Black Holes

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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 1127786 - Posted: 15 Jul 2011, 8:42:30 UTC - in response to Message 1127775.  

I just finished a book by John Moffat "Reinventing Gravity" Smithsonian Books. he is a Cambridge-educated professor at the University of Toronto.

He doubts the existence of black holes and has developed a theory of gravity to explain the 'Missing mass" without resorting to Dark matter and dark energy. He is no crackpot as near as I can tell.

A good book to read on these topics. It takes the idea that when Band-Aids have to be applied to a theory such as Epicycles, Dark Matter, Hidden mass, hidden energy then the theory is not accurate.

So, we need to find dark matter or develop new theories of Gravity. For now I am wondering what's up with the Higgs Boson.

Regards to all of my favorites.


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Message 1127799 - Posted: 15 Jul 2011, 10:08:48 UTC - in response to Message 1127786.  

So, we need to find dark matter or develop new theories of Gravity. For now I am wondering what's up with the Higgs Boson.

Regards to all of my favorites.


The AMS2 instrument on the ISS could tell us something on dark matter. As for the Higgs boson I am looking for it in the LHC data I am crunching. If I should find one I'll let you know. Cheers.
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Message 1127831 - Posted: 15 Jul 2011, 12:44:24 UTC - in response to Message 1127749.  
Last modified: 15 Jul 2011, 12:54:49 UTC

The details of your mathematics will be most interesting... Do tell?

... thats the one thing i'm not going to do. No, i'm not going to show anyone exactly how i arrived at the solution. ...

... i can now solve with the help of God's book of scientific knowledge.

OK... So this is all a mystical secret.

You been using Morse Code and Guinness to decode the purrs of your cat?

As for our present day mathematics to describe a 'black hole', well, simply put our present day mathematics do NOT describe black holes. The present mathematical descriptions suffer from undefined results for such extremes.

Imagine that!! What a coincidence!! The mathematics break down when scientists try to calculate what happens in a black hole! Wow.... Isn't that what i just said in an earlier message! Its a mathematical error!...

Sorry, but no. Mathematics is completely accurate and precise to the extent that the mathematics describe where and how accurately the mathematics can be applied.

For "Black Holes", perhaps a better description is to say that our present mathematics do not completely describe such a region, and that the mathematics tell us that area is not described. However, some equations have solutions where there is a "discontinuity" which can be interpreted to suggest the existence of black holes. Other equations may well yet be discovered in a form that do have useful solutions to describe the case of a black hole.

However... We can use a mathematical tool whereby we look at what happens as you move close, very close, to such a mathematical discontinuity. What we see are exactly the same properties that astronomers also see for what we assume to be black holes.

So... It's more a case of searching further for 'better' descriptions.

Sorry, to be accepted in science, you need to fully explain every minutiae of your work so that others can reliably replicate your findings. You might say that is one of the scientific tests of a shared reality.

... God also told me that Albert Einstein's SR and GR were both wrong!...

We know Einstein is wrong. It's just that Einstein is the one so far to be the most precisely wrong. Following his theories, we get the most accurate description of reality that we have so far found.

I guess you can gain the ultimate reality in the froth in the bottom of a few glasses of Guinness. However, even if that were to be a shared experience, I'm very sure the participants would be deeply lost in non-shared (unique) realities.

Sorry... That's neither science nor mathematics.

It does make for a good Irish story!

If that is, that is a story that can be told... ;-)

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Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 1127851 - Posted: 15 Jul 2011, 14:04:10 UTC - in response to Message 1127775.  
Last modified: 15 Jul 2011, 14:05:51 UTC

When I was a physics and astronomy editor at Mondadori I was plagued by authors trying to publish a book demonstrating that Einstein was wrong. They came all the way from Sicily to Milano with a perfectly typed text mostly enclosed in a black rectangle. I just read the first page and said Oh God! No one ever tried to demonstrate that Born, Heisenberg and Schroedinger were wrong, yet Quantum Mechanics and its Copenhagen interpretation by Bohr are much more debatable than relativity, which is rock solid. Einstein himself rocked it with his Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox in 1935. "God does not play dice", he said. To which someone replied "God cast the die not the dice". I hope you agree.

Maybe you should have read the paper those guys gave you. That sounds like you blatently ignored scientific evidence because you didn't understand the first page of the science paper!

William Rothamel said:
I just finished a book by John Moffat "Reinventing Gravity" Smithsonian Books. he is a Cambridge-educated professor at the University of Toronto.

He doubts the existence of black holes and has developed a theory of gravity to explain the 'Missing mass" without resorting to Dark matter and dark energy. He is no crackpot as near as I can tell.

A good book to read on these topics. It takes the idea that when Band-Aids have to be applied to a theory such as Epicycles, Dark Matter, Hidden mass, hidden energy then the theory is not accurate.

So, we need to find dark matter or develop new theories of Gravity. For now I am wondering what's up with the Higgs Boson.

Regards to all of my favorites.


William Rothamel,
See i'm not a lunatic. You just said you read a book that says there might be other alternatives to our current theory of gravity!! I'm glad someone understands that even the fundamental laws of science can change!

You need to get with reality. There is no Higgs boson!!

Your just a lost case, i see no hope for you. Even when your presented with scientific explainations for new physics, you just keep repeating what you learned somewhere else. There is something more powerful than the written laws of science, its called using your logic and common sense!


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Message 1127868 - Posted: 15 Jul 2011, 14:56:26 UTC - in response to Message 1127851.  
Last modified: 15 Jul 2011, 15:53:08 UTC

... See i'm not a lunatic. You just said you read a book that says there might be other alternatives to our current theory of gravity!!

There are various theories proposed all the time. They then get tested against our observed reality and they will then gain acceptance or not depending on the results.

The Pioneer spacecraft trajectory anomaly has been a good direct test of gravity for the scale of our solar system. That spawned various ideas for modifying one aspect of our calculations for gravity. Further tests and hypothesis and study have refined our understanding further. Our present equations for gravity have been found to still hold true for all presently studied cases.

I'm glad someone understands that even the fundamental laws of science can change!

At this point, I think we are using different meanings and understanding and that you are misusing the word "science".

Your just a lost case, i see no hope for you. Even when your presented with scientific explainations for new physics, you just keep repeating what you learned somewhere else. There is something more powerful than the written laws of science, its called using your logic and common sense!

Indeed so, there is completely no hope for me to be resurrected (or raptured) in (or into) any arbitrary contrived religious sense! My search is for a far deeper and unpolluted truth.

Enjoy your new found world.

Can you make money from your unique interpretations and your new found pseudo-science?

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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 1127870 - Posted: 15 Jul 2011, 15:08:34 UTC - in response to Message 1127868.  
Last modified: 15 Jul 2011, 15:09:27 UTC

Johnnie, my son,

I am hoping that you have a speedy recovery from your recent illness (LOL).

"Mr Nkrumah, Don't put me on " quote from the Vaughn Meader spoof on the Kennedy White House.

I think that they will find the Higgs. Maybe it will have too great a mass (i don't think so) for the CERN collider. If so then that would fuel the next funding request to build a bigger, more powerful machine. I remember that the Top Quark was much heavier than anticipated.

There is too much history with reality falling out of the math not to expect the Higgs, Of course if we have the wrong model then all bets are off. The fact that the rest of super-symmetric particles have been found indicates that the Higgs is "real" and we will find it.

I don't know if there is any way that Cern can look for dark matter.


if you find the Higgs we can probably get a good price for it on E-bay.
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Message 1127871 - Posted: 15 Jul 2011, 15:10:05 UTC

I think I have been clear enough. Let me post a final thought. No particle accelerator, including those used for cancer therapy, would work without special relativity. No Global Positioning System could work without General Relativity. So Relativity is part of our everyday world. To deny its validity is impossible.
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Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 1127881 - Posted: 15 Jul 2011, 15:36:10 UTC

My final thoughts....

The Lord is my Shepherd and he leads me into the ever lasting light. Thou shalt not follow false prophets like Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawking, Nature magazine, Physics Review Letters, and Astrophysical journal.

There are no black holes! God told me!

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Message 1127895 - Posted: 15 Jul 2011, 16:02:25 UTC - in response to Message 1127881.  

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Message 1128909 - Posted: 17 Jul 2011, 20:08:30 UTC - in response to Message 1127707.  

You all got to admit that, at the very least, its kinda exciting having some lunatic like me hanging around here ...

Not really... there where some individuals online here that got send to a mental institute that where far more entertaining...

claiming i'm talking to God and he's giving me the Universal book of science. You got to admit, that doesn't happen every day, now does it guys!

There are quite a lot of lunatics out there claiming a lot of things... adding "science" to every second sentence doesn't make their claims true either.

At the very least, even if i'm wrong and making the whole thing up, its entertaining everyone and it makes the good old SETI message boards exciting again :)


No. Not entertaining at all. Just sad to see that kind of degradation of a human beeing....

So, i'd suggest adding some real value to your claims (some mathematical proof of your claims, formulas etc...) or let it go or maybe add even more 'science' in every sentence... maybe some will fall for that hokum ...

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Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 1129068 - Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 4:06:59 UTC - in response to Message 1128909.  
Last modified: 18 Jul 2011, 4:22:28 UTC

So, i'd suggest adding some real value to your claims (some mathematical proof of your claims, formulas etc...) or let it go or maybe add even more 'science' in every sentence... maybe some will fall for that hokum ...

Sure buddy!! Do you want to call my bluff and see if i'm a liar? Lets do that so!

I offer you two options;
1. Read ALL of the messages in this thread and, as the title of the message suggests, i provide scientific reasons why astronomers and cosmologists "Think" black holes exist! But they are actually a mathematical error! I could only know that if God told me :)

2. Challenge me! Pick a problem from the Wikipedia "List of unsolved problems in physics";

Now that Wikipedia list is long and i can't grantee i will have the answer. But i will have a shot at the answer if its related to one of the area's of physics i was studying. I looked at many of the problems on that Wikipedia page, but not all of them. Pick one that YOU are personally familiar with! I can solve the vast majority of the problems on that page!

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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 1129122 - Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 10:00:48 UTC - in response to Message 1129068.  
Last modified: 18 Jul 2011, 10:11:01 UTC

To take care of the invidious doubters and outrageous criticism against your achievements.

Johnnie, my son, Just simply state Maxwell's equations, Schrodinger's Wave equation and explain what each of the terms are and then simply supply solutions to to these equations and explain how they represent a TEM structure in the case of, say, microwaves. Also rewrite Einstein's equation of General relativity in five dimensions and then differentiate it to surprisingly get Maxwell's equations. Do it in this thread and that should remove all doubts of your recent enlightenment.

This should only involve a little partial differentiation, Tensor calculus and don't forget that you are in Minkowski space.

If you can do all of this then God and you are about as good in insight of the world's physics problems as a PHD in Theoretical physics.

wink wink

Did you get a bad shot of Bushmill's along the way ??

I am hereby resubmitting my friend Daddio's recent work in this area and would like to have comments on why you think it was denied publication in the Annals of Physics and the Philosophical Journal,

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Message 1129150 - Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 12:14:07 UTC - in response to Message 1129122.  

... I am hereby resubmitting my friend Daddio's recent work in this area and would like to have comments...

Is that a burst of Schrödinger obliterating part of the 2-nd dimension due to uncertain containment from higher dimensions? Those Feynman strings can get rather knotty!

Looks like the fall-out was terminal :-(

Or is that from an exam paper?!

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Message 1129302 - Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 16:50:50 UTC - in response to Message 1129150.  
Last modified: 18 Jul 2011, 16:53:00 UTC

It was a situation where I got a string of infinities and my solution blew up. So I guess I can't claim gauge symmetry for my new Darkion Theory. It could also be those damn fluxions creeping into my solution's equations.
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Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 1129410 - Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 20:00:48 UTC
Last modified: 18 Jul 2011, 20:01:20 UTC

Your page of maths is extraordinary work. Its so extraordinary is surpasses even God's book of science. Your way too good :)

Give me a year or two and i will get back to you on that one :)

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Message 1131802 - Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 17:34:16 UTC

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Message 1131812 - Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 17:47:22 UTC

Looks like we're one step closer to finding the Higgs Boson too:
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Message 1131963 - Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 22:07:26 UTC - in response to Message 1131812.  

Looks like we're one step closer to finding the Higgs Boson too:

LOL...Ozzfan do you know what the Higgs Boson actually is?

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Message 1132103 - Posted: 26 Jul 2011, 4:09:10 UTC - in response to Message 1131963.  

Looks like we're one step closer to finding the Higgs Boson too:

LOL...Ozzfan do you know what the Higgs Boson actually is?


A hypothetical particle predicted to exist and postulated to resolve inconsistencies with theoretical physics.
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Message 1132333 - Posted: 26 Jul 2011, 23:12:55 UTC - in response to Message 1132244.  
Last modified: 26 Jul 2011, 23:13:31 UTC

The Higgs boson...

Or reading between the lines, oooops if we don't find it, half our science goes out the window....

I wouldn't say that...

A better description is that not finding it would be even more interesting than finding it and would lead to new science.

Finding it means lots of tedious measurements to refine our approximations to fine tune a selection of the present hypotheses...

(A big part of science is being knowingly wrong! It's all an important part of pushing at the boundaries of ignorance!! ;-) )

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