Sending Messages to ET: Just say no, for now.

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Message 1643868 - Posted: 18 Feb 2015, 22:45:51 UTC - in response to Message 1643805.  

There are so many questions that need to be answered before the deliberate sending of a "message".

I don't think it's as complex as all that. Whomever has the interest and resources decides each of your questions. I don't have the resources or knowledge to do it, so it won't be me determining the answers.

Hm. It seems that it's not so much a matter of speculation as record, as it turns out:

Of course, we run the risk of potential receivers coming to the untenable conclusion that we're not unified in purpose and intent, with so many groups sending so many messages. =grin=
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Message 1643917 - Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 4:30:07 UTC

It seems that who ever is first discovered by ET
shall be the one who speaks for planet earth.

(Now who do you think that should be?)
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Ron Couch

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Message 1643967 - Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 7:24:54 UTC - in response to Message 1643742.  

If we do send out signals, letting all know where we are, I hope the receivers are not human. Our water, oil and other resources would be so tempting for them, I doubt us earthlings would survive. (my one cents worth)

Any such resource would be tempting to use strictly on site, transporting them to their homeworld wouldn't make sense. Colonization would be the only thing to fear from advanced aliens.

You are right. If they have the technology to intercept our signals, and transport to our planet, they could probably do it without us even knowing about it.
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Message 1644371 - Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 6:56:47 UTC

Ok first of all I know their may be some folks that will believe that sending a radio signal lightyears away from Earth to get a response back from maybe intelligent life existing on other planets is a waste of time but who is to say that Earth is the only planet in this universe that has intelligent life? Maybe we have not found intelligent life lightyears away from Earth yet and since thats the case it does not mean that it will never happen. If intelligent life were to be found outside our solar system or milkyway I do not think it will happen just by sending messages to intelligent entities alone, it will also require patience while keeping our cosmic ears open. It sure would be nice if Kepler could send and receive radio signals from exoplanets that are possibly habitable to know if intelligent life really exist far away from Earth. :-)
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Message 1644579 - Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 17:55:41 UTC - in response to Message 1644371.  

Kepler is an optical telescope, and at this moment a "broken" one.
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Message 1644786 - Posted: 21 Feb 2015, 5:02:48 UTC - in response to Message 1644579.  

Kepler is still working, although in a lesser mode.
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Message 1645302 - Posted: 22 Feb 2015, 15:00:19 UTC - in response to Message 1641391.  

I agree with you Eric. I'm thinking of the people who lived in lonely little villages out on the steppes who, instead of hiding, waved as Genghis Kahn's army went by. Some of the women may have been carried off instead of killed outright so the "wave at anybody before you know who they are" gene still survives in METI people.
Has it occurred to anyone that we may be receiving alien transmissions but we don't recognize them. Maybe the signal is very weak and their mode of communication is unknown to us. This is your research I guess and not mine so you might know what the probability of this is. If aliens spoke to us would anybody know what they were saying? We know, or suspect, dolphins and quite a few other species right here on earth communicate with each other. Does anybody know what they are saying?
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Message 1645350 - Posted: 22 Feb 2015, 18:16:15 UTC - in response to Message 1641812.  
Last modified: 22 Feb 2015, 18:17:23 UTC

I totally agree with you. I always reference the movie "Battleship" when it comes to transmitting a signal blindly into space. I believe we should continue to make our advances and discoveries in science, and let ETI contact us first. Even then, it needs to be carefully thought out before responding back.
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Message 1646425 - Posted: 25 Feb 2015, 13:04:13 UTC

Some points if i may...

-Once the signal had been recieved SETI@Home will not get the credit

-Governments will hide the fact a signal or responce had been made in a large attempt to stop faiths going out of control.

-If once the comminication had been made its more likely we will be the ones after thier resources. Think War of the worlds but backwards. History and present governments has proven this.

-The concept and fun nature of the many looking to the stars wondering "what if" far outweighs the negatives.
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Message 1646428 - Posted: 25 Feb 2015, 13:20:42 UTC - in response to Message 1646425.  

-Governments will hide the fact a signal or responce had been made in a large attempt to stop faiths going out of control.

I still don't understand why people think this stuff. Governments can't cooperate on much of anything, yet people think they will agree to hide an ETI signal from the entire world. I just don't see it. The bigger the secret, the harder it will be to keep. Someone in the gov't will speak (to anyone - a family member; a friend; a confidante), and the word will get out, and evidence will be found after enough prying and digging.
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Message 1646897 - Posted: 26 Feb 2015, 15:56:38 UTC - in response to Message 1646428.  
Last modified: 26 Feb 2015, 15:59:06 UTC

-Governments will hide the fact a signal or responce had been made in a large attempt to stop faiths going out of control.

I still don't understand why people think this stuff. Governments can't cooperate on much of anything, yet people think they will agree to hide an ETI signal from the entire world. I just don't see it. The bigger the secret, the harder it will be to keep. Someone in the gov't will speak (to anyone - a family member; a friend; a confidante), and the word will get out, and evidence will be found after enough prying and digging.

Don't make me laugh. What evidence? There are whole seas of "evidencies", just look in UFO area. But you refer solid evidence, perhaps. Not rumors like will be if someone say something to someone else. But look, peoples can't get right picture what really going on in another countires yet you claim there can be "some evidence" found of Contact... Rumors all one could hope to get... [in case if decision to hide info will be committed, of course]
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Message 1646921 - Posted: 26 Feb 2015, 17:20:03 UTC - in response to Message 1646897.  

-Governments will hide the fact a signal or responce had been made in a large attempt to stop faiths going out of control.

I still don't understand why people think this stuff. Governments can't cooperate on much of anything, yet people think they will agree to hide an ETI signal from the entire world. I just don't see it. The bigger the secret, the harder it will be to keep. Someone in the gov't will speak (to anyone - a family member; a friend; a confidante), and the word will get out, and evidence will be found after enough prying and digging.

Don't make me laugh. What evidence? There are whole seas of "evidencies", just look in UFO area. But you refer solid evidence, perhaps. Not rumors like will be if someone say something to someone else. But look, peoples can't get right picture what really going on in another countires yet you claim there can be "some evidence" found of Contact... Rumors all one could hope to get... [in case if decision to hide info will be committed, of course]

Exactly. What evidence? You're a smart guy Raistmer. I know you know that eye-witness testimony is the most unreliable kind. Yes, I do prefer solid evidence supported by facts that are reviewed by professionals in their respective field of study.

The lack of credible evidence suggests that we have not been visited by ETI.
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Message 1646950 - Posted: 26 Feb 2015, 18:00:53 UTC

The only way the majority of humans will believe ETI are here, or exist, is if the ETI themselves make a huge and undeniable appearance. If that happens, I just hope they're more like the Vulcans or the ones in "The Day the Earth Stood Still" than like the ones in "Independence Day," "The War of the Worlds," or even "To Serve Man."
Sitting on my butt while others boldly go,
Waiting for a message from a small furry creature from Alpha Centauri.

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Message 1647052 - Posted: 26 Feb 2015, 22:41:45 UTC - in response to Message 1646950.  

The question I have is does Man go well with a red or a white wine..

To many things need to come together

Able to communicate and decipher

Able to transport across many many light years of distance faster than light speed.

Have some actual interest in making the journey.

Has the wisdom to not impact us by becoming known (ie Prime Directive)

To us the ET will appear magical or mystical as Humans have always viewed those encountered with superior intellect and technology in such a fashion..

We have a narrow vision of ET, assigning them the attributes we are familiar with. Imagine if ET was already here but hiding in plain sight. Likely we would not catch on unless willingly revealed to us...

Imagine of ET had a lifespan 10's of thousands of years beyond ours a real Alpha - Omega span and time enough to assimilate and act upon the universe. ET might just be like bacteria are to us. Everywhere but limited in interaction..

Our view of ET is myopic at best.
Never engage stupid people at their level, they then have the home court advantage.....
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Message 1647847 - Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 16:03:20 UTC

I don't think we should be broadcasting into the unknown. There's only 1/3 chance of it being a good outcome.. Chances seem to be a no response, friendly, or hostile....
One thing I keep thinking about is if we'd be the least or most advanced... I'd assume other solar systems that can support life would have asteroid or meteor impacts, or even supervolcano eruptions (or other similar events) that have performed extinction events as they did on Earth.. We could get hit tomorrow and be gone even with all our technology.. It's probably as likely anywhere else in the universe for developing life to get wiped out and starting over.... Maybe advanced civilizations are like the "lottery winners" of the universe? The exception rather than the norm?
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Message 1647959 - Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 20:35:12 UTC

Universe and Galaxy Travelling ETI knows what it needs from a Solar System and Planets.

Their Beyond Our Comprehension Abilities will Bring Them to Wherever they need to go. For Whatever they need.

Nothing any Less 'Intelligent' Entity Spews outward is Any Concern to them.

So, Stay Quiet or Blast Away. No Matter.

ETI will Be Here, on Their Schedule, not ours.


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Message 1647963 - Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 20:48:27 UTC - in response to Message 1647959.  

Universe and Galaxy Travelling ETI knows what it needs from a Solar System and Planets.

Their Beyond Our Comprehension Abilities will Bring Them to Wherever they need to go. For Whatever they need.

Nothing any Less 'Intelligent' Entity Spews outward is Any Concern to them.

So, Stay Quiet or Blast Away. No Matter.

ETI will Be Here, on Their Schedule, not ours.


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Message 1648242 - Posted: 1 Mar 2015, 17:47:02 UTC - in response to Message 1641391.  

Interesting points Dr. Korpela. Are you suggesting we are wasting out computer time on BOINC and we should spend our resources on other products?
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Message 1648247 - Posted: 1 Mar 2015, 17:56:48 UTC - in response to Message 1648242.  

Considering SETI@home is only listening for a signal, I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion. Please explain.
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Message 1648906 - Posted: 4 Mar 2015, 0:00:17 UTC - in response to Message 1648247.  

He seems to be talking about the redundancy of finding a signal or sending one and waiting to get a signal back.
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