Japans Damaged Nuclear Plants.

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Message 1092104 - Posted: 1 Apr 2011, 1:56:26 UTC
Last modified: 1 Apr 2011, 2:31:41 UTC

As it is getting more and more clear that the radiation leak started in March 12th the first day that reactor housing exploded how many days does it take for radioactive air molecule to circle the earth? Since it is getting clear that 2 american states have radioactive milk to try with as of today.

Because from Fukushima to California cattle farms the radioactive air supposed to fly over 8000km then inside cow stomach it supposed to survive 1-2 days then turn into milk means maybe 10-18 days of journey or even shorter...

But I-131 halflife is 8 days that means the radioactive air must travel only few days (less than 7 days??!! hontoni desu ka?) from F point to C point milk.
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Message 1092149 - Posted: 1 Apr 2011, 4:35:16 UTC - in response to Message 1092104.  

With a half-life of 8 days, after 80 days the radioactivity will drop to about 0.1% of the starting strength. Where radiation from I-131 several thousand times over the official safety limit has been reported, it could well be a few months before it returns to background levels. OTOH by the time anything crosses the Pacific from Japan it will be enormously diluted: I wouldn't expect the west coast of North America to receive any more radiation than places downwind from a coal-fired generator, perhaps, or on granite bedrock.
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Message 1092161 - Posted: 1 Apr 2011, 5:36:49 UTC

So as 0.1% half life dissipation rate for 80 days the likely initial targets of New Zealand, Phillipines, Hawaii must be getting more increased radioactivity accumulation over the past 19 days of active radioactive winding period?!

However NHK is hardly trying to cover up the leakage danger, actually now it is increasing. That means threats to mentioned down wind countries likely to increase.

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Message 1092186 - Posted: 1 Apr 2011, 8:38:10 UTC

This is the latest report from "Nature" magazine:
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Message 1092817 - Posted: 2 Apr 2011, 23:19:44 UTC - in response to Message 1086585.  
Last modified: 2 Apr 2011, 23:23:10 UTC

Of the 55 nuclear power plants in Japan 5 are seriously damaged with one in very serious trouble. They blew up the control building to flood the core with sea water. In the video you can see the visible shockwave of high explosives. Not a hydrogen explosion as reported. The control room was blown to feed sea water to the cores reactor pool. This is a last ditch attempt to prevent a Chenobel type meltdown. 170000 people have been evactuated from the area. Another reactor also has coolant problems. This is dealy serious and US and Canada west coasts are downwind. There are way more serious problems than the public is being told. By doing so the overflow will be radioactive and dumped into the sea for as long as it takes to cool the reactor. Working in the US Navy nuclear power program tasught me the dangers of this castastrphe.

"Your "fantasy story" displays no common sense what so ever! NO ONE, NO HOW, who's in their right mind, would expose a radioactively contaminated area to any unprotected, unshielded, internal space, nor the open environment! Doing so WILL cause even more problematic situations!"

This posted quoting and FACT, in reply to your posting, comes via a long time, experienced controller at the Oyster Creek Generation Facility in New Jersey, who happens also to be my nephew.

There are many more ways of executing a controlled breach into a facility, sans blowing it ALL up with explosives, creating a mass of unnavigable rubble, to get coolant to the cores and spent materials storage areas.

What a DUH statement! No doubt the whole thing's a "conspiracy" planed by the "New World Order", to control world population as well. Utter garbage!

However, I agree, that the EXTREAM dangers of all types of radioactive isotopes being expelled into both the air, ocean, and into a wide area's soil from this accidental (and unwarranted, unplanned for. . . GRRRRRR!) disaster, carries with it a VERY REAL AND SERIOUS health threat, to all populated areas around the northern pacific rim for now, and as with the Chernobyl incident, the contaminants from Japan's reactors WILL end up world wide.

BTW. . . As it is, older generations, such as I, have already been contaminated by "above ground atomic and nuclear testing" PLUS. . . WE ALL have some part of Chernobyl's contamination within us right now! FACT!

Because of it's short half life of days, the alpha emitters are being "poo-pooed" by the facility's owner and the Japanese government, which is TOTALLY WRONG and is sending a FALSE message to Japan's, and the world's, population!

I have had my oun personal dealings with Iodine-131 and when exposed to it needlessly and without giving it enough time to "decay" into harmlessness, people WILL experience and develop harmful effects from it!

Even an alpha emitter's particles (such as Iodine-131), which are normally repelled by everyday worn clothing and our very skin, if inhaled or ingested into the body, CAN cause future harmful effects to occur within the "infected" person or animal. These harmful effects may or may not be displayed within the infected subject(s) in their oun normal life time, but perhaps will show up in their sibling(s) instead, due to damaged and mutated cellular structure(s) of the propagator.

What is presently scarring the hell out of me as of late is, as a by-product of a reactor's operation in Japan, Plutonium was produced, which is one of the most deadly poisons known to man and is a high gamma emitter, with a half life of thousands of years!
THIS MATERIAL IS AN ABSOLUTE KILLER!!!!! Over exposure to the gamma particles WILL cause "radiation sickness", followed shortly there after by death!
It's been reported that, this particular radioactive isotope has leaked outside of the containment vessel and into the environment around the facility!

The long term effects of this co-incident, is a disaster in itself, compounded on top of the existing nuclear facility's disastrous situation and at least I can foresee grave and sad events happening because of this, such as placing a large area surrounding the generation facility off limits to travel, farming, and all types of fishing, on or off shore, for the long term future; not to mention the definite effects this emitter WILL have on lives of those exposed to it at the facility right now.

I have no doubt, that this killer material, will somehow and eventually, end up traveling elsewhere. :-(
Wishing you continued science "fun" and at least, always valid results,
Rick "WHOSIT" W.
Participating in: Einstein/MilkyWay/Rosetta/SETI
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Profile Blurf
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Message 1092844 - Posted: 3 Apr 2011, 0:50:55 UTC

What are your "oun personal dealings with Iodine-131"??

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Profile WHOSIT

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Message 1093128 - Posted: 3 Apr 2011, 22:54:07 UTC - in response to Message 1092844.  
Last modified: 3 Apr 2011, 23:43:28 UTC

What are your "oun personal dealings with Iodine-131"??

Hi Blurf! How ya been!

Some years ago, I developed a HUGE thyroid, resulting in hyperthyroidism, grave's disease, difficultly breathing, and had two choices offered, surgical removal or to attempt to "kill" the thyroid through ingestion of a pill containing a specifically made to order amount of Iodine-131, as the thyroid gland has a real affinity for the absorbing of iodine.

The pill was delivered the day before my office visit, which did not produce the expected and desired results, all though some very small decrease in size was noted in one week's time.

The explanation given for the bad result was, it may, MAY have come from an older (define as "weaker alpha emitting") batch of 131 used to make the pill, which to anyone who expects at least good results for whatever they pay for, is an unacceptable situation! {btw, my insurance was not charged for this treatment or the office visit :-) }

Besides that, one would think the producer of this "nuclear medication" would make sure it's main active component met some sort of guideline as per a standard amount of rads, pico rads, or whatever measurement / term is currently in use, to actually be emitted per hour or minute, at the dosage ordered or not use it!
This situation is comparable to a physician ordering a normal med at perhaps a 75mg amount and your receiving a 5mg dosage instead from the drug store. The received medication will just not work correctly or as intended.

Anyway. . . . The med was reordered and I was in the office when it was delivered two days later in it's yellow & purple, radioactive warning symbol marked container (looked very much like a surplus 30cal. ammo box), was called in as the delivery person was closing the box, and given the repeat dose there and then.
The next week, there was little sign of a thyroid left to see on the thyroid scan. Dead and gone! YEA!!!!!

HOWEVER! While the first "weak" dose was traveling through my body, followed by a second "full strength" dose, no one could answer with a definite, resounding "NO!", if the total emitted particles had done any, shall we say "collateral damage", to other parts of the body not intended to be it's "target".
With the first dose, expected to be up to par, the answer was, "Probably not.". The second dose answer was, "Most likely no.". Both combined, I was told, "I don't know."!


Because, there is no telling with any certainly at this time, what an alpha emitter will or will not do, in the long run, after taken into the body. It is ALWAYS a maybe or maybe not win or loose situation and I defy anyone to state otherwise, as some organs, glands, and other tissues within the body, are not evolved tough enough to repel an alpha particle, as are skin cells, while the isotope is moving inside and throughout the body.

"Ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances.", as was in my case.

The reasons I took my chance, was I already had children and was 45 years old already, so not a big deal IMO. No genetic problems to pass on, and I expected (still do) to live out my normal life span.

While there haven't been any indications YET of hard, scientifically definable harmful effects, I suspect and blame the post treatment and rather sudden occurrence of non-CAD, PAD, or PVD related "mystery blood clotting" {as per my vascular surgeon's description} on it's ingestion. Just can't be proven one way or the other, sans doubt, at this current point in time. However, I absolutly believe it is so.

[Oh. . . and before someone posts radiation exposure is supposed to CAUSE bleeding and not clotting; that is ONLY one sign and/or symptom, which may or may not present itself in the patient, in a case of radiation poisoning, aka radiation "sickness", caused by high time and/or short, unshielded distance exposure to both beta and gamma ionizing particles, not low dosage exposure as in the case of non-ionizing particles or ingested, medical grade, alpha emitting Iodine-131, which btw, is why Japan is "feeding" (no pun intended) it's people a false story, that it is safe to consume farm fresh products and water contaminated with a host of alpha emitters besides Iodine. NO ONE KNOWS, WITH ANY CERTANTY, WHAT AN INTERNALLY PLACED ALPHA EMITTER, WILL OR WON'T DO, IN THE LONG TERM, TO OTHER PARTS OF THE BODY, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE THYROID GLAND, AT THIS TIME! This is a dangerous assumption and stance to take, on their or any other government's part, just being based alone and only on Iodine-131's normal half life of days!

I wouldn't consume any of it nor give any to my children, given I had a choice in the matter, and the majority of world renowned physicist have publicly already stated the exact same thing, for the exact same reasons!

Hell! Don't anyone listen to me. . . . . listen to them!

Also, just FEI who may read this, I am a lifetime certified N.B.C. responder and radiation monitor in my state and I studied the HELL out of the subject to get it. I went WAY over board in my quest for knowledge on the subjects of radiation and radioactivity.

I am no way and far from being a nuclear physicist or something even near close by, but I do know more about radiation and it's effects than most others in most other professional fields of endeavor and MUCH more than John Q. Public does.
For example: History: Measurement of radiation in the U.S. at one time was referred to as an X number amount received of "Sunshine Units"! How quaint and harmless sounding the government made it all seem! It lasted until in general, people gained a broader, realistic spectrum of education in regards to radiation effects and THEN "Uncle Sam" through the AEC, changed to the "RAD" (Radioactive Decay) unit as the new "publicly known" and accepted standard term.

Sunshine Unit vs. RAD.
Even sounds more mean and dangerous. HA!

Plus I do have my nephew, with his doctorates degree in the matter, to lean on for info as well, through these and future horrible days.]

Now, to get back on track and end this long winded posting. . . .

Blurf, If I was younger and/or had no children yet, I would have opted for the surgical procedure. No question about it.

It's always better to err on the side of safety, although having a rather large incision made through the upper chest and lower neck, then cutting something grown abnormally large out, in itself has it's oun risks, but was then also considered a more common, therefore "safer" sounding procedure to have performed with an almost 100% guaranteed good outcome.

So, there ya are buddy. You (and the rest of the world) now know about "my oun personal dealings" with Iodine-131. :-D
Wishing you continued science "fun" and at least, always valid results,
Rick "WHOSIT" W.
Participating in: Einstein/MilkyWay/Rosetta/SETI
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Profile Orgil

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Message 1096356 - Posted: 12 Apr 2011, 1:51:52 UTC

As of today japans admitting that in real high tech they are pretty much at russian standards or since it is 40 year old GE tech maybe american and russian tech are pretty much the same according to this type of stress test:

Japan may assess nuclear crisis at Chernobyl level

By Michael Kitchen
LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) -- Japanese nuclear-safety authorities may raise their assessment of the crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant to the same level as the 1986 Chernobyl disaster later Tuesday, according to reports from the region. Separate reports from Kyodo News and broadcaster NHK said Japan's nuclear safety regulators would put the crisis at level 7, the highest possible rating which had so far only been assigned to the Chernobyl incident. The situation was currently rated at level 5, on par with the U.S. nuclear accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant in 1979. On Monday, Japan widened the evacuation area around Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s (JP:9501 480.00, -20.00, -4.00%) (TKECY 7.75, +1.30, +20.16%) damaged Fukushima Daiichi plant on safety concerns over radiation leaking from the facility.

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Message 1096509 - Posted: 12 Apr 2011, 14:20:39 UTC - in response to Message 1096356.  

As of today japans admitting that in real high tech they are pretty much at russian standards or since it is 40 year old GE tech maybe american and russian tech are pretty much the same according to this type of stress test:

Japan may assess nuclear crisis at Chernobyl level

By Michael Kitchen
LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) -- Japanese nuclear-safety authorities may raise their assessment of the crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant to the same level as the 1986 Chernobyl disaster later Tuesday, according to reports from the region. Separate reports from Kyodo News and broadcaster NHK said Japan's nuclear safety regulators would put the crisis at level 7, the highest possible rating which had so far only been assigned to the Chernobyl incident. The situation was currently rated at level 5, on par with the U.S. nuclear accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant in 1979. On Monday, Japan widened the evacuation area around Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s (JP:9501 480.00, -20.00, -4.00%) (TKECY 7.75, +1.30, +20.16%) damaged Fukushima Daiichi plant on safety concerns over radiation leaking from the facility.

Now it is official: it is considered as the same disaster level as it was in Tschernobyl in 1986. Let´s see how it evolves: there are new lesser intensive earthquakes still hitting and shaking the area that might last at least for another three to four months.
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Message 1096643 - Posted: 13 Apr 2011, 2:52:45 UTC

Regarding extreme lieing skill of Japanese government and its mouth of NHK and seemingly so agreeable attitudes of British, German, US governments I now wonder whether the most Nuke plants throughout the west are safe. Germany just recently closed 7 of their old nuke plants then there are some dousens of very old plants are still working and keep promising about their safenness.

I'd say if japanese government manage to lie so rampantly and shamelessly why not other governments?!
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Message 1097042 - Posted: 14 Apr 2011, 6:29:46 UTC

It's really sad that this disaster had to happen to Japan. The level of damage to the country was bad enough without the added problem with the nuclear power plants. But at least they have the skill to deal with the situation better than most countries with nuclear power plants.
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Message 1099296 - Posted: 21 Apr 2011, 0:57:06 UTC - in response to Message 1088775.  

Spent fuel rods can be glassified and encapsulated in stainless steel. They could then be stored deep inside a secure mountain cave on racks where ground water is not an issue. Leaving them in open pools is asking for trouble.

In the future they can be sent into the sun if we are more sure of rocket technology.

Why waste these elements by tossing them into the sun? (Assuming we can find a rocket that is 100% reliable.)

It would seem that there should be some way to make use of a deep burial technique which would place the spent fuel rods at a point in the crust where they would be sucked down into the mantel and "refined" as part of the natural processes going on inside the earth.
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Message 1099297 - Posted: 21 Apr 2011, 0:59:23 UTC - in response to Message 1097042.  

It's really sad that this disaster had to happen to Japan. The level of damage to the country was bad enough without the added problem with the nuclear power plants. But at least they have the skill to deal with the situation better than most countries with nuclear power plants.

What makes you believe that Japan has any more skill in dealing with the nuclear part of this disaster than any other developed country?
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Profile Jason Safoutin
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Message 1099358 - Posted: 21 Apr 2011, 8:08:03 UTC

I am assuming at this point that TEPCO is not telling the truth, and the government isn't either. Every time something has broke on the news, they have had to come out and basically confirm it. Every time they say something got better, it either got worse or something else did. It seems when one problem is uncovered, they come out and say well we apologize for not saying anything before, but....

My question is...why have built this plant on the shoreline less than several miles from one of the most active fault lines in the world, and NOT anticipate a major tsunami? Did they think their earthquake warning system was fail safe? So many unanswered questions can be asked, and many will never be answered.
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Message 1100178 - Posted: 24 Apr 2011, 4:41:43 UTC

Especially in asian culture in case any authoritive figure bow down and to tell the truth they usually lie and badly mess up. So japan is one of latest sharp example.

But even in Chernobyl example europeans knew the actual radiation spread maybe after 10 years after all the poisoning.

My guess is since there are thousands o tons of radioactive water directly evaporating into the air from Fukushima and Pacific zone most direct jet stream countries' governments are hiding the true radiation spread.
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Message 1100210 - Posted: 24 Apr 2011, 8:50:54 UTC

After one year operation a 1000 MW nuclear reactor contains the radioactive elements of a thousand Hiroshima bombs.
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