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Profile Igor Kostyaev
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Message 1970703 - Posted: 16 Dec 2018, 19:39:23 UTC
Last modified: 16 Dec 2018, 19:39:42 UTC

Moomin never recognize own mistakes. No, never. Moreover, now he directly misinform - "Igor want all Ukrainians to speak Russian". A silly lies.
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Message 1970704 - Posted: 16 Dec 2018, 19:54:00 UTC - in response to Message 1970703.  

Moomin Trolls never lies:)
We have only opinions.
Your post about children in Mariupol have been "forced to dig trenches for soldiers" however is disgusting!
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Profile Igor Kostyaev
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Message 1970705 - Posted: 16 Dec 2018, 20:01:58 UTC - in response to Message 1970704.  
Last modified: 16 Dec 2018, 20:08:12 UTC

Your post about children in Mariupol have been "forced to dig trenches for soldiers" however is disgusting!

One more rough misinformation from moomin. Really my post was: "Ukrainian children dig entrenchments and trenches for the Ukrainian army, near Mariupol".
No words about forcing.
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Message 1970706 - Posted: 16 Dec 2018, 20:07:08 UTC

I see proof that Putin's brainwashing propaganda really works on some. ;-)
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Message 1970708 - Posted: 16 Dec 2018, 20:10:26 UTC - in response to Message 1970705.  
Last modified: 16 Dec 2018, 20:24:03 UTC

Your post about children in Mariupol have been "forced to dig trenches for soldiers" however is disgusting!

One more rough misinformation from moomin. Really my post was: "Ukrainian children dig entrenchments and trenches for the Ukrainian army, near Mariupol".
No words about forcing.
No you didn't.
The narrator of this video did that you linked to!
I hope you understand this!
"В одном из реабилитационных центров Мариуполя сегодня отменили занятия, а воспитанников выгнали копать окопы"
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Profile Igor Kostyaev
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Message 1970713 - Posted: 16 Dec 2018, 20:40:06 UTC - in response to Message 1970708.  
Last modified: 16 Dec 2018, 20:40:46 UTC

The narrator of this video did that you linked to!

Really? LOL.
Moomin can't understand narrator of this video, of course. :-) But it is original video from the Ukrainian TV channel with their own original Ukrainian narrator. And there is no words about forcing in words of narrator. If you mean text below, text of person who posted that video, that's another matter, but I didn't post translation in this forum.
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Message 1970714 - Posted: 16 Dec 2018, 20:47:16 UTC - in response to Message 1970713.  
Last modified: 16 Dec 2018, 21:00:00 UTC

The narrator of this video did that you linked to!

Really? LOL.
Moomin can't understand narrator of this video, of course. :-) But it is original video from the Ukrainian TV channel with their own original Ukrainian narrator. And there is no words about forcing in words of narrator. If you mean text below, text of person who posted that video, that's another matter, but I didn't post translation in this forum.
So you didn't read this?
Russian version
“In Mariupol, children were kicked out of digging trenches,” this is a new storyline of Russian propaganda during the events of the Russian aggression against Ukraine in the Sea of ​​Azov. , Russia 1 , Arguments and Facts , , Glance - an incomplete list of Kremlin propaganda media that spread the story that allegedly in Ukraine began to strengthen the position "for protection from the Russian landing force", having expelled the construction of children’s trenches orphans.
Perhaps "having expelled the construction of children’s trenches orphans" should be translated to "having forced children that are orphans for the construction of trenches".

However the real story is this.
The video and photos from this action clearly show that no one forced children to dig trenches: children play, make a fire, stand on patrol, share their thoughts about what is happening with journalists. Thus, the children just wanted to express their support to the military - there was no need to dig new trenches or deepen the old ones.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1970717 - Posted: 16 Dec 2018, 21:05:57 UTC - in response to Message 1970698.  

Gary, what a fallacies you mean? No my fallacies I see. If you don't understand analogies, if you understand it literally, it's your problem, not my. :-)
Please do not distorted sense of my phrase by attributing a generalizing sense to it. I wrote about two persons. Once again - it was very clear phrase about the two persons, not about "any person", not about all population.
If you didn't understand analogies, I will try to simplify for you.
One person don't speak language of discussed state, other person grew up in the cultural and educational sphere of discussed state and speak that language as native. One person lives by two borders away from discussed state, other person lives in state close to discussed state, has roots and many relatives in discussed state and many times visited discussed state. Who will better know situation in discussed state, history, cuisine, etc?

P.S. BTW, please don't teach me that the 2+2=4, i.e about the Francophones in Canada, etc. I know it more 40 years already.

Igor that isn't an allegory, that is a red herring, perhaps one of the many shades of how to write English that doesn't have an equivalent in Russian being how you express the difference between a specific unnamed individual and any random person.

BTW it was in my lifetime when the USA withdrew from a 10 mile wide strip that bisected Panama. Also we had a Senator and recent candidate for President that was born there, one of the requirements for that office is to be born on US soil. That country might not be the best choice for your example. Also Honduras and El Salvador are the countries two borders away. Many of the people in any of those 3 countries, Spanish is not their first language, a native tongue is their first. Same applies to northern Canada.

Finally it is obvious to everyone that moomin is fishing.
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Message 1970722 - Posted: 16 Dec 2018, 21:29:14 UTC - in response to Message 1970717.  

Finally it is obvious to everyone that moomin is fishing.
Yes I am. It's funny that we here in Sweden actually have two name for herring.
Those that swim in the Atlantic Ocean are called "Sill".
And those that swim in the Baltic Sea are called "Strömming".
We don't have any name for red herring though (Are there any one?)
Maybe they are lurking around St Petersburg and Kaliningrad:)
ID: 1970722 · Report as offensive
Profile Igor Kostyaev
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Message 1970754 - Posted: 17 Dec 2018, 4:32:14 UTC - in response to Message 1970717.  
Last modified: 17 Dec 2018, 4:39:53 UTC

Igor that isn't an allegory, that is a red herring, perhaps one of the many shades of how to write English that doesn't have an equivalent in Russian being how you express the difference between a specific unnamed individual and any random person.

An articles "а/an" and "the" in English language. A/an - if we mention any of items. "The" - if we mention specific item(s).
I used "the".
So I think you understood sense but just decided to carp, because of the subjective reasons.
ID: 1970754 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1970757 - Posted: 17 Dec 2018, 5:18:38 UTC - in response to Message 1970754.  

Igor that isn't an allegory, that is a red herring, perhaps one of the many shades of how to write English that doesn't have an equivalent in Russian being how you express the difference between a specific unnamed individual and any random person.

An articles "а/an" and "the" in English language. A/an - if we mention any of items. "The" - if we mention specific item(s).
I used "the".
So I think you understood sense but just decided to carp, because of the subjective reasons.

The New Oxford American Dictionary:
the : denoting one or more people or things already mentioned or assumed to be common knowledge
a : used when referring to someone or something for the first time in a text or conversation
thee : form of you, as the singular object of a verb or preposition

I should have also mentioned "the average man on the street" as it also gets confusing in English, and is the usual assumption as to unspecified references to group, and not a specific single person in the group who might be an outlier.

Let me try this for what I believe you wanted to express: "A Panamanian who only speaks Spanish" This puts the qualifiers in the order a native American English speaker expects.

Don't worry, Americans, Britons and Australians can't understand each other either and they all speak "English."
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Message 1971735 - Posted: 24 Dec 2018, 0:10:00 UTC

Official Twitter feed of the Russian Mission to the @UN in NY / Официальный Twitter-аккаунт Постоянного представительства Российской Федерации 🇷🇺 при ООН
#Kuzmin: Today #Crimea is a place where happy people live. People who voluntarily chose Russia as their home and got rid of more than twenty years of depression when the peninsula was as part of independent #Ukraine.
Some wonder why the pic is taken from the "Ukrainian times" in 2011 :)
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Message 1972941 - Posted: 1 Jan 2019, 10:21:57 UTC

Junior Icehockey World Championship aka World Juniors.
Sweden vs Kazakhstan yesterday:)
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Message 1973060 - Posted: 2 Jan 2019, 9:19:49 UTC

Crazy Vladimir Zhirinovsky is still in the Russian Duma.
I remember him from already in 1994, I think even before Putin became a politician.
What could possible go wrong?
Russian ultranationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky tells me: “Ukraine is our territory, part of our country.” Easy to dismiss as populist rant, but a recent poll found Zhirinovsky to be Russia’s 2nd most trusted politician. His party is very much part of Russia’s political system.
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Profile Igor Kostyaev
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Message 1973358 - Posted: 4 Jan 2019, 7:04:06 UTC
Last modified: 4 Jan 2019, 7:55:44 UTC

Of course, moomin reposted one more fake. Really, in the results of polls about the most trusted politicians in Russia, Zhirinovsky is on the 4th - 5th place. In the the results of polls about the most non-trusted politicians in Russia, he is on the 1st place.
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Message 1973377 - Posted: 4 Jan 2019, 12:40:55 UTC - in response to Message 1973358.  
Last modified: 4 Jan 2019, 12:56:33 UTC

Maybe Steve Rosenberg got the poll wrong and Zhirinovsky is on the 4th - 5th place of trusted politicians instead of 2'nd.
Zhirinovsky is still a trusted politican in the Duma.
Maybe Rosenberg read some fake poll from Russia.

Since you mention fakes.
What did not happen in 2018?

Топ-10 фейков, которые развенчал StopFake в 2018 году
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Profile Igor Kostyaev
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Message 1973775 - Posted: 6 Jan 2019, 9:38:09 UTC
Last modified: 6 Jan 2019, 9:38:36 UTC

International Policy Digest, by Mur Kvantaliani: The Only Way Out For Ukraine Is National Reconciliation Not Political Persecution
Recently a meeting took place in Washington among a group of Republican Senators and representatives of several civic organizations of Ukraine. The key issue discussed during this meeting was the issue of national reconciliation as a solution for Ukraine, our economically troubled ally in Eastern Europe. Journalists were not invited to this meeting because the Ukrainian representatives explained that they were not interested in media coverage due to growing radical movements and buildup of aggression in the Ukrainian society; alternative points of view are summarily rejected in Ukraine, the Ukrainian civic leaders explained.
American politicians reiterated that Ukraine was turning into an unmanageable challenge for the United States and the European Union.
It is unfortunate that Ukraine’s president, Petro Poroshenko, had taken the course towards legal persecution of his political opponents. This persecution is carried out using utilitarian means counter to the rule of law.
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Message 1973871 - Posted: 6 Jan 2019, 20:17:55 UTC

Today it's Christmas Eve in Ukraine together with the entire Orthodox world.
But today also Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople has handed over a "tomos" of autocephaly to Metropolitan Epifaniy of the new Orthodox Church in Ukraine.
The historic document grants the Orthodox Church in Ukraine independence, or autocephaly, and ends more than 330 years of Russian religious control in Ukraine.
The irony for the Kremlin is that Ukraine would likely not have been granted an independent Orthodox church without Putin's annexation of Crimea and war in the eastern Donbas.
Autocephaly a blow to Moscow, a win for Kyiv.
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Message 1975649 - Posted: 17 Jan 2019, 22:30:44 UTC
Last modified: 17 Jan 2019, 22:46:55 UTC

Russia seems to be very concerned about the Ukrainian citizens.
Russian security chief warns Ukraine could lose statehood
The end of Ukraine's existence as an independent state?
But why doesn't Russia start in Russia first?
One Russian in Four Lacks an Indoor Toilet, One of Many Signs There are Now ‘Four Distinct Russias’
I know this an exaggeration but even if you divide the figures by 2...

Today, Russia can be divided into four parts.
1 - The Metropolis. This is the city of Moscow.
2 - The Province. This is the Moscow region.
3 - The Periphery. These are the areas that border the Moscow region.
4 - The Colony. This is all that lies outside the areas that border the Moscow Region.
I wonder what category Ukraine will fit in if Ukraine becomes/forced part of the Russian Federation.
I think no 5!
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Message 1976981 - Posted: 25 Jan 2019, 19:32:02 UTC - in response to Message 1976972.  
Last modified: 25 Jan 2019, 19:33:46 UTC

Russia seems to be very concerned about the Ukrainian citizens.
Russian security chief warns Ukraine could lose statehood
The end of Ukraine's existence as an independent state?

And what will be the reaction of Non-Russian European Governments and their businesses if (when?) Russia invades and occupies Ukraine?
The same as Crimea? Meaning nothing that matters to Putin.
You mean that we "Non-Russian European Governments" should declare war on Russia?
That would be like the Crimean War no 2 in modern time.
But I think Putin would like that idea.
Luckily the Russian public opinion about Putin and his politics is downfalling so the risk that Russia further intervene in Ukraine is pretty low.
But how knows how long Putin will be the President of the Russian Federation.
Like a former President of Finland Urho Kekkonen once said.
"It's not about when I die, it's about if I die"
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