More on how Neo-Darwinism has it wrong again...

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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1537082 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 2:13:40 UTC - in response to Message 1537079.  
Last modified: 7 Jul 2014, 2:13:56 UTC

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Message 1537119 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 4:31:01 UTC - in response to Message 1537044.  

Intelligent Design might work as a hypothesis if we could discuss - and experimentally prove - where the designer came from. Did he/it evolve, or what?

Revelation 1:8
I am The Alpha and the Omega, says THE LORD JEHOVAH God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.

It is so obvious why can't everyone see this?
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Message 1537309 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 15:25:00 UTC - in response to Message 1537079.  

It is not up to Intelligent Design to define the designer/causal agent for the person. Ideas of what or who the causal agent is varies and that is a personal summation. Causal Agent will do.

Neo-Darwinism does not account for all the information that was transferred during the Cambrian explosion? Don't tell me oxygen.

I believe in human exceptionalism. There is no doubt about that. Neo-Darwinism is the cool-aide drank to bring a human life down to just a bunch of cells, no more needed then another puppy in the world. This is the belief system needed to dumb down the masses to accept the systematic death of the old and young via a single payer health care system.

This is the preaching that is used in our halls of higher education, you are just a cog, a number, even less then that. They press them out and send them to work, if work is available. You do after all decry capitalism.

You preach your Neo-Darwinism, your nothingness to our young. The lie about how one species has changed into another. You confuse the idea with hypothesis, Fact, and theory. And then, only then can the truth be changed into, legend, and forced into myth.

You have no proof, and every bit the Faith I do it's just your faith is in nothing, nothing at all, just the blackness of nothingness---which you cannot prove.

None of the above is anything to do with evolution or science. Stay on topic.

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ID: 1537309 · Report as offensive
Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1537314 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 15:35:26 UTC

Good Morning Intelligent Design and everyone ::Waves::

if an Intelligent Designer or a God made the Cosmos,

then you have to ask the next question,

who made God or the Intelligent Designer ?

Best Wishes,
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Message 1537323 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 16:03:22 UTC - in response to Message 1537314.  

Good Morning Intelligent Design and everyone ::Waves::

if an Intelligent Designer or a God made the Cosmos,

then you have to ask the next question,

who made God or the Intelligent Designer ?

Best Wishes,

I reckon you missed that 'unmoved mover' part in this link?

Best Wishes,

Must not conflict resolve by suggesting that someone should go sit on an ice pick...
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Message 1537327 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 16:13:59 UTC - in response to Message 1537314.  

Good Morning Intelligent Design and everyone ::Waves::

if an Intelligent Designer or a God made the Cosmos,

then you have to ask the next question,

who made God or the Intelligent Designer ?

Best Wishes,

A fine question for Philosophers Byron:)
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Message 1537335 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 16:27:26 UTC - in response to Message 1537314.  

Good Morning Intelligent Design and everyone ::Waves::

if an Intelligent Designer or a God made the Cosmos,

then you have to ask the next question,

who made God or the Intelligent Designer ?

Best Wishes,

And let me add... Is belief in a God or a Designer required to live a moral, upright and fullfilled life?
My response would be a very big NO!
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Message 1537336 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 16:30:49 UTC - in response to Message 1537335.  

Good Morning Intelligent Design and everyone ::Waves::

if an Intelligent Designer or a God made the Cosmos,

then you have to ask the next question,

who made God or the Intelligent Designer ?

Best Wishes,

And let me add... Is belief in a God or a Designer required to live a moral, upright and fullfilled life?
My response would be a very big NO!

That's for the individual to choose so, Brendan:)
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Message 1537347 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 16:42:31 UTC - in response to Message 1537323.  

Good Morning Intelligent Design and everyone ::Waves::

if an Intelligent Designer or a God made the Cosmos,

then you have to ask the next question,

who made God or the Intelligent Designer ?

Best Wishes,

I reckon you missed that 'unmoved mover' part in this link?

Best Wishes,


What is your "absolute frame of reference"?
ID: 1537347 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1537348 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 16:43:32 UTC - in response to Message 1537335.  

And let me add... Is belief in a God or a Designer required to live a moral, upright and fullfilled life?

I think it (belief) actually prevents being able to live a moral and upright life.
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Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1537364 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 17:08:11 UTC

I am an atheist so I don't believe in God.
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Message 1537387 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 17:40:05 UTC - in response to Message 1537364.  

OK suppose there is a "designer", so what. Are we supposed to fear HIM and sacrifice our children to HIM like Jephthah did in in Judges 11?
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Message 1537416 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 18:28:15 UTC - in response to Message 1537387.  
Last modified: 7 Jul 2014, 18:31:08 UTC

OK suppose there is a "designer", so what. Are we supposed to fear HIM and sacrifice our children to HIM like Jephthah did in in Judges 11?

No no! That doesn't happen anymore! Except maybe the Muslims who sacrifice a sheep. Nowadays imo, people 'use' religion to find comfort and to have 'something' to 'believe' in. Those stories about Job or Mozes, they never happened imo, they were written to have a symbolical meaning, to broaden once horizon on a spiritual level.
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Message 1537433 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 18:46:55 UTC - in response to Message 1537416.  

OK suppose there is a "designer", so what. Are we supposed to fear HIM and sacrifice our children to HIM like Jephthah did in in Judges 11?

No no! That doesn't happen anymore! Except maybe the Muslims who sacrifice a sheep. Nowadays imo, people 'use' religion to find comfort and to have 'something' to 'believe' in. Those stories about Job or Mozes, they never happened imo, they were written to have a symbolical meaning, to broaden once horizon on a spiritual level.

Julie, I've always thought that people can believe whatever they want and whatever brings them comfort. I draw the line when they use those beliefs to justify actions that directly effect me...which, being female, seems to happen more than you'd think.
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ID: 1537433 · Report as offensive
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Message 1537436 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 18:52:01 UTC - in response to Message 1537433.  
Last modified: 7 Jul 2014, 18:55:12 UTC

OK suppose there is a "designer", so what. Are we supposed to fear HIM and sacrifice our children to HIM like Jephthah did in in Judges 11?

No no! That doesn't happen anymore! Except maybe the Muslims who sacrifice a sheep. Nowadays imo, people 'use' religion to find comfort and to have 'something' to 'believe' in. Those stories about Job or Mozes, they never happened imo, they were written to have a symbolical meaning, to broaden once horizon on a spiritual level.

Julie, I've always thought that people can believe whatever they want and whatever brings them comfort. I draw the line when they use those beliefs to justify actions that directly effect me...which, being female, seems to happen more than you'd think.

I've never experienced a situation like that before myself, Es, sorry to hear:(

Truth is, every person is different and has his or her own perception of faith, and some people can get nasty because of that:(
ID: 1537436 · Report as offensive
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Message 1537441 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 19:00:04 UTC

Atheists Negatively Affect Me Every Day. Being HuWoMan, this seems to Happen mO Often than nOt.

Getting Tired of Atheists COntrOlling and Affecting My Life.

' '

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Message 1537448 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 19:10:01 UTC - in response to Message 1537436.  

OK suppose there is a "designer", so what. Are we supposed to fear HIM and sacrifice our children to HIM like Jephthah did in in Judges 11?

No no! That doesn't happen anymore! Except maybe the Muslims who sacrifice a sheep. Nowadays imo, people 'use' religion to find comfort and to have 'something' to 'believe' in. Those stories about Job or Mozes, they never happened imo, they were written to have a symbolical meaning, to broaden once horizon on a spiritual level.

Julie, I've always thought that people can believe whatever they want and whatever brings them comfort. I draw the line when they use those beliefs to justify actions that directly effect me...which, being female, seems to happen more than you'd think.

I've never experienced a situation like that before myself, Es, sorry to hear:(

Truth is, every person is different and has his or her own perception of faith, and some people can get nasty because of that:(

Well if you agree with their views, it won't affect you. You'll do what you wanna do and its all good.
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Message 1537464 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 19:46:09 UTC - in response to Message 1537448.  
Last modified: 7 Jul 2014, 19:49:19 UTC

OK suppose there is a "designer", so what. Are we supposed to fear HIM and sacrifice our children to HIM like Jephthah did in in Judges 11?

No no! That doesn't happen anymore! Except maybe the Muslims who sacrifice a sheep. Nowadays imo, people 'use' religion to find comfort and to have 'something' to 'believe' in. Those stories about Job or Mozes, they never happened imo, they were written to have a symbolical meaning, to broaden once horizon on a spiritual level.

Julie, I've always thought that people can believe whatever they want and whatever brings them comfort. I draw the line when they use those beliefs to justify actions that directly effect me...which, being female, seems to happen more than you'd think.

I've never experienced a situation like that before myself, Es, sorry to hear:(

Truth is, every person is different and has his or her own perception of faith, and some people can get nasty because of that:(

Well if you agree with their views, it won't affect you. You'll do what you wanna do and its all good.

Disagreement is in me, believe me! It goes further than the interaction with people...death and stuff...

[edit] I will never force my views upon someone else, that's a fact too:)
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Profile Intelligent Design

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Message 1537469 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 19:54:48 UTC - in response to Message 1537464.  

OK suppose there is a "designer", so what. Are we supposed to fear HIM and sacrifice our children to HIM like Jephthah did in in Judges 11?

No no! That doesn't happen anymore! Except maybe the Muslims who sacrifice a sheep. Nowadays imo, people 'use' religion to find comfort and to have 'something' to 'believe' in. Those stories about Job or Mozes, they never happened imo, they were written to have a symbolical meaning, to broaden once horizon on a spiritual level.

Julie, I've always thought that people can believe whatever they want and whatever brings them comfort. I draw the line when they use those beliefs to justify actions that directly effect me...which, being female, seems to happen more than you'd think.

I've never experienced a situation like that before myself, Es, sorry to hear:(

Truth is, every person is different and has his or her own perception of faith, and some people can get nasty because of that:(

Well if you agree with their views, it won't affect you. You'll do what you wanna do and its all good.

Disagreement is in me, believe me! It goes further than the interaction with people...death and stuff...

[edit] I will never force my views upon someone else, that's a fact too:)

For me to define the Causal Agent for the student would be me forcing my Faith on another. I cannot and will not do that, not for me to say.
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ID: 1537469 · Report as offensive
Profile Intelligent Design

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Message 1537470 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 19:55:16 UTC - in response to Message 1537441.  

Atheists Negatively Affect Me Every Day. Being HuWoMan, this seems to Happen mO Often than nOt.

Getting Tired of Atheists COntrOlling and Affecting My Life.

' '

+1 :-)
Must not conflict resolve by suggesting that someone should go sit on an ice pick...
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