflation happening,
next making the Universe at least larger, for also that of such a thing happening, and next also for that of time also passing by.

So where is the Universal constant perhaps binding it altogether here, when perhaps both a famous Equation, for also the Force of gravity,
and we could be stuck in the middle, for only looking at a couple of things?

Again, at least that of Proof, for also Existence, except not any Logic either, when only Probability could make a couple of idiots from that of geniuses,
and next not telling about the Universe at all.

Perhaps still the musician here, for the question being asked, except for not any Creator either, in the way, for next also sense of the way it all became a world of motion,
for next also a bit of turmoil, as well.

I could be stuck, for also out of my mind, except for only the pendulum here, when also a sense that perhaps the Laws of gravity, is perhaps not that perfect either,
when perhaps only the pendulum, for that of a motion.

Einstein once said "Everything is relative", for a sense, or perhaps notion that a couple of things are not directly calculable, for also computable,
by also sometimes being predicted in advance, for at least that of motion versus position, and also that of an Uncertainty itself.

Is Proof next also a Method, in that we could also prove for that of science, in order to next also make it true?

Or for that of a couple of things, once again?


Now suddenly realizing that the other stuff being written today, survived the restart, and is lying in another tab.

Could make it two separate posts here, and better now, before any weekend celebration.
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Message 1951673 - Posted: 23 Aug 2018, 22:01:47 UTC
Last modified: 23 Aug 2018, 22:03:02 UTC

Back to earth so to speak.
I don't think there is no need to consider what physics, infinite or whatever or if it's perhaps different outside our galaxy.
From my understanding the same physic laws rules everywhere here in the Milky Way.
I think even aliens would know about this.
At very least they who are close enough living in the same galaxy that may have the abality to contact us.
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Message 1952819 - Posted: 30 Aug 2018, 2:51:40 UTC - in response to Message 1951673.  

Back to earth so to speak..

OK. Back to the subject of the thread.

It is highly unlikely SETI would discover something from another solar system that wasn't thousands+ years old that would rock the world.

If it was an impact on earth event of some massive rock then yes governments may try to suppress news simply to avoid panic.

What interests me is the zones between solar systems.

So called rogue planets.

We know our planet could not sustain our level \ type of life without its molten core.

There is nothing to say a rogue planet without a sun but with sufficient core heat would not be able to sustain a complex if not advanced form of life)!!

Now that would scare people as we never tend to think of the aliens from just outside the border (of light.).

The other thing is the only government able to block SETI at source would be the American government so the subject of the thread is probably inaccurate. I.E. If the US couldn't block a SETI discovery no other country could simply by social proliferation.

Some times instead of asking "Would" it happen it is better to ask "Why" it might..

So a new question arises:

What possible reasons would the American (or any other) government have to suppress news of a SETI discovery?
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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1952841 - Posted: 30 Aug 2018, 5:45:48 UTC - in response to Message 1952819.  

Fear of the unknown.
Bob DeWoody

My motto: Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow as it may not be required. This no longer applies in light of current events.
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Profile tullio
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Message 1952853 - Posted: 30 Aug 2018, 8:14:48 UTC

Etna is peacefully erupting for the joy of tourists, like Stromboli. The real danger is Vesuvius.
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Message 1952878 - Posted: 30 Aug 2018, 13:19:22 UTC - in response to Message 1952841.  

Fear of the unknown.
Seems to me that it's more the leaders of the world fear a SETI Discovery.
It will be a game changer to world politics, that's for sure.
How it will change nobody can tell.
Will aliens try to make allies here on earth?
Are they here only to trade or invade?
Or do they have other reasons?

How could news of a SETI discovery be suppressed?
I would say it's impossible.
Sooner or later one or many will leak.
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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 1952881 - Posted: 30 Aug 2018, 13:54:35 UTC - in response to Message 1952878.  

If there were a contact it would not be suppressed. Nothing much would change here on Earth. The religions of the world would have to re-write some of their myths to allow for a larger creation scenario of life than here on Earth. I hope that someone would see fit to respond to an incoming message
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Message 1953234 - Posted: 1 Sep 2018, 16:02:45 UTC - in response to Message 1953223.  

Interesting link. Reminded me of the 1952 film "Red Planet Mars".
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Profile cRunchy
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Message 1953285 - Posted: 1 Sep 2018, 22:59:49 UTC
Last modified: 1 Sep 2018, 23:01:07 UTC

SETI scans the skys. At some point it probably intercepts government or military or private satellite data.

... what if SETI heard something universally irregular or regular that shouldn't be there?

You can't always understand the data as it may be encrypted but perhaps something about the nature of the transmission might throw a switch.

SETI records extra-terrestrial events. What does it do with recordings of satellite transmissions, even if caught in the background?
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