The Horizon Problem

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Profile Michael John Hind

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Message 1159134 - Posted: 5 Oct 2011, 16:41:29 UTC - in response to Message 1159116.  
Last modified: 5 Oct 2011, 16:41:54 UTC

... how long before we manage to split the atom on Seti?

I'm doing that right now.

4 threads on a D510


Keep searchin',

Wow!! Could be a chain reaction here that could blow-up the earth, do be careful, ML!!
ID: 1159134 · Report as offensive
Profile ML1
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Message 1161984 - Posted: 13 Oct 2011, 21:36:54 UTC - in response to Message 1158524.  

... There's an awful lot yet to be checked out for the Gran Sasso neutrino experiment. Note we're talking of a discrepancy of a very small fraction of time, or conversely only 15 metres spanning across Italy. All that is needed for such a discrepancy is a small surveying error, or even missing some aspect of operation of the equipment. Note that the detection area in the equipment itself is much larger than the 15 metres. Nonetheless, still very interesting. ...

And there is some very good debate:

'Tension' emerges within OPERA collaboration

The claim by a team of researchers in Italy that neutrinos can travel faster than the speed of light will require extra checks before being submitted to a peer-reviewed journal. That is the position of a number of researchers in the OPERA collaboration, which announced on 23 September that it had observed superluminal neutrinos travelling from the CERN particle-physics lab near Geneva to the Gran Sasso underground lab in central Italy.

The announcement made headlines around the world, since it appears to contradict Einstein's special theory of relativity. However, not everyone within OPERA was happy to release the results publicly...

... some members were worried that unknown sources of systematic error might potentially destroy the confidence level. They argued that before making an announcement, further checks should be carried out – a process that could take several months.

One such check regards the timing of the neutrinos' arrival at Gran Sasso, and involves carrying out an analysis of timing data collected by monitoring the charge, rather than the light, generated by particles passing through the detector. This analysis relies on a very precise and painstaking measurement of the length of the cabling used to collect the timing data, in order to isolate any systematic errors that may be present within the electronics or other parts of the timing system.

Another independent check involves the statistical analysis of the data collected by OPERA. ...

There is just a mere 15m or 60ns in it!... That could be just down to problems with the measurements, or we could have some very new science.

Exciting stuff!

Angels and Demons anyone? ;-)

Keep searchin',

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Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : The Horizon Problem

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