2012 - real or not?

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Profile Lynn Special Project $75 donor
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Message 1230835 - Posted: 12 May 2012, 5:52:25 UTC

Original thread closed. Credit Johnney Guinness.

Looks like the myth may not be true. Good news! The world will be around for awhile.

Archaeologists have found a small room in Mayan ruins where royal scribes apparently used walls like a blackboard to keep track of astronomical records and the society's intricate calendar some 1200 years ago.

Unprecedented Maya Mural Found, Contradicts 2012 "Doomsday" Myth


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Message 1230846 - Posted: 12 May 2012, 6:17:08 UTC - in response to Message 1230835.  

Original thread closed. Credit Johnney Guinness.

Looks like the myth may not be true. Good news! The world will be around for awhile.

Archaeologists have found a small room in Mayan ruins where royal scribes apparently used walls like a blackboard to keep track of astronomical records and the society's intricate calendar some 1200 years ago.

Unprecedented Maya Mural Found, Contradicts 2012 "Doomsday" Myth


Shucks. Maybe we’ll have to keep paying the electric bill after all.

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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1230889 - Posted: 12 May 2012, 9:15:33 UTC

Like some have been saying all along, they just ran out of smooth rocks to write their extended calendar on. But as long as gullible people buy into the concept and buy books detailing how the Mayans knew the end of the world will be Dec. 21, 2012 the con artists will keep writing them.
Bob DeWoody

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Message 1231026 - Posted: 12 May 2012, 14:36:57 UTC
Last modified: 12 May 2012, 14:46:10 UTC

But according to the original Science magazine article those mayans observation plus calculation power of Venus, Mercury, Mars days and cycles are really shockingly accurate compare to few centuries later Galilei first used a telescope to check out Mars.
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Message 1231112 - Posted: 12 May 2012, 18:46:31 UTC - in response to Message 1231026.  

This is like the third calendar that has been found. Which one is true??

Much Ado About Nothing.
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Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 1231180 - Posted: 12 May 2012, 20:22:23 UTC
Last modified: 12 May 2012, 20:23:19 UTC

Might as well join in here seeming as i was involved in the last thread.

Firstly, i agree with the interpretation that the Mayan calender does NOT end on Dec 21 2012. The calender just ticks over another notch to start counting its next 5,000 odd years of a cycle. What is suspicious is why the Mayan's made a calender with such a large cycle. Today our own calender ticks over one notch every 365.25 days, we don't really have a long count calender, we tend to call the birth of Christ, B.C. the zero start date.

As regards my own research that some of you here are aware of. I have nothing new to add about dates. Today is the 12th of May 2012 and its looking unlikely that i will have accumulated enough research by the end of this year to publish my work. So the revelation is unlikely to come from me.

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Message 1231224 - Posted: 12 May 2012, 21:42:15 UTC - in response to Message 1231026.  

But according to the original Science magazine article those mayans observation plus calculation power of Venus, Mercury, Mars days and cycles are really shockingly accurate compare to few centuries later Galilei first used a telescope to check out Mars.

The planet that Galileo is famous for discovering along with it's four biggest moons is Jupiter. I don't recall reading anything about his observations of Mars.
Bob DeWoody

My motto: Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow as it may not be required. This no longer applies in light of current events.
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Message 1231311 - Posted: 13 May 2012, 0:02:34 UTC - in response to Message 1231224.  
Last modified: 13 May 2012, 0:16:12 UTC

But according to the original Science magazine article those mayans observation plus calculation power of Venus, Mercury, Mars days and cycles are really shockingly accurate compare to few centuries later Galilei first used a telescope to check out Mars.

The planet that Galileo is famous for discovering along with it's four biggest moons is Jupiter. I don't recall reading anything about his observations of Mars.

As I vaguely remember he initialy noticed Mars channels with his telescope at the time.

If those first colonists from europe did not destroy thousands of Mayan books and libraries who knows how much great knowledge we might have being inherited given the fact that Mayans astronomy calculation experience was centuries ahead of europe.
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Message 1231365 - Posted: 13 May 2012, 1:52:56 UTC - in response to Message 1231180.  

So Johnney, you're saying that you're not far enough along in your research to give us anything useful by the end of the year, so a revelation is unlikely to come from you. Are you saying that you expect this revelation to come at or near the end of this year?
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Message 1231371 - Posted: 13 May 2012, 2:03:49 UTC - in response to Message 1231311.  
Last modified: 13 May 2012, 2:29:43 UTC

As I vaguely remember he initially noticed Mars channels with his telescope at the time.

That was XIX Century astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli who used the word "canali". It was translated into "canals" instead of "channels" and so the legends about Martians arose.
See also the Antikythera Mechanism, a real mystery object predating Mayan astronomy.
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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1231404 - Posted: 13 May 2012, 3:28:13 UTC - in response to Message 1231365.  

So Johnney, you're saying that you're not far enough along in your research to give us anything useful by the end of the year, so a revelation is unlikely to come from you. Are you saying that you expect this revelation to come at or near the end of this year?

Isn't this what he was saying around this time last year?
Bob DeWoody

My motto: Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow as it may not be required. This no longer applies in light of current events.
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Message 1231509 - Posted: 13 May 2012, 11:41:40 UTC - in response to Message 1231404.  

So Johnney, you're saying that you're not far enough along in your research to give us anything useful by the end of the year, so a revelation is unlikely to come from you. Are you saying that you expect this revelation to come at or near the end of this year?

Isn't this what he was saying around this time last year?

Viral marketing to tease us 'up to date'?... (Or is that too bad a pun?)

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Message 1231575 - Posted: 13 May 2012, 15:26:49 UTC

The question will be answered on 22/12/12. Only another 223 days to go.....
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Message 1231590 - Posted: 13 May 2012, 16:01:24 UTC

So er does it count to or does it just cycle round to Christ they look like IPs...
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Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 1231610 - Posted: 13 May 2012, 16:35:54 UTC - in response to Message 1231365.  
Last modified: 13 May 2012, 16:53:57 UTC

So Johnney, you're saying that you're not far enough along in your research to give us anything useful by the end of the year, so a revelation is unlikely to come from you. Are you saying that you expect this revelation to come at or near the end of this year?

I made my major break-through on the 29th December 2010. I started discussing it here on these SETI forums about 4 months later, around April 2011. Since then i have been quietly carrying out the research full time.

So in the last year and a half, i have compiled hugh quantities of science research in an attempt to 100% scientifically verify that i have found an ancient book that was written by God himself. At this stage, i have compiled roughly 20,000 pages of the book and i'm working to decode and translate these pages into English.

I'm currently stuck in the research because there are several problems preventing me from translating the pages. Many of the pages of the book are so badly damaged that they can never be read. So i am trying to work with the best pages of the book, the pages that are still readable.

As for dates, no, so far i have not found any page in the book that gives me a clear date or time-frame for the return of these people that wrote the book. But an assumption that i can draw from the work i done so far is that the people who wrote the book are immortal. In the book, the science that is discussed is many thousands of years ahead of what we have today. If the people who wrote the book were immortal, they would also be capable of returning at any stage.

As i see it, one of two things are going to happen;
1. I myself am going to decode the book and publish it in modern English for anyone to read.

2. They themselves, the people that wrote the book, will return and tell us about the book, and how to read it.

To be honest, what i have found is going to come out in the end anyway. If its not me that decodes the book, then someone else will. Once people know about this book, and what the book is, then people will truly know who and what God is. God is a flesh and blood human being just like you and me. The only difference is that God has "cracked" all of science, and as a result, he has cracked immortality. God is an immortal human being.

No, i have no date. And as i said before, its down to how fast i decode the book. I could make a massive break-through tomorrow, or it could be another year, i just can't say. The book is very old and difficult to work with.

One more thing. If i was to try to give a name to this book, i would describe it as "The book of Life". The Bible is a written explanation of what happened down in the middle east thousands of years ago. This book i have, "The book of Life" is a scientific explanation of what happened.

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Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 1231628 - Posted: 13 May 2012, 17:20:23 UTC
Last modified: 13 May 2012, 17:20:50 UTC

Ok people,
I will tell you what is going to happen at the end of this year;

First i will tell you what is NOT going to happen;
1. The world is NOT going to end
2. Its NOT going to be some astronomical event like an asteroid or falling star or any rubbish like that.
3. Its NOT going to be a major mega disaster like a tsunami or volcano or hurricane.

This is what you should be watching out for toward the end of this year. Around December 2012.

1. It will be an announcement, most probably on all the major TV news stations.
2. It could be the announcement by some scientist that he has cloned the first human being.
3. It could be an announcement that some scientist has extracted a sample of DNA from a person that has recently died, and used that DNA sample to create a new embryo, and hence, a new human being. In other words, that scientist will have effectively "raised the dead" by "recreating" the dead guy again from his DNA sample.
4. It could be an announcement that aliens have landed on the White house lawn. But i think this is very unlikely.

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Message 1231783 - Posted: 13 May 2012, 23:48:01 UTC


if you need a quite space to complete your opus magnus you may share my room in the Bionic total exclusion isolation ward,,, Im right next door to the guy working on producing producing cold fusion with nothing more than a lemon, some tin foil and baking powder :)
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Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 1231805 - Posted: 14 May 2012, 1:03:22 UTC - in response to Message 1231783.  


if you need a quite space to complete your opus magnus you may share my room in the Bionic total exclusion isolation ward,,, Im right next door to the guy working on producing producing cold fusion with nothing more than a lemon, some tin foil and baking powder :)

You never went back to continue our scientific discussion we were having about evolution. Now your joining in again to another conversation to mock scientific research. To be honest Des, you sound like someone who never listened in science class in school. You should have a good career ahead of you in comedy.

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Message 1231944 - Posted: 14 May 2012, 10:51:40 UTC - in response to Message 1231805.  


if you need a quite space to complete your opus magnus you may share my room in the Bionic total exclusion isolation ward,,, Im right next door to the guy working on producing producing cold fusion with nothing more than a lemon, some tin foil and baking powder :)

You never went back to continue our scientific discussion we were having about evolution. Now your joining in again to another conversation to mock scientific research. To be honest Des, you sound like someone who never listened in science class in school. You should have a good career ahead of you in comedy.


Well you are partly correct John. I didnt come back to pursue a conversation I couldn't really see reaching any satisfying conclusion and in particular one which might not contain jolly banter, so you hit the nail on head, I do like a bit of comedy.

I may sound to you like your assesment of me but it is factual I am well qualified professionally in my discipline ( microbiology) and broadly interested in most biological issues. It was Relgious education and having to sing medievil songs infront of the rest of the class, as a substitute for learning music which collectively I managed to SLack in quite effectively.
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Message 1231991 - Posted: 14 May 2012, 14:08:00 UTC - in response to Message 1231610.  
Last modified: 14 May 2012, 14:10:54 UTC

So Johnney, you're saying that you're not far enough along in your research...

I made my major break-through on the 29th December 2010. I started discussing it here on these SETI forums about 4 months later, around April 2011. Since then i have been quietly carrying out the research full time.

An auspicious date for one particular calendar and for great reverie. The second is a well known quirk of taxation and tomfoolery.

And "full time" is quite a dedication.

For such extensive work, a very good idea is to stop and check and publish to have others to comment on smaller sections rather than find that you may have spent a very long time wandering along an unfruitful path...

... attempt to 100% scientifically verify...

Science is rarely "100%" for anything. Which is why by following Science you can learn new things.

... an ancient book that was written by God himself...

Why would "God" write such a thing?

... I'm currently stuck in the research because there are several problems preventing me from translating the pages...

Oh no... Here we get to the Nigerian scam formula...

... Many of the pages of the book are so badly damaged that they can never be read...

If "God" had gone to the trouble of publishing a book, would not that book not be made to be immortal and readable forever? Or at least republished at frequent intervals?

... As for dates, no, so far i have not found any page in the book that gives me a clear date or time-frame for the return of these people that wrote the book...

So "God" is more than one person?

... the people who wrote the book are immortal...

So why do they not maintain the book to be updated and readable?

... If the people who wrote the book were immortal, they would also be capable of returning at any stage....

"They" are not "here"? Why did they go away? Why would "they" come back?

As i see it, one of two things are going to happen;
1. I myself am going to decode the book and publish it in modern English for anyone to read. ...

I'm sure you can do a much better job than that of von Däniken, and possibly more profitably so! You'd be kept in Guinness for life!! :-)

2. They themselves, the people that wrote the book, will return and tell us about the book, and how to read it. ...

How so and why? And why now?

... If its not me that decodes the book, then someone else will. ...

Now that would make for an excellent "double blind" experiment to 'prove' the science... Would you and someone else both agree on what to write and how?

...God is a flesh and blood human being just like you and me. The only difference is that God has "cracked" all of science, and as a result, he has cracked immortality. God is an immortal human being. ...

So how can that work? And does the taxman know?

...No, i have no date. And as i said before, its down to how fast i decode the book. I could make a massive break-through tomorrow, or it could be another year, i just can't say. The book is very old and difficult to work with. ...

Back to the Nigeria scam formula...

(It's amazing what some countries export!)

... If i was to try to give a name to this book, i would describe it as "The book of Life". The Bible is a written explanation of what happened down in the middle east thousands of years ago. This book i have, "The book of Life" is a scientific explanation of what happened.

Why and how would the "ancients" know better than us? And if so, how/why did they and their ideas die out?

Darwin had some very persuasive ideas that so far still hold true... Such is Science.

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