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Profile AndrewMarcio

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Message 1900903 - Posted: 13 Nov 2017, 16:06:37 UTC - in response to Message 1900899.  
Last modified: 13 Nov 2017, 16:06:53 UTC

An Event Horizon is simply a posh term for a point of no return.

When I asked you that question is why I read and on the Internet there are theories about a black hole that could be '' the entrance '' and the white hole '' the exit''. A kind of gallery or bridge between two universes.
The matter and the light that is swallowed up by the black hole may be "sputtered" in another universe.
Obviously is a theory. Hawking has also suggested that what goes on in the black hole may not be lost and that it might come out somewhere else. So I read.
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Message 1900907 - Posted: 13 Nov 2017, 16:28:58 UTC - in response to Message 1900903.  

I don't know about wormholes. But since the void is not void at all and can produce a couple particle-antiparticle in a fluctuation for a very short interval of time, if one of the two particles is absorbed by the black hole the remaining particle cannot recombine and gives what is know as Hawking radiation.
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Message 1900929 - Posted: 13 Nov 2017, 19:03:03 UTC
Last modified: 13 Nov 2017, 19:09:27 UTC

Forget about such a thing as time when it comes to both gravity and also massive objects which could be part of space.

In my opinion it really does not matter at all.

I already mentioned it and what is next the explanation?

The word "arbitrary" comes to me by watching a YouTube video and at least gives a hint of possible ideas which could be around.

Except for the precise word for this, of course.

But here the possible difficulty as well, because I do not wish to make it any "Mysteries, magic and miracles" either.

Trying hard here and next it reads, "A defining feature of special relativity is the replacement of the . . ." .

Oh, I interpret that above as that of possible multiverses possibly existing.

This because of the sentence "Time and space cannot be defined separately from each other".

And more importantly, the following sentence,

"Rather space and time are interwoven into a single continuum known as spacetime" (partly hyperlinked).

Next "Events that occur at the same time for one observer can occur at different times for another".

You really do not need an elementary particle like the graviton for such, rather a given notion for the similar, but still hard to explain.

For now, watching the videos.
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Message 1900969 - Posted: 13 Nov 2017, 22:09:40 UTC
Last modified: 13 Nov 2017, 22:10:45 UTC

Yes, which probability, except for perhaps not any Probability at all?

Except for that, Bump, or perhaps Bingo! as usual, because I looked up the account of Gordon for only what he have to say here and ended up with Message 1900676 here, by Chris S.

In fact no so, because if you mix in such a thing as a notion of time, you next could be doing so for that of possible extraterrestrial intelligence.

First perhaps no so, but is not really this the point of it all?

While time is perhaps relative as a notion, traveling through space is not necessarily the same as travel through time, although the latter could be possible.

We are supposed to believe that time could be stopping up, or ceasing to exist, not only because of time itself, but rather because of gravity.

If not previously mentioned, time should always be made with reference to itself and not necessary that of gravity.

There could be some confusion around and I do not have it either, but space and time should be interlinked, but next also that of time with a reference to itself.
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Message 1901087 - Posted: 15 Nov 2017, 1:46:15 UTC - in response to Message 1900980.  

We could easily explain our concept of time to an ET by saying we measure elapse between two events by recording long it takes for our planet to rotate once on its axis, we call that a day. We divide that elapse into 24 portions called hours, again by 60 for minutes, and again by 60 for seconds. It takes our planet 365 1/4 of these days to orbit our star, which we call a year, divided by 52 which we call weeks, that have 7 of these days.
A system of measures from one second to one year pretty much covers most day to day things.
At the micro end scientists use the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom to define one second. At the macro end we have light years to measure the distance light travels in one year.

Well your explanation of what time is very strange to me and certainly to aliens visiting our earth.
You make the assumption that planetary objects are include in the calculations of time.
Makes no sense to me that aliens do that kind of calculations.
Why should they?
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Message 1901150 - Posted: 15 Nov 2017, 9:55:14 UTC - in response to Message 1900878.  

I think you need to read up on black holes Andrew!!
A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out. The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space.
Of course an astronaut would die!!
Black holes into white holes??? Are you getting confused with wormholes? Like them white holes are purely theoretical.
Black holes
White holes

What! "The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space"
But that is wrong and a misconception!
There is no matter any longer when matter fall into a black hole.
The nature of a black hole is very well understood and explained by Kip Thorne (He will get his Nobel Prize about Gravitational Waves next month), Stephen Hawking, Max Tegmark, Leonard Susskind and many other scientists.
As for white holes. They are very hypothecial.
Perhaps the Big Bang was one. Who knows?
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Message 1901153 - Posted: 15 Nov 2017, 10:27:30 UTC - in response to Message 1901136.  

Well your explanation of what time is very strange to me and certainly to aliens visiting our earth.

How can you profess to speak on behalf of aliens visiting earth unless you are one yourself?

You make the assumption that planetary objects are include in the calculations of time.

"Genesis 1:3
God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day".

Even God called one revolution of our planet a day. Why we decided to divide that into 24 bits called hours was down to the ancient Egyptians. How long it takes for the earth to obit the sun is not decided by us, but by the universe. We just happen to call it a year, which is 365 1/4 revolutions of our planet

Egyptians & time

Makes no sense to me that aliens do that kind of calculations.]
Why should they?

How do you know how aliens might calculate? Why shouldn't they?

Please do not bring in religion into scientific matters!
And surely aliens have an other conception to what time is that we humans have.
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Message 1901172 - Posted: 15 Nov 2017, 13:53:59 UTC - in response to Message 1901166.  
Last modified: 15 Nov 2017, 14:08:43 UTC

And Sweden also believes in the bible.

What? Sweden is among the most secularised country in the world!
Trust me. I know a lot about Sweden. You don't!
Many religous Swedes moved however to the US in the 1800th hundreds.
In fact a third of the Swedish population did that at the time!
Ah-ah, ah!
Ah-ah, ah!
We come from the land of the ice and snow
From the midnight sun, where the hot springs flow
The hammer of the gods
W'ell drive our ships to new lands
To fight the horde, and sing and cry
Valhalla, I am coming!
On we sweep with threshing oar
Our only goal will be the western shore
Ah-ah, ah!
Ah-ah, ah!
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Message 1905047 - Posted: 6 Dec 2017, 7:28:21 UTC - in response to Message 1901172.  

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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1905051 - Posted: 6 Dec 2017, 8:03:42 UTC

Hey Chris, it has been determined that many exo planets are tidally locked to their star resulting on one side being in eternal light while the other is always night. So, if such a planet is home to intelligent life they probably don't have a concept of a day.
Bob DeWoody

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Message 1911110 - Posted: 6 Jan 2018, 12:56:57 UTC

The Mystery That Keeps Neil deGrasse Tyson Up At Night
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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1911431 - Posted: 7 Jan 2018, 6:11:39 UTC - in response to Message 1911110.  

This mystery doesn't cause me to lose sleep at night but it does cause me to question many of the claims of facts about the universe that are made these days.
Bob DeWoody

My motto: Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow as it may not be required. This no longer applies in light of current events.
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Profile Stargate (SA)
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Message 1911447 - Posted: 7 Jan 2018, 9:00:14 UTC

I really wish Religion was not mentioned on these threads ruins all posts.. :(
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Message 1911611 - Posted: 7 Jan 2018, 21:08:24 UTC - in response to Message 1911447.  
Last modified: 7 Jan 2018, 22:05:45 UTC

But also that a couple of lights visible in the sky is not synonymous with any life either, because we have yet to detect an intelligent signal coming from space.

It became a search for a missing woman in my country, and they were using headlights on top of their heads, and next out into the snow for that.

But except for a total of seven men in the picture, one just behind another, also a yellow light visible at the left as well, of the same size or luminosity, but also a more blurred speck at the right as well,
and next into the air for perhaps both, and also not a reflection from the headlights themselves either.

But still that we could make it hard science for a couple of things, except for not using neither eyes and ears for that of your senses for some other things.

In the end, perhaps not that of Religion as a subject, but rather that it should depend on the subject itself, next in question.
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Profile Wiggo

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Message 1911615 - Posted: 7 Jan 2018, 21:25:37 UTC - in response to Message 1911447.  

I really wish Religion was not mentioned on these threads ruins all posts.. :(

I totally agree.

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Profile tullio
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Message 1920873 - Posted: 24 Feb 2018, 14:05:05 UTC
Last modified: 24 Feb 2018, 14:26:21 UTC

According to new measurements made with the Hubble Space Telescope the value of the Hubble constant is not 67 km per second per megaparsec, as measured by the Planck satellite of ESA, but 73 km per second per megaparsec (3.3 million light years). This means that the Universe is expanding faster than it was thought so far.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1920881 - Posted: 24 Feb 2018, 15:53:40 UTC - in response to Message 1920873.  

According to new measurements made with the Hubble Space Telescope the value of the Hubble constant is not 67 km per second per megaparsec, as measured by the Planck satellite of ESA, but 73 km per second per megaparsec (3.3 million light years). This means that the Universe is expanding faster than it was thought so far.

Or there is some other interesting physics at work.
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Message 1920933 - Posted: 24 Feb 2018, 23:35:21 UTC - in response to Message 1911615.  
Last modified: 24 Feb 2018, 23:51:52 UTC

Wiggo, I happened to listen in at Michio Kaku yesterday, I think.

Here that of Type I, Type II and Type III civilizations, possibly with respect to each other.

But next that when Dr. Kaku is making it a Type III for this, he possibly slips on that of wording, and it becomes that of harnessing a single star, much like a Type II civilization.

Same goes for both Religion and also Theology as well, in that we still could make it a couple of planets in our solar system, while also the magnificent splendor of the whole Universe.

I tried to make it a bit of Creation here, if not also giving a thought about a possible Creator being responsible for everything, but for this you perhaps need to look at Creation myth,
rather than that above, in that both Matter and also Equations, become the application for that meant for possible use, while also that of a Creator becomes its own meaning for
that of its understanding.

And next it should not be "application" above either.

It should be easy to make it the fact that humans could still be a product of both evolution, and also nature.

If nature should also be about the Universe, we need to understand it not only for its intended purpose, but also its possible meaning.

We could still be having a sometimes basic debate of whether any regular people, or even scientists, could be making up one thing for that of another.

Creation is supposed to be everything, including those things we could see around us, and for now it also became the Aura as well, for possibly one secret behind.

If perhaps still a couple of simple tricks, for that of the mirror, for example, most likely Religion is not supposed to add any much new to the debate.

We still could make it a couple of things not in its correct place, like possibly the Hammer and the Feather, if not any photons for that of visible light, when it rather could be something else.

Similarly, the famous equation by Einstein, could be yet another way of understanding how things are supposed to be working, except for not any philosophical questions either.

If perhaps still about Physics, it could be shown that the Universe is mostly about Matter, by means of mass, Energy, and also gravity, and for each we also could have their
respective Equations.

Make it rather that of both life and also Intelligence, also that Probability could be telling about a given chance for that of life, in that it could be striking luck at times.

Still perhaps a difference between the surface of Mercury, and the gaseous atmosphere of the outer planets, but there could also be suspicion around, that someone made it
into space before us, and next that they came from other stars of the Milky Way.

If other intelligences should be around, they could be using nature itself as a possible tool for that of what they could be doing, like that of possible space or time travel.

We know that possible smoothness for that of manned or unmanned flight, could still end in catastrophic failure, only because nature is so.

If perhaps still a bit of bad wording, also that 1+2=still 3 for that of an Equation, and next that it also cold be the Three Laws of Newton for this.

Except for that, have a bit of time off for that of relaxing, and next also perhaps dreaming a little, and next wish you could be somewhere else.

Still in both flesh and blood for that of ourselves, and also that of still some 0.84 on the Kardashev scale, if not making it anything else which could be telling about a
Universe which could be slightly different than ourselves.
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Message 1921022 - Posted: 25 Feb 2018, 9:12:55 UTC

Any new physics theory will certainly include the word "dark". At Gran Sasso underground Laboratory they have recently started a new detector of WIMPs called DarkSide, which uses liquid argon
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Message 1921049 - Posted: 25 Feb 2018, 16:36:43 UTC - in response to Message 1920933.  

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