8 The Beginning of the End

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Profile janneseti

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Message 1798327 - Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 5:01:25 UTC

Good morning Little Britain!

This will have ramifications that will mediate turmoil and long term uncertainty. Perhaps a decade or more to repair!
Northern Europe will suffer from this.
Early in the morning the pound was at its lowest level in 31 years!

Thank you very much!

I think Sweden now have to join Scotland again as Scotland helped us during the Thirty Year Wars.
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Profile shizaru
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Message 1798335 - Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 5:21:48 UTC

Every country deserves their own independence day :D
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Mark Stevenson Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1798349 - Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 5:43:48 UTC - in response to Message 1798327.  

Now that we have voted to leave the EU i wonder how many other countrys might decide to do the same thing and hold their own referendums.

Maybe If the EU reformed itself the outcome of the vote might of been different
Life is what you make of it :-)

When i'm good i'm very good , but when i'm bad i'm shi#eloads better ;-) In't I " buttercups " p.m.s.l at authoritie !!;-)
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Profile shizaru
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Message 1798359 - Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 6:23:51 UTC

I see the markets got it spectacularly wrong with their betting.

With other peoples money.

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Profile KWSN - MajorKong
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Message 1798366 - Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 6:52:31 UTC - in response to Message 1798360.  

I see the markets got it spectacularly wrong with their betting.

With other peoples money.


This will get ugly. Just wait until the German government gives order to the European Central Bank, to start a war against the British Pound. Herrn Merkel and her gang of thughs are not happy crime syndicalists today...

Will Herrn Obama value the special relations with the UK, or will he go hand in hand with Herrn Merkel?

Likely, Obama sided with Germany on this issue because he has his own secessionist... difficulties in several US States.

Though I will say that Fair is Fair... Now that the UK has exercised their democratic right of self-determination... They need to let their own regions (Scotland, N. Ireland, etc.) exercise theirs.

And what about Quebec, Canada? Will THEY get all secessionist again?
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Profile shizaru
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Message 1798367 - Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 6:56:55 UTC - in response to Message 1798360.  
Last modified: 24 Jun 2016, 7:00:18 UTC

Will Herrn Obama value the special relations with the UK, or will he go hand in hand with Herrn Merkel?

Considering "The City" part of London is essentially US-owned, I doubt Obama really cares one way or the other. He was probably just paying his dues to "the Establishment" but I really can't think of an (economic) reason of why the US would fundamentally care. I'm guessing it's more of a yawn atm.

IOW I'm guessing the US will ALWAYS have extra-special relations with England.

But who knows? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Edit: did I use the word "guess" enough or shall I say it again? ;)
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Profile shizaru
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Message 1798372 - Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 7:24:39 UTC
Last modified: 24 Jun 2016, 7:28:15 UTC

Aaaaaand he's gone!

(in October apparently)
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Mark Stevenson Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1798374 - Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 7:36:55 UTC

Wonder what the odds are now for Borris as P.M or thressa May as P.M ?
Life is what you make of it :-)

When i'm good i'm very good , but when i'm bad i'm shi#eloads better ;-) In't I " buttercups " p.m.s.l at authoritie !!;-)
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1798376 - Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 7:45:54 UTC - in response to Message 1798374.  
Last modified: 24 Jun 2016, 7:55:49 UTC

Wonder what the odds are now for Borris as P.M or thressa May as P.M ?

Or Nigel Farange...
For now everything seem possible.

Just as I thought.
Salmond: 'Second Scottish referendum likely within 30 months'
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Mark Stevenson Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1798380 - Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 8:07:59 UTC - in response to Message 1798376.  
Last modified: 24 Jun 2016, 8:09:03 UTC

Wonder what the odds are now for Borris as P.M or thressa May as P.M ?

Or Nigel Farange...
For now everything seem possible.

Just as I thought.
Salmond: 'Second Scottish referendum likely within 30 months'

Have you been a munchin them magic mushrooms ? Nigel Fararge ain't even a member of parliment so how the feck does he become P.M ? Besides his Party UKIP has one M.P Douglass Carswell can't do much with one gobs#ite M.P
Life is what you make of it :-)

When i'm good i'm very good , but when i'm bad i'm shi#eloads better ;-) In't I " buttercups " p.m.s.l at authoritie !!;-)
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Profile shizaru
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Message 1798393 - Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 10:18:59 UTC

It's a real shame Michiel isn't around anymore. He pulled this cheesy line on me once and I'd love to know where everybody's getting it from and parroting it:

[Rajoy] reiterated Spain's commitment to contribute toward greater EU economic and political unity, saying the bloc has provided the greatest period of peace, liberty and prosperity in the region ever.



It should be obvious by now it had nothing to do with Europe. It just happened to be a "period of peace, liberty and prosperity in the region". 'Cause once the sh*t hit the fan that fuzzy feeling went out the window and Europe the Great promptly reared it's ugly head.


With Team-Germany bossing everybody around.


Thanx but no thanx.

(I need to get me some Franco, *ahem* Rajoy-goggles 'cause out here in the real world it's been the greatest period of unemployment, animosity, racism, fascism and economic stagnation since WWII. Oops)
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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1798399 - Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 11:54:09 UTC

So, will the withdrawal of England from the EU cause it's downfall? Or will it be like Puerto Rico voting to leave the protection of the USA?
Bob DeWoody

My motto: Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow as it may not be required. This no longer applies in light of current events.
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Sir Rodney Ffing

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Message 1798401 - Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 11:59:38 UTC - in response to Message 1798239.  

My dear Sir, as an offshore money-laundering centre to the Square Mile (ie The City of London) we have substantially cleaned-up our act, and will continue to do so, I assure you :) We have reduced our economic dependence on the British military to something like 6 percent (from 80+) and shipping and tourism are the mainstay of many resident's income. What the brexit vote has done is wake up Spain, yet again, to renewed calls for sovereignty. We are not thanking those who voted "out" for that this morning. When she closes our border, which she will, our economy will collapse, like it did in 1969.

Hedge funds don't get to vote here, I assure you, and we have been gradually getting rid of our corrupt bankers. Our decision to vote in is a lot more complex than your post suggests. I just thought I should mention that :)
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1798402 - Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 12:02:50 UTC
Last modified: 24 Jun 2016, 12:04:42 UTC

Truthfully, not the result I wanted to see. Would have preferred the result to be reversed. The referendum achieved what many wanted, to send a massive wake up call to the political class throughout Europe.

The best move the UK can make now is Not to invoke Article 50. Give the EU time to realise where they went wrong.

Britain's Ace in the Hole is Article 50 However, does Britain have any politician that knows how & when to play cards?

One thing is known, this is

The End
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