Kentucky lawmakers shocked to find evolution in biology tests

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Message 1272769 - Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 0:36:04 UTC

Oh dear.

A report surfaced this week that suggests Kentucky legislators may be experiencing a sort of cognitive dissonance that is likely to be a preview of things we can expect elsewhere. After dictating that schools in the state include tests based on national standards, the state lawmakers were shocked to find that evolution made a prominent appearance on the science tests. The same legislative body was considering undercutting evolution less than two years ago, so this may have come as a bit of a surprise.

It really shouldn't have.

Nationally, the No Child Left Behind Act has dictated that there needs to be standards for educational performance, and standardized tests will be used to make sure those standards are met. Although that push started with basics like math and language, national science standards were also called for. Many states have since implemented them; the Kentucky legislature apparently adopted the national standards in 2009. ACT, a company that creates and manages standardized testing, was contracted to handle the science tests.

Given that evolution is extremely well supported and provides the central organizing idea of biology, ACT's tests featured it heavily. That made a number of the state legislators rather unhappy, and gave them the chance to demonstrate that they should not be setting education policy.

"I would hope that creationism is presented as a theory in the classroom, in a science classroom, alongside evolution," the Lexington Herald-Leader quotes Senator David Givens as saying. Givens is apparently unaware that creationism is not a theory, and that the Supreme Court has ruled that teaching it is a violation of the establishment clause.

The same report quotes Representative Ben Waide, who demonstrated his lack of scientific knowledge by saying, "The theory of evolution is a theory, and essentially the theory of evolution is not science—Darwin made it up." Waide went on to say that "Under the most rudimentary, basic scientific examination, the theory of evolution has never stood up to scientific scrutiny."

The legislators apparently asked ACT whether it could create a Kentucky-specific version of the test; one that, presumably, would be a sort of formal recognition of the state's distaste for mainstream science. They were told, however, that doing so would be prohibitively expensive.

Kentucky is hardly the only state that has issues with evolution, though. Both Louisiana and Tennessee have passed laws that specifically target the teaching of evolution. These state-level efforts, however, are now running up against national science standards that accurately depict evolution's status as a well-supported scientific theory. Kentucky will certainly not be the last state where the conflict between local desires and national standards ends up creating problems.

It's this sort of thing that will count very much against us if an alien race is trying to decide whether or not to make contact.
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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1272793 - Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 2:52:00 UTC

Makes you wonder and worry that some state legislators would try to ban boards like this that generally support the concept and reality of evolution in life sciences.
Bob DeWoody

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Message 1273393 - Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 17:18:55 UTC


Could Kentucky also decree a law against Global Warming/Heating?

We once had something like that against the tides in the UK... Look up the example of King Canute...

For the irrationally religious types, there should be some resonance in that story...

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Message 1273820 - Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 1:18:54 UTC

It never ceases to amaze me how much people are willing to put their heads in the sand. Take for example, the melting of the polar ice caps. How long before we're ready to admit that we have adversely affected the environment?

These dolts in Kentucky should be worried about much bigger things than evolution; it's called devolution.
Is there anybody out there?
HSG - the IT Training Co.
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Message 1273944 - Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 12:25:03 UTC - in response to Message 1273820.  
Last modified: 22 Aug 2012, 12:27:16 UTC

It never ceases to amaze me how much people are willing to put their heads in the sand. Take for example, the melting of the polar ice caps. How long before we're ready to admit that we have adversely affected the environment?

Corrected your link. (A superfluous "/" was spoiling things.)

Also note:

Satellites See Unprecedented Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Melt


These dolts in Kentucky should be worried about much bigger things than evolution; it's called devolution.

How long to overcome the corruption and corrupt 'lobbying'?... Until all is too late?

Meanwhile, Kentucky (and the rest of the world) will get to experience evolution first-hand, proving the irrational decrees of Kentucky irrelevant.

Unfortunately, it is those same people controlling the direction of our (polluting) industrial revolution...

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Message 1274158 - Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 23:37:27 UTC

I'm less worried about the ice caps melting, that's just the planet returning to normal after the last ice age. Having ice caps is an unusual state for the planet, whatever the eco-mentalists will tell you.
Yes it's a bit of a bummer if you live in Bangladesh or Holland, but the sea level isn't going to rise overnight, we'll have several decades to retreat inland.
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Message 1274361 - Posted: 23 Aug 2012, 12:23:56 UTC - in response to Message 1274158.  
Last modified: 23 Aug 2012, 12:24:44 UTC

... Yes it's a bit of a bummer if you live in Bangladesh or Holland, but the sea level isn't going to rise overnight, we'll have several decades to retreat inland.

If only we had a 'few decades'... And if only we had the spare land and a population willing to migrate with somewhere for them to migrate to...

The climate changes being forced are being forced far faster than evolution can accommodate, and far faster than natural migration can allow for...

For just one example, there is the very rapid change being wrought in rainfall patterns... You can't escape the consequence of changing the weather patterns...

With our present output of CO2 pollution, we are very definitely on track to no Arctic sea ice during the summer. All in far less than a decade. That is going to make for some very unwelcome changes in weather.

Hope you can help out the farmers!

Perhaps far better is not to force the adverse climate change in the first place.

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Profile Akio

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Message 1274363 - Posted: 23 Aug 2012, 12:26:30 UTC

It's pretty sad. The general population won't actually give it any attention until it's plain to see, and then....PANIC!
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Profile The Simonator

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Message 1274420 - Posted: 23 Aug 2012, 15:10:23 UTC

I live 1028 feet above sea level, excuse me while i don't panic.
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Message 1274561 - Posted: 23 Aug 2012, 20:50:29 UTC - in response to Message 1274420.  

I live 1028 feet above sea level, excuse me while i don't panic.

Good for you.

You will freeze sooner than I when we get Canadian-style climate when the no-Arctic-ice causes the Gulf stream to shut down and leave us freezing...

In the meantime, you'll be alternately blow off or washed off your little hill.

Note that the euphemistic "Global Warming" doesn't mean that the weather gets 'warmer'. The consequences are that the climate warms a little whilst the day-to-day weather gets much more extreme.

We are already seeing the day-to-day effects of just an additional 4% or so water content in the atmosphere from previous years...

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Message 1274562 - Posted: 23 Aug 2012, 20:52:04 UTC - in response to Message 1274363.  

It's pretty sad. The general population won't actually give it any attention until it's plain to see, and then....PANIC!

That is the greater worry... And all the fossil fuels sponsored corrupt FUD will string out the story for as long as implausibly possible...

All unbelievably unscrupulous?

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Message 1275351 - Posted: 25 Aug 2012, 13:08:26 UTC
Last modified: 25 Aug 2012, 13:09:10 UTC

Well it is amazing that world's leading scientific nation is turning also leading religious extremist nation. I do not understand that now western europe largely turning into non religious civilization whilst their spawned new world is heading to the opposite direction.
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Message 1275747 - Posted: 26 Aug 2012, 13:19:24 UTC - in response to Message 1275351.  
Last modified: 26 Aug 2012, 13:23:19 UTC

It's quite easy to understand. Each and every European country got tired of their overly conservative and extremist religions and pushed them out. Most floated around europe until they were forced into leaving the continent altogether. Thus, you see, the US was founded by religious extremists.

This also explains why Americans have such a hard time with nudity and sex. Not all of us of course but the extremes certainly do. Any European coming to America would be shocked that there was no nudity anywhere(the net being the exception) No magazine ads, no television ads, Nads no where.

I was impressed, when I went to Germany as a 20 year old, to discover that they are quite liberated over there.

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Message 1276635 - Posted: 28 Aug 2012, 11:05:33 UTC

Nudity is like money. The more there is the less it is worth.
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Message 1276847 - Posted: 29 Aug 2012, 2:14:05 UTC
Last modified: 29 Aug 2012, 3:04:08 UTC

It's quite easy to understand. Each and every European country got tired of their overly conservative and extremist religions and pushed them out. Most floated around europe until they were forced into leaving the continent altogether. Thus, you see, the US was founded by religious extremists.

This also explains why Americans have such a hard time with nudity and sex. Not all of us of course but the extremes certainly do. Any European coming to America would be shocked that there was no nudity anywhere(the net being the exception) No magazine ads, no television ads, Nads no where.

I was impressed, when I went to Germany as a 20 year old, to discover that they are quite liberated over there.

Yes Skildude you are right:

Nude beach in italy:

covered rate ~5%

Religious extremist beach of Miami:

covered rate ~50%

Communist beach of china:

covered rate ~90%

More extremism more covered people on their beaches!! Your Beach-Metrics is clearly working Skildude! (as social science testing experiment considered.)

In asia the covered rate is 60-100% for sure.

I remember some funny documentary that one former borderline beach between germany and poland being freed and german nude beach goers and polish deep catholic beach goers were kind of clashing at the beach culturally!! Germans were upset because polish were peeking at them like zoo animals whole the time. :D
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Profile The Simonator

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Message 1278173 - Posted: 31 Aug 2012, 13:21:34 UTC

It seems Bill Nye agrees, and who dare disagree with him?

Bill Nye: Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children
Life on earth is the global equivalent of not storing things in the fridge.
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Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : Kentucky lawmakers shocked to find evolution in biology tests

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