When will we see Hydrogen cars?

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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 947287 - Posted: 14 Nov 2009, 21:39:56 UTC - in response to Message 947198.  

When will we see Hydrogen cars?

To be honest, I hope that we never do.

"More energy is needed to isolate hydrogen from natural compounds than can ever be recovered from its use" says fuel cell expert Ulf Bossel.

Total shock, there is a second law of thermodynamics, no perpetual motion machines! I'm stunned!

Also, I feel that the reason there is such a big push for hydrogen powered cars is because selling hydrogen at local fueling stations is a continuation of the profit model used by petroleum companies through-out the 20th century.

They want you to drive to their store, buy their product, and then go about your business. If you could just plug your car in at home like an appliance, it would mean the end of their revenue stream.

Except that you can hook a hose up to the water tap and grap power from the electric company at home to make that hydrogen for your car.
The question is which is more efficient, big scale production and distribution, or small scale production. Or are rechargeable batteries going to get more efficient. In all cases it will be a nuclear power plant that actually generates the energy that eventually gets used in the car.
I would love to see us start looking beyond what makes a profit, and start looking at what makes sense. In the long run, renewable energy from sources like solar, wind, and geo-thermal is the way to go.


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John McLeod VII
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Message 948145 - Posted: 18 Nov 2009, 23:52:25 UTC - in response to Message 947287.  

When will we see Hydrogen cars?

To be honest, I hope that we never do.

"More energy is needed to isolate hydrogen from natural compounds than can ever be recovered from its use" says fuel cell expert Ulf Bossel.

Total shock, there is a second law of thermodynamics, no perpetual motion machines! I'm stunned!

Also, I feel that the reason there is such a big push for hydrogen powered cars is because selling hydrogen at local fueling stations is a continuation of the profit model used by petroleum companies through-out the 20th century.

They want you to drive to their store, buy their product, and then go about your business. If you could just plug your car in at home like an appliance, it would mean the end of their revenue stream.

Except that you can hook a hose up to the water tap and grap power from the electric company at home to make that hydrogen for your car.
The question is which is more efficient, big scale production and distribution, or small scale production. Or are rechargeable batteries going to get more efficient. In all cases it will be a nuclear power plant that actually generates the energy that eventually gets used in the car.
I would love to see us start looking beyond what makes a profit, and start looking at what makes sense. In the long run, renewable energy from sources like solar, wind, and geo-thermal is the way to go.


Doing it at home works - unless you are trying to drive half way across the country. Driving can be the only feasable option - trains take 3 days instead of 2 to drive, and airlines want $500 / ticket.

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Profile skildude

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Message 948237 - Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 14:58:40 UTC

Would it be so difficult to generate the power to make hydrogen gas from solar and wind power. that way you eliminate the Power companies and get closer to perpetual motion

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Diogenes Of Sinope
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 948287 - Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 17:25:14 UTC - in response to Message 948237.  

Would it be so difficult to generate the power to make hydrogen gas from solar and wind power. that way you eliminate the Power companies and get closer to perpetual motion

Why, yes it would. Unless you want to limit population to 1/20 of what we have today.

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Message 948298 - Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 17:55:35 UTC - in response to Message 948287.  

I really dont have a problem with that. I'm not sure we'll get many volunteers.

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
Diogenes Of Sinope
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Profile ML1
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Message 948307 - Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 18:28:50 UTC - in response to Message 948287.  

Would it be so difficult to generate the power to make hydrogen gas from solar and wind power. that way you eliminate the Power companies and get closer to perpetual motion

Why, yes it would. Unless you want to limit population to 1/20 of what we have today.

Where does that number come from?

And is that population density?...

Aside: Note that the most cost effective source of hydrogen is to split oil into hydrogen + carbon dioxide at the well head or at the refinery.

Aside2: There is a very significant addition to global warming from the gas leaks and deliberate venting of gas from gas and oil wells. We could gain a good set of reductions just by the oil and gas industry improving their practices.


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