Stars are blue, Panthers are pink and the music plays here

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Message 2135361 - Posted: 1 May 2024, 10:28:39 UTC

So wondering, do we celebrate May 1, or do we wipe a couple of tears?

More than 20 years ago I applied for a couple of jobs and also went some courses and part time jobs, but that my employer thought I was mental and therefore gave me a reference.

So therefore my parents told me to ask for money from social security and next I moved into a rented flat in a house association where I lived for 4 years.

Next I am getting an offer from my parents and relatives to move to another flat where it was meant for purchase because it was still private and therefore still debt.

Rather I was picked up twice and the second time after dismissed from Mental health and all my inventory as well as glasses are left back in the flat, and now more than a year.

This is totally unacceptable because here are books from previous studies as well as inventory and once again my glasses for need left back.

I am going to the police station later on today, but not for May 1, but the inventory left back in my flat and no key for access.
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Message 2135601 - Posted: 7 May 2024, 23:43:01 UTC

And not working and they should deserve a little better for only working in a pair.
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Message 2135651 - Posted: 9 May 2024, 2:56:26 UTC
Last modified: 9 May 2024, 3:12:01 UTC

What is going on?

Here not visiting you for a long time and do not know what is happening.

I could still ask for only pretentious and not any infame instead (Pearl Harbor) and sorry about that.

I still need a scissor for cutting and not any factors here instead.

I think I saw a face hiding in the bush (or glimpse) but also could prove it and that for a video.

Or just long arms and it becomes Sarcasm, hah-ha.

Just naivety for only having and I could believe in everything.
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Message 2135740 - Posted: 11 May 2024, 17:37:28 UTC
Last modified: 11 May 2024, 17:47:29 UTC

Who is sitting in the lab but I could be looking at a red or yellow star which could blow shortly.

Or maybe that should be tint but also I could be folding my nose.

Anyway, but a driverless car should still not be possible.

I had a look at omega Centauri before going to bed yesterday.

So next it could tilt for both implicit and random and it should be for nature.

Hi Mark, but I thought you left.
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Message 2135744 - Posted: 11 May 2024, 19:01:30 UTC
Last modified: 11 May 2024, 19:11:58 UTC

So if I could be thrown to the ground that should be the shockwave and next only air.

Anyway, but equivalence should be only for Matter versus Energy and not any gravity instead.

Just exclude it for that of Logic and not other factors here instead (or meant parts).

So could it be tossing and next only fingers for not any new Equation here instead.

Here no such use when everything could be meant for his create when multiverses.

Quantize for only single when it could be nature for not any divine entity instead.

But here such a thing as divine entity could be an approximation when also giving him a face.

Or perhaps it could be Illustrious for only a ship and not any scientific explanation instead.
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Message 2135965 - Posted: 18 May 2024, 0:24:58 UTC
Last modified: 18 May 2024, 0:28:47 UTC

If they could be trying also I could wish for success for their attempt of doing such a thing.
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Message 2135966 - Posted: 18 May 2024, 0:40:07 UTC
Last modified: 18 May 2024, 0:42:37 UTC

My mother passed away a year or so ago and I miss her because she was strong or having stamina.

Or perhaps I could be having eyes for seeing and next a crocodile.

Funny thing for looking but next it also was nature for that of diverse.
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Message 2136148 - Posted: 23 May 2024, 3:26:26 UTC
Last modified: 23 May 2024, 3:28:54 UTC

Death is a construct, so who should I believe, only the alien or nature?

Here that Blue Book was put on the shelf and next we become idiots for the rest while still proving.

But also that nature could be a comparison when still infinite when also built up of separate parts.

So for only being implicit for its part when still Chaos also it could be part of another thing for a meaning but also explaining.

And for that it becomes obvious when still self-explained for a part.

So in for that of existing we also thought it could be multiverses but also proved for such a thing when still not another meaning instead.

Here it becomes a nature included for all or everything and still only parts for existing when it also could be implicit.

Just that of Chaos could be implicit for a part but also be different than another for still only resembling but...

Anyway, but has nature created itself for such or possible meaning or could it be a reason behind which could be a Creator?

I posted almost the same at PrimeGrid earlier today and it became a bit long so apologies for that.
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Message 2136149 - Posted: 23 May 2024, 3:38:29 UTC
Last modified: 23 May 2024, 3:45:08 UTC

Just resembling for a structure and it could also be interwoven but here I combined or merged a Sequence and recursive into a single part.

But next perhaps becoming the wrong part (existing) when it should be another structure instead and also a part.

Having the beer so perhaps existing does not become the correct word here.

So here I am not supposed to prove any aliens but only leave it to others instead.

Or perhaps I was wrong for only adapting to a Creator when still infinite.

Here a Janus face could be white versus black for only opposite and therefore should not turn any blue.

Read my postings at PrimeGrid instead because you have my permission for doing so.

Could it be a heartbeat instead and next a figure.

Here Einstein was never any fond of Chaos theory as you may know.

No, but he could try explaining versus another thing here instead or maybe lurk in his head.
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Message 2136150 - Posted: 23 May 2024, 3:48:18 UTC
Last modified: 23 May 2024, 3:56:40 UTC

I had the pleasure of looking at a video earlier on and think it was genuine for its purpose.

Just a glimpse of a being in the night and witnesses thought that it was not any fabricated but genuine instead.

But here only slow moving so here I do not think proving such a thing should be nature for its purpose either so back later.

Just a messenger could also be an Omen so next it could also follow me.

Finish for only an end when still existing but here I did not reach any end.

Or maybe versus for only resembling so next it was also equal for each part.

Combine a Sequence and recursive for its part and

Just a difference for a meaning and it also could be so for not another meaning instead.

So leave it in the hands of a Creator and it was made for everything, of course.

Did he experiment and next in his lab for only realm instead when still not any multiverses.

Just little man and he could be existing on alpha Centauri, but also proving.
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Message 2136154 - Posted: 23 May 2024, 4:07:23 UTC
Last modified: 23 May 2024, 4:08:30 UTC

Nature could be that of Laws but also could exist for multiverses when still proving.

So fond I could be for only living but also happy for existing when still only a part.

We think it could be nature for that of Laws but also a Creator for his realm when it should not be any multiverses.

He makes for his create and next it becomes nature for such a thing which also should be multiverses.

Single for meaning when also proving but also different for another existence when his meaning instead.

Just tilt for nature and not any single meaning and it could become negative numbers instead.

So here implicit for only a part when still Chaos but also could relate to another meaning instead.

Here it could become objects but also nature existing for the same purpose or perhaps meaning.

So why did he make or create it so when it also should be multiverses for still objects but also WYSIWYG?

Sufficient is still enough but next it also could relate when another meaning instead and here a Creator for such a thing.

Apologies here for still not proving any aliens here but only multiverses instead.
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Message 2136456 - Posted: 29 May 2024, 20:03:13 UTC
Last modified: 29 May 2024, 20:36:46 UTC

Should I listen to the church or should I listen to the scientist?

Or perhaps it should be the Wikipedia instead for only the options I could make.

I bought two six-packs of beer of the wrong brand for not having it in the shop but otherwise just as good.

Or maybe not the correct one so next it becomes direction instead.

Guess what, but only so funny when it could be dangling for not any hanging instead.

It could be the priest for only telling but also the Copenhagen interpretation for also Schrodinger's cat for still not any Fundamental interaction instead.

Or perhaps it became infinity instead so next I tried explaining.
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Message 2136457 - Posted: 29 May 2024, 20:28:14 UTC

Just believing is only that of Credo so next I made it an Euclidean space in miniature instead and here threaded along a line for only being pulled through.

Or maybe across instead so next it became a one-directional line where still more space could be around for only floating.

The thing for only working and also created should only be such a thing when it also could be that of miniature.

Wrong sentence again so apologies so here everything is still relative only for nature.

I just watched a UFO video here the other day which was crystal clear at times and think it could be gravity propulsion for moving.

So here nothing changes but only is the same for where it started or the previous session.

I am not the one supposed to prove any UFO's or aliens, that I leave to others.

So here a Creator for making is still not any Euclidean space I could make for miniature when also thread across a line, or maybe axis.
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Message 2136460 - Posted: 29 May 2024, 20:43:52 UTC
Last modified: 29 May 2024, 20:50:30 UTC

I am for also to be or "is" so next it does not make any difference for nature.

Forgot mentioning the link in the previous or should have it but that Credo or believing is still not any science.

For that I made such a thing pulled through and next a rope for that of line so next it was gliding across an axis for only its size.

So here still not any other space or volume around and our Father or Creator was just having fun or playing when still creating such a thing.

And if such an object could be only a speck in minature noone would believe me.

I think it could be parts for also elements when still not any Object philosophy instead, or perhaps it was resembling.

So, quantize "any other" and next it becomes empty instead.
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Message 2136461 - Posted: 29 May 2024, 21:06:22 UTC
Last modified: 29 May 2024, 21:07:16 UTC

That becomes a Sequence but also I miss Laws when it could be still a part.

Here something like we could make it a Miracle but still only part of nature for having been created.

Just relative for only space and dimensions and it was still created but here by another thing.

Or just forgot time when still space so next it could be interacting.

I wrote a new Equation and here C -- > ES - I and next replacing with C --> I because the former could be interacting, and here between the later two parts.

So next only a toy for dangling when it could be a Yo-yo and next also inserted for being pulled through and next it was an Euclidean space moving across a line.

Forget the volume or space above or underneath for only exceeding because it only becomes an add-on or surplus instead.

Anyway, it could glide for also rolling instead so next only another function for working instead.

But here the fact that I am not any helpful for only having the beer right now.
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Message 2136462 - Posted: 29 May 2024, 21:08:36 UTC
Last modified: 29 May 2024, 21:13:45 UTC

Here the Milky Way comprises some 100-200 billion stars and project Blue Book was put on the shelf.

I think alien life could exist but only in auspices of nature for another thing.

So, for just only a start or new beginning and it became an Euclidean space only relative for such a thing when still not him any explained.

Anyway, but could I prove Euclidean space when still containing multiverses?
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Message 2136463 - Posted: 29 May 2024, 21:20:29 UTC
Last modified: 29 May 2024, 21:28:24 UTC

Just death is not any finish in my opinion but only a continuation instead.

And for that it becomes his divine Laws when it also could be working and here for multipurposed.

So next only a soul wandering across corridors linking multiverses and next the slit for an opening which needs a grant for access.

He could be still St. Peter allowing me such access but also it could be multiverses spawned the other way for only direction.

And that becomes his purpose when allowing one thing for not any other when multiverses could be spawned.

Or perhaps he rather punctured with a needle instead so next it became Euclidean space traversing across a single line.

Just an abdomen for only a liver in your body and it needs to be tightly packed or squeezed and therefore only a single line or rope for not any volume instead.

Just think of a cube gliding on water instead and I can still not see his face but only becoming his functionality.

Apologies for just "instead" twice but also it could be a threadmill.
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Message 2136464 - Posted: 29 May 2024, 21:32:06 UTC
Last modified: 29 May 2024, 21:35:39 UTC

You see the difference here for only me being drunk but here also objects for not any parts or elements instead.

Or perhaps it could become merged for a single Sequence so next infinity here instead.

Just think for only using my head but also it could become merged.

Or perhaps it was a Creator uncertain here instead so next he created the Superforce preceding any gravity.

Just options for only nature and it was him for only playing here instead.
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Message 2136465 - Posted: 29 May 2024, 21:40:41 UTC
Last modified: 29 May 2024, 21:42:35 UTC

Regardless, and next also explained when also believed or still only just.

Just a flip-flop and next it was resembling a space curvature instead.

We could perhaps explain nature for that of its thing but not who he could be.

Just believing is not the right thing when only aliens so next I think they do exist.

Only so funny this could be when not writing in the correct language or right.
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Message 2136469 - Posted: 29 May 2024, 22:57:00 UTC

I am having a down arrow button at the top left of my browser and it is not working for only hanging.

Therefore losing my long postings when unable to switch between tabs when becoming many, so here an annoyance.
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