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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1640241 - Posted: 11 Feb 2015, 17:54:44 UTC

At least someone is doing something right against ISIS...

Anonymous targeting ISIS
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1640243 - Posted: 11 Feb 2015, 17:57:13 UTC - in response to Message 1640150.  

How many were killed by Atheists, or Anti-Religion Ideology, over the past 100 years?

3 more to add to that tally :(

3 Muslims shot dead in anti-theist shooting

It just proves your point. Religion or atheism don't make you a good person just as they don't make you a bad person. You have horrible scumbags in both groups.

Or parking spaces ...
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Message 1640448 - Posted: 12 Feb 2015, 0:01:24 UTC - in response to Message 1640243.  

Or parking spaces ...

Of course. Whenever a Muslim kills someone, its because he is a terrorist, if its a non Muslim killing a Muslim, its because he is just a sad deranged individual who kills because of a parking space dispute.
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Message 1640465 - Posted: 12 Feb 2015, 0:40:41 UTC - in response to Message 1640448.  

Or parking spaces ...

Of course. Whenever a Muslim kills someone, its because he is a terrorist, if its a non Muslim killing a Muslim, its because he is just a sad deranged individual who kills because of a parking space dispute.

How about taking religion out of the picture & see it for what they are: -

Pointless & un-necessary deaths.

One should die of old age, not by the angst of others.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1640481 - Posted: 12 Feb 2015, 2:10:20 UTC - in response to Message 1640448.  

Or parking spaces ...

Of course. Whenever a Muslim kills someone, its because he is a terrorist, if its a non Muslim killing a Muslim, its because he is just a sad deranged individual who kills because of a parking space dispute.

No, only when they are shouting Allahu Akbar!, Banzai! or Jesus Christ!
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Message 1640570 - Posted: 12 Feb 2015, 8:28:49 UTC - in response to Message 1640465.  

Or parking spaces ...

Of course. Whenever a Muslim kills someone, its because he is a terrorist, if its a non Muslim killing a Muslim, its because he is just a sad deranged individual who kills because of a parking space dispute.

How about taking religion out of the picture & see it for what they are: -

Pointless & un-necessary deaths.

One should die of old age, not by the angst of others.

Agreed +1
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Message 1640616 - Posted: 12 Feb 2015, 11:07:55 UTC - in response to Message 1640583.  

I think the point is being missed here, and that is that the 30,000 or so who support ISIS/IS are RADICAL EXTREMISTS, they are not the average Islam/Muslim person from the 1.6 Billion in the world who are peaceable.

Muslims or non-Muslims may kill each other for many reasons, it is only terrorism when it is SPECIFICALLY done in the name of ISIS/IS.

Thats very true.
But the number of how many support ISIS/IS are probably an underestimation done by CIA.
Islamic militants have army of 200,000, claims senior Kurdish leader.
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Message 1640743 - Posted: 12 Feb 2015, 16:31:45 UTC

I think we really need to worry about each other rather than ISIS.
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Profile James Sotherden

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Message 1641643 - Posted: 14 Feb 2015, 2:07:51 UTC - in response to Message 1640616.  

I think the point is being missed here, and that is that the 30,000 or so who support ISIS/IS are RADICAL EXTREMISTS, they are not the average Islam/Muslim person from the 1.6 Billion in the world who are peaceable.

Muslims or non-Muslims may kill each other for many reasons, it is only terrorism when it is SPECIFICALLY done in the name of ISIS/IS.

Thats very true.
But the number of how many support ISIS/IS are probably an underestimation done by CIA.
Islamic militants have army of 200,000, claims senior Kurdish leader.

Well as far as the CIA goes, I dont belive a word they say or print. They have an agenda that would make honest people puke. And to think they evolved out of the O.S.S.. The O.S.S. was trained by the Brittish S.A.S. What the hell went wrong?

Old James
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Message 1641708 - Posted: 14 Feb 2015, 6:17:14 UTC - in response to Message 1641643.  

What the hell went wrong?

Politicians imposed agendas none of which have been revoked.
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Profile James Sotherden

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Message 1641766 - Posted: 14 Feb 2015, 8:57:37 UTC - in response to Message 1641692.  

Well as far as the CIA goes, I dont belive a word they say or print. They have an agenda that would make honest people puke. And to think they evolved out of the O.S.S.. The O.S.S. was trained by the Brittish S.A.S. What the hell went wrong?

Ask John Kennedy - Bay of Pigs.

They also lied to him, about many things. To his credit: He took full Public responsibility (Unlike our present President), and quietly fired those responsible for the lies.

Question: How do Public Officials, Judges, et al, 'take on' Agency's, such as this. They do have all the dirt on them.

They might try being above board and honest. Not looking out for thier own interest. But that will never happen.
If you lead an honest life what dirt can they dig up? None, But I bet the CIA can make some up!

Old James
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Message 1641770 - Posted: 14 Feb 2015, 9:06:03 UTC - in response to Message 1641766.  

Question: How do Public Officials, Judges, et al, 'take on' Agency's, such as this. They do have all the dirt on them.

They might try being above board and honest. Not looking out for thier own interest. But that will never happen.
If you lead an honest life what dirt can they dig up? None, But I bet the CIA can make some up!

I dont think they have dirt on everyone. The thing is, how can officials regulate and check on an agency that is so secretive? In order to address a problem you first need to know there is a problem.

This is why I don't like intelligence agencies in general, the checks and balances we imposed on them don't work, because we rely on them telling us everything they do so we can tell them that they are doing a good or a bad job. But what, other than whistleblowers, stops them from lying to our face about what they are doing? The fact that for example the whole Snowden scandal came out of nowhere for lots of people just proves how badly informed the people that are supposed to check our intelligence agencies are. Hell, after the whole PRISM thing came out it turns out that the head of the NSA had been lying, literally lying, about what the NSA was doing.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1643097 - Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 1:09:27 UTC

@Chris, it does depend on who runs the prison ...

After you read these 3 articles, you will have a better understanding of jail in America. It is unlike the EU.

California state prisoners are killed at a rate that is double the national average, and sex offenders account for a disproportionate number of victims, according to an Associated Press analysis of corrections records.

Male sex offenders made up about 15 percent of the prison population but accounted for nearly 30 percent of homicide victims, the AP found in cataloging all 78 killings that corrections officials reported since 2007, when they started releasing slain inmates' identities and crimes.

The deaths — 23 out of 78 — come despite the state's creation more than a decade ago of special housing units designed to protect the most vulnerable inmates, including sex offenders, often marked men behind bars because of the nature of their crimes.

Some have been killed among the general prison population. Others are killed within the special units. Officials acknowledge that the units, which also house inmates trying to quit gangs, have spawned their own gangs.

Corrections officials blamed a rise in the prison homicide rate on an overhaul meant to reduce crowding. The state in 2011 began keeping lower-level offenders in county jails, leaving prisons with a higher percentage of sex offenders and violent gang members.

America’s crime rate has been falling steadily ever since the 1990s, and social scientists have spent years trying to figure out why. A new study from New York University Law School’s Brennan Center for Justice offers no definitive answers, but it does claim to rule out one explanation as the driving factor: mass incarceration.

Between 1991 and 2013, the violent crime rate declined by more than 50 percent, according to FBI figures. During the same time frame, property crime fell by 46 percent. Meanwhile from 1990 to 2009, the number of people behind bars in America more than doubled, from 771,243 to 1,615,500. But the increased prison community has had only a modest impact on the crime rate during that period, and only in the first decade of its decline, write the Brennan Center’s researchers. Since then, “incarceration in the U.S. has reached a level where it no longer provides a meaningful crime reduction benefit,” their report adds.

Jails have become warehouses for poor and mentally ill people who are unable to post bail for minor infractions such as parking violations or shoplifting, according to a report published Wednesday by the Vera Institute of Justice.

The report, titled “Incarceration’s Front Door: The Misuse of Jails in America,” asserts that while public criticism has focused on the problems of overcrowding in state and federal facilities and the inhumane treatment of some inmates, the jail system is also in need of scrutiny and reform.

“Too often we see ordinary people, some even our neighbors, held for minor violations such as driving with a suspended license, public intoxication, or shoplifting because they cannot afford bail as low as $500,” Nicholas Turner, president and director of Vera, wrote in the report.

Turner said he was “jolted” by the sheer amount of Americans jailed simply because they did not have the financial means or mental capacity to post bail.

“I was startled by the numbers of people detained for behavior that stems primarily from mental illness, homelessness, or addiction,” he said.

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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1643417 - Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 22:52:38 UTC

Jihadist militants from Islamic State (IS) have burned to death 45 people in the western Iraqi town of al-Baghdadi, the local police chief says.

Exactly who these people were and why they were killed is not clear, but Col Qasim al-Obeidi said he believed some were members of the security forces.

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Message 1644214 - Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 19:53:29 UTC
Last modified: 19 Feb 2015, 20:03:50 UTC

Return of the Barbary Pirates

Holidays in the Med anyone?

The Difference between ISIS...

...& those that fought them

"Mess: Despite the militants having brought rape and massacre to the local population and leaving the once-bustling ancient city as little more than rubble-strewn ruins, the Kurds insist on giving dead ISIS fighters a proper burial wherever possible."
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1644245 - Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 21:06:33 UTC

Learn about your enemy.
De-classified documents reveal details of the IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's former life.
His real name is Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim Al Badry and have no religous background.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1644246 - Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 21:10:12 UTC - in response to Message 1644245.  

Learn about your enemy.
De-classified documents reveal details of the IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's former life.
His real name is Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim Al Badry and have no religous background.

Love one of the comments :-)

"Once a secretary!? Then find him and file him away forever!"
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Message 1645318 - Posted: 22 Feb 2015, 15:58:21 UTC

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Message 1645332 - Posted: 22 Feb 2015, 16:55:19 UTC - in response to Message 1645318.  
Last modified: 22 Feb 2015, 17:01:04 UTC

Turkey decides to act

Yes. The borders of Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran was redrawn by Britain in the 30's.
Oops Kurdistan disappeared.
That Turkey decides to act now is mostly because of the refugees coming into Turkey from the region are too much.
But Turkey also has some dark sides in political matters.
Their work for humanity. They evacuate a tomb but letting bombs fall over their so called "brothers" the kurds.
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Message 1645334 - Posted: 22 Feb 2015, 16:58:46 UTC - in response to Message 1645332.  

Naw, it was to rescue the bones of someone long dead, the present has no appeal for them.
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