Wireless intercoms

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Message 987519 - Posted: 8 Apr 2010, 17:08:06 UTC

Was wondering if anyone has any advice for a wireless intercom system? I have an acre with a store and two houses and we want to be able to comunicate back and forth or to everyone at once. My 76 year old mother would have the base so it needs to be a simple system. I have been looking into Murs and wonder if anyone has one?
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Message 988043 - Posted: 10 Apr 2010, 12:04:06 UTC - in response to Message 987519.  

wouldnt a cheap pair of walkietalkies work fine. Nowadays they have a range of a mile or 2 so you should have an easy time communicating

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Message 988973 - Posted: 13 Apr 2010, 23:10:05 UTC

Do you have DECT "cordless phones" over there?

With a good site for the base unit, you can get 50 metres range or so. You can have multiple handsets per one base unit so that you can make internal calls between the handsets.

Just one idea.

Good luck,

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Message 989087 - Posted: 14 Apr 2010, 9:02:31 UTC

Motorola makes these hand-held walkie Talkies that will go 5 miles now. They are cheap --about $50 each or less. I have used them when traveling with friends and family in different cars. They have undergone range increases since i bought mine. They are push- to-talk and operate on a call basis. CB radio also will go 5 miles or more depending on terrain--if you are far away from an interstate, this may work especially well; or you could use single sideband and usually find uncluttered channels.CB is on all the time but you get to hear everyone else on that channel--walkie talkies have scrambling codes so you talk only to others that you want to communicate with.
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Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : Wireless intercoms

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