Against ALL women - Infanticide, Slavery, Rape, Trafficking... (#2)

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Profile Es99
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Message 1638284 - Posted: 6 Feb 2015, 19:14:00 UTC - in response to Message 1638241.  

Men get this from women too.

It was a question. Give me an example.
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Profile Es99
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Message 1638285 - Posted: 6 Feb 2015, 19:15:21 UTC - in response to Message 1638265.  

Men get this from women too.

Maybe even on this forum ..... ;-)

Just doing my bit to move the scales the other way a tiny bit. I am just a drop in the ocean, yet boy do you notice it.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1638358 - Posted: 6 Feb 2015, 22:46:20 UTC - in response to Message 1638285.  

Men get this from women too.

Maybe even on this forum ..... ;-)

Just doing my bit to move the scales the other way a tiny bit. I am just a drop in the ocean, yet boy do you notice it.

Well, when one sees a person swinging a rolling pin and bashing random posters it is hard to ignore. ;-)
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1638366 - Posted: 6 Feb 2015, 23:37:39 UTC
Sex or school? E. Java lawmakers aim to forbid graduation for non-virgins

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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1638370 - Posted: 6 Feb 2015, 23:51:39 UTC
FGM affects far more women in US than previously thought
New estimates suggest more than half a million women and girls in US have suffered procedure or are at risk

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Message 1638414 - Posted: 7 Feb 2015, 2:17:06 UTC - in response to Message 1638358.  

Men get this from women too.

Maybe even on this forum ..... ;-)

Just doing my bit to move the scales the other way a tiny bit. I am just a drop in the ocean, yet boy do you notice it.

Well, when one sees a person swinging a rolling pin and bashing random posters it is hard to ignore. ;-)

Its never random. :)
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Message 1638599 - Posted: 7 Feb 2015, 16:27:54 UTC

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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1639503 - Posted: 9 Feb 2015, 23:21:15 UTC

"Lovely" police officers

"She says the bullying she faced went beyond the local authority and remembers a police officer approaching her outside her office.
"He and a colleague said words along the lines of 'Wouldn't it be a shame if these perpetrators found out where you and your family lived'.
"And I took that as a direct threat to my personal safety. The message was very clear.""
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Message 1640244 - Posted: 11 Feb 2015, 18:01:17 UTC

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Message 1640780 - Posted: 12 Feb 2015, 17:25:41 UTC

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Message 1640789 - Posted: 12 Feb 2015, 17:38:15 UTC - in response to Message 1640780.  
Last modified: 12 Feb 2015, 17:39:03 UTC

Wonder what happened to his Hippocratic Oath?

An ex-doctor has been jailed for 18 years...
Michael Salmon, 80, was convicted
Good luck with that.

Cheaper than a nursing home i suppose.
Life on earth is the global equivalent of not storing things in the fridge.
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Message 1640794 - Posted: 12 Feb 2015, 17:41:14 UTC - in response to Message 1640789.  

Wonder what happened to his Hippocratic Oath?

An ex-doctor has been jailed for 18 years...
Michael Salmon, 80, was convicted
Good luck with that.

Cheaper than a nursing home i suppose.

Will he still receive his pension?
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Message 1640844 - Posted: 12 Feb 2015, 18:52:25 UTC

Sometimes, Justice does prevail

A highly interesting report & glad that the prosecution challenged that judge.
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Message 1640853 - Posted: 12 Feb 2015, 19:06:02 UTC - in response to Message 1640848.  

That's why I was glad he got challenged. The proof was in front of his eyes & he wanted to dismiss the case?
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Message 1640886 - Posted: 12 Feb 2015, 19:47:48 UTC - in response to Message 1640879.  

Asides from this...

"In my judgement there is insufficient evidence from which the jury could determine lack of capacity and I will withdraw the case from the jury."

"There is no evidence from which the jury could say she lacked capacity as opposed to simply having no recollection of events which may have been consented to."

..can't find anything else that gave him cause to dismiss.
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Message 1640915 - Posted: 12 Feb 2015, 20:36:03 UTC - in response to Message 1640892.  

Doubt it, otherwise the furore would be immense. the court of appeals overturned him, that alone would warrant further disclosure.
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Message 1641218 - Posted: 13 Feb 2015, 13:52:24 UTC - in response to Message 1641198.  

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Profile Julie
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Message 1641220 - Posted: 13 Feb 2015, 13:54:10 UTC - in response to Message 1641218.  

And the answer to that.

Oh my... Almost 'liked' that page...
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Message 1641234 - Posted: 13 Feb 2015, 14:32:48 UTC - in response to Message 1641220.  

Feminism is all good & well, but personally, I think they go too far. Just wondering what they would have said to me after 2 "incidents" several years ago.

I was travelling home after a busy day of 34 drops in London & stopped off at the Black Cat service station to refuel. As I was leaving, I spotted a woman walking out of the service area & attempting to hitch hike. Stopped in the layby, she told me where she wanted to go.

While chatting in the cab, I was gobsmacked, she lived in Orton Wistow, which at that time, was only minutes away from where I lived in Orton Brimbles. She was getting divorced & her husband in a fit of rage threw her out of his car at the Black Cat.

Several months earlier to that, was travelling to London to see family & another woman was hitchhiking. Gave her a lift & got told she lived in Manor House - family lived in Stamford Hill(both areas in North London, literally minutes away from each other).

How would they be seen today? Decency, chivalry or sexist?
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Message 1641240 - Posted: 13 Feb 2015, 14:36:28 UTC - in response to Message 1641234.  

How would they be seen today? Decency, chivalry or sexist?

Depends. Would you have treated them differently if they were men? If not, its just decency.
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Message boards : Politics : Against ALL women - Infanticide, Slavery, Rape, Trafficking... (#2)

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