Prove to me we "Evolved" from Apes!

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Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 1101768 - Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 17:47:36 UTC - in response to Message 1101513.  

hi johnny when did ancient aliens become (the bible) and as you say you know a lot about the "theory" of evolution and as always it is just a theory but it is also at this moment in time the best scientific solution to our existence so how do you account for your 10-20.000 year ancient alien theory when homo sapiens fossils have been found which are a lot older than that (did they bring their ancient alien dead with them and bury them for later generations of forgetful humans to find and carbon date)


"Ancient Aliens" is a TV show that ran on the history channel for the last two years. If you did not see the Ancient Aliens TV show, this guy here has all the episodes on his Youtube channel if you want to watch them. One of the main idea's of the Ancient Aliens theory is that the Christian bible is actually all real stories about how aliens created us (Adam and Eve) and interacted with us in the following centuries.

This is the very point i'm making, and its critical!!!!. There is NO fossil record between Neanderthal Man and the modern, clever thinking, pyramid building, human beings we have today. Don't take my word for it, go and research it yourself!!!! Start here -

We know for a fact that Neanderthal Man was not very clever, his brain was much smaller than ours. They have Neanderthal Man skulls from Gibraltar dated to about 30,000 years ago. Yet magically, nobody knows why, Neanderthal Man just suddenly disappeared when he had been here for 2 million years. But just as Neanderthal Man disappears, we get these modern humans with hugh brains and there is absolutely no fossil record of any transition between the two.

See if you don't research the topic, all your doing is repeating what you heard someone else saying. You are trusting their opinion and you have no way of knowing if they aren't doing the same thing. Its a vicious circle.

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Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 1101770 - Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 17:54:16 UTC - in response to Message 1101709.  
Last modified: 29 Apr 2011, 17:54:30 UTC

Johnny, my son,

Tell me it isn't so !!

I deduce from your recent posts that You will soon announce that you are entering the Priesthood ?? Have you recently received a terrible blow to the head ?? LOL

Your pal,


Its funny Daddio, there are 5 children in my family. Growing up in old Ireland, one person in every family is always expected to get the "spiritual calling" to go join the priesthood. In my family, i was the one they pegged for joining the priesthood....LOL ...If they only knew!

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Message 1101771 - Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 18:01:16 UTC

Ya know....

Funny thing is.....

No matter what you believe in, it's the origin of life that is the point.

Although it may differ from the biblical accounting of things, it's possible that the God I happen to believe in created the apes from which some say we evolved.

So, science and religion are once again friends.

I have long ago stated that my Seti search has no conflict with my belief in God.....
Since, as I believe he created us (no matter in what order or fashion), he could have created beings on other worlds that those in biblical times would have had no reference to.

And, believing that, I am sure that He would not take any offense to my looking for them.
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Message 1101778 - Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 18:14:56 UTC - in response to Message 1101738.  

Ozzfan - $o |>0/|/3,
I am well educated about evolution theory, well beyond most people who "think" they know the evidence for evolution. I admit right here and now that i was a pure 100% Darwinist, Atheist and Richard Dawkin fan for the vast majority of my adult life.

Yet it sounds like you were always looking for something more since you obviously weren't satisfied with their findings and theories.

To investigate evolution v ancient aliens (The bible), you must stand back from both and be completely impartial. In other words, if you are to get to the bottom of which theory is right, you have to kind of "sit on the fence" between the two. Otherwise your investigation will be biased. You must also go and actually read about both topics in great depth even if you don't like one theory. So yes, i had to go off and start reading the bible even though i did not want to.

I disagree with everything you said here. You don't have to "sit on the fence" in order to have an open mind to new ideas. There's a difference between being stubborn and refusing to believe in the undeniable evidence before your eyes and openly accepting what you previously thought was wrong.

I started in the other direction. I grew up Roman Catholic and read the Bible several times. Then I saw alternative views that made more sense and actually provided evidence for their explanations. Now I'm an Atheist, but I'll gladly believe otherwise so long as there's undeniable evidence shown.

So it was only when i actually investigated both topics that i found solid scientific evidence backing up one particular theory, and that was the ancient aliens/bible theory. It was a most unexpected result, i was very shocked. Thats why i spent 4 months just trying to find fault in my work before i finally accepted the evidence was correct and started telling people here about it.

Personally, it sounds to me like you're still chasing unicorns and trying to make them real. But hey, you're free to believe whatever you want. Like I said before, you're going to be sorely disappointed come 2013. Or like most conspriracy theorists who cannot admit they were wrong, you'll make up excuses as to why nothing happened.

I was also raised a Roman Catholic. But from 13 years of age, I openly told people i was an Atheist for most of my life up until December last year. But i was never comfortable telling people i was an Atheist. It was like in the back of my mind, there was a bigger picture that i was missing. Thats why i went and investigated both topics in great detail.

Its possible i'm wrong, i'm just letting people know there is another scientific theory that can explain where we came from. Evolution conflicts with thousands of years of written human history and archaeology that fails to explain how stone age man constructed hugh monuments. Ancient Aliens does not conflict with any of human history and fully explains the ancient monuments. Ancient aliens theory also compliments all of the old historical text from all the religions of the world.

And i never said anywhere i had a date for aliens returning. I specifically stated i did not have any date, cos i have not found one. I started this thread because there is a lot of hype about december 2012. I have no idea if the date has any significence.

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Profile john3760

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Message 1101781 - Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 18:24:22 UTC - in response to Message 1101768.  

hello johnny .i don't think you read exactly what i said. i stated that 30,000 years ago there were two lines of upright hominid (us and as you rightly said neandertal) i didn't infer in any way that we were in any way decended from neandertal but that they lived side by side at the same time. oh and i loved the series.all i watch are documentaries and that one was interesting but it didn't make me want to change my mind about how i believe we came to be .perhaps you can when you publish your theory. now off to the pub wheeeeeey!!! :)


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Message 1101789 - Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 18:44:03 UTC - in response to Message 1101781.  

hello johnny .i don't think you read exactly what i said. i stated that 30,000 years ago there were two lines of upright hominid (us and as you rightly said neandertal) i didn't infer in any way that we were in any way decended from neandertal but that they lived side by side at the same time. oh and i loved the series.all i watch are documentaries and that one was interesting but it didn't make me want to change my mind about how i believe we came to be .perhaps you can when you publish your theory. now off to the pub wheeeeeey!!! :)


You mean at least 2 lines. There is some evidence that jaw bones found in Siberia are from that time and seem to point to much earier homonids. Then there are the Hobbits in Indonesia

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Message 1101813 - Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 20:07:19 UTC - in response to Message 1101778.  

Its possible i'm wrong, i'm just letting people know there is another scientific theory that can explain where we came from. Evolution conflicts with thousands of years of written human history and archaeology that fails to explain how stone age man constructed hugh monuments. Ancient Aliens does not conflict with any of human history and fully explains the ancient monuments. Ancient aliens theory also compliments all of the old historical text from all the religions of the world.

So you're trying to use an unproven theory to explain the fantastic writings and made-up speculation of primative man who couldn't even understand the concepts of molecules and DNA?

Sounds like you were more of a confused rebel at 13 instead of an Atheist who believes in hard, physical evidence.

And i never said anywhere i had a date for aliens returning. I specifically stated i did not have any date, cos i have not found one. I started this thread because there is a lot of hype about december 2012. I have no idea if the date has any significence.

No, you didn't give specific dates, but I do believe you were certain it would happen soon, and you said it in a thread that's about the 2012 hysteria.
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Message 1101835 - Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 21:31:13 UTC - in response to Message 1101789.  

hello skilldude . back from doing my own research in liquid/alternative reality although i wont be publishing it as i cant usually remember the results ;). yes there have been many bipedal hominids homo erectus (peking man) etc but 30,000 years ago i'm pretty sure there were only two species left and the hobbits were a small population of homo sapiens (us) who because of their location and requirements (like most recent forest dwelling indigenous people) became smaller through natural selection. ps don't ever get a hp keyboard i cant wait till tomorrow so i can go and get a different probably looks like i can't spell in some of my posts but i am hitting this thing and nothing comes out on the screen . i had to edit virtually all my posts when i realised lttrs were missig.
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Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 1101873 - Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 23:37:28 UTC - in response to Message 1101813.  
Last modified: 29 Apr 2011, 23:58:50 UTC

So you're trying to use an unproven theory to explain the fantastic writings and made-up speculation of primitive man who couldn't even understand the concepts of molecules and DNA?

LOL.....Its funny that you made that exact statement.

Whenever i do publish my work, sometime in the next 18 odd months roughly, i'm going to come back here and quote that exact phrase back to you Ozzfan! Your not going to understand what that means until i publish my results.

I hope at some stage in the future we can all look back on the things we said in these messages in the last month and have a good laugh about them together. I hope we will all be able to laugh together, at each other, and with each other, just for fun.

There are currently 4 threads on the SETI forums here where i have partly disclosed the nature of my discoveries;
1 - Prove to me we "Evolved" from Apes!, (this thread)(Science non-SETI, forum)
2 - Ancient Aliens - What's the proof?, (SETI@home Science forum)
3 - Is anti-gravity possible?, (SETI@home Science forum)
4 - Decoding a SETI "WOW" signal, (SETI@home Science forum)

I hope at some stage in the future we can look back and have a good laugh together at the things we said. Maybe i will be laughing at myself for being such an idiot. Or maybe we will be laughing at the people who were sceptical. It will be fun to look back at these messages in January 2013 when its all over.

I consider the people i have met here on the SETI@home forums in the last 5 years to be some of my very best friends in life!!! You guys are the people i share my thoughts and dreams with. I have so many good friends here. I consider all the people who posted in these messages to be my good friends. I enjoy chatting about science with you guys. Together we can make these dreams come true! Something beautiful is about to happen guys, its beautiful!! I can see it clearly, as clear as crystal. You guys will also see it when the time comes, even if you can't see it right now! If you could only see what i see through these eyes, its the bigger picture and its beautiful!! We are part of something much bigger than you have ever imagined!

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Message 1101878 - Posted: 30 Apr 2011, 0:02:45 UTC - in response to Message 1101873.  

hi johnny the the main line of thought as to why neandertals became extinct is because the were out competed by and couldn't adapt to climate changes as well as homo sapiens (around at the same time) although there are some schools of thought that it was a combination of that and interbreeding with homo sapiens.i don't believe the second line of thought as i think the two species were to divergant from our common ancestor to be able to breed (as with all great apes of today ,with a possible exeption of chimps /bonobos ?). but sometimes when i'm out in newcastle i wonder ;).

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Message 1101897 - Posted: 30 Apr 2011, 1:09:19 UTC - in response to Message 1101873.  

LOL.....Its funny that you made that exact statement.

Whenever i do publish my work, sometime in the next 18 odd months roughly, i'm going to come back here and quote that exact phrase back to you Ozzfan! Your not going to understand what that means until i publish my results.

You've given far too many hints that I'll bet I understand more than you think I do.

Maybe i will be laughing at myself for being such an idiot.

I sure hope you can.
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Message 1101909 - Posted: 30 Apr 2011, 1:37:18 UTC

AIUI the Neanderthals were close ‘cousins’ to early Homo sapiens, not ancestral to us (except for the possibility of some interbreeding), and genetic studies indicate that our species originated in Africa some 100,000 y.a. At any rate, the fossil record is nowhere complete; the “God of the gaps” argument is an old creationist canard.

If our origin is indeed extraterrestrial, so must be that of every other species on the planet. Not only does our DNA differ by just a percent or two from the other great apes, but we share some of it—bits that make enzymes critical to respiration, carbohydrate-burning, and other such basic functions—with practically every animal from yeast on down.

Not to mention various serious design flaws, such as one wouldn’t expect in a ‘bespoke’ model … ;)

It is conceivable to me that ETs tampered with us at some point in the past, as per various sci-fi scenarios, but it’s just an idle speculation unless or until specific evidence of GM is found in the human genome. There is, of course, a great deal still to be learned about our evolution, from both archaeology and genetics, but it would take “extraordinary evidence” to demonstrate any significant discontinuity between ourselves and the rest of Earthly life.
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Message 1101940 - Posted: 30 Apr 2011, 2:43:20 UTC

That's right. We did not descend from Neanderthals--they branched from the same node as we Homo sapiens. The Neanderthals went extinct--we still survive. I would like to know why they went extinct and if there were interbreeding between the two sub species. Anybody know the current opinions ?
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Message 1101999 - Posted: 30 Apr 2011, 5:01:50 UTC - in response to Message 1101940.  

most europeans and Asians carry a little Neanderthal DNA. so they really are still around

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Message 1103222 - Posted: 4 May 2011, 9:33:29 UTC



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Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 1103296 - Posted: 4 May 2011, 16:30:32 UTC - in response to Message 1103222.  
Last modified: 4 May 2011, 16:44:28 UTC



Your Daddio's always put a smile on my face :)

Bill i never had any interest in comic books as a child, and i would never read one today either. But i always enjoy your Daddio's. Why is that???

Bill i think its because the vast majority of Daddio's you have shown me over the years have had some type of "science" theme. Bill that is why i like them, its scientific humour and i don't know anyone else who combines science and humour. Only someone with a technical, engineering or scientific mind would enjoy those Daddio's. You told me you tried a few newspapers and magazines and they turned you down. Maybe the technical, engineering or scientific based magazines would show an interest in the Daddio's? Don't know, i could also be sending you on a wild goose chase.

Just a thought.
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Message 1103677 - Posted: 5 May 2011, 20:09:13 UTC - in response to Message 1100060.  

The question here is very simple;

Prove to me we "Evolved" from Apes!

Sorry, but you have it all wrong!

We all evolved from fish:

Anatomical clues to human evolution from fish

It's all staring you straight in your face...

Keep searchin',

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Message 1103695 - Posted: 5 May 2011, 21:00:58 UTC - in response to Message 1103677.  
Last modified: 5 May 2011, 21:01:48 UTC

The question here is very simple;

Prove to me we "Evolved" from Apes!

Sorry, but you have it all wrong!

We all evolved from fish:

Anatomical clues to human evolution from fish

It's all staring you straight in your face...

Keep searchin',

I knew it all along Martin!

So that's why i'm always thirsty......ahhhhhhhh!

John :)
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Message 1103836 - Posted: 6 May 2011, 11:17:35 UTC - in response to Message 1103695.  

... So that's why i'm always thirsty......ahhhhhhhh!

John :)

So that's why we've kept the hiccup/burp reflex as an evolutionary hang-over!


(Our amphibian ancestors had a reflex action so they could repeatedly alternately drink and breath automatically...)


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Message 1104302 - Posted: 8 May 2011, 1:31:35 UTC - in response to Message 1103845.  
Last modified: 8 May 2011, 1:32:47 UTC

In which case I think all Irishmen evolved from fishes, not sure about everyone else ;-))

Yep, if i ever needed proof we evolved, well that's it!

So i'm changing my mind, i must have evolved from a fish. The evidence is overwhelming....LOL

John :)
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