Open Message to Russia

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Message 1635714 - Posted: 31 Jan 2015, 15:38:17 UTC - in response to Message 1635711.  

I'll just let Wikipedia do the talking :)

You might just as well, seeing as you clearly can't :-)

No but sometimes you gotta recognize that others have said it better :)
ID: 1635714 · Report as offensive
Dena Wiltsie
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Message 1635719 - Posted: 31 Jan 2015, 15:55:56 UTC

For what ever it's worth, we are unable to understand Russia because we don't see things from their point of view. Glen Beck did a 3 hour series on Russian history that puts their current actions into perspective. While the video is behind the pay wall, the text is where it can be viewed. I am not saying you will agree with the Russian view point after you read it but it will help you understand the Russian mind set and the danger we may be facing in the future.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
ID: 1635719 · Report as offensive
Dena Wiltsie
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Message 1635724 - Posted: 31 Jan 2015, 16:13:49 UTC - in response to Message 1635723.  

For what ever it's worth, we are unable to understand Russia because we don't see things from their point of view. Glen Beck did a 3 hour series on Russian history that puts their current actions into perspective. While the video is behind the pay wall, the text is where it can be viewed. I am not saying you will agree with the Russian view point after you read it but it will help you understand the Russian mind set and the danger we may be facing in the future.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Glen Beck, the far rightist saying things like the below included. Not exactly someone I would trust about the history of Russia.

Glen Back about the 2011 Norway attacks.

In the wake of the 2011 Norway attacks, Beck received condemnation for his comparison of murdered and surviving members of the Norwegian Workers' Youth League to the Hitler Youth. He said, "There was a shooting at a political camp which sounds a little like, you know, the Hitler Youth or whatever, you know what I mean. Who does a camp for kids that's all about politics? Disturbing." The statement was ill-received in Norway, prompting political commentator and Labour party member Frank Aarebrot to label Beck as a "vulgar propagandist", a "swine" and a "fascist", and Torbjørn Eriksen, former press secretary to Norway's prime minister Jens Stoltenberg, to describe Beck's comment as "a new low", adding that "Glenn Beck's comments are ignorant, incorrect and extremely hurtful". Commentators pointed out that groups affiliated with the Tea Party movement and the Beck-founded 9–12 Project also sponsor politically oriented camp programs for children.

You might try reading what I posted before judging it. I am very much aware how others sometimes view the truth but it's your country and not mine.
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Message 1635734 - Posted: 31 Jan 2015, 16:41:32 UTC

Girkin, Dugin, Orthodox Christians, New Russia. Oooba Geeba Gabba.

Looks Like 'Chaos' 'is' Coming.



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Dena Wiltsie
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Message 1635742 - Posted: 31 Jan 2015, 17:02:23 UTC - in response to Message 1635726.  

Sorry Dena, anything written by a fascist like Beck will not be read by me. I don't need opinions from fascists. And absolutely not a lesson of Russian history from a fascist.

You have made a statement that is conflicting. In Europe the the left is communist and the right is fascist. In America the Left is communist and the Right is small government. I have been watching Glen for years and he has never ask for more than freedom for everybody and small government.He only opposes those who would limit a persons freedom. You have been brain washed and like many members of a cult you refuse to look at any view point other than the one that has been installed in your head. This thread is not intended to debate the politics of Glen Beck but is intended to discuss Russia. What I posted limits the discussion to that and how Russia could change the world. Years ago while Glen was still at Fox, he proposed what is happening in the middle east. Sadly, what he predicted has come true because nobody listened to him. He as defined a possible Russian future and has the facts to back it up. Read it or don't but stop the debate about Glen Beck.
ID: 1635742 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1635754 - Posted: 31 Jan 2015, 17:33:24 UTC
Last modified: 31 Jan 2015, 17:34:01 UTC

Mr. Putin:

I understand you wish to reduce CO2 emissions. While global thermonuclear war will do that, the UN should make that decision, not you.

Sarah Palin

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Message 1635755 - Posted: 31 Jan 2015, 17:34:42 UTC - in response to Message 1635742.  

Sorry Dena, anything written by a fascist like Beck will not be read by me. I don't need opinions from fascists. And absolutely not a lesson of Russian history from a fascist.

You have made a statement that is conflicting. In Europe the the left is communist and the right is fascist. In America the Left is communist and the Right is small government. I have been watching Glen for years and he has never ask for more than freedom for everybody and small government.He only opposes those who would limit a persons freedom. You have been brain washed and like many members of a cult you refuse to look at any view point other than the one that has been installed in your head. This thread is not intended to debate the politics of Glen Beck but is intended to discuss Russia. What I posted limits the discussion to that and how Russia could change the world. Years ago while Glen was still at Fox, he proposed what is happening in the middle east. Sadly, what he predicted has come true because nobody listened to him. He as defined a possible Russian future and has the facts to back it up. Read it or don't but stop the debate about Glen Beck.

For heaven's sake. Glenn Beck are affiliated with Fox News. His opinions are crap.
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Message 1635756 - Posted: 31 Jan 2015, 17:38:26 UTC - in response to Message 1635754.  

Mr. Putin:
I understand you wish to reduce CO2 emissions. While global thermonuclear war will do that, the UN should make that decision, not you.
Sarah Palin

Like Crimea Alaska was also a geopolitic mistake by russians:)
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Message 1635835 - Posted: 31 Jan 2015, 21:31:03 UTC - in response to Message 1635700.  

You know where this all is going don't you?
What kind of false propaganda about bad things Poland did to Germans living in Poland, did the Nazi regime spread, in order to find an excuse to invade Poland? (1 September 1939)
Answer: Exactly the same kind of false news....
Be prepared Europe, be very, very prepared. The deeper Russia sinks economically, the greater the risk that the Putin regime decides that the only way out, is to launch a full scale war against western Europe.

Russia has not launched a full scale war against western Europe yet.
They dont have to. Now its a hybrid warfare going on and "small" countries are going to suffer the most.
ID: 1635835 · Report as offensive
Dena Wiltsie
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Message 1635842 - Posted: 31 Jan 2015, 21:53:54 UTC - in response to Message 1635835.  

You know where this all is going don't you?
What kind of false propaganda about bad things Poland did to Germans living in Poland, did the Nazi regime spread, in order to find an excuse to invade Poland? (1 September 1939)
Answer: Exactly the same kind of false news....
Be prepared Europe, be very, very prepared. The deeper Russia sinks economically, the greater the risk that the Putin regime decides that the only way out, is to launch a full scale war against western Europe.

Russia has not launched a full scale war against western Europe yet.
They dont have to. Now its a hybrid warfare going on and "small" countries are going to suffer the most.

From Part 3 which many refuse to read

Scotland attempted to split from the UK. The Golden Dawn party gained ground in Greece. 15,000 Nazi’s marched in Germany last month. The list goes on and on and Russia has ties to nearly every major right-wing group involved:

Bulgaria – Ataka Party (there are claims that they report directly to the Russian embassy) Hungary – Jobbik (Dugin hosted their leader Vona at Moscow State University)
Austria – FPO
Italy – Forza Nuova (Met multiple times with the Russian Duma and Putin himself) Greece – Golden Dawn (Dugin wrote their leader Michaloliakos while he was in prison) Germany – Pegida
Netherlands – Freedom Party
France – National Front (In November a Russian bank donated 9 million euros to Marine Le Pen and the National Front)

Not only is the Kremlin supporting these groups at the highest levels they’re also targeting Europe’s youth.

Putin is a fascist and as such his only political goal is power.
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Message 1635867 - Posted: 31 Jan 2015, 22:42:09 UTC - in response to Message 1635842.  

From Part 3 which many refuse to read

Scotland attempted to split from the UK. The Golden Dawn party gained ground in Greece. 15,000 Nazi’s marched in Germany last month. The list goes on and on and Russia has ties to nearly every major right-wing group involved:

Bulgaria – Ataka Party (there are claims that they report directly to the Russian embassy) Hungary – Jobbik (Dugin hosted their leader Vona at Moscow State University)
Austria – FPO
Italy – Forza Nuova (Met multiple times with the Russian Duma and Putin himself) Greece – Golden Dawn (Dugin wrote their leader Michaloliakos while he was in prison) Germany – Pegida
Netherlands – Freedom Party
France – National Front (In November a Russian bank donated 9 million euros to Marine Le Pen and the National Front)

Not only is the Kremlin supporting these groups at the highest levels they’re also targeting Europe’s youth.

Putin is a fascist and as such his only political goal is power.

You are spot on.
This is what happens in Europe right now...
ID: 1635867 · Report as offensive
Dena Wiltsie
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Message 1635885 - Posted: 31 Jan 2015, 23:07:25 UTC - in response to Message 1635881.  

From Part 3 which many refuse to read

Scotland attempted to split from the UK. The Golden Dawn party gained ground in Greece. 15,000 Nazi’s marched in Germany last month. The list goes on and on and Russia has ties to nearly every major right-wing group involved:

Bulgaria – Ataka Party (there are claims that they report directly to the Russian embassy) Hungary – Jobbik (Dugin hosted their leader Vona at Moscow State University)
Austria – FPO
Italy – Forza Nuova (Met multiple times with the Russian Duma and Putin himself) Greece – Golden Dawn (Dugin wrote their leader Michaloliakos while he was in prison) Germany – Pegida
Netherlands – Freedom Party
France – National Front (In November a Russian bank donated 9 million euros to Marine Le Pen and the National Front)

Not only is the Kremlin supporting these groups at the highest levels they’re also targeting Europe’s youth.

Putin is a fascist and as such his only political goal is power.

You are spot on.
This is what happens in Europe right now...

Skärp dig. Det är Glen Becks ord inte Denas, som du svarar. Fox News dåren Beck. 15000 nazister har inte marscherat i Tyskland förra månaden till exempel. Herre gud, tror du på vad Glen Beck skriver nu helt plötsligt. Alldeles nyss i denna tråd lät du helt annorlunda.

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Message 1635921 - Posted: 1 Feb 2015, 1:04:19 UTC - in response to Message 1635713.  

The real threat with the Russians is that they have a rather unpredictable guy having access to one of the largest nuclear forces in the world.

Sadly that may be the only viable answe to global warming. A return to a less industrial society may be our only way to survive as a culture. What an effing tragic waste.
ID: 1635921 · Report as offensive
Dena Wiltsie
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Message 1635924 - Posted: 1 Feb 2015, 1:11:21 UTC - in response to Message 1635921.  

The real threat with the Russians is that they have a rather unpredictable guy having access to one of the largest nuclear forces in the world.

Sadly that may be the only viable answe to global warming. A return to a less industrial society may be our only way to survive as a culture. What an effing tragic waste.

So you think Nuclear winter where almost all plant and animal life dies off is the solution????
ID: 1635924 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1635935 - Posted: 1 Feb 2015, 1:35:29 UTC - in response to Message 1635924.  

The real threat with the Russians is that they have a rather unpredictable guy having access to one of the largest nuclear forces in the world.

Sadly that may be the only viable answe to global warming. A return to a less industrial society may be our only way to survive as a culture. What an effing tragic waste.

So you think Nuclear winter where almost all plant and animal life dies off is the solution????

It is the only one proposed so far that is known to be 100% effective. Of course if there is one where only almost all human life dies off and leaves the rest untouched .....

The other solution is to adapt, but Darwin's law scares a lot of people, because they want to forget it applies to humans as much as dust mites.
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Message 1635946 - Posted: 1 Feb 2015, 2:14:31 UTC - in response to Message 1635711.  

I'll just let Wikipedia do the talking :)

You might just as well, seeing as you clearly can't :-)

Michel, give Chris another 9 to 12 months and he'll be nicer to you. Though he remembers differently, he has some initial difficulties with INTPs.
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ID: 1635946 · Report as offensive
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Message 1635949 - Posted: 1 Feb 2015, 2:17:58 UTC - in response to Message 1635712.  

Edit: Added. 2015 will be an "interesting" year to say the least. With the western world finding itself in deep sh*t. Two enemies at once, the radical Islamists, and a power crazy Russia. I wouldn't be suprised at all, if the radical Islamists, and Russia negotiated another "Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact". This time maybe called the "Putin-Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi pact"

Hmmm. Please do correct me if I am wrong, but hasn't Russia historically thrown its support to Iran and Syria in great part? So, they've support Bashad, correct? Now, Russia will support ISIS and al-Qaeda? I don't think this very likely! (Besides, al-Qaesa grew out of the Afghan Mujahadeen fighting against the USSR's occupation of Afghanistan, correct?)
Unless Putin/Russia would now like to play the game of "The enemy of our enemy is our friend"? Maybe Putin will ignore how "well" that has worked out for us in the United States! :)
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ID: 1635949 · Report as offensive
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Message 1635951 - Posted: 1 Feb 2015, 2:22:32 UTC - in response to Message 1635715.  

From what I have seen in all your posts, you're a posting happy troll, and just a very young academic type with no real life experience. One might call you an "opinion machine", having opinions about everything, but no real knowledge about that which you have opinions about.

Blah, blah, blah. People like you apparently have no clue what life experiences those studying at college or professional academics have been through.
Let me tell you something, while without much detail: between the ages of 3 to 5, I had already seen far more than I should have and I had a reasonable understanding of why it was happening.
Also, while earning my Bachelor's degree, there were times I worked as many as 3 part-time jobs. So, don't you DARE talk to me or others about academics lacking life experiences.
Plonk yourself, go away a while and re-evaluate your dislike of academia.
(Goes for a few others posting here as well!)
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ID: 1635951 · Report as offensive
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Message 1635954 - Posted: 1 Feb 2015, 2:29:10 UTC - in response to Message 1635758.  

Sorry Dena, anything written by a fascist like Beck will not be read by me. I don't need opinions from fascists. And absolutely not a lesson of Russian history from a fascist.

You have been brain washed...

Brainwashed eh? There goes another one. I have no patience for right wing Yankees.

This is getting funny!
Berates Michel, who is clear neither a "Yankee" nor right-wing.
Perhaps the brush I am painting with is too broad, but would might think, then, that Sten-Arne is right wing! Guess not?!
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ID: 1635954 · Report as offensive
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Message 1635956 - Posted: 1 Feb 2015, 2:35:08 UTC - in response to Message 1635742.  

Sorry Dena, anything written by a fascist like Beck will not be read by me. I don't need opinions from fascists. And absolutely not a lesson of Russian history from a fascist.

You have made a statement that is conflicting. In Europe the the left is communist and the right is fascist. In America the Left is communist and the Right is small government. I have been watching Glen for years and he has never ask for more than freedom for everybody and small government.He only opposes those who would limit a persons freedom. You have been brain washed and like many members of a cult you refuse to look at any view point other than the one that has been installed in your head. This thread is not intended to debate the politics of Glen Beck but is intended to discuss Russia. What I posted limits the discussion to that and how Russia could change the world. Years ago while Glen was still at Fox, he proposed what is happening in the middle east. Sadly, what he predicted has come true because nobody listened to him. He as defined a possible Russian future and has the facts to back it up. Read it or don't but stop the debate about Glen Beck.

Perhaps for another thread, but:
Please state when Glenn made these predictions about the middle east.
Please state precisely what these predictions were.
Then, perhaps we can ask, was no one else thinking or saying the same thing, was no one listening to Glenn?
Remember, the Mujahadeen were in existence in the 1980s.
Remember that al Qaeda attakced the WTC with a car bomb (essentially?) in an interior parking lot in 1003.
IIRC, al Qaeda attacked American interests abroad in late summer of 1998.
No one else knew something was up until Glenn?
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Message boards : Politics : Open Message to Russia

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