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Dave(The Admiral)Nelson

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Message 1725377 - Posted: 13 Sep 2015, 13:48:43 UTC - in response to Message 1725355.  

Please, The Reverend Franklin Graham.
Dave Nelson
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Message 1725380 - Posted: 13 Sep 2015, 13:55:38 UTC
Last modified: 13 Sep 2015, 13:59:17 UTC

I believe what I wish to believe in, and all others should as well.
I buy the whole Jesus, son of God bit.
Every bit of it.
It is what makes me what I am, and I would not give it up for anything.
Nor should the Jews, Islamics (those of true faith, not the rabid ones) or any others who trust in a God that they place their faith in.

If my belief in a hereafter makes this veil of tears more possible to endure, why would you try to take that from me?
If I can respect your lack of any faith, why is it so difficult for some of you to respect my having such??

It is what one wishes to believe in that makes life worthwhile at times.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 1725454 - Posted: 13 Sep 2015, 16:50:02 UTC
Last modified: 13 Sep 2015, 16:53:17 UTC

The ever lasting controversy.

Both happen to be two completely different subjects when it comes to possible scientific study and comprehension.

One of these subjects could be of relevance to scientists, while the other one is not.

A possible thinking about this is that both religion as well as science are having its shortcomings when it comes to the understanding of these subjects.

Both creation and death could be regarded as natural processes which is happening all the time.

A book about project management, so-called Case studies, is having a diagram about the life-cycle model.

This model is a circular one, which kind of loops, or cycles.

A piece of equipment being the result of inception, initial testing and next ordinary use, finally wears out and becomes discarded or thrown away.

We see such a thing happening both when it comes to non-living things like sand and stone, as well as humans, animals and even stars and galaxies.

One element being related to the workings of nature is about events that could happen, either by means of coincidence, or something else which might happen or be out of the ordinary.

Such a thing is part of life as well and I guess you could be able to explain such a things by means of mathematical models and equations.

If you happen to believe in hypnotic regression or memory recall, are you supposed to be able to give a similar explanation for such a thing, or should such a thing rather be explained in a different way?

The religious belief you could be having at times may not be relating to the material world. It rather becomes a notion related to your senses or perception.

Therefore it may be hard to explain, or even assume that such a thing is in fact true. Because of that, I do not necessarily disagree with those who choose not to believe, because doing such a thing could well be thought of as being a state of mind, even though it does not always show up or being reflected as such either.
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Message 1725562 - Posted: 14 Sep 2015, 0:46:26 UTC - in response to Message 1725454.  

The ever lasting controversy.

Both ... either.


(Did you forget which account to post from in this particular discussion topic?_
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Message 1725585 - Posted: 14 Sep 2015, 3:49:37 UTC

People have Given Their Life for One or Many, Tens of Thousands of Years before 'Jesus'.

'Jesus' Gave 'His' 'Life', For All HuWoManity. If 'Written' 'Words' Be True.

Lots of Sacrificing Life.

Still Occuring.

To What End?

Reason Evades Me.

Has Any 'Sacrifice' Benefited HuWoManKind?

'Jesus', and 'Others' Sacrifice-'Has' 'It' All Been for some Cummulative GOoD?

I Can't Spot 'It'.

Moments of Singular Bliss 'Is' All I Can Feel.

Dred, Rest of Time.


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Message 1725591 - Posted: 14 Sep 2015, 4:00:29 UTC - in response to Message 1725585.  
Last modified: 14 Sep 2015, 4:01:09 UTC

People have Given Their Life for One or Many, Tens of Thousands of Years before 'Jesus'.

Ur woddafook kestion? Sum gud stuph rite there.
Butt y u askin dis? Haz da inflooenz of ID pazt on? U gots da Brutus postin 2 ya gin, so y u got to go and kestion wot he be belieberin?
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Message 1725592 - Posted: 14 Sep 2015, 4:00:49 UTC - in response to Message 1725562.  
Last modified: 14 Sep 2015, 4:02:59 UTC

Anyway, Sarge.

Does that really matter?

I do have two accounts here for posting.

I use both of them in order to return my tasks, but not at the same time.

Also I happen to make a couple of spelling errors at times.

Both the weather as well as earthquakes are supposed to be unpredictable, therefore both fields should be valuable scientific study fields.

At least noone is supposed to be shouting at me. Everyone knows that the truth could well be in the hands of both stupid people as well as people having knowledge.

In fact I could do a couple of other things instead, but there are so many musicians around as well as people playing with words and letters.

When it comes to the subject of numbers, I really do not know.

Very likely there could not be too much room for what I could say about that subject.

Now I am off.
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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1725598 - Posted: 14 Sep 2015, 6:08:45 UTC - in response to Message 1725585.  

People have Given Their Life for One or Many, Tens of Thousands of Years before 'Jesus'.

'Jesus' Gave 'His' 'Life', For All HuWoManity. If 'Written' 'Words' Be True.

Lots of Sacrificing Life.

Still Occuring.

To What End?

Reason Evades Me.

Has Any 'Sacrifice' Benefited HuWoManKind?

'Jesus', and 'Others' Sacrifice-'Has' 'It' All Been for some Cummulative GOoD?

I Can't Spot 'It'.

Moments of Singular Bliss 'Is' All I Can Feel.

Dred, Rest of Time.


Wow, the first message of yours that (a) I was able to understand and (b) agree with for the most part. That scares me.
Bob DeWoody

My motto: Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow as it may not be required. This no longer applies in light of current events.
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Message 1725635 - Posted: 14 Sep 2015, 11:37:25 UTC - in response to Message 1725243.  

Jesus? That's some Mexican guy, isn't it? Never heard of him.

Life on earth is the global equivalent of not storing things in the fridge.
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Message 1725728 - Posted: 14 Sep 2015, 16:52:09 UTC

I think that it is best that I leave this discussion right now.

Science is best carried out by means of not having any religious belief and for now scientists are unable to make a direct connection between matters relating to the subject of religion with those subjects that are supposed to be related to science.

I will still be participating when it comes to the rest of it, of course. Perhaps it could still show up at times, as well.
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Message 1725735 - Posted: 14 Sep 2015, 17:19:02 UTC - in response to Message 1725644.  
Last modified: 14 Sep 2015, 17:19:23 UTC

There is no doubt that a man called Jesus of Nazareth lived and was crucified.

Do you even read more than a few words of anyone else's posts anymore?

Was the Josephus passage a forgery?


There are many persons and events in secular history, we only have ONE or Two mentions, or only ONE interpretation.

They are taught in our Universities (as I did) as 'A Story - Accepted'.

Why this Secular Attack against the existence of Jesus?

To this Atheist. Since Secular Ideological Believer's, have committed as many atrocities as Jesus/Religious Believer's:

The Ideological believer's have no Ethical, nor Moral Foundation for their attacks.

Because physicists created the atomic weapon, and chemists and physicists have been involved with the creation of many other types of weapon, and, over time, these weapons have killed millions, physicists and chemists have no moral nor ethical foundation for an attack on flat earthers. Likewise, due to biologists involvement with chemical weapons, I.D. should be free from attack by them.


Alternatively, facts are facts and woo is woo, and it doesn't matter who points out what belongs in one category or the other.
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that ...

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Message 1725739 - Posted: 14 Sep 2015, 17:21:27 UTC - in response to Message 1725728.  

I think that it is best that I leave this discussion right now.

Science is best carried out by means of not having any religious belief and for now scientists are unable to make a direct connection between matters relating to the subject of religion with those subjects that are supposed to be related to science.

I will still be participating when it comes to the rest of it, of course. Perhaps it could still show up at times, as well.

I think evolutionary biologists may disagree with this comment (at least when it comes to discussions with religious creationists).
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that ...

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Message 1725760 - Posted: 14 Sep 2015, 18:52:35 UTC
Last modified: 14 Sep 2015, 18:54:57 UTC

Sorry, bobby.

But for now I missed out on what you meant with I.D. here.

Came across this web-page.

Whether you happen to be an anthropologist, or perhaps something else, are not some of these pictures supposed to be shocking, or perhaps even weird?

Are we ever supposed to be speaking about "weird science" and by doing this being able to carry out any valuable science when it comes to such things?

I already posted a follow-up reply to SciManStev's post regarding ancient aliens versus the subject of gods in the sky.

For now I am not able to make any direction connection here.
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Profile Sarge
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Message 1725768 - Posted: 14 Sep 2015, 19:45:54 UTC - in response to Message 1725735.  

There is no doubt that a man called Jesus of Nazareth lived and was crucified.

Do you even read more than a few words of anyone else's posts anymore?

Was the Josephus passage a forgery?


There are many persons and events in secular history, we only have ONE or Two mentions, or only ONE interpretation.

They are taught in our Universities (as I did) as 'A Story - Accepted'.

Why this Secular Attack against the existence of Jesus?

To this Atheist. Since Secular Ideological Believer's, have committed as many atrocities as Jesus/Religious Believer's:

The Ideological believer's have no Ethical, nor Moral Foundation for their attacks.

Because physicists created the atomic weapon, and chemists and physicists have been involved with the creation of many other types of weapon, and, over time, these weapons have killed millions, physicists and chemists have no moral nor ethical foundation for an attack on flat earthers. Likewise, due to biologists involvement with chemical weapons, I.D. should be free from attack by them.


Alternatively, facts are facts and woo is woo, and it doesn't matter who points out what belongs in one category or the other.

Or, yet another alternative: there is no secular attack. You, Bobby, know very well where I stood on religious matters 9 years ago. Clyde does not and, of course, will not. He thinks he knows my type, but is consistently proven wrong by those really paying attention. :)
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1725783 - Posted: 14 Sep 2015, 20:24:39 UTC - in response to Message 1725760.  

Sorry, bobby.

But for now I missed out on what you meant with I.D. here.

Came across this web-page.

Whether you happen to be an anthropologist, or perhaps something else, are not some of these pictures supposed to be shocking, or perhaps even weird?

Are we ever supposed to be speaking about "weird science" and by doing this being able to carry out any valuable science when it comes to such things?

I already posted a follow-up reply to SciManStev's post regarding ancient aliens versus the subject of gods in the sky.

For now I am not able to make any direction connection here.

For heavens sake.
It's shocking but not weird and definite not ET.
Those misscarriages happens all the time.
Go to a museum and you can see them in glassjars.
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Profile Sarge
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Message 1725804 - Posted: 14 Sep 2015, 21:35:32 UTC - in response to Message 1725783.  

Sorry, bobby.

But for now I missed out on what you meant with I.D. here.

Came across this web-page.

Whether you happen to be an anthropologist, or perhaps something else, are not some of these pictures supposed to be shocking, or perhaps even weird?

Are we ever supposed to be speaking about "weird science" and by doing this being able to carry out any valuable science when it comes to such things?

I already posted a follow-up reply to SciManStev's post regarding ancient aliens versus the subject of gods in the sky.

For now I am not able to make any direction connection here.

For heavens sake.
It's shocking but not weird and definite not ET.
Those misscarriages happens all the time.
Go to a museum and you can see them in glassjars.

Janne. I have yet to read a bluestar/musicplayer that does seem like a stream of consciousness post that just throws random things together. If you can see what he is getting at, please let me know. But, if you don't, I am simply saying it may not be worth trying too hard to make sense of his ramblings. (Or hers, as the case may or may not be.)
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Profile Sarge
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Message 1725806 - Posted: 14 Sep 2015, 21:40:04 UTC - in response to Message 1725644.  

There is no doubt that a man called Jesus of Nazareth lived and was crucified.

Do you even read more than a few words of anyone else's posts anymore?

Was the Josephus passage a forgery?


There are many persons and events in secular history, we only have ONE or Two mentions, or only ONE interpretation.

They are taught in our Universities (as I did) as 'A Story - Accepted'.

Why this Secular Attack against the existence of Jesus?

To this Atheist. Since Secular Ideological Believer's, have committed as many atrocities as Jesus/Religious Believer's:

The Ideological believer's have no Ethical, nor Moral Foundation for their attacks.

A witness will see what he or she expects to see and a rookie investigator understands this, he says.

You may be a great investigator, for all we know. But, as a witness, you see what you want to see. I can absolutely tell now you've done little to no looking at our posts of more than whenever you first arrived. (2 years or so, now.)

I don't care if you have people PMing you about how they think I'm stupid. You make yourself look more and more foolish with your invalid assumptions about us and your evidence only being misunderstood recent posts.

Really ...
really ...

Your deflection will. Not 'work'.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1725816 - Posted: 14 Sep 2015, 22:16:05 UTC - in response to Message 1725804.  
Last modified: 14 Sep 2015, 22:54:26 UTC

Sorry, bobby.

But for now I missed out on what you meant with I.D. here.

Came across this web-page.

Whether you happen to be an anthropologist, or perhaps something else, are not some of these pictures supposed to be shocking, or perhaps even weird?

Are we ever supposed to be speaking about "weird science" and by doing this being able to carry out any valuable science when it comes to such things?

I already posted a follow-up reply to SciManStev's post regarding ancient aliens versus the subject of gods in the sky.

For now I am not able to make any direction connection here.

For heavens sake.
It's shocking but not weird and definite not ET.
Those misscarriages happens all the time.
Go to a museum and you can see them in glassjars.

Janne. I have yet to read a bluestar/musicplayer that does seem like a stream of consciousness post that just throws random things together. If you can see what he is getting at, please let me know. But, if you don't, I am simply saying it may not be worth trying too hard to make sense of his ramblings. (Or hers, as the case may or may not be.)

When it comes to bluestar/musicplayer I am amazed of him in terms of rambling:) :)
bluestar/musicplayer quote.
Science is best carried out by means of not having any religious belief and for now scientists are unable to make a direct connection between matters relating to the subject of religion with those subjects that are supposed to be related to science.
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Profile Sarge
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Message 1725839 - Posted: 15 Sep 2015, 1:08:30 UTC - in response to Message 1725816.  
Last modified: 15 Sep 2015, 1:09:40 UTC

Sorry, bobby.

But for now I missed out on what you meant with I.D. here.

Came across this web-page.

Whether you happen to be an anthropologist, or perhaps something else, are not some of these pictures supposed to be shocking, or perhaps even weird?

Are we ever supposed to be speaking about "weird science" and by doing this being able to carry out any valuable science when it comes to such things?

I already posted a follow-up reply to SciManStev's post regarding ancient aliens versus the subject of gods in the sky.

For now I am not able to make any direction connection here.

For heavens sake.
It's shocking but not weird and definite not ET.
Those misscarriages happens all the time.
Go to a museum and you can see them in glassjars.

Janne. I have yet to read a bluestar/musicplayer that does seem like a stream of consciousness post that just throws random things together. If you can see what he is getting at, please let me know. But, if you don't, I am simply saying it may not be worth trying too hard to make sense of his ramblings. (Or hers, as the case may or may not be.)

When it comes to bluestar/musicplayer I am amazed of him in terms of rambling:) :)
bluestar/musicplayer quote.
Science is best carried out by means of not having any religious belief and for now scientists are unable to make a direct connection between matters relating to the subject of religion with those subjects that are supposed to be related to science.

If musicplayer is truly a musician, this may mean the poater is more right-brained and explain part of it with the inability to communicate well with left-brained analytical thinkers here. Perhaps even more so those with more balanced hemispheres such as myself. Offline, I speak quite well to my musician friends and other musician types seem to enjoy taking a certain class from me.

It may also explain Clyde's more, stubborn, left-brained thinking difficulty at communicating with more balanced hemisphere me. :) (He should really ask his wife about pros and cons of more balanced hemis.)
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Message 1725843 - Posted: 15 Sep 2015, 1:29:44 UTC - in response to Message 1725760.  

Sorry, bobby.

But for now I missed out on what you meant with I.D. here.

Intelligent Design (basically a rehash of Creationism supposedly without a God).

Came across this web-page.

Whether you happen to be an anthropologist, or perhaps something else, are not some of these pictures supposed to be shocking, or perhaps even weird?

Are we ever supposed to be speaking about "weird science" and by doing this being able to carry out any valuable science when it comes to such things?

I already posted a follow-up reply to SciManStev's post regarding ancient aliens versus the subject of gods in the sky.

For now I am not able to make any direction connection here.

Piltdown man MkII?
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that ...

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