Immigrant Migrant Refugee SUPREMACY-Is RACIST DEPLORABLE & TREASONOUS KKKOMMIE KKKryBABY KKKLOWNS with Their Continuing TREASONOUS Behaviours, will LOSE All Elections if They Keep Spouting TREASONOUS Free Speech

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Profile janneseti

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Message 1863330 - Posted: 23 Apr 2017, 21:48:55 UTC - in response to Message 1863318.  

KKKOMMIE KKKryBABY KKKLOWNS with Their Continuing TREASONOUS Behaviours, will LOSE All Elections if They Keep Spouting TREASONOUS Free Speech.

Free Yappin' all dA Time

Anyone have a translation?

I don't think so.
The user is for now "Make Science GREAT Again. STOP dA FAKE Science of Political Bias; Agendas; Hoaxs; Scams; Schemes of Money Granting. All To Perpetuate An Indocrination of FAKE Science fostering FAKE Policies Thieving from TaxPayers."
Some of his drivel is understable though.
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Profile JaundicedEye

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Message 1863348 - Posted: 23 Apr 2017, 22:33:33 UTC

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
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Profile Ex: "Socialist"
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Message 1863389 - Posted: 24 Apr 2017, 2:10:28 UTC
Last modified: 24 Apr 2017, 2:11:36 UTC

It's becoming increasingly clear who here wishes to be dominated by totalitarian oligarchs and who wants otherwise.

There was a time when I at least was often in agreement with people on the right when it came to preserving personal freedoms. Somewhere along the way the right became the people (conservatives and neo-conservatives [each with their own sub-agenda]) who are in favor of strict control (domination) of 'the people'.
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Profile betreger Project Donor

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Message 1863394 - Posted: 24 Apr 2017, 2:56:09 UTC - in response to Message 1863389.  
Last modified: 24 Apr 2017, 2:56:51 UTC

Yes, the party " of individual liberty'" wants to control the bedroom among other things.
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Profile Mr. Kevvy Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1863397 - Posted: 24 Apr 2017, 3:21:43 UTC - in response to Message 1863394.  
Last modified: 24 Apr 2017, 13:13:21 UTC

Yes, the party " of individual liberty'" wants to control the bedroom among other things.

The best example I can find of jaw-dropping hypocrisy I can think of is their stance on cannabis.

While simultaneously claiming to be the party of liberty, property rights, small government, tax savings, free enterprise and the reduction of crime, the prohibition of marijuana has jailed hundreds of thousands if not millions of citizens sometimes after no-knock raids on their private residences as if they were violent career criminals, deprived them of property through probably unconstitutional policies such as civil forfeiture, employed thousands of very expensive agents to arrest and incarcerate citizens, prevented a multi-billion-dollar industry from arising to legally produce and distribute this product and pay possibly billions of dollars in taxes, and instead redirected all of this money into the hands of horrifically violent criminal gangs who pay no taxes... the largest cartels in Mexico, for example, started with and still distribute marijuana with the U.S. their biggest customer. And they will continue to do so regardless!

I'm glad Canada is finally legalizing possession and purchasing of cannabis for personal use (in July 2018.) Unfortunately this won't be as complete as it should be but it's still a huge step in the right direction. Meanwhile Attorney General Sessions is promising more arrests, convictions and ruined lives of citizens for growing and consuming a natural plant of their own free will, overriding the states that have voted to legalize it. Oh wait, aren't they the party against "nanny state" regulations telling people what to do, and for "state's rights" as well? So much for that if the states happen to choose something they don't agree with.

(If it matters I don't even like the stuff... I tried it a few times when I was young and it does nothing but make me paranoid and anxious. So I don't have any self-interested reason for despising the legislation.)
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Message 1863398 - Posted: 24 Apr 2017, 3:34:47 UTC - in response to Message 1863397.  
Last modified: 24 Apr 2017, 3:35:37 UTC

I couldn't agree more. I have pointed out more than once that I'm amazed that in this case they want federal law to preempt state law. Baffling.
ID: 1863398 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1863401 - Posted: 24 Apr 2017, 3:56:09 UTC - in response to Message 1863398.  

I couldn't agree more. I have pointed out more than once that I'm amazed that in this case they want federal law to preempt state law. Baffling.

They are the party of the "book" now. They are no longer the opposite of the left, they are a religion not a political party. The very thing the First Amendment was designed to protect us against. And they want to get rid of the Johnson Amendment which is no surprise as they are a religion not a political party. They want to be able to multiply their oligarchs money by never paying taxes on it. Pigs.
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Message 1863402 - Posted: 24 Apr 2017, 4:23:31 UTC

dA DEM/Lib/Progressive/Socialist/Fascist/Anarchist/'Democratic' 'Party' aka KKKryBABY KKKOMMIE Weepin'WHACKO KKKLOWNS are CONTROLLED by dA KKKREMLIN aka RUSSIA aka PHABULOUS PRETTY Boy PUTIN.

dA PUPPET FAKE PEACE PRIZER' also Known As Hustlin'OBLABBY'DroneHitManHussein is dA Conduit and Main 'Organizer', Funded by His BILLIONAIRE 500 Foot Yacht Owners and ALL FAKED to dA Max by FAKE NEWS.

Orange Yappin'

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Message 1863403 - Posted: 24 Apr 2017, 4:35:49 UTC - in response to Message 1863402.  

Dull who once a worm, how did you alter reality that much and not od?
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pierre castro
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Message 1863407 - Posted: 24 Apr 2017, 4:59:38 UTC

Chicken-Stacker good news,
US woman tells dying ex-husband Trump has been impeached, 75-yr-old passes away ‘peacefully’
in the same vein i tell you that
Hillary has been locked up, and Obama stubbed his toe kitesurfing
so Rest in Peace.
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Message 1863551 - Posted: 24 Apr 2017, 23:13:35 UTC

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
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Message 1863558 - Posted: 24 Apr 2017, 23:58:47 UTC - in response to Message 1863551.  

You know what they say.
If you cannot stand the heat, barracking from the side lines, get out of the kitchen White House.
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Profile Ex: "Socialist"
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Message 1863606 - Posted: 25 Apr 2017, 7:04:04 UTC - in response to Message 1863551.  

I am not aware of Obama staying in DC, or encouraging any protests. Quite the contrary the man won't even speak negatively of Trump since the election.

I'd love to see your source?

And do you want to talk about who/what is bizarre and dangerous???
ID: 1863606 · Report as offensive
Profile Wiggo

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Message 1863685 - Posted: 26 Apr 2017, 7:11:16 UTC - in response to Message 1863606.  

I am not aware of Obama staying in DC, or encouraging any protests. Quite the contrary the man won't even speak negatively of Trump since the election.

I'd love to see your source?

And do you want to talk about who/what is bizarre and dangerous???

What do you expect from a person who relies on ‘alternative facts’?

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Profile JaundicedEye

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Message 1863746 - Posted: 26 Apr 2017, 14:14:38 UTC

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Obama's shadow government has been exposed for what it is the liberal socialist globalist NWO revolution . After they were defeated Obama appointees were changed from political to career employees in many departments. We all know who Obama really took his orders from Soros, Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Illuminati.

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
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Message 1863751 - Posted: 26 Apr 2017, 14:27:26 UTC

We disagree regarding the totality of your list.

There is no total list as someone inserts their foot firmly in their mouth daily.....

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
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Profile Mr. Kevvy Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1863752 - Posted: 26 Apr 2017, 14:29:47 UTC - in response to Message 1863746.  

Obama's shadow government... liberal socialist globalist NWO revolution... Soros, Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Illuminati.

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Profile betreger Project Donor

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Message 1863773 - Posted: 26 Apr 2017, 16:23:49 UTC - in response to Message 1863606.  
Last modified: 26 Apr 2017, 17:05:49 UTC

I am not aware of Obama staying in DC, or encouraging any protests. Quite the contrary the man won't even speak negatively of Trump since the election.

I'd love to see your source?

And do you want to talk about who/what is bizarre and dangerous???

EX, Gary has documented that he, JE, makes up things to prove a partisan political point. An example was checking the voluntary contribution box on your tax form, the box does not exist. Everything he posts is suspect.
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Profile betreger Project Donor

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Message 1863775 - Posted: 26 Apr 2017, 16:31:11 UTC - in response to Message 1863712.  


Where is your outrage regarding the Nazi Type Left Wing 'Black Shirt' Criminals. Who are attempting to Silence Free Speech with Violence?

You, and others silence. Must be considered a support of these Threats to Humanity.

Attacking a Supporter of Free Speech, Free Association, Pro Women's Right to an Abortion, Pro LGBTQ, Pro Workers, Anti Capatalist, Anti Murdering and Enslaving MarxistsNazi, Anti Extreme and Oppressive Left/Right Wing.

Only exposes the truth of your beliefs.

Thank God, that we - The Defenders of Individual Rights - are exposing those who believe as you do.

Hopefully... Those marching under the Evil, Murdering and Enslaving Symbols of Hate: The Nazi Swastika and the Hammer and Sickle.

Will, for the future of humanity. Be consigned to the Scum of History. Where they belong.

Clyde how is this post germane to Wiggos statement?
ID: 1863775 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1863780 - Posted: 26 Apr 2017, 16:58:24 UTC - in response to Message 1863773.  

I am not aware of Obama staying in DC, or encouraging any protests. Quite the contrary the man won't even speak negatively of Trump since the election.

I'd love to see your source?

And do you want to talk about who/what is bizarre and dangerous???

EX, Gary has documented that he makes up things to prove a partisan political point. An example was checking the voluntary contribution box on your tax form, the box does not exist. Everything he posts is suspect.

he? which he? I know but it could be misread.
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