The Great Seti Plughole Experiment!

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Michael Watson

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Message 1031669 - Posted: 8 Sep 2010, 0:56:19 UTC

I have made water run clockwise and counter-clockwise alternately down the same sink by diverting the flow of water from one side of the plug hole to the other. In general, it probably has more to do with the position of the faucet with respect to the outlet, or the sink being out of level, or the way the first water into the sink happens to move, establishing a trend, either clockwise or counter-clockwise. Have I solved a great mystery of the universe?! Michael
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Message 1031671 - Posted: 8 Sep 2010, 1:01:17 UTC - in response to Message 1031669.  

I have made water run clockwise and counter-clockwise alternately down the same sink by diverting the flow of water from one side of the plug hole to the other. In general, it probably has more to do with the position of the faucet with respect to the outlet, or the sink being out of level, or the way the first water into the sink happens to move, establishing a trend, either clockwise or counter-clockwise. Have I solved a great mystery of the universe?! Michael

You just let test and observation describe the results. Perfect!

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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 1031679 - Posted: 8 Sep 2010, 1:52:53 UTC

Just think. Fifty years from now no one will know what clockwise means.

I once had a boss who claimed that you could not describe clockwise in words without using the word itself.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1031680 - Posted: 8 Sep 2010, 1:55:04 UTC - in response to Message 1031573.  

When I was at school they insisted (well you know Science teachers!)that the water went down the plughole clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, because of the rotation of the earth. Consequently, it went down anticlockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.

What they forgot to tell you was the sink needs to be a large lake before the Coriolis force is larger than random motion in the water.

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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1031682 - Posted: 8 Sep 2010, 1:57:44 UTC - in response to Message 1031679.  

I once had a boss who claimed that you could not describe clockwise in words without using the word itself.

Obvious he had never heard of the right hand rule or the left hand rule. The motion viewed from the direction of the thumb of the left hand as you close the fingers on the palm.

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Michael Watson

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Message 1032000 - Posted: 8 Sep 2010, 23:57:04 UTC

Alternate terminology for clockwise, counter-clockwise, in the age of digital clocks. Astronomers use 'direct' for counter-clockwise, 'retrograde' for clockwise when referring to to the direction of the rotation of planets and moons, as viewed from above their North poles. Michael
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Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : The Great Seti Plughole Experiment!

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