upgrade to 1GBit and sell traffic on dedicatet server?

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Highpriest Aden

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Message 1145758 - Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 10:53:09 UTC

Since you are paying for a full 1/gbit line, and are only using 100 mbit. What about to do a investment, dig down a fibercable to the lab from the uni compound.

You have the routine, knowledge and drive to maby "sell" storrage capacity on a dedicatet server.

I for one would love to buy 10GB of space in a cloud, and I/we would pay a bit more for this storage than other companys culd sell the same service at... just becos you are SETI and we would support.
bedst regards Kim.
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Message 1145955 - Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 18:58:23 UTC - in response to Message 1145758.  

The problem is, due to SETI's current lack of bandwidth, if they had the funds to furnish 1Gbit to the labs, they would end up using it for themselves (actually, the users).

Not to mention that SETI is a science project. The Regents of Berkeley that allow SETI@Home to house their project within their campus would likely have a problem with SETI forming a commercial entity.
ID: 1145955 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : upgrade to 1GBit and sell traffic on dedicatet server?

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