First Contact Scenarios

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Profile Paul McKirdy

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Message 1256367 - Posted: 6 Jul 2012, 12:11:55 UTC

Just curious about the extent to which anyone has interpolated our technological advancement in terms of how we would contact an unknown intelligent civilization...

Like say forward covert ops etc... I have thought up at least one, and am planning on writing a book about it if I can focus on one thing long enough to do so...

I am aware there are fictional stories already about the issue, I am specifically curious about the extent to which any of this has been closely coupled to what we can actually do. Understanding that even the maintenance and transformation of the human body is part of our technology as well as our communication methods as much as the methods of using stacked up rocks on a microscopic scale to resonate vibrations to be interpreted as information.
Electrons started spinning, electrons are still spinning and electrons will be spinning tomorrow to the best of our knowledge therefore either change in acceleration is persistent or friction is fractally less than understood.
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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1256372 - Posted: 6 Jul 2012, 12:25:44 UTC

It may just be me but I don't understand what you are asking for. Are you asking what methods are being planned to find and contact aliens or what proceedures are going to be used after initial contact is made to decipher the meaning of any alien message?
Bob DeWoody

My motto: Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow as it may not be required. This no longer applies in light of current events.
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Profile Paul McKirdy

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Message 1256483 - Posted: 6 Jul 2012, 16:56:15 UTC - in response to Message 1256372.  

I am thinking from the perspective of the alien race in question and putting us in their shoes to imagine how they might actually go about the process...

I just don't believe presently that would be as simple as we develop a technology then they show up to make sure we don't adversely affect the Galaxy or some other precautionary measures on their part.

I presently imagine it really would be some type of urban involvement in standard form not to learn what we can do but how we decide what is important to us as a collective to determine most efficient means of interaction.

Not from a conspiracy with local institutions though... I do not believe that would be a first advanced intelligent source of field response data. The procedural methods in that scenario would contaminate determining pure psychological response patterns.

Surely anything more advanced in proximity to make physical contact already knows we are listening and broadcasting etc...
Electrons started spinning, electrons are still spinning and electrons will be spinning tomorrow to the best of our knowledge therefore either change in acceleration is persistent or friction is fractally less than understood.
ID: 1256483 · Report as offensive
Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 1256503 - Posted: 6 Jul 2012, 17:34:18 UTC

Paul McKirdy,
I'm like Bob here. I have read both your posts and i don't know what your looking for either?

Paul is it that you want to talk about scenarios of what would happen if we actually were in direct contact with aliens? Is that it? Do you want to discuss exactly how we might talk to, or communicate with them?

Ahhhhhh...... If they have eye balls, and they can see us, then sign language would be a good way to communicate.

If they have ears, we could try simple binary sounds and simple maths to get started.

If its radio communication, then it would depend on what they say to us first.

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Profile Paul McKirdy

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Message 1256527 - Posted: 6 Jul 2012, 17:51:24 UTC - in response to Message 1256503.  

As let's say, for the sake of discussion, we as a group are an alien race just arriving in the solar system...

We have transportation and other advanced technology...

Some pre-requisite exists for our goal to be intelligent communication with the inhabitants of this planet.

That communication is going to be input for a decision of what direct interaction will take place through co-option, option or option~less results relative to the inhabitants of the planet...

As in, for the sake of discussion, Paul, Bob and Johnney are aliens and deciding based on the human record of information the best way to collect and analyze response pattern to determine the best way to conduct direct interaction.

Electrons started spinning, electrons are still spinning and electrons will be spinning tomorrow to the best of our knowledge therefore either change in acceleration is persistent or friction is fractally less than understood.
ID: 1256527 · Report as offensive
Profile Paul McKirdy

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Message 1256536 - Posted: 6 Jul 2012, 17:56:12 UTC - in response to Message 1256367.  

Ah, so sorry... This first line is wrong, arrr!

This should have read:
Just curious about the extent to which anyone has interpolated our technological advancement in terms of how AN ALIEN RACE would contact an unknown, TO THEM, intelligent civilization.

Basically flipping the which side are we on switch to think as they would using highly advanced knowledge to manage their contact with us...

Just curious about the extent to which anyone has interpolated our technological advancement in terms of how we would contact an unknown intelligent civilization...

Like say forward covert ops etc... I have thought up at least one, and am planning on writing a book about it if I can focus on one thing long enough to do so...

I am aware there are fictional stories already about the issue, I am specifically curious about the extent to which any of this has been closely coupled to what we can actually do. Understanding that even the maintenance and transformation of the human body is part of our technology as well as our communication methods as much as the methods of using stacked up rocks on a microscopic scale to resonate vibrations to be interpreted as information.

Electrons started spinning, electrons are still spinning and electrons will be spinning tomorrow to the best of our knowledge therefore either change in acceleration is persistent or friction is fractally less than understood.
ID: 1256536 · Report as offensive
Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 1256570 - Posted: 6 Jul 2012, 18:42:00 UTC

Its still difficult to understand what your asking. Most people here have talked through every possible scenario of what we might say to aliens, and what aliens might say to us.

In my personal opinion, to make first contact either by us making contact with them, or them making contact with us, simple contact would be best. First you have to find out how intelligent a civilisation really is! So first you have to try simple maths to see if they can count. So first contact on either side should always be through simple maths. 1+1=2, 2+2=4, and so on. Only after that can you take the communication any further.

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Profile Paul McKirdy

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Message 1256604 - Posted: 6 Jul 2012, 20:12:43 UTC - in response to Message 1256570.  

Indeed fair enough to assert. No argument whatsoever, at some point corresponding Morse would have to be established through adequate track recorded response of each the others comm matrix...

Might it be rational to provide as a given to this posit, at the very least as a highly probably occurrence of the scenario, That in the case of the given conditions thus far... That each side has figured out as much as... and just trying to keep it light :) ... the fact that each other has a pencil and the pencil is recognized as the color yellow? :) Further that each side must be assumed to have been able to acquire this knowledge in the absence of the others awareness of its knowledge.

And given still that the Alien arrival is in the most absolute extreme advantage initially but just as questionable a final goal outcome... Thus must take a considered approach... What would they do to establish then a directly coupled negotiation of the human hierarchy of powers... to the purpose of receiving whatever deliverable they are wishing to obtain from the planet.
Electrons started spinning, electrons are still spinning and electrons will be spinning tomorrow to the best of our knowledge therefore either change in acceleration is persistent or friction is fractally less than understood.
ID: 1256604 · Report as offensive
Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 1257001 - Posted: 7 Jul 2012, 12:31:12 UTC
Last modified: 7 Jul 2012, 12:32:05 UTC

They might give us an ultimatum;

"Give us all your Unobtainium or we will destroy your planet!"

Then its a no win situation. ....LOL

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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 1257106 - Posted: 7 Jul 2012, 16:36:31 UTC - in response to Message 1257032.  

For a first contact after a long journey: " Take me to your larder"
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Profile Ex: "Socialist"
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Message 1257118 - Posted: 7 Jul 2012, 17:15:10 UTC

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Profile Paul McKirdy

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Message 1257320 - Posted: 8 Jul 2012, 2:19:11 UTC

Agreed in all respects :)

Now... What evidence and at what point would we acknowledge if not immediately displayed of the actual existence of a "far superior" intelligence by which we would accept and act on it in that respect in absolution....

What would be our evidence that the intelligence and "firepower" are far superior to the point of knowing not to even try fighting? :)

Just an approach to an extreme limit...

How might a visiting intelligence decide to in a friendly non-harmful fashion "fire a shot across our bow", ah hem, so to speak... :) I mean a friendly intelligence might very well do something only the possible responding forces would even recognize to prevent the public panic outlined earlier are my first thoughts.
Electrons started spinning, electrons are still spinning and electrons will be spinning tomorrow to the best of our knowledge therefore either change in acceleration is persistent or friction is fractally less than understood.
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Message 1259041 - Posted: 11 Jul 2012, 18:26:02 UTC - in response to Message 1256483.  

I dont wish to be unkind but for one I no idea what point or points you are making !!!?

Id advise get your concepts really clear and then summarise them succinctly as discussion points ; hope this helps
ID: 1259041 · Report as offensive
Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 1259102 - Posted: 11 Jul 2012, 20:19:35 UTC
Last modified: 11 Jul 2012, 20:28:03 UTC

I think i understand the point Paul McKirdy is tyring to make. I think Paul imagines that any intelligent extraterrestrial civilisation would be very advanced and they might consider, as Paul McKirdy puts it, "fire a shot across our bow". So i think maybe Paul is suggesting these ET's might kind of "warn us" in advance of their arrival with some type of warning shot to let us know that they are more powerful than us.

Des O'Conner,
Maybe its possible that Paul might have a touch of Dyslexia and might have difficulty putting his thoughts into words here on the forum. Paul McKirdy if you do have Dyslexia or something similar, that's ok my friend. You have come to the right place to chat about this stuff. There are lots of people here who love chatting about these type of scenarios. Paul your in good company here my friend!

Good to have you with us Paul,
ID: 1259102 · Report as offensive
Profile Paul McKirdy

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Message 1259875 - Posted: 13 Jul 2012, 16:27:49 UTC - in response to Message 1259102.  
Last modified: 13 Jul 2012, 16:29:08 UTC

It is not a forum of that topic, but I would be interested in empirical vocabulary alignment that is evidence for a suggestion of a mental capacity or state...

In any event thank you for your actual thought into understanding what I was enumerating.

Yes, I think an advanced intelligence rather than destroying everything might attempt at least to put on a show so that the contact could be more easily friendly than a simple rampage against an unwanted occupying presence.

They might even take local psychological stock of how we treat each other to determine their course of action...

Thanks again, no imposition suggested at all...

I mean even our own government has microwave active denial systems... I think Aliens would not need to land... They could just purify the planet from extra solar orbit then do whatever the hell they want... Seems to be more along the lines of what we understand as introducing ourselves... I am trying to write a more believable and friendly story...

Have a nice day! :)

Oh, and another option is that I try to move beyond the limits of a 26 letter alphabet and its possible permutations... I am guilty of being a Navy Nuke Submariner and an Information Modeler who has written several data warehouse cubes blah blah blah... I guess it is appropriate since some Doctors keep so much in their mind to help others they barely remember how to sign their name...
Electrons started spinning, electrons are still spinning and electrons will be spinning tomorrow to the best of our knowledge therefore either change in acceleration is persistent or friction is fractally less than understood.
ID: 1259875 · Report as offensive
Profile Paul McKirdy

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Message 1260200 - Posted: 14 Jul 2012, 8:36:25 UTC - in response to Message 1259968.  
Last modified: 14 Jul 2012, 8:42:28 UTC

Quick encapsulation :) no apology necessary though I do accept graciously and in kind. Coming from nuke, IT\IS and instruction\teaching skin is quite thick. Used to start my networking classes with the statement that if one had thin skin one needed to change courses.

Sincerely, please feel free to message privately if there is sincere concern over something I write. I know some of the material I put out is quite affronting to some or ah-hem overly wordy, even here surely... Though I know the audience here is much more broadly imagined at the very least than most. :)

Kind Regards,

Will let the current status sit before moving the scenario forward, I think we have a couple "newer" concepts of what might happen already that I do not think have been investigated in depth in fantasy fiction or reality :)
Electrons started spinning, electrons are still spinning and electrons will be spinning tomorrow to the best of our knowledge therefore either change in acceleration is persistent or friction is fractally less than understood.
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Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : First Contact Scenarios

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