Immigrant Migrant Refugee SUPREMACY-Is RACIST DEPLORABLE & TREASONOUS KKKOMMIE KKKryBABY KKKLOWNS with Their Continuing TREASONOUS Behaviours, will LOSE All Elections if They Keep Spouting TREASONOUS Free Speech

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OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1830553 - Posted: 14 Nov 2016, 16:08:15 UTC - in response to Message 1830547.  
Last modified: 14 Nov 2016, 16:08:43 UTC


As a Hillary Voter. I have not excused either side's Thugs.

If fact, when I continually pointed out this truth: Both sides are (fill-in the negatives). I was repeated attacked by Hillary Supporters.

As if attacking Trump, or his Supporters is allowed. But not Hillary, or her Supporters.

Can you please explain why?

When you consistently miscategorize people's viewpoints, then you place people into these very narrow groups and sling mud at "ideologies" you disagree with, what kind of responses do you think you're going to get in return?

Change your approach and people will change their responses to you. Start with not using such a large brush to paint people with and work from there.
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OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1830564 - Posted: 14 Nov 2016, 17:56:52 UTC - in response to Message 1830554.  


I do find a wish to educate me, regarding how one must post and respond. And what one believes about a 'broad brush'. To confirm what I am saying.

When I see a similar 'educating' posting regarding those who paint with a large brush, 'Tea Party', Trump Supporters, etc. I will have succeeded.

Since that will not happen. I guess we will just have to agree, to disagree.

You can succeed in showing people their bias in more productive ways. All I'm offering is a reconsideration of your current path. If you choose to remain rigid and refuse to learn how to communicate with others in a meaningful way that allows for two-way communication, then you'll forever be fighting this battle without success. If you truly wish to succeed in getting your point across, you need to learn how to address your audience. Thus far, since I've watched you join discussion in this Politics forum, all you've succeeded in doing is upsetting a lot of people with quick and inaccurate remarks just to look like you're winning an argument (when you say this is nothing more than discussion over coffee or beer). If you want to succeed in annoying people, continue on as you are.

A favorite quote of mine: "Seek first to understand others, then to have them understand you." This is a continual process that requires open minded discussion.
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OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1830573 - Posted: 14 Nov 2016, 18:35:47 UTC - in response to Message 1830572.  

A favorite quote of mine: "Seek first to understand others, then to have them understand you." This is a continual process that requires open minded discussion.

Ya need to be telling a lot of liberals this.

If everyone always points the finger at the other side, it becomes a zero sum game.
ID: 1830573 · Report as offensive
OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1830577 - Posted: 14 Nov 2016, 18:54:28 UTC - in response to Message 1830575.  

You can succeed in showing people their bias in more productive ways. All I'm offering is a reconsideration of your current path. If you choose to remain rigid and refuse to learn how to communicate with others in a meaningful way that allows for two-way communication, then you'll forever be fighting this battle without success. If you truly wish to succeed in getting your point across, you need to learn how to address your audience. Thus far, since I've watched you join discussion in this Politics forum, all you've succeeded in doing is upsetting a lot of people with quick and inaccurate remarks just to look like you're winning an argument (when you say this is nothing more than discussion over coffee or beer). If you want to succeed in annoying people, continue on as you are.

A favorite quote of mine: "Seek first to understand others, then to have them understand you." This is a continual process that requires open minded discussion.

Understand. But most of the people I am 'Upsetting'. Are stuck in a ridged and narrow view.

Understanding I, an Atheist to God believing or Social/Secular Ideology, cannot change the views of either. I just give my opinion, and when possible, facts. If it upsets those who 'believe'. OK


I do understand that you disagree with me.

Seek first to understand others.

Can your opinions be wrong? Can't it be true that you frequently mislabel people and say upsetting things which are inaccurate? Would it not be more productive to listen to how people self-identify, learn the nuances of their opinions before labeling them an ideologue?

Then to have others understand you.

Once you've learned where people are coming from, perhaps you won't feel the need to label them as you do. Or if they truly are stuck in a narrow world view, perhaps helping them understand why you label them as such might help. Provide specific examples and more importantly use empathy to engage people. People are more willing to listen when they don't feel attacked. If you label them, then attack the label, they're not going to listen.
ID: 1830577 · Report as offensive
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Message 1830580 - Posted: 14 Nov 2016, 19:23:03 UTC

ClydeNotClyde uses a B R O A D B r u s h? I Don't Think So.

It is A Brush Applying to Whomever It May Apply To. Many(Broad); Narrow(Thin); In-Between(Medium) or One or All. Not One Person who May be Posting Here. Or Many, Few, or Some. Who Knows? Only 'They' May Know Who 'They' Are. Or 'They'...(dot dot dot).

Only Thing WRONG with ClydeNotClyde is Continual-20 Times a Day or More-REPITITION of Same Same Pronouncements. WE ALL KNOW his MotusOperandi, so NO NEED to Repeat Repeat Repeat. He Can ALMOST be Considered a CRYBABY. Babies Continually CRY CRY CRY dA Same Same CRYING CRYING CRYING A L O U D.

EveryONE Knows My MO. So, I Post 'bout Once-a-day-plus My 'Handle'(Name of dA Day/Week/Month, Says It All-Sort of.


ClydeNotClyde. Welcome to DA Club. 'cept fO Your Ad Nauseam, Youse BeeeZ a Member. Broheim.


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OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1830587 - Posted: 14 Nov 2016, 19:51:59 UTC - in response to Message 1830580.  

ClydeNotClyde uses a B R O A D B r u s h? I Don't Think So.

It is A Brush Applying to Whomever It May Apply To. Many(Broad); Narrow(Thin); In-Between(Medium) or One or All. Not One Person who May be Posting Here. Or Many, Few, or Some. Who Knows? Only 'They' May Know Who 'They' Are. Or 'They'...(dot dot dot).

You're generally describing being ambiguous. CLYDE isn't ambiguous. CLYDE generalizes with a broad brush, but to specific people here on the forum.

Only Thing WRONG with ClydeNotClyde is Continual-20 Times a Day or More-REPITITION of Same Same Pronouncements. WE ALL KNOW his MotusOperandi, so NO NEED to Repeat Repeat Repeat. [b]He Can ALMOST be Considered a CRYBABY. Babies Continually CRY CRY CRY dA Same Same CRYING CRYING CRYING A L O U D.

You do have a point, oh Wormy one.
ID: 1830587 · Report as offensive
Profile JaundicedEye

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Message 1830607 - Posted: 14 Nov 2016, 22:28:45 UTC

I hope he doesn't make the same mistake as the previous rinos by "reaching across the isle" or "compromising" or tries to "listen and understand."

Intractable positions usually result in gridlock or worse. Some compromise is inevitable and rejecting other opinions out of hand is what got us in the mess of the last 8 years.

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
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OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1830612 - Posted: 14 Nov 2016, 22:43:43 UTC - in response to Message 1830595.  

Conservatives have been ignored and mocked for the last 8 years. Obama has ruled with the arrogance of a dictator. It's been either his way or the highway for the last 8 years. Rinos have given him almost everything he demanded for the past 8 years. He's the first president people have been afraid to disagree with for fear of being labeled a ...

And now you're saying conservatives need to first seek to understand you liberals?

I suppose when you're so far to the right you've hit a brick wall, everyone else looks liberal compared to you.

Decentralized power. Limited federal government. Liberty. To the states, respectively, and to the people! Equals the least misery and suffering; the most prosperity and happiness.

Interesting. I want decentralized power and limited federal government. Civil Liberties are very important to me. However, there are a few things that should be set across the board to ensure fair treatment of all individuals. Where exactly does that place me on the political scale again?
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OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1830619 - Posted: 14 Nov 2016, 23:06:03 UTC - in response to Message 1830615.  
Last modified: 14 Nov 2016, 23:15:55 UTC

Since my repeating the same over and over again. Is just a response to those who post the same over and over again. You know who they are.

So when you state:

CLYDE wrote:
And The Right to call them names, or describe them as we wish?

And you profess you've experienced the evils of liberal authoritarianism, do you think you're turning people away from liberal authoritarianism in a productive way? Or are you just coming across as someone incredibly bitter over a negative experience?

I will stop correcting them. Well.... maybe not.

You can't correct that which you don't understand. Though I'm sure you think you understand and will continue to post in your usual manner.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1830632 - Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 0:33:25 UTC - in response to Message 1830619.  

Or are you just coming across as someone incredibly bitter over a negative experience?

I suspect so. With him coming from a police background which tends to be beyond extreme conservative to the point of fascism, then entering the teaching profession which is near center, I'd guess he had some negative experiences which made him very bitter. He does seem to write incessantly about how when the center points out how vile extremist positions are, that doing so is some failure. One might assume he got called out as a deplorable.

Strange how the right gets into a tizzy over a tisk tisk you know better correction and turns that into a perceived attach with heavy artillery. Only an internal conflict where a position long believed true is called into question by indisputable facts results in such an outburst from deep in the brain. I suspect this happens when some gimme greed runs smack into the golden rule.
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Message 1830634 - Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 0:50:08 UTC - in response to Message 1830573.  

A favorite quote of mine: "Seek first to understand others, then to have them understand you." This is a continual process that requires open minded discussion.

Ya need to be telling a lot of liberals this.

If everyone always points the finger at the other side, it becomes a zero sum game.

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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1830659 - Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 4:15:07 UTC - in response to Message 1830572.  

A favorite quote of mine: "Seek first to understand others, then to have them understand you." This is a continual process that requires open minded discussion.

Ya need to be telling a lot of liberals this.

Before you can do any of that you must understand yourself.
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Profile JaundicedEye

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Message 1830672 - Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 5:20:36 UTC

coming from a police background which tends to be beyond extreme conservative to the point of fascism,

And where did that come from? Your own personal experience with Police? If not how can you make such a statement unless you are trying to incite a heated response from someone.

As has been pointed out by Clyde and MANY others dialog is what this thread should be about unless the intent is trolling. Come on Gary, I've read very intelligent posts from you, why try to stir people to anger? I think if you re-read Clyde's posts you will find he rails against extremism of any sort.

Before you can do any of that you must understand yourself
Lots of finger pointing away from yourself there.....

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
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Message 1830674 - Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 5:42:54 UTC

Apologies for the double post but this was just sent to me, coming from this source I found the content to be amazingly cogent for him..........

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
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Message 1830694 - Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 9:04:29 UTC - in response to Message 1830595.  

A favorite quote of mine: "Seek first to understand others, then to have them understand you." This is a continual process that requires open minded discussion.

Ya need to be telling a lot of liberals this.

If everyone always points the finger at the other side, it becomes a zero sum game.

Conservatives have been ignored and mocked for the last 8 years. Obama has ruled with the arrogance of a dictator. It's been either his way or the highway for the last 8 years. Rinos have given him almost everything he demanded for the past 8 years. He's the first president people have been afraid to disagree with for fear of being labeled a ...

And now you're saying conservatives need to first seek to understand you lib
HAHAHAHAHA! Obama's own words, "Elections have consequences!"

The U.S. is in a very precarious position right now. Both Obama and Trump realize this right now. That's why they are being so lovey-dovey right now. Obama is getting ready to run out of ink on a couple of pens in these last two months and when Trump takes the keys to the white house, I hope he doesn't make the same mistake as the previous rinos by "reaching across the isle" or "compromising" or tries to "listen and understand."

I hope Trump doesn't "grow." I hope he *does* what he *says*. This country needs some drastic and bold action right now. With out immediate broad strokes of legislation, we are doomed as a nation.

All the crying and the pleas to "let's work together" and all the temper tantrums are falling on deaf ears here! History has lessons. We need to learn from those lessons! If we don't learn from our history, we are doomed!

Decentralized power. Limited federal government. Liberty. To the states, respectively, and to the people! Equals the least misery and suffering; the most prosperity and happiness.

We need to allow California and Oregon to secede. And then in 10 years, when they've learned their lesson, the states can then set the terms of their re-admittance into the republic!

Don't let them secede. Ask Mexico if they would buy California. And Russia If they would buy Oregon?

Old James
ID: 1830694 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1830753 - Posted: 16 Nov 2016, 2:15:48 UTC - in response to Message 1830672.  

coming from a police background which tends to be beyond extreme conservative to the point of fascism,

And where did that come from? Your own personal experience with Police? If not how can you make such a statement unless you are trying to incite a heated response from someone.

Why don't you look at all the endorsements from all the various Fraternal Order of Police or Police Protective Leagues and tell me if they were for right of right candidates? Tell me stop and frisk isn't straight out of kristallnacht like thinking.

As to personal experience, that would come from my several friends who happen to work in criminal justice related professions, including as officers.

The problem is you don't want to think about it, because if you did it might upset a core belief on crime and justice.
ID: 1830753 · Report as offensive
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Message 1830775 - Posted: 16 Nov 2016, 4:13:25 UTC

Why don't you look at all the endorsements from all the various Fraternal Order of Police or Police Protective Leagues and tell me if they were for right of right candidates? Tell me stop and frisk isn't straight out of kristallnacht like thinking.

As to personal experience, that would come from my several friends who happen to work in criminal justice related professions, including as officers.

The problem is you don't want to think about it, because if you did it might upset a core belief on crime and justice.

And your contention is Police and associated organizations are wrong endorsing a candidate that has stated he stands for law and order? I personally have no problem whatsoever with stop and frisk, the firearm I carry daily is legally owned and permitted by my county Sheriff and I support removing individuals and firearms from the streets that are not legally owned and carried.

I'm sorry the friends who happen to work in criminal justice related professions, including as officers. have so polluted your perception.

The friends and relatives I have known from Chief of Police, DEA, BATFE, Sheriff and Warden have all been good, service to the community minded people who don't face death on a daily basis to get rich.


As has been pointed out by Clyde and MANY others dialog is what this thread should be about unless the intent is trolling. Come on Gary, I've read very intelligent posts from you, why try to stir people to anger?

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
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Message 1830806 - Posted: 16 Nov 2016, 8:49:02 UTC

Perhaps one here in the middle of the week.

The American people do not need to be brainwashed in order to be able to elect their people.

As previously mentioned, the U.S. Constitution comes with a possible trap door at the bottom for in which way a given ruling, or perhaps leadership is supposed to be.

My guess is that the American people are not making such a choice of electing a tyrant or dictator when choosing to elect a new Presdident.

The same knoweledge should therefore go with the leaders and leadership as well.

Turn the ship upside down and next most likely things will happen in order to bring it either up-right once again, or at least onto a new given course.

My guess is that such a thing will not happen, but it should also be a thing that should not be forgotten.

Back again in Number Crunching on Friday.
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