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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1798639 - Posted: 25 Jun 2016, 14:35:29 UTC - in response to Message 1798625.  

Good reply Bobby. Very close. A year earlier.

The vote in 1975 was to join the "Social Chapter" of the EEC NOT the EEC itself, that was in 1973 making me a year too young to vote.

AS for the generation being blind & naïve, come on, stop & think about that.

The powers that were in this country ignored all warning signs of the impending war yet many ordinary people knew it was coming. The one leader that knew was kicked into the wilderness.

Now back to today.

Demanding that the UK exit quickly may have merit, BUT whatever happened to Diplomacy?

The one screaming the loudest is Germany!

I'll say it again: -

Future historians will prove that the biggest mistake of our times was reuniting Germany.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1798648 - Posted: 25 Jun 2016, 15:25:59 UTC

The road to 6/23/16

Merkel's view

What everyone has to see now is which way is the wind blowing: -

Ahead of us (the future)

Behind us (the past)

There is one thing the wind won't do & that is stay calm.
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Message 1798650 - Posted: 25 Jun 2016, 16:05:12 UTC

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Message 1798652 - Posted: 25 Jun 2016, 16:37:24 UTC - in response to Message 1798649.  

Cornwall votes for Brexit then pleads to keep EU funding, by Will Worley, The Independent.
"- - the county was reassured by the Leave side that - -" Pathetic, isn't this? Or just plain stupid?
Do see the video clip on that page, too: "Five things we learned from a night that shook Europe". You may want to note especially thing #5. A "mistake"?

Queen Elisabeth also gets subsidies from the EU. So does our King Karl XVI Gustav.
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peanut in a gallery

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Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Message 1798657 - Posted: 25 Jun 2016, 17:23:35 UTC

If I were a young person in Britain I would be working hard on how to retain my EU citizenship,
move to the Continent, and not stick around and pay for the expectations of those who
still think of "Great Britain" and it's "Glorious Empire".

You are an Island, with no Natural Resources, and you want to go it alone?

Good Luck with that!
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1798658 - Posted: 25 Jun 2016, 17:27:32 UTC - in response to Message 1798657.  

Good luck with being under the heels of German Jackboots :-)
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peanut in a gallery

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Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Message 1798659 - Posted: 25 Jun 2016, 17:38:46 UTC - in response to Message 1798658.  

Good luck with being under the heels of German Jackboots :-)

I see that someone has not gotten over WWII.
With the UK out of the EU, and Russia being a minor economy, with huge Natural Resources, seeking investments,
it won't be long before Russia explores joining the EU.

Global consolidation of power is inevitable.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1798660 - Posted: 25 Jun 2016, 17:57:06 UTC - in response to Message 1798659.  

Good luck with being under the heels of German Jackboots :-)

I see that someone has not gotten over WWII.
With the UK out of the EU, and Russia being a minor economy, with huge Natural Resources, seeking investments,
it won't be long before Russia explores joining the EU.

Global consolidation of power is inevitable.

Nothing to do with WWII, your last sentence confirms that.

Inevitable, maybe.

Who will wield that power?

If it is anything like the EU who only now are realising that "they have to get closer to the people", after going too far with their aloofness, then god help the planet.
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Profile Bernie Vine
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Message 1798665 - Posted: 25 Jun 2016, 18:50:21 UTC - in response to Message 1798664.  

Never mind, peanut in a gallery, there is an explanation:

Formally endorsing Brexit on June 13, The Sun, a mainstay of the xenophobic press, declared: “If we stay, Britain will be engulfed in a few short years by this relentlessly expanding German-dominated federal state.”

It is just a simpleton bubble of xenophobia, UKIP "mistakes" and conspiracy theories. And now they have damaged and divided their own nation irretrievably.

You are not of course suggesting that everyone who voted to leave are "xenophobic simpletons" are you.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1798666 - Posted: 25 Jun 2016, 18:54:12 UTC - in response to Message 1798664.  

Never mind, peanut in a gallery, there is an explanation:

Formally endorsing Brexit on June 13, The Sun, a mainstay of the xenophobic press, declared: “If we stay, Britain will be engulfed in a few short years by this relentlessly expanding German-dominated federal state.”

It is just a simpleton bubble of xenophobia, UKIP "mistakes" and conspiracy theories. And now they have damaged and divided their own nation irretrievably.

UKIP has around 42,000 members, as of January 2015.

Very surprising that 42,000 members (of which I am not one) influenced 17,410,742 people.

"Never in the field of National politics has so many been grateful to so few :-)
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Profile shizaru
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Message 1798672 - Posted: 25 Jun 2016, 19:18:26 UTC - in response to Message 1798665.  
Last modified: 25 Jun 2016, 19:19:56 UTC

Never mind, peanut in a gallery, there is an explanation:

Formally endorsing Brexit on June 13, The Sun, a mainstay of the xenophobic press, declared: “If we stay, Britain will be engulfed in a few short years by this relentlessly expanding German-dominated federal state.”

It is just a simpleton bubble of xenophobia, UKIP "mistakes" and conspiracy theories. And now they have damaged and divided their own nation irretrievably.

You are not of course suggesting that everyone who voted to leave are "xenophobic simpletons" are you.

Bernie, I hate to break it to you but the answer to your question is "yes".

That's the story the mainstream press are running with.
That's the story a lot of smart people all over the planet are running with.
That's the story WinterKnight's newspaper is running with.
And it's the story a lot of very intelligent people in this forum are running with.

Of course they've all got it wrong but hey, what can you do? :)

Personally, I think it's a tragedy. Tons of brains to go around, tons of edumacation... yet next to nobody able to really put 2+2 together.

Post to be continued in the TRUMP thread...
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1798673 - Posted: 25 Jun 2016, 19:21:02 UTC - in response to Message 1798672.  
Last modified: 25 Jun 2016, 19:21:17 UTC

Then there's a lot of those simpletons throughout Europe...

Italy has their own Yanis Varoufakis

...I always did love Italian :-)
ID: 1798673 · Report as offensive
Profile shizaru
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Message 1798676 - Posted: 25 Jun 2016, 19:49:17 UTC - in response to Message 1798666.  
Last modified: 25 Jun 2016, 19:49:37 UTC

Very surprising that 42,000 members (of which I am not one) influenced 17,410,742 people.

Very surprising that a couple of schmucks like you and I can do that math but for the planet's brainiacs that's...

Rocket surgery ;)

And it's that exact same thinking which could very well bite everyone on the planet in the a** come US election day!

(OK so NOW I'm off to the TRUMP thread...)
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1798684 - Posted: 25 Jun 2016, 20:08:34 UTC - in response to Message 1798664.  

Never mind, peanut in a gallery, there is an explanation:

Formally endorsing Brexit on June 13, The Sun, a mainstay of the xenophobic press, declared: “If we stay, Britain will be engulfed in a few short years by this relentlessly expanding German-dominated federal state.”

It is just a simpleton bubble of xenophobia, UKIP "mistakes" and conspiracy theories. And now they have damaged and divided their own nation irretrievably.

Faux news in the USA?!!
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W-K 666 Project Donor
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Message 1798728 - Posted: 25 Jun 2016, 22:49:37 UTC - in response to Message 1798724.  


Petition for new EU Referendum Rules has at the moment 2,598,642 signatures. Of course too little, too late: no can do retroactively.

Why, "too little, too late: no can do retroactively." the referendum was not, in law, binding no matter what Cameron said. Compared to the two previous referendums, where both had over 66% vote in favour, this is very close. So why not ignore it and ask the commons to vote on the matter, which is what we pay them to do, 'make important decisions'.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1798736 - Posted: 25 Jun 2016, 23:09:23 UTC - in response to Message 1798733.  

Not a case of having guts, it's too late. The EU especially France will not accept it because Britain made them look fools.

Germany can't be seen to backtrack or else their control of the EU will be in jeopardy.

Either way, it's a lose/lose situation for the EU.

For the EU to have what they have been saying since Friday morning, the only way open to them is to do a respectful trade agreement with Britain to show the rest of Europe that their continuing belief in the "European Project" remains alive.

For Britain it's a win/win situation.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1798743 - Posted: 25 Jun 2016, 23:33:03 UTC - in response to Message 1798740.  

You seem to enjoy balderdash. A true Brexiter.

No, I enjoy others making fools of themselves, especially when they state something that has already been brought up.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1798744 - Posted: 25 Jun 2016, 23:42:14 UTC

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Mark Stevenson Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1798794 - Posted: 26 Jun 2016, 7:54:49 UTC - in response to Message 1798793.  

Please come down my local pub and say that , you would'nt make it out of the door
Life is what you make of it :-)

When i'm good i'm very good , but when i'm bad i'm shi#eloads better ;-) In't I " buttercups " p.m.s.l at authoritie !!;-)
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Profile Bernie Vine
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Message 1798801 - Posted: 26 Jun 2016, 8:52:43 UTC - in response to Message 1798793.  

"xenophobic simpletons"

There you are:

Nice of you to suggest that a few "xenophobic simpletons" represent 17,410,742 UK voters.

Whilst is is inevitable that there would have been some racist bigots in the leave camp, suggesting that there are 17.4 million in the UK is just a bit extreme.
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