Cosmic coincidence.

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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1498080 - Posted: 1 Apr 2014, 4:23:35 UTC

While watching an episode of "The Universe" I was struck by how much the computer image of the known universe looks so much like the neural networks in the human brain. Probably a coincidence but maybe somehow there is a relationship. Is the universe just part of the brain of something even bigger? What does that make us? Pretty small and insignificant, in the great big scheme of things.
Bob DeWoody

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Message 1498085 - Posted: 1 Apr 2014, 4:55:41 UTC - in response to Message 1498080.  
Last modified: 1 Apr 2014, 4:56:48 UTC

While watching an episode of "The Universe" I was struck by how much the computer image of the known universe looks so much like the neural networks in the human brain. Probably a coincidence but maybe somehow there is a relationship. Is the universe just part of the brain of something even bigger? What does that make us? Pretty small and insignificant, in the great big scheme of things.

Hello! You are making some very interesting posts Bob! I've thought that too. In fact so much of what we create also reflects patterns elsewhere, like the aerial views of our cities which look like electronic circuit boards for example.

With regards naturally occurring things though - electron shells around atoms resemble nutty planetary orbits...

But the universe being a brain is VERY interesting! I like it! :)
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Michael Watson

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Message 1498198 - Posted: 1 Apr 2014, 14:32:45 UTC

Natural design principles built into matter and energy seem to allow different kinds of patterns to occur again and again in nature. Galaxies look like hurricanes; eyes similar to those in mammals also evolved in octopi. Ichthyosaurs, sharks, and dolphins, reptiles, fish, and mammals, respectively, all have quite similar body shapes.
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Profile Julie
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Message 1498492 - Posted: 2 Apr 2014, 7:14:03 UTC

This is basically pure fyzix. Just look at the moon revolving around the earth, there is a gravitational force of attraction between them.
Similarly, electrons must continue to revolve around the positively charged nucleus. So whatever happens on an astronomical scale obeys the same laws of fyzix than on a quantum level. Cfr. Theory of Relativity and Quantumfyzix.
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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 1498575 - Posted: 2 Apr 2014, 14:24:03 UTC - in response to Message 1498492.  
Last modified: 2 Apr 2014, 14:25:01 UTC

Actually the problem is that Macro (Newtonian) physics and Micro (quantum physics) do not obey the same laws. Maybe some day we will discover a unifying law for both.

Remember that the Electron is a convenient fiction to describe and control what we think is going on at the atomic level. We have been successful of course in handling electricity and the electron even if it doesn't really exist in the way we portray it,
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Profile Julie
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Message 1498638 - Posted: 2 Apr 2014, 17:35:37 UTC - in response to Message 1498575.  

Actually the problem is that Macro (Newtonian) physics and Micro (quantum physics) do not obey the same laws. Maybe some day we will discover a unifying law for both.

Remember that the Electron is a convenient fiction to describe and control what we think is going on at the atomic level. We have been successful of course in handling electricity and the electron even if it doesn't really exist in the way we portray it,

What do you mean with convenient fiction? Surely the research on quantum scale has been refuted yet?
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Profile ML1
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Message 1500450 - Posted: 6 Apr 2014, 0:25:22 UTC - in response to Message 1498638.  

... Remember that the Electron is a convenient fiction to describe and control what we think is going on at the atomic level. We have been successful of course in handling electricity and the electron even if it doesn't really exist in the way we portray it,

What do you mean with convenient fiction? Surely the research on quantum scale has been refuted yet?

I guess he is alluding to how we can remarkably precisely describe what effects to expect. Yet, we cannot visualize or describe exactly what is actually "mechanically" happening at the atomic (subatomic) level.

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Profile Julie
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Message 1501033 - Posted: 7 Apr 2014, 16:57:31 UTC

we cannot visualize or describe exactly what is actually "mechanically" happening at the atomic (subatomic) level.

We can't on an astronomical level either.
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Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : Cosmic coincidence.

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