The story game, Part IV

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Profile Julie
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Message 1624818 - Posted: 7 Jan 2015, 10:07:39 UTC

that unveils the
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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1624820 - Posted: 7 Jan 2015, 10:08:20 UTC

true meaning of
The mind is a weird and mysterious place
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Profile Julie
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Message 1624825 - Posted: 7 Jan 2015, 10:22:27 UTC

our elusive consciousness
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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1624827 - Posted: 7 Jan 2015, 10:25:23 UTC

- ethereal and fragile
The mind is a weird and mysterious place
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Profile Julie
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Message 1624833 - Posted: 7 Jan 2015, 10:43:20 UTC

, ready to explore
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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1625258 - Posted: 8 Jan 2015, 4:20:23 UTC

the depths of
The mind is a weird and mysterious place
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Profile Julie
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Message 1625360 - Posted: 8 Jan 2015, 10:50:53 UTC

the unconscious world
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Profile Lynn Special Project $75 donor
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Message 1625577 - Posted: 8 Jan 2015, 22:35:56 UTC - in response to Message 1625360.  

chaotic place lately
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Profile Julie
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Message 1625590 - Posted: 8 Jan 2015, 23:07:23 UTC

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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1625687 - Posted: 9 Jan 2015, 6:57:31 UTC

it certainly is
The mind is a weird and mysterious place
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Profile Julie
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Message 1625761 - Posted: 9 Jan 2015, 11:34:28 UTC

a digital world
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Message 1626082 - Posted: 10 Jan 2015, 11:25:30 UTC

there are 10
Bob Smith
Member of Seti PIPPS (Pluto is a Planet Protest Society)
Somewhere in the (un)known Universe?
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Profile Julie
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Message 1626095 - Posted: 10 Jan 2015, 12:56:51 UTC

numbers to follow
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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1626114 - Posted: 10 Jan 2015, 14:11:30 UTC

Moderators, please lock this thread. Part V coming soon.

The story thus far...

Chapter One

Once upon a time, in a house on a prairie that was made of wood, three birds flew. Swooping low they took careful aim at his head as he dozed off to dream... but they missed. They circled around to find me. Fortunately by then, I got my shotgun, but missed the birds after they flew behind the house. Three dark strangers turned to run the other side of the woody prairie. Late at night, while she sleeps, there was a noise in the dark. Spock called out... no one replied. He called again. She was shocked. As she disrobed the dressmaker's mannequin the lights faded.
"Damn that meter," said the stranger.
"Never mind the meter! I need a thrupenny bit now, to pay the local weed seller a small amount off my bill for cabbage and carrots! With what's left I will make a nice bikini to give away to a lassie or a laddie..." who looked shocked in a bikini; scared of water; scared of everything that went away... but then discovered... health and safety inspectors, who were searching for health and safety but instead found something glowing inside an empty barrel which usually contained nothing very much. But occasionally, a few fireflies crept in on a full moon to hold a séance while chanting "We love Seti!"

Someone was listening to this performance from another dimension when TL04 admitted that the doctor was also earwigging. The story heard - even on mars - 'there was life after death but not before'. Somehow, to banish author from doing a move (to hide the evidence from the empty barrel - sitting next to a maple tree growing in the corner of the enchanted topiary garden...) where the herbalist was preparing to plant a bunch of funny seeds growing extraordinary plants that would reach... pretty much everywhere... Not painted green...

But a bright star is born near Sirius B. Aries fits in the dark sky, blue is seen around the edges, she goes surfing in star light... posing the question: "are there sharks who like to have you as an appetizer before the annual ritual, sacrificing the first born to honor the Wicca leader, a true Rosicrucian who never let bad energy get into the computer, destroying its GPU?"
"Always shut down and"

Time and again the gremlin returns after Starbucks closes, having run out of CPU to rescue the RAM from the larger flock of horny ewes (melt in mouth like tender beef) served especially for fussy connoisseurs who hold their pinkies in their teeth. Claws, that is what my cat did not do to the poor dog of course that stretched for eternity et al until the restaurant threw us out. Not doing dishes that were made when story ends, in the beginning... but the barrel shows up empty. What to do? Go to sleep to dream big and figure out what is going to happen with the swooping birds as they grab the shotgun from the stranger with massive red hair? They survived---in---finitely... that is until Creators started Creating, musicians started playing, sound was born so artists started creating, they do for the bells of St. Mary's...

In a flash of a camera they saw light ahead of them but it was too late now to take it to the dark prairie house because the GPS had been taken over by granny's sattelite, which upset grandpa very much, so he grabbed his kazoo and began making the Music man, who wanted some food for thought, or maybe some illuminating new ideas to start up, like the Stones.

A bright thought, in dark places, where she goes to contemplate what moss is doing growing between her daffodils and roses. And up the side (to the left of the barrel) on the right of the shack in the shade where nothing but Free Willy plays in the water, sharks do exist in another dimension, retrieving strange signals from giant worms with nightvision goggles.

Looking for the alien amongst us, it became much easier to phone home again and take me beyond the stars in a shiny vessel that will wash itself with its tongue. Like our cat in a frenzied, fur-cleaning spasm, fully disorientated, now a toiletry feeling, the aliens landed in the 4th dimension of space/time. Before it existed beer was rare!
"No! It was??"
"Like hens teeth," so said jaws with silver teeth and silver tongue in golden silence while gazing into an empty barrel that needed filling with cold beer in the fridge. A big fridge that also had a special brand called Special Brew, only to drink when one is sober enough to clear the moss from the tree growing over the path to the outhouse door toilet... was found now for paper packaged in down.

Yet still no sign of the big empty barrel (that seemed half full of pickle juice and green dumplings) good for dipping your toes into while warm and covered with hair of the dog.
"How can this be?" said the doctor, replied as a doctor does, but saying that: "taking into consideration the universe now, he just went out of stardust, but you're our one and only alien chatline spokesfrog" who started croaking unusual ming dynasty that went with cheese on toast... the brass pool... but the poor spokesfrog was muted by hairy toes. A moment of clarity followed.
"HaHA..." said the Joker, "Clarity is not hidden by lies, but revealed by opening up the book of truth. But blank pages in our history may hold lessons on how we humans can live together on this tiny planet Earth without war ..."

Chapter Two

On return to the home planet we call ours, third from the Sun, safe haven from: cosmic rays; little green men; and UFO's (that are very shy when looking at how small their ray guns are)... nevertheless, they surely abducted a hillbilly from Beverly, where they were 'probed' on the ship that had many to choose from - of the type aliens will see that scares mankind 'Godzilla' will see where we are, then run for sound of music in the mountains. Yodelling loudly, the Yeti ran into the prairie house, only to find peace and love with Yetina, the hide moves start to shed sanity in a dream... cold fingers clawed across the chalkboard. Aaaaaaaaaaaah!
"Stop! Please! Have mercy on all aliens, Yeti's, and the little slightly deranged folk living in the barrel of pickles, sweet and sour alike."
Silence fell louder than words, it deafened one of the aliens, making his eyes, (who silently observed) fall off their magic carpet ride into a mug filled with tea. SPLOSH!
"This Earth," the alien said, "listen to me... is barking mad. So goes game of thrones... but should we say here be thorns, birds will say cheeeeep, twitter, warble Facebook saves day, but social life... Hairy one indeed goes down the Chrome Cube Lab in a swirl... and down the one direction only street that has been repaired."
To fix aliens here in a cul-de-sac where the space is cramped and impossible to somersault - especially wearing bells - to make sound that reverberates through the halls of the pentagon where bigwigs were discussing how to deal with weirdly-shaped lettuce... the treasury decided irradiation might be necessary to kill the forging racket at the centre of the universe... With the purpose within the eventhorizon of the black hole that is turning socks into little yellow frogs with fluffy bellies full of butterflies.
"My God it's full of stars!" ...could this be the beginning of the long journey through a wormhole?

In another dimension four fat mouse-like wise old men gazed in astonishment at the beautiful sight before them. A deep canyon encrusted with glittering rhinestones stood before them and the whole assembly begged forgiveness for time lost while looking for their missing socks... which went down the tube with a yellow submarine beneath the ocean, hidden in a Big empty barrel, that keeps causing a red herring to keep barrel floating above the waterline, which was littered with debris that upset E.T. and all the other aliens who decided to not share their knowledge with dumb people who don't understand the little questions we may ask when we're sleepy for a power-nap.
To awaken, revived, ready to begin the story again in one infinite soft-serve icecream served by a butler, of course, who knows secrets held within the cupboard under the old wooden shack... the wise men debate among themselves...
How to make, or rather create, a special craft to fly faster than the speed of light... and end of days... tunneling through the shack's back yard where there lives a hermit, with Kermit the frog and three dancing piggies who were celebrating the return of the wicked Wolf, who tried blowing their houses. They kept stand to ensure that never happens again in their lifetime, which could be asking for trouble as piggies do tend to play in the large lake in the wild, wild wood behind the castle built by the strong giant Goliath way back in the early days before the invention of hair extensions (which changed the looks of ladies' well coiffed bouffant into an even, baked until golden brown texture, like a big fluffy marshmallow above the fire on a stick held by the Town crier, saying the hunchback should: "climb down the bell tower and ring the bell *duh* to wake up and smell the sweet smell of new fried spam."
But the ogre who hated spam said, "beware the SPAM that is! The message says: "no more spam, it is forbidden by the great to eat thursdays, or rather Thorsdays else you incur the wrath of the Troll of the bridge to uncharted doom of Thors spam sandwich on the pedestal.""
To the minions in the village the mayor said, "everyone eat cake!"
"What? No bread?! To be divided??" shouted the peasants, who were ready to vote in a potato king election that week which will decide the fate of so many people that were under the reign of the big green Troll of the valley of Shangri-La - where there would be great mysteries and unfathomable objects for those brave and couraged soldiers who dare to stand up against the jolly green pea tree and say "Yaboo!" to Pooh the bear.

Chapter Three

For three weeks they partied in the backyard, with several barrels of beer that were extremely heavy to carry, so they emptied them bottoms up! Everyone was getting just a bit over the top, but that's fine and dandy with them, no doubt because they expect to get to the pub later for afters with friends. You know, like the jolly man from the valley of the lost sheep in the middle of the dense rain forest full of cannibals... all smoking cannabis in their peacepipe.
Meanwhile, just then, the beer came to the table... to be drunk by the merry men of the Ancient Order of the Seti Knights of Big Green Blobs. That covered the basis of truth... which leaked out, causing a world-wide panic that spread like molasses.
So goes jam - both very sticky problems to sort out.
Once they spread... disease ran out... pestilence all around... contained in sites from before history was ever chronicled - as heroic stories told around campfires, accompanied by songs about great voyages to the lands where the wild nomadic herds of wandering metropolitan urbanites congregated under the old oak tree. Yellow ribbon around, and around again, helta skelta fashion, worn by pink, blue and green - the true tricolor flag of the 7th republic of Korea. With warriors decked out in shiny and sparkly nicely decorated bunkers hidden in the depths of her corset, a happy place, came the prince, on his white stallion - bearing gifts which all that viewed.
For the chosen were most amused. But corsets don't let you breathe until gift-bearing-princes vacate in space, no. They're best suited for people with certain attributes of an inquisitive nature, that think about what might be if only things could go away. Unlike the shack that stands erect next to the statue of the Big Empty Barrel, which has become overflowing with great, great tasting frothy ale: imported from Louisville Kentucky USA; and smoother than riding on a motorcycle (but with a space helmet on); while merrily singing "Incey wincey spider" around the campfire.
Catching the attention of little 'Hummelelfe', The famous Woodstar knock on wood Elf of the big oak tree which was climbed in the night they drove old Dixie down in the winter over the game of thrones - which fell apart anyway - she said,
“Please don't go and think badly about those little monkeys here, there and everywhere...” She listened to the sounds of far rattling trains that tooted their horns as they worked on the way to the depot where all the syrupy pancakes were splattered across the ceiling, as they leapt from the precarious precipice of pictures that vanished into the depths of the great chasm behind the huge empty barrel - which needed filling again, with great piles of delicious ripe fruit which were picked by: people in fields; crows with wigs that look like aliens with claws, dangerous and unpredictable, that give off electrical signals from strangely shaped potatoes with many eyes that peered suspiciously at anything that had blond hair, and blue eyes, carrying a briefcase that hid something below the deck in plain site...
"...they're just crinkles in the fabric of time space..."
They found the black hole that swallowed up most of the matter that didn't matter, but left the stairs (that shone like peppermint dew) on the end of the big cigar held by Most Interesting Man. In the shadows of the Oak tree with yellow leaves all around, like a blanket covering the ground beneath the feet of the snarling little alien from the seventh planet in the constellation that looks like the face of the Joker smiling without his teeth, this was alarming!
As the bells began to toll... the screams that were coming from the depths of the deep blue pineapple with wings that was flying lopsidedly towards an encounter with the civilization of the Great Blade... whose spaceships resemble barrels broken in half which constantly required refilling with rare tasty ales that curled the toes and brain cells of the purple people eater who came to Earth looking to feast on those yummy wagon wheels with kitties chasing them (together with dogs and black bunnies, in white hats of the magician Wiffardigaaan)... went silent... and jumped away.

To view scene from a different perspective...

From the chorus of cats meowing for some who listen intently, without being interrupted, to the King's Cross Station for all time announcement by the lovely voice of Information Kiosk Vera, r e c i t i n g the lost words in time for the 10:45 heading North to Alaska (where the salmon is good, and the beer from the barrel looked like golden with smooooooooooth head)...
...just in time for the flying of Monty Python and his crooked back... in England, a swabbie sang off key for many large lumberjacks; sawed heads off the barbie dolls made of wood... just like trees growing in Brooklyn! But...

Flags go white over the bridge of troubled waters...

Chapter Four

Where minds go, to soak up those written words inscribed on diamonds forever, in time whose mists are impenetrable as a swarm of bees protecting their honey... far away in a different end of galaxy (far far away) layer the matter over the top of the mountain...
That... lays beyond the rainbow bridge... Where all the leprechauns go... to greener the field of four leaf clovers that show where, the luck of the Irish; off in smoke; on the water; floating past a parade of flowers in boxes... they are Knights in White Satin which soiled thru silk. Spinning a great yarn...
(yarn) (for us) (on a loom!)

To fabricate fabric, lace and such, for the fair maiden voyage now of the mighty ducks in water that is deeper Interstellar in space...
But is it...? Into the night of white satin, with Moody Blue and Deep Purple, and strange kind of Hotel California... where eagles dare in marmalade skies (good orange color)... displayed in the fancy stereoptican lens that could see in many dimensions except one... that went into night owl mode... we, to be true to ourselves, must find the big green button that activates the white rabbit of the big hat and little wand.
The wizard said: push the button just in time before the genie (back in the bottle) pops out again...
And then the monster is out!
Everyone is afraid about the old methods it used (especially one which this game uses to define the Heroes we have, marching with silkworms... and drums beating on golden paths... and yellow storms sky...) Sometimes, sense, a sixth sense, makes no sense... but stranger things have happened in the land of Wizard of Oz.
"Follow the path! The yellow brick road you know has no turnings... just straight ahead sadly, towards oblivion..."
But look carefully as you walk... there's a gap too large to Fit into Freezer... so need to follow the aliens instructions...
...about the close encounters...
...of the third kind.

Meanwhile, back home in a quiet alley, Godot awaits the return of Mork from Ork - who drinks with his buddy Zorg from the planet K-PAX - where Prot the Empty Barrel had enough courage in him to demand a own will. However, he was confused about the meaning of human feelings.
He then proceeded to offer his shelter to the small black bunny, who was shivering while waiting for the wizard to conjure up something in the mug which needed refilling STAT (he says).
Doctor walks in, stinking of gin after a night of serious drinking at the intergalactic gateway to the other universe (where the doctor went thru door of blue box).
"Aquaman steals day... but what happens? She walks alone through the night! Donkeys can fly, so can pigs, so we heard... but cows flying over the moooooooooooooon was too much... But I saw something I couldn't deny, so I emptied the barrel for more stuff, like a tasty buttery snack ala popcorn from the zero calorie forum in an alternate universe, where pigs really do fly..."
"Anything's possible there, except one thing... Fringe went missing in an explosion. Universe said so."
"But how can pig's fly now?"
"It is magic of the Universe... of the imagination... as we experience the special force on a journey of the earth feeling the pressure at the core. But more questions.... However one question will remain unanswered. Does Godot exist? will Godot arrive?"
... are two questions that caused panic.
"Impossible to answer!"
"Couldn't be answered," the third said.
"Oooooops that was a slippery slope! Be cautious friend of bumps in the long road less travelled by E.T and friends... And others too, who climb the mountain to meet the big green anachronistic people in juxtaposition with the purple rain all over the raspberry beret worn by the scarecrow..."

But birds kept picking away in the field of dreams where baseball players came looking for giants.
One fought Samson, whose girlfriend, Delilah was a dangerous hair cutting lady creating panic among all other Christians. So how can the Bible be right about the massacres that took place in spooky and ghastly circumstances, where funny things could also happen when one is doing something that they should not do, while standing in swamp muck that drain's one's strength like hot energy and spirit?
Looking up, one sees a bright glow in the purple western sky and wonders what may lie beyond that glow. Once upon a time (lol) :) in a far away galaxy, lightyears from home, a little star glowed brighter than most, probably a pulsar Universe far away.
"Astronomy is wisdom" the stars say to the unconscious - who doesn't, can't hear anything, but can taste the sweet taste of pineapple upsidedown and inside out cake.
This seemed to be a treat for everyone!
Unfortunately, being allergic to sweet cakes, ET wanted something a little stronger to wipe out the whole universe, a strange thought.
On the verge of his mind, the King writes scary scenarios that devastate the last ship to cross the road and survive, unlike the chicken, who fouled out in the last round with Tyson - versus the jolly green giant who drank all the ale in the barrel.
Time for a power nap now.

Meanwhile, over at Nip Tuck Can, elated to announce the start of football season on a planet far far away, so, closer yet, we can see the blue light (shimmering like a beacon for fans of blue light) emitting from an iridescent diode of luminous energy that Luminus provides for :)) But the power of fossil fuels isn't enough for E.T's ship, so he phoned home.
However, no answer.
"No reply, ever." The man said.
Well... the operator... lost in space still dialling the Midway Station (where nobody ever answered because they misdialled) one more try was attempted before a good nap was just needed to recharge the Flux Capacitor and clean the windscreen, before heading back to the vacuum of space where breathing is hard.

No wind in your sails to propel the ship across the huge, vast cup of tea, hotter than a vat of molten metal yet lighter than a Cadbury's flake, a Canterbury tale... an Aesop's fable... or a quark filled with charm casting a spell on incognizent beings before they woke. As the silence descended over the minor key's shadow, into the Musseeum of shiny glass and glittery gold, like Saint Petersburg festooned - ornate in the sun on an island under the palmtree of golden coconuts in beautiful Arizona, Red Rock Rises to the heavens in a glorious moment, by amazing pyrotechnic displays of military hardware in honour of nobody in particular.
But... just then, a miracle happened and from behind the black curtain a wizard appeared holding a magic wand to evaporate the water from the sodden boots which is magical!
"Disneyland we go! with Mary Poppins' chimney sweeps! Go disappearing down the Rabbit Hole! The fast way... with no escape from death lurking beneath the staircase... of which the last step had post to thread that wrapped itself round a pole!"
The pole then started spinning around to gain enough manpower for all to build Hadrian's gigantic, super dooper wall with enough power points to provide electricity for The Whole World, which will eventually mean the beginning of the end for all who stay in static channels on the roof.

Chapter Five

The siphoning began to drain the green blob matter.
So says universe.
With its mathematics and quantum physics hard to comprehend when bats fly to the moon, the blue moon... ripe and full in morning glory... gently basking the hippos in their elephant costume so the bats can fly in belfries that soar to incredible heights unknown in this part of the world... But... when they reached the peak... the view was indescribable! The sheer, the shear scale of the expanse of indescribable vastness produced a feeling of infinite, total, bleak utter desolation in the mind of a former president of some failed republic that lost overall tutelage.
West Lost Turkey during the rainy, very rainy season on the planet The Story Game, a doppelganger universe in another dimension. Someone is knocking... and wondering why nobody is answering.
Looking at their reflection in the home made mirror, that is cracked at the left of the frame after repairing it with super glue, the strongest one finds some way of reattachment with a past memory of a database, used for reconnecting lost lovers with pet rocks that seem to be diamonds sparkling like the stars of Cassiopeia Andromeda and Perseus.
The night sky, by Patrick Moore (a good book read by all stargazing people from the fourth planet as the tenth cycle counted down for the Rosicrucians late medieval Germany, where wisdom lies) gem of a book, with colourful illustrations, fashion illustrations rule where surprises lurk around the corner... and behind the bar... where beer flows freely for all beer drinkers from every part of the world as it turns, together with us, spinning like a whirlwind in thorntrees with purple flowers, big green leaves - that tickled one's nose and feet while one is provoking giggles, sneezes - all the while Snow White sleeps until... the Knight, in full ornate forest green tights, feather on hat, bow in hand, and sword in his sword holder, arrows in quiver ready and waiting... only for you to start a new one... that beggared belief! To true wisdom! May it long and truthful be your leading path. The Nile Says I form delta wings for fast meandering of rivers of dreams where Billy Joel would sing with joy. Piano man said an uptown girl goes back downtown to find a modern woman who talks modern too and has a brother named Louie who stands taller with his sister by his side goes for lunch, in an old truck he borrowed from his sister who lived in a log cabin down by the riverbank where current is strong and people can drown. Ocean current waves carry us away to better places where the sun always shines on the wrong side of the big planet on the far side of the solar system. The summer sun could melt the morning dew. When warmed up, one walks in the Resources of Nature while using Apple's Technology of Men and Mice that ate the rats became some bad, even evil, beings from the forbidden big empty barrel which is rolling away from us faster than the speed of light. It was stopped, or so it looked to those observing from afar that it resembled a ramshackle shack held together by 'suddenly makes sense' :) other such nonsense, but who could think that a tale so grand and rich in Gold mines, Silver beads and bangles walk like Egyptians into the land of milk and honey reigned with love. Walking into sunshine towards the light whose rays stimulate many photons, as a monochromatic lightbulb that didn't work too well for those with knees like the elderly.
But respect is something we always must have in mind and soul, very important. Heaven says so and guardian angels took Peter In their beloved homes in the valley of the heavens where angels sings, harps are golden Golems via Piers for the precious little creatures from far away planets in far away galaxies far out of human reach. Until, the invention of our technology gave rise to completely new ideas or "Barrel Theory", in which beer is always at the pinnacle of flavor when the worshippers (drinkers) arrive for their fill.
Dracula Blood pouring needs beer too all night long , jamming in streets singing merrily along with Mary Poppins, spreading joy and happiness profound for the Grimm People who can see Hansel and Gretel.
"The gingerbread house looked so good, almost edible too," Willy Wonka said. "Chocolate for free!"
But a spy, in the glass overlooking the bay House with windows into the soul, has a look inside the secret of everlasting wisdom which flows like water.
Currents of life, surging through the irregularities in humanism potential, with voting irregularities could possibly mean there was a ghost in the lamp, called Genie, who granted three well-deserved wishes, one for each wise man left in the castle of fortunate souls.
Crying out for a large Beer Drinkers Thread, everything with extra sauce... for the taste of spicy hot jalapeno peppers with sweet pickle relish goes well together - like peanut butter... Dorset Nagra Sauce... flowing all over the plate of magnificent bacon sandwiches loaded with tomatoes like a room with no windows but many doors of other perceptions... needs the keys to hijack a car and drive to Lost Vegas Nevada.
Into the wild land where everything is technology free and people play the traditional way (with each other) and not machines, The Predator Yelled. With electronic voice, phenomena goes on in top secret under the covers in the hotel.
Eyes wide shut, nothing to see... but... down the corridor... something moved. A light flashed in its eyes.

Evil Twin Brewing a magic potion that causes time to stop just long enough to cross the finish line (like a horse) Hidalgo rides funny through the wilderness of the mind and the body, mind and soul. The heart beats like a drum.
Fearful of the wrath upon them lurking around the Cosmos in time, in another dimension, in a multiverse where dimensional inversions into generalized circles, beginning nor ending like a kaleidoscope loved by children with open minds and shoelaces tied, sneakers work well. In the road, to the meeting we all go.
"All got bruises that really hurt," said Miss Kitty, her ninth life and final one, but not really. It was the headless horseman - riding through the forest, racing Drones through the blue sky where dreams become stricken by reality, like lightning bolts shot from the inside of clouds of iridescent vapor.
Coming from rainbows filled with colour and geometrically diaphonous exploration, in the facade of Giant Jupiter the red spot is getting smaller. With help from my friends (who like to sing bawdy ballads while painting the town black) to avoid the invasion of the zombie raccoons who like to scavenge for tasty crunchers from Seti. But this causes oesophagitis - worst case in the history of volunteer computing. Vaccination is recommended but has no immediate effect.
Unfortunately the side effects are friendship and complete trust to be relied upon by good souls doing good things, for bad reasons forged upon them. The One Ring, Ring of Fire number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions from Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano, will not interupt communication to occur between the aliens and the Government secret agents who work for NSA. Knowing what you had for breakast last week on the work menu, every tiny detail including what you used to brush your teeth with and your hidden and very secret ancient documents that are maps of roads to heaven... and travelling them without any moving method of locamotion, only spiritual guidance.
Biblical personal communication utter, "self control, absolute self control, mote it be the Pagan community of good times then and now for the future never truly set in stone but as sculptures."
Do they change as into huge wooden monoliths capable of infinite cloning, reproduction, disco lighting, with stroboscope lights everywhere, triggering knowledge and at last, peace? The cost was a loud fart that woke all the cafe Setizens.
Irritate and annoy lifting the covers today in the Arkansas, the total population heard the noise deep down inside the iron core was never measured... its size incomprehensible... a large black hole where nothing escapes the event horizon, a destructive happening fascinating to watch but dangerous to the little gnomes from fairy land, a happy place where imagination rules and creativity is the center of nourishment for brains all plugged in to the neocortex, all meandering, then blown flat.

Chapter Six

A service call to tech support made technicians ecstatic. Solutions were there but hard to find in the instruction manual, written in pencil to erase all the incorrect information that could distract us from the truth, truly out there to be found in ones heart. A sense of humor goes quite far. The children don't limit their imaginations; they are simply most creative creatures who roll on or roll over or roll in a difficult situation with a solution: a magical solution, an equation that can be measured on a dial that tells time but only backwards which is confusing but still correct no matter other people think.

There is some way around facts: Under or Over or intertwined forever like soldered cables, their eternal trist drowning in sorrow far from the place called heaven, or the madding crowd, total solitude, peace and quiet, no sound disturbs their deep. Slumbers of artificial dreams and real dreams which become reality: Fictional Devices that alter the perception an anthology of their perceived ideas. Scale for children under the age legally demarcates childhood but no rules apply on This adventure.

When the fog rolls in hiding rule books or black cats superstition and mythology, no rational thinking Humans are not ready for the eponymous debut album of Cafe Crew, best music ever! said the wise man with beard who shaved only for a woman once a year on the night of the meteor when the sky is lit with pink and green making the night glitter like a bright shining star. Wish upon a tail of a spiritually tainted mysticism in a crystal mineral underneath soil on a strange location on earth somewhere around the equator where sunshine is very intense and shadows aren't all that long at noon.

When the barrel rolls over our Beethoven records and tapes before digital revolution, video killed the tormented radio star but the fans stick with him through thick and very meagerly thin bread, toasted with a toasting machine, dripping melted butter and a massive attack played music ringing the ears, that are needful of relaxing and listening to music whilst the world wanders away from from those who need help the most, yet are afraid to ask A Girl Out, rather stay solitary twiddling the thumbs and being patient for the right kind of reason to jump into a new adventure with happy bunnies and sad ones all together as a large group of congenial individuals living in the deep dark woods where no one has any fears of the wild creatures that wander around looking for tasty humans. Upon their painful ulcers that defied treatment, Residential Rehab Center where reality television is daily work avoiding the drama so eagerly approaching from deep within, but strong shields are protecting us from evil influences guided by our keen sense of self preservation.

We continue onward to alleviate our poverty with friends by Fun free social oops, extending the circle, unbroken and free of wavering promises, only steadfast boots we use to kick the backside of the Moon's dark side causing a crater into which a frog jumps out kissed by princess! A prince uncoils the separation stage and the merriment, good laughing too, when it's discovered inside the heart warm and fuzzy like a teddy bear from the enchanted elf forest where magical mushrooms give the eater an imaginative mind fueled by the thrusting endorphine system, the heart beating and sometimes overclocking causing a rush and accelerated respiration - "Quick, get the respitoral device that delivers concentrated allergens needed for life and for sneezing!” That feels good touching his face. The snot felt has been raging with a monstrous Adventure known simply as Life: Yes, the game of birth and death played in costumes made of highly combustible precious metals, fragily weaven tissue like silk and lace or brocade stockings and gowns. Men in tights: a satirical spin around the old campfire billy flywheel singing tunes about the South Land, somewhere far far away from home where the heart disassociates itself from all the crazy people out there who just want To Have Fun all night long and into the next day when all hell broke loose from the day before when the beer was freshly brewed from the large abbey where happy monks drank their beer and ate cheese just until midnight when a bell announces their bedtime with a gentle blow in ears that tickles, casusing butterflies in belly with an apparent numerator and denominator: the love equation idea - that fascinating feeling we get after control loss from energy waves or particles, or cosmic rays that error a task to come undone like buttons on my favourite shirt which is colored dependent on temperature. Hot or cold, it bursts with flowers and big cactii all prickly and dried out like little prunes always getting wrinkles from the Sun who's light is like little kisses of genuine love which is like the unconditional truth from a friend who is a little bit weird and lives in the weirdo land populated by the ever notorious weirdo's , who love grilled budgies, sprinkled with powdered sugar and super hot sauce, too hot for Penguins and Polars from up North where a jolly Santa Clause sang about his list was his claim; but a dark being told otherwise of a story game on Seti that no one claimed credit for because @ll were busy drinking beer and contemplating stuff and making descisions. Descenting the highway as it smelled like Spring flowers and fresh rain on a sunny day in the beer garden of the king of Seti at Home who reins over a far away place near by Jupiter Hot Spot, things can get pretty wild over the stormy sky. In shades of streaky grey, dark ominous clouds rolling with thunder in the pouring rain and saved by the shiny bell that rings only when you listen for the silence - that says more than any word could ever say. Thus stories go on and on where they go around in circles and wind up in a totally different direction from where it all tubed down hill, but we need some good vibes to share with next of kin from the valley of good vibrations with beach boys and circus clowns to the left and some jokers to the right.

Here I am, there you are, right where you were last time when the story took a strange turn. A remarkable happening took place and no one could possibly imagine the effect this could possibly have on the story of an Hour or a Moment or when the party might really, really, really (get) wild when someone opens up the door to the room of thousand wonders with lots of silly string and shiny theories about hypothetical misadventures that take us through some difficult times and wonderful times.

Chapter Seven 

Wonderful times are apt to make some people think of things that could prove some hypothesis about Love, Life and Laughter for some; while others have sadness and dispair(Vicious circles do but they always look up and smile at noon). It's lunch time, lunch break winning with a beer, a Westvleteren one in the kitchen which isn't what we tried cooking, but was most Surprisingly what we saw astounded us! It was a rare, mint condition still, that produced the most glorious of spirits that floated around the vast Akashic Field and acquired the taste of fresh coffee at morning giving a kick and boosting up the adrenalin rush, together with endorphins making us ready to actually survive what might be our eternal hibernation; but what if everything we knew was limited to the human brain what would we the final test? Could be the Big Bang Beginning of something very interesting about to emerge from behind the ficus tree? Could it be that what we've been thinking is been looking for is right under the Christmas tree like a glittering kaleidoscope of crazy gnomes dressed in their very best Sunday costume, apparently going for a beer at the pub by the riverbanks of Riverbank road, just next to the trainstation with the odd locomotive rolling in with horns blaring?
The room noisy filled with smoke but no fire in the pipe because it had not been lit for a thousand centuries because of fear that the Gods were angry from all the uselessness we created being frivolous humans, however there was only one however who knew how to create the Big Bang corrolaries which caused great distress with @ll who were trying to find their way through the wilderness of life guided through by some Cosmic Masters who learned how to learn something by method of listening.   Not hearing the sounds of thunder in the far distance where small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.  Its component stars like twin souls shine brightly within the gravitational influence of dark energy, the ethereal stuff there, but not present in matter.  Invisible and having some morning coffee that awakes the living dead from their deep slumbers and sore hibernation because honestly, that bed is really a zombiefication machine equipped with special zombiefication features that that zombifies anything double like that.  Going to VEGAS with mister Presley the white jumpsuit with sequins and little led lights flashing a message saying "beware the music playing people" they have strings attached to guitars ready to sing The Swan Song with beautiful birds in a range far exceeding what anyone expects in an ordinary habitat populated with beautiful low profiled creatures like the fluffy sharp toothed snake telling ordinary tales with a deadly point missing disability that makes it rather friendly and fun at parties; and after parties when the real drinking begins, starting with Christmas beer and Christmas Cheer cheerful christmas gifts, bought with money from donations made by good people in a far far distant galaxy in another Universe perhaps parallel to our own Multiverse where things might not be 'normal' or even abnormal or in between The Drinking Game and spin the bottle so that a chosen one will serve the best beer ever made in the land down under where the Koala's love eucalyptus brewed in hot water and some rum with a hint of Moroccan mint and Persian lime, yes, old time flavor, with that ingredient we create the best darn corn for popping. Cooked slowly, and with care taken while popping every last kernel perfectly before opening the big bag of pink cotton candy, having the munchies from too much dancing at the galactic emporium where Darth and Luke waltzed all night with light sabers lightning up the very pretty cake made with real sugar and love with a twist of lemon zest for that additional zing to the concept of battlecake for only the strong Will survive a visit from the Kozmic Master who knew all souls by heart and never treated popsicles to mean the sourest flavour of cotton candy which melts in the store window, resembling the blob, but is tasty. Not looked at, just close eyes and do it before someone else takes it away and finds out it's rock salt for making the roads much safer for all the travelers in this merry go round of crazy happenings where anything is possible, with a vivid imagination and time to practice the power of the human spirit and divine soul to vanquish evil from the dark and hateful spirits that inhabit the The Blue Planet we call home. Unfortunate as it sometimes may be, there is hope with help from all our friends anything is possible.

Chapter Eight

So the Story continues, with friends from all parts of the world laughing and crying because of the
friendship that exists now, and forever and in eternity it will be. Along the way, some additional friends watched leaning towers made with some rock steady bricks of ginger bread baked in the
warm Sunrays of of the supernova named Cassiopeia A. In Greek mythology, where gods were
argumentative and so quarrelative at times they hardly had happiness, as guns were their preferred in some paradoxal. The exact mechanism of quantumfyzikal entities in string theory and electromagnetical spectra, NASA's scientific instruments prove just that cats like string, not in milk or even water; but beer otoh, makes funny things even funnier than the time when music was listened coming through the Grapevine of Gaye who was singing along with Marley a happy tune full of the good vibe notes and melodic swings. For good music is most welcome, divise pas, changez but money is a troublesome item, a necessary evil that can hinder recovery of outrage that needs rebooting every single week every time the servers need it to clear the fog around hardware and the ghosts to be zapped bad vibes and good as well. Starting a fresh beggining for the begging to end of those astropulse work units that are so rare, like precious gems can only be diamonds in the rough fields of our unworried minds, sparkling in the synaptic miasma of the unconscious thoughts in the neocortex of the central nervous system. It confuses anyone who deviates from paths. They were meant do no harm, but inaction can lead to silence and a question one may ask after careful consideration: Why it happened and how to Music plays here to calm and soothe our senses while relaxing in a comfortable couch with lots of food and drink plus lots of CDs to choose and movies too for a night filled with a sense of romance with candles burning and lavender in the hot tub, nicely bubbling away without any sound, except for the chirping crickets in the freshly cut and green grass.

Chapter Nine

A door opened in the beautiful meadows of England, revealing a sight unmatched by any creation an artisan ever created before. The beginning of something wonderful stirred the chaos away, and a clarity opened the eyes, so we finally knew where we were going to plant the big spider cactus tree, which is rare and sings such strange, yet interesting songs about how souls can entwine to become one if they connect in the heart and the mind with no words. Silent we are, till next year, that's already here, a moment ago, celebrated by all in the world, with bright fireworks and noise makers to mark the spot where the new story begins: A new chapter, that will reveal who done it, and who didn't. So the real truth comes out, and the criminal becomes an angel in a twist. No one saw what really happened, but the cameras revealed a lot in the shadows, someone unexpected and lost from the mists of time, shrouded in mystery and unseen till they exploded onto the brightly lit ice skating rink, their movements hynotising the crowd of spectators who had arrived from the unidentified flying object to be accepted only after customs searches their flashy. At Universal airports, the queue lenthy because of overpopulation and the paperwork makes everybody crazy. Too little freedom they must be staying with one of their friends and have a very good time roasting marshmallows on an open fire in a cosy little nook by Rocky's Cafe where fairies are said to have wings and fly around whispering secrets to souls who believe that good can primarily exist here.

Chapter Ten

In a place where we meet to share tales, shaggy dog tails, of humorous kind and with treats for good kids like cotton candy and jelly babies on the Tardis flying through space like winged pigs, that were rumoured by a story to have magical powers to heal their close friends of things that cross their worried minds, but no freaks are allowed. Because of the fragile nature of the winged pigs, eat all dirt to clean the pots and pans left over from the celebrations of New Years Eve, that went brilliantly into a hangover that nothing seemed to kindle spark and so loud and very distorted, not helped by sounds of silence coming from the depths of our soaking wet feet which get tickled into hysterical submission. After stabilizing again, the tickling restarted and we laughed. The laughter feeding of the 5000 hungry hungry hippoes, a humorous sight that no one knew how to stop. Along came itsy bitsy spider who sat down, sometimes solved sister sledge's family issues, for their music collection of CDs that was larger then the vinyl, but the tapeshad mysterious sounds when played backwards that revealed secrets of the Cosmos; and the destiny of future humans will be foretold on that magnetic reel to reel. Just needing to fast forward to where the message's viciuous circle started. The play button needs the push but who will tell the story after the decoding has been done? No one volunteered to be the narrator on duty but someone had the hat on and it fit only one individual, the chosen one, the only one whose identity is hidden for all, for their protection and complete safety. Just one knows how to maintain the secret machine for perfect conditions to arise, and do its work deciphering the message sent to us from an unknown constellation near Saggitarius. How long ago, no one knows, but it's there and helping us invisibly and with obvious strengthening forces, they help mankind to respect Nature and to nuture each others hearts. They prosper when they finally meet and just know they were made for each other. Thoughts can adherelike memories, sticking to each other as if already they became one. To separate would cause a disaster on an emotional breakdown. Fortunately they knew the answer to their questions, but the right moment was here, and it needed a brilliant idea, a single element. The periodic table was consulted and things needed improvement. First off, the bassics were missing. Their fundamentals which lead to another quite shocking discovery, but the endeavour will be worth for all beings who listen carefully and made no mistakes in the recalculation of the electron orbit inside the atom of explosive hydrogen The elementary particle that was there and very present. It squeaked aloud, hurting the ears, and everyone fell into black holes and got squished under Evil Authority and massive gravity; made us scared of the unknown, shelter, yet found, not soon enough, because something happened, in the meanwhile, that changed the opinion of many skeptics of the New World Order, and made believers stronger than ever and the unbeleivers stand in awe at the truth, and set free from the bounds that kept them without the freedom of introspection and and self knowing, which is important to know yourself, and also others. In these times we live in haunted by the feelings that come when Julie's unhappy and thanx' David, now Julie is HAPPY, and concentrates again on what matters is the story and the twists of the game make one doubt if there is a real person behind the curtain of the internet, like a dream that unveils thetrue meaning of our elusive consciousness - ethereal and fragile, ready to explore the depths of the unconscious world. Chaotic place lately. I'll say. It certainly is a digital world. There are 10 numbers to follow...
The mind is a weird and mysterious place
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Message boards : Cafe SETI : The story game, Part IV

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