Researchers find evidence of a real ninth planet

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Message 1761912 - Posted: 3 Feb 2016, 15:04:59 UTC - in response to Message 1761890.  

I am not sure it would Bob. The official IAU definition of a planet is this

The IAU therefore resolves that planets and other bodies in our Solar System, except satellites, be defined into three distinct categories in the following way:

(1) A "planet"1 is a celestial body that: (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (c) has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit.

(2) A "dwarf planet" is a celestial body that: (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape2, (c) has not cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit, and (d) is not a satellite.

(3) All other objects3, except satellites, orbiting the Sun shall be referred to collectively as "Small Solar System Bodies".

The person quoted as saying it is a planet is Pluto's demoter. I think he knows what he is talking about, but one can never tell what crap a committee will come up with ...
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Profile Julie
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Message 1761915 - Posted: 3 Feb 2016, 15:11:05 UTC - in response to Message 1761912.  
Last modified: 3 Feb 2016, 15:11:46 UTC

I am not sure it would Bob. The official IAU definition of a planet is this

The IAU therefore resolves that planets and other bodies in our Solar System, except satellites, be defined into three distinct categories in the following way:

(1) A "planet"1 is a celestial body that: (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (c) has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit.

(2) A "dwarf planet" is a celestial body that: (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape2, (c) has not cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit, and (d) is not a satellite.

(3) All other objects3, except satellites, orbiting the Sun shall be referred to collectively as "Small Solar System Bodies".

The person quoted as saying it is a planet is Pluto's demoter. I think he knows what he is talking about, but one can never tell what crap a committee will come up with ...

He even says killing Pluto was fun..

Killing Pluto was fun, but this is head and shoulders above everything else.

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Profile Cactus Bob

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Message 1762031 - Posted: 4 Feb 2016, 0:58:52 UTC

Lucky for the Pluto lovers, Brown can not be classified as a serial killer as he has killed only one planet. His motto is backwards, So much time, so few planets.

If Pluto is a planet then its twin Charon should be one also. Then add a bunch of other kuiper belt objects. Maybe make an arcade game like duck hunter except use solar system bodies as the targets.

I also would join the Pluto is a Planet Protest Society as I agree it should not be a planet. Although since it has already been demoted I think it is not worth protesting about.

My 2 cents
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Message 1762055 - Posted: 4 Feb 2016, 2:24:45 UTC

A planet is a celestial body that has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit.
Are there any evidence that this "planet" have cleared is path?
Dont think so.
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Message 1763438 - Posted: 8 Feb 2016, 14:24:04 UTC - in response to Message 1762112.  

There are two simple points of view Cactus. The IAU has decided scientifically and technically that for the purposes of astronomy, Pluto is a dwarf planet. That is fine. The general public, the majority brought up to believe Pluto is a full planet, prefer to still think of it as a full planet, and that is is fine as well. Both viewpoints can sit side by side quite happily.

Maybe people are thinking with their hearts rather than their heads, but give it a few decades and everyone left will have been taught it was a dwarf planet, so the problem will simply go away.

At present we have planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, comets, and Kuiper belt objects. Even under planets we have gas giants, ice giants, and brown dwarfs etc. As our powers of detection get greater there could be another dozen objects out there orbiting the Sun, we may yet have to invent another category.

The majority of public also believes in some Planet X, Nibiru & Aliens...& I can bet in a chevapchichi that everybody of them believe Pluto is a planet! Any takers which will find 1 that doesn't believe Pluto is a planet, but believes in Aliens?!

btw, I also bet in ice-cream cup that there no extra planet in Solar system...why?
NEO-WISE didn't find it in their data...& it has completed over 5x the whole sky!

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