Happy New Year from SETI@home

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Profile WHOSIT

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Message 1062436 - Posted: 1 Jan 2011, 18:26:35 UTC - in response to Message 1062314.  

Greetings all,

From what I have gathered in my brief encounter with you all in my readings I really am just a very small cog in the wheel, but a cog nonetheless. . .

Sorry for going of topic here, but I felt compelled to respond to this part of Kadaitcha_Man's posting.

Many participants (myself included) in "@home" projects feel the very same way as you do and the importance of each of us "small cogs" contributing it's very oun share of work to the whole machine's functioning, can't be stressed enough. Without all us tiny cogs, the big research machine would surely break down.

So Kadaitcha_Man. . . Three New Year's cheers. . . just for all the many of us tiny, small cogs, who volunteered to be assimilated into the BOINC! :-)

Wishing you continued science "fun" and at least, always valid results,
Rick "WHOSIT" W.
Participating in: Einstein/MilkyWay/Rosetta/SETI
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Profile kararom
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Message 1062659 - Posted: 2 Jan 2011, 7:43:49 UTC - in response to Message 1062436.  

Happy New year from Russian crunchers!!!...
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Profile Dirk Villarreal Wittich

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Holy See (Vatican City)
Message 1062666 - Posted: 2 Jan 2011, 8:49:07 UTC - in response to Message 1062659.  

Happy New year from Russian crunchers!!!...

Большое спасибо!
Поздравляем с Новым Годом!

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Message 1063436 - Posted: 4 Jan 2011, 14:56:44 UTC
Last modified: 4 Jan 2011, 14:57:39 UTC

happy new year!![/quote]
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Pedro Ardizón

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Message 1063771 - Posted: 5 Jan 2011, 22:27:55 UTC - in response to Message 1061817.  
Last modified: 5 Jan 2011, 22:30:38 UTC

Feliz Año Nuevo !!!!
Pedro desde Buenos Aires para todos !!!
Pedro Ardizón
Paternal - Buenos Aires
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Message 1063844 - Posted: 6 Jan 2011, 2:32:59 UTC

do we really want to find somebody out there? feliz año nuevo 2011 have a good one felicidades
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Profile Dirk Sadowski
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Message 1063847 - Posted: 6 Jan 2011, 2:48:06 UTC - in response to Message 1063844.  

do we really want to find somebody out there?

I think yes, that's the main reason for SETI@home, or?


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Profile Jim-R.
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Message 1063889 - Posted: 6 Jan 2011, 5:21:28 UTC

Happy New Year Matt and all the staff.
I've unfortunately been away for quite a while but back on again, at least temporarily. I'm using a "mini laptop" for my internet connection right now but will work on getting my main comp connected in the next day or two. I'm going to dl BOINC as soon as I get this typed and start crunching on this "mini".

Some people plan their life out and look back at the wealth they've had.
Others live life day by day and look back at the wealth of experiences and enjoyment they've had.
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Profile Dirk Villarreal Wittich

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Holy See (Vatican City)
Message 1063916 - Posted: 6 Jan 2011, 8:15:58 UTC - in response to Message 1063889.  

Happy New Year Matt and all the staff.
I've unfortunately been away for quite a while but back on again, at least temporarily. I'm using a "mini laptop" for my internet connection right now but will work on getting my main comp connected in the next day or two. I'm going to dl BOINC as soon as I get this typed and start crunching on this "mini".

Great news having you back, Jim!!
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Message 1064372 - Posted: 7 Jan 2011, 20:22:27 UTC

happy new year also and also new Boinic Manager version? in 2011?
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Profile Ozmoses
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Message 1064930 - Posted: 9 Jan 2011, 12:04:24 UTC - in response to Message 1064372.  

Yep, I just downloaded the "test" version. Never had an issue with Test versions yet so be prepared for some interesting updates.


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Profile uwe

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Message 1070173 - Posted: 24 Jan 2011, 11:06:33 UTC

ich hatte eine schwäre op an der Bandscheibe und nun darf ich nur 4 Wochen stehen und liegen in der zeit kann ich sehr schwär am PCs was machen geht halt nur im stehen gruß an alle uwe
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Profile Uli
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Message 1070440 - Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 5:30:09 UTC - in response to Message 1070173.  

Ich hoffe das es alles Wert ist Uwe.

I hope for a speedy recovery and that it is worth it.

Hallo zu unseren Forums.
Hello to the forums.
Pluto will always be a planet to me.

Seti Ambassador
Not to late to order an Anni Shirt
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Profile celttooth

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Message 1070447 - Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 6:22:18 UTC - in response to Message 1070440.  

Hi Uli:
We still wear the T-shirts with pride. It is nice to see you again.

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Profile Uli
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Message 1070462 - Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 8:08:53 UTC - in response to Message 1070447.  

Hi Uli:
We still wear the T-shirts with pride. It is nice to see you again.

Snicker, I never left. Nice to know you wear them with pride.
Pluto will always be a planet to me.

Seti Ambassador
Not to late to order an Anni Shirt
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Profile Dirk Sadowski
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Message 1070500 - Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 14:43:21 UTC - in response to Message 1070173.  

ich hatte eine schwäre op an der Bandscheibe und nun darf ich nur 4 Wochen stehen und liegen in der zeit kann ich sehr schwär am PCs was machen geht halt nur im stehen gruß an alle uwe


Gute Besserung!

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Profile jose garcia

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Message 1076098 - Posted: 11 Feb 2011, 12:14:48 UTC

I'm a new member from spain, wishing everybody a happy and healthy year 2011 and thank all you to permit me to be volunteer in this great adventure.
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Message boards : News : Happy New Year from SETI@home

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