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Message 2000900 - Posted: 4 Jul 2019, 4:38:45 UTC
Last modified: 4 Jul 2019, 4:44:56 UTC

Perhaps I have seen reportings from China that maybe are not correct in the sense of impartiality.
Many news outlets nowadays seems to have forgot about impartiality.
For instance there was a reporting from an Australia "60 minutes" team visiting Rinkeby, a so called no-go zone, in Stockholm.
How would you react if someone stick a mic up your mouth demanding instant answers in a foreign language?
In the case of Vice news however I really think that one can judge for your self if it's correct or not.
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Message 2000943 - Posted: 4 Jul 2019, 11:18:36 UTC

The foreign secretary would not detail what consequences China might face if it did not honour the treaty, but said the UK had "always defended the values we believe in".
Hunt enters the fray
Just another politician uttering empty warnings & threats without substance.
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Message 2000973 - Posted: 4 Jul 2019, 16:03:33 UTC

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Ian&Steve C.

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Message 2001000 - Posted: 4 Jul 2019, 17:48:56 UTC - in response to Message 2000973.  

Beijing Bikini Ban

That’s hilarious. I saw that so many times in all parts of China in the summer months. It’s always the older fatter dudes that do it too lol.
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Message 2001004 - Posted: 4 Jul 2019, 18:02:28 UTC - in response to Message 2001000.  

Beijing Bikini Ban

That’s hilarious. I saw that so many times in all parts of China in the summer months. It’s always the older fatter dudes that do it too lol.

That's not exclusive to China.
It's not so nice seeing people next to you on a bus or train exposing their arm pits...
ID: 2001004 · Report as offensive
Ian&Steve C.

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Message 2001072 - Posted: 4 Jul 2019, 22:09:44 UTC - in response to Message 2001071.  

And no one’s denying it.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on a resolution.
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Message 2001075 - Posted: 4 Jul 2019, 22:21:12 UTC - in response to Message 2001074.  

Not having a resolution to the Criminal Chinese Government. Doesn't mean silence in the face of their criminality.

You could howl at the moon and set your hair on fire.
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Message 2001082 - Posted: 4 Jul 2019, 22:43:13 UTC - in response to Message 2001077.  

Clyde your comments in this forum on the Chinese are effective as what I suggest.
ID: 2001082 · Report as offensive
Ian&Steve C.

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Message 2001086 - Posted: 4 Jul 2019, 22:54:50 UTC - in response to Message 2001074.  
Last modified: 4 Jul 2019, 22:59:54 UTC

Maybe you should take a trip to Beijing and protest outside the forbidden city? Maybe the military criminal government will hear your cries then? I don’t think the CCP is monitoring the Politics sub-forum of the SETI@home user forums. Or better yet. You can go right to the belly of the beast and give all the officials there a piece of your mind and that they better listen to your superior American opinion.

I hear that a defining characteristic of insanity is performing the same task over and over expecting a different result.
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ID: 2001086 · Report as offensive
Ian&Steve C.

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Message 2001090 - Posted: 4 Jul 2019, 23:04:07 UTC - in response to Message 2001088.  

Your and @Ian&Steve C. inability to condemn, is a wonderful exposure of both your true beliefs regarding the Criminal Chinese Government.

I’ve already condemned it. Several times. And I don’t know why you keep putting resettlement in quotes. I never used that word. I said re-education, and even that is not my words. That’s what the CCP is calling it. There goes that lack of comprehension again.

Awaiting Clyde to put his money where his mouth is and take action on what is something he claims to care deeply about. Anything less is proof of his true feelings.
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Message 2001093 - Posted: 4 Jul 2019, 23:10:22 UTC - in response to Message 2001071.  

Dear moomin,
Another confirmation, this time by the BBC, of your original referenced URL.
Love the term "re-education"
It so happen that in high school I objected to an exam about Chinese history.
Now our teacher was a good friend with Cecilia Lindquist 林西莉 (Lin Xili) who also worked as a teacher in our school.
Needless to say my answers was not approved!
However I don't blame Cecilia for this:)
Just sheer ignorance of schooling...
ID: 2001093 · Report as offensive
Ian&Steve C.

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Message 2001097 - Posted: 4 Jul 2019, 23:19:07 UTC - in response to Message 2001096.  
Last modified: 4 Jul 2019, 23:22:29 UTC

Your insistence that one use the exact verbiage that you deem acceptable is tantamount to fascism. Good job.

I still don’t see you doing anything. No donations to causes to help these people. Nothing. I guess you’re only satisfied complaining from your privileged life here in America? Too afraid to step outside that box? You think that “exposure” and “awareness” are sufficient to solve a problem? I bet you reposted that Kony2012 post didn’t you?
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ID: 2001097 · Report as offensive
Ian&Steve C.

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Message 2001102 - Posted: 4 Jul 2019, 23:27:33 UTC - in response to Message 2001100.  
Last modified: 4 Jul 2019, 23:29:19 UTC

I condemn it.

Is that enough? Lol. You only are capable of quoting my words. NOT my beliefs. Please get that through your head, if at all possible.

Now it’s your turn. What are you doing to aide these people being affected? You also never answered my question regarding your quotation of the word resettlement. Several times now. I never used that word.
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ID: 2001102 · Report as offensive
Ian&Steve C.

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Message 2001106 - Posted: 4 Jul 2019, 23:43:52 UTC - in response to Message 2001105.  
Last modified: 4 Jul 2019, 23:45:56 UTC

You personally could do so much more. Such as donating to causes that will go towards helping these people, or traveling there to help liberate them (white savior complex?). But you aren’t. That shows your true feelings.

The US (and several other countries) are nuclear armed and economically powerful, not sure why that matters.
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ID: 2001106 · Report as offensive
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Message 2001113 - Posted: 5 Jul 2019, 0:00:13 UTC

And some few here wonder why most Aussies would rather trust the Chinese over the U.S. ATM, but there are a few prime examples here as to why that is.
ID: 2001113 · Report as offensive
Ian&Steve C.

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Message 2001117 - Posted: 5 Jul 2019, 0:12:19 UTC - in response to Message 2001112.  

I make my own donations in private. It’s not my job to do your legwork. All I can say is Google is your friend.

It is my opinion that this problem is up to the Chinese people to solve and it is not our place to stick our (US govt) noses in it, “officially/politically”.
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ID: 2001117 · Report as offensive
Ian&Steve C.

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Message 2001121 - Posted: 5 Jul 2019, 0:45:20 UTC - in response to Message 2001119.  
Last modified: 5 Jul 2019, 0:59:47 UTC

The “one million” can’t. I’m baffled by the question and can’t tell if you’re being rhetorical or not because the answer is so obvious.

But the rest of the country, roughly 1.4 Billion, might be able to do something. If they wish to. It’s up to them to take action.

Why would I care what some unnamed “International Organization” does? I don’t care who they do or do not condemn. That’s up to them, whoever they are. Maybe you can be specific and stop being so vague?
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Message 2001124 - Posted: 5 Jul 2019, 1:04:42 UTC - in response to Message 2001121.  
Last modified: 5 Jul 2019, 1:06:21 UTC

But the rest of the country, roughly 1.4 Billion, might be able to do something. If they wish to. It’s up to them to take action.
You mean like in Hong Kong right now?
ID: 2001124 · Report as offensive
Ian&Steve C.

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Message 2001125 - Posted: 5 Jul 2019, 1:14:41 UTC - in response to Message 2001123.  
Last modified: 5 Jul 2019, 1:22:44 UTC

Of course it’s not a western democracy. Maybe you aren’t paying attention?

Maybe you didn’t know that Hong Kong is IN China? Yet people are protesting and affecting change there. The PROC has the ability to react in the same way they did in Tiananmen Square, but they aren’t, for whatever reason.

If the people want it, they can make change in the mainland too.

What are we to do if the Chinese people collectively agree with the actions of their government with regard the situation in Xinjiang? As evidenced by the interview between the Han Chinese woman on the train in the VICE piece in that she agreed with what was happening. Do you think it’s your right to assert your western ideals on the people of China because YOU think you have a superior opinion?
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ID: 2001125 · Report as offensive
Ian&Steve C.

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Message 2001126 - Posted: 5 Jul 2019, 1:17:03 UTC - in response to Message 2001124.  

But the rest of the country, roughly 1.4 Billion, might be able to do something. If they wish to. It’s up to them to take action.
You mean like in Hong Kong right now?

Exactly like that.
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