'Ordinary people'?

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Profile Es99
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Message 1541798 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014, 0:37:46 UTC - in response to Message 1541714.  

Don't get them started on toenails again.

I'm going to paint mine blood red in honour of I.D.
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Message 1541811 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014, 1:07:05 UTC - in response to Message 1541755.  

It would seem the case is closed as far as to them believers goes. And will soon be closed altogether when the Sisters get their day in court. And then the DNA argument will shut down all abortions soon. Get with the program... ;-)

ID since you acknowledge that there are those who will not join you in this cause why do you keep posting the same thing over and over? I think something is wrong in how about you are tryng to do what you are doing. It does not work yet you continue.
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Message 1541812 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014, 1:09:32 UTC - in response to Message 1541798.  

Are you a feminist? Take the test

I did and it said I was, but I beg differ I claim to be a humanist.
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Profile Es99
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Message 1541836 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014, 2:57:53 UTC - in response to Message 1541812.  

Are you a feminist? Take the test

I did and it said I was, but I beg differ I claim to be a humanist.

You can't be both?
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Batter Up

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Message 1541850 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014, 3:48:17 UTC - in response to Message 1541798.  

Are you a feminist? Take the test
Do you think all human beings are equal?
No all humans are not equal. That's a dumb question. If we were equal I would be playing center field for the Mets and women would have to register for the draft.
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Profile Es99
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Message 1541857 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014, 3:55:45 UTC - in response to Message 1541850.  

Are you a feminist? Take the test
Do you think all human beings are equal?
No all humans are not equal. That's a dumb question. If we were equal I would be playing center field for the Mets and women would have to register for the draft.

So you are actually claiming that someone who plays baseball is worth more than someone else?

It is very telling that the professions you have chosen as having worth are male dominated ones.

I am not surprised you are not a feminist. I was just curious about how you'd justify it.
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Message 1541860 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014, 4:00:04 UTC - in response to Message 1541857.  
Last modified: 15 Jul 2014, 4:02:40 UTC

So you are actually claiming that someone who plays baseball is worth more than someone else?
I'm not claiming, it is a fact. When Babe Ruth was asked why he should be making more money than the President he said because I'm having a better year.

Baseball does not discriminate; if a women can beat out Babe Ruth she would get the job.

What about having to register for the draft?
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Message 1541862 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014, 4:01:30 UTC - in response to Message 1541861.  

You should have said New York YANKEES!!!!!
Yankees suck, that's why I object to being called a "Yank".
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Message 1541865 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014, 4:12:09 UTC - in response to Message 1541860.  

So you are actually claiming that someone who plays baseball is worth more than someone else?
I'm not claiming, it is a fact. When Babe Ruth was asked why he should be making more money than the President he said because I'm having a better year.

Baseball does not discriminate; if a women can beat out Babe Ruth she would get the job.

What about having to register for the draft?

Yeah, you totally missed the point. Quite amusingly so. I hope it was deliberate so I could at least have some grudging respect for you.
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Message 1541872 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014, 4:31:07 UTC - in response to Message 1541865.  
Last modified: 15 Jul 2014, 4:32:21 UTC

Yeah, you totally missed the point. Quite amusingly so. I hope it was deliberate so I could at least have some grudging respect for you.
What about men having to register for the draft and women not? Could it be men don't throw like a girl?
ID: 1541872 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1541881 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014, 5:19:45 UTC - in response to Message 1541857.  

Are you a feminist? Take the test
Do you think all human beings are equal?
No all humans are not equal. That's a dumb question. If we were equal I would be playing center field for the Mets and women would have to register for the draft.

So you are actually claiming that someone who plays baseball is worth more than someone else?

Do you think all human beings are equal?

Is this the same question as ...
Do you think all human beings are equally talented?

You seem to imply they are equivalent questions.

Since you have mentioned your gazelle brain very recently, you flunk. You are not a feminist. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT

Essme, any gazelle brain is better than this kind of trolling.
I commend the troll filter to you.
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W-K 666 Project Donor
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Message 1541888 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014, 5:48:05 UTC - in response to Message 1541850.  
Last modified: 15 Jul 2014, 5:53:28 UTC

Are you a feminist? Take the test
Do you think all human beings are equal?
No all humans are not equal. That's a dumb question. If we were equal I would be playing center field for the Mets and women would have to register for the draft.

Isn't that in direct contradiction to the U.S. Declaration of Independence?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed
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Batter Up

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Message 1541923 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014, 6:43:33 UTC - in response to Message 1541888.  
Last modified: 15 Jul 2014, 6:47:39 UTC

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, ...
The Declaration is not the law of the land. It was understood who "We the People" were without saying. The Constitution later spelled it out. Free white men were we the people, only they could vote or keep and bear arms.
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Message 1541939 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014, 7:43:36 UTC - in response to Message 1541923.  

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, ...
The Declaration is not the law of the land. It was understood who "We the People" were without saying. The Constitution later spelled it out. Free white men were we the people, only they could vote or keep and bear arms.

But the law has changed since then, slavery has been outlawed and women have been emancipated. Therefore now "We the People" means everybody and that the People are all equal.

One of the underlying principles of the US, taught throughout the world, and usually put up as an example we should all aspire too.
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Message 1541962 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014, 10:06:17 UTC - in response to Message 1541888.  
Last modified: 15 Jul 2014, 10:06:54 UTC

Ooops, never mind. Didn't read the follow up posts.
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Message 1541974 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014, 10:47:41 UTC

Are you a feminist? Take the test

LOL, good one Es!
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Profile dancer42
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Message 1541976 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014, 11:01:44 UTC - in response to Message 1541666.  

The SCOTUS didn't disagree with me. They in fact agreed with me, got there by different means but never the less agreed. You won't convince others who disagree with your viewpoint, the law has spoken, why don't you quit posting on this subject. You are going nowhere with this, move on.

Nope. Roe vs Wade has not been overturned, and SCOTUS so far has never said that life begins at conception and that a clump of cells therefor has the same rights as a human being.

Jan 22nd 1973.

Come-on, get with the times! Science has changed! We know more and have come to the understanding that once the potentional has been met with the resulting zygote we have a unique human being..., ...will be the argument in the SCOTUS.


you are right we do know a lot more now,but this harly buttisous your case.

we now have a much better understanding of all the things that can go wrong in

the early stages after fertilization to cause an egg to become unviable yet you

maintain that this is an individual, if any one really believed as you,

regardless of fatal flaws, extraordinary means would have to be used to save

each and every one,there would be no other moral choice. the over population

this would soon cause would be catastrophic when you make these ludicrous

stances think through the consequences.

of fatal flaws
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Message 1542094 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014, 15:15:44 UTC

Go Cubs! Lovable losers! Love the ivy!
Must not conflict resolve by suggesting that someone should go sit on an ice pick...
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Profile Es99
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Message 1542117 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014, 15:50:34 UTC - in response to Message 1541881.  

Are you a feminist? Take the test
Do you think all human beings are equal?
No all humans are not equal. That's a dumb question. If we were equal I would be playing center field for the Mets and women would have to register for the draft.

So you are actually claiming that someone who plays baseball is worth more than someone else?

Do you think all human beings are equal?

Is this the same question as ...
Do you think all human beings are equally talented?

You seem to imply they are equivalent questions.

I am starting to wonder if you have reading problems.

Since you have mentioned your gazelle brain very recently, you flunk. You are not a feminist. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT

hmmm..you go on about that, yet again totally missing the point I was originally making.

It is YOU and Batter up that are assigning worth to how well someone plays baseball or how quickly someone's brain processes information. Not me. I could point out someone on the street and claim that they have less worth because they are shorter than me. It wouldn't be true.

It is interesting though that you made exactly the same assumption as Batter Up about the meaning of worth and equality. I think it gives a very powerful insight into the nature of the right-wing thinker.

Essme, any gazelle brain is better than this kind of trolling.
I commend the troll filter to you.

Should I filter you as well for doing the same thing?
Reality Internet Personality
ID: 1542117 · Report as offensive
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Message 1542139 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014, 16:18:47 UTC - in response to Message 1541994.  


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Message boards : Politics : 'Ordinary people'?

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