Natural explanations for UFO's

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Profile Lynn Special Project $75 donor
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Message 942427 - Posted: 24 Oct 2009, 0:26:45 UTC - in response to Message 941140.  

Anyone want a good laugh? :-)

Obama probably announcing on TV Nov. 27-2009

Watch and listen :-)
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Profile Norman Copeland

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Message 945329 - Posted: 5 Nov 2009, 23:51:28 UTC

Any idea why they didn't post the video of the Unidentified flying object leaving...
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Message 949835 - Posted: 26 Nov 2009, 2:21:55 UTC - in response to Message 942427.  

Is Case Finally Closed on '65 UFO Mystery?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

By Leonard Davis

In the chronicles of UFO oddness, there's been a long-standing oddity — some say folklore, others deem it reality. This saga, now over four decades old, centers on a reported out-of-the-sky incident involving the small town of Kecksburg, Pennsylvania.
A flying saucer menaces Dallas in an artist's illustration.

The date is Dec. 9, 1965: Residents see a ball of fire shooting through the darkening evening sky and then, seemingly, the object — purportedly shaped like a jumbo acorn after impact — makes some sort of controlled crash into the woods. From there, the strangeness factor escalates with purported military personnel isolating the area from curious onlookers and toting something out of the locale on a flatbed truck.

A meteorite? A wayward classified aircraft? Reentering space hardware of Earthly origin? An alien craft from afar?

You pick.

Up against NASA

Whatever took place in Kecksburg, a dutiful look into the episode escalated to a lawsuit against NASA for access to information on the incident.

A central figure in the weirdness is New York-based investigative journalist, Leslie Kean. Working with the Coalition for Freedom of Information, she was on the receiving end of loads of documents — an outcome of winning the lawsuit.

This stage of the saga began in 2002, when Kean was asked to spearhead a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) initiative sponsored by the Sci Fi Channel — an effort to acquire government documents on the Kecksburg case. The following year, she ended up as the plaintiff in a federal, FOIA lawsuit filed against NASA in Washington, DC.

"After previously promising to conduct an expedited search for files related to the 1965 Kecksburg UFO crash case, NASA had stonewalled and was withholding documents, leaving no recourse but this one," Kean explained in a just-issued report. "A settlement four years later, in October 2007, required NASA to provide hundreds of new documents and pay my attorney's legal fees."

No smoking gun

NASA's resulting search, monitored by the court, was completed in August 2009. The outcome of the investigation is available in Kean's paper, which was posted online this month to the coalition's Web site.

The report, flatly titled, "The Conclusion of the NASA Lawsuit - Concerning the Kecksburg, PA UFO case of 1965," explains how the process worked and the results of the search after the 2007 settlement in federal court.

The bottom line: No smoking gun documents were released, Kean notes, but many provocative questions and unresolved contradictions were raised by what was received, as well as by the fact that many files were missing or destroyed.

One open-ended aspect of Kean's reportage is the role of "Project Moondust" — a U.S. government-run activity involved in examining non-U.S. space objects, or objects of unknown origin. Indeed, various State Department documents show that NASA played a role in the recovery and examination of space object debris.

Cold trail, hot caveats

After months of studying the material received, Kean reports that the trail is cold — but with caveats.

"I am convinced that something came down and landed in Kecksburg," Kean told

Kean thinks that a UFO connection of the extra-Earth type "is a possibility that has to be considered. It can't be ruled out," she said.

Other potentials, Kean added, "include a very secret U.S. project or another nation's hardware. But both of these explanations are unlikely."

Kean's research indicates that it appears doubtful that the object in question was either Russian or from any other country on our planet — backed up by NASA orbital debris elucidation. Also, data from the U.S. Space Command and the Russian Space Agency fortifies the fact that whatever came down that day was not a Russian satellite or space probe, she stated.

"So I would rule that out, and say it's either a UFO or a secret American device of some sort," Kean said. "If it was our own," she added, "why couldn't they tell us about this 40 years later?"

Therefore, that's why the UFO possibility "has to be kept in the running, as hard as it may be to accept," Kean said. "Possibly it was some kind of secretive U.S. government project ... or program ... or the testing of something. Maybe it was highly radioactive so they don't want anybody to know about it."

However, a central take home message from Kean has no connection with alien visitation — more a governmental encounter of the lack-of-transparency kind.

The effort highlights the problems inherent to the use of the Freedom of Information Act in our democracy, Kean explained.

"It has been a long, long process," she said. "The important thing about this has nothing to do with UFOs. It just points out the problems with the Freedom of Information Act as it stands today."

A case worth investigating

The NASA lawsuit was made possible because of the support of a major television network, Kean said. Also add to the investigation, John Podesta — President Clinton's former Chief of Staff — an archival research group, a lawyer, and a public relations firm in Washington, D.C.

Larry Landsman, then Director of Special Projects at the Sci Fi Channel (now Syfy), launched the UFO advocacy initiative, with the Kecksburg lawsuit as one component of that larger undertaking. He is now an independent television producer working on various specials and miniseries.

"In early 2002, a group of us began to seriously explore what initiative could be launched that would be appropriate to the spirit of the network," Landsman told "After much brainstorming, I proposed a campaign that pushed for the truth behind all of the many reports of UFOs and other unexplained phenomena. We were the first — and so far, only — company ever to pursue such an initiative and we attacked the issue on a number of fronts both on air and off air," he said.

As for Kecksburg, Landsman continued, "we felt it was a case worth investigating," supporting Kean's Freedom of Information pursuit of the full and uncensored reports about the incident.

"There were too many lives that were upended from this event and American citizens had — and have — the right to know the truth. Clearly many things are going on in our world that cannot be easily explained," Landsman said. "Polls show that a majority of Americans believe the government is covering up information on UFOs. The truth should not be kept in the hands of only a relative few at various government agencies and military departments."

Keep an open mind

For Stan Gordon, a steadfast on-scene investigator of what took place in Kecksburg those many years ago, the case is far from closed.

"My feelings today in regards to the Kecksburg incident are unchanged. I remain convinced that an object of still undetermined origin fell from the sky into a wooded area near Kecksburg," said Gordon.

Gordon told that multiple independent witnesses described the object traversing the sky. As it turned and neared Kecksburg, the object was described as moving and descending slowly, as if making a controlled landing.

"The semi-buried metallic acorn shaped object was observed on the ground by a number of independent eyewitnesses. Whatever that object was, it was important enough for the military to quickly arrive on the scene and recover the object in question," Gordon said.

One plausible theory, Gordon suggested, is that the object was an advanced secretive human-made space device with re-entry control capabilities which apparently failed. Another is that this could have been an extra-terrestrial spacecraft, he noted.

"Until definitive evidence is found that will conclusively explain the object, I will continue to keep an open mind concerning all theories as to the origin of the object," Gordon concluded.

For Kean, even after years of work trying to unravel the Kecksburg incident, "what took place there is an unanswered question.",2933,576891,00.html?test=latestnews
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Profile Lynn Special Project $75 donor
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Message 953556 - Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 8:27:10 UTC - in response to Message 949835.  

Anyone for some Arctic roll? Mystery as spiral blue light display hovers above Norway

By Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 7:55 AM on 10th December 2009

What's blue and white, squiggly and suddenly appears in the sky?

If you know the answer, pop it on a postcard and send it to the people of Norway, where this mysterious light display baffled residents yesterday.

Curiously, it appears to be unconnected with the aurora borealis, or northern lights, the natural magnetic phenomena that can often be viewed in that part of the world.
Strange spiral: Residents in northern Norway were left stunned after the lightshow, which almost looked computer-generated, appeared in the skies above them
Curious: A blue-green beam of light was reported to have come shooting out the centre of the spiral

The mystery began when a blue light seemed to soar up from behind a mountain in the north of the country. It stopped mid-air, then began to move in circles. Within seconds a giant spiral had covered the entire sky.
Then a green-blue beam of light shot out from its centre - lasting for ten to 12 minutes before disappearing completely.


* Scientists expected to unveil the discovery of dark matter

Onlookers describing it as 'like a big fireball that went around, with a great light around it' and 'a shooting star that spun around and around'.

The Norwegian Meteorological Institute was flooded with telephone calls after the light storm.
Confusion: The Norwegian Meteorological Institute was flooded with calls after the light storm

Totto Eriksen, from Tromsø, told VG Nett: 'It spun and exploded in the sky,'

He spotted the lights as he walked his daughter Amalie to school.

He said: 'We saw it from the Inner Harbor in Tromsø. It was absolutely fantastic.

'It almost looked like a rocket that spun around and around and then went diagonally down the heavens.

'It looked like the moon was coming over the mountain, but then came something completely different.'

Celebrity astronomer Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard said he had never seen anything like the lights.

He said: 'My first thought was that it was a fireball meteor, but it has lasted far too long.

'It may have been a missile in Russia, but I can not guarantee that it is the answer.'
What could it be? Astronomers say the spectacle did not appear to be connected to the Northern Lights

Air traffic control in Tromsō claimed the light show lasted 'far too long to be an astronomical phenomenon'.

Norwegian defence spokesman Jon Espen Lien also said the lights were probably from a Russian missile test claiming it was normal for Russia to use the White Sea and the Barents Sea as a testing ground.

Tromsō Geophysical Observatory researcher Truls Lynne Hansen agreed, saying the missile had likely veered out of control and exploded, and the spiral was light reflecting on the leaking fuel.

But the mystery deepened last night as Russia denied it had been conducting missile tests in the area.

A Moscow news outlet quoted the Russian Navy as denying any rocket launches from the White Sea area.

Norway should be informed of such launches under international agreements, it was stressed.

The Russian Defence Ministry was unavailable for comment.

See video showing part of the light here, and below

the rotating light, northern Norway. What do you think it is?

Daily Mail

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Profile Lynn Special Project $75 donor
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Message 953788 - Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 5:15:05 UTC - in response to Message 953556.  

I really thought the events last night were right out the the X-Files. Go figure. Who's the UFO hunter guy?? He would have been all over this story.
LOL, he's just left Norway.

Mystery solved? Norway's spiral light display 'was down to a failed Russian Bulava missile test'

New evidence emerged today that a mysterious spiral light display which appeared in the dark skies over Norway yesterday morning was caused by an embarrassing failed test launch of a jinxed Russian missile.
The Bulava missile was test-fired from the Dmitry Donskoi submarine in the White Sea early on Wednesday but failed at the third stage, the Russian military confirmed today.

New video also emerged today showing a simulation of what would happen if such a missile were to fail - video that bore an uncanny resemblance to the light display seen in the Norwegian sky.

Daily Mail
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Message 953882 - Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 15:42:40 UTC
Last modified: 11 Dec 2009, 15:43:03 UTC

It's Harvey and John's "wormhole weapon to the stars" (Farscape) - well, John and Harvey, but they have to get new signs made before going public. Reminded me of Bug Plasma from Starship Troopers as well, lol...

Actually didn't see any detonation, just a rapidly widening hole where the spiral had otherwise been stable - suppose it could have been on another stage, different fuel by then, or just shut down. Still seems a bit odd to wait that long to kill it if it was errant.

Then again, that pattern could have been a successful test, a method of not being targeted accurately enough to intercept during launch - which IIRC was a key part of the Bulava's design.
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Profile Norman Copeland

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Message 954038 - Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 23:41:40 UTC

Perhaps snails were interested.
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Profile Patrick Nissen

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Message 954258 - Posted: 12 Dec 2009, 20:13:39 UTC

If Extraterrestrial life does exist. Let's home their either friendly. or less advance than us.
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Message 954362 - Posted: 13 Dec 2009, 6:00:26 UTC - in response to Message 954038.  

Perhaps snails were interested.

Ummm what?

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
Diogenes Of Sinope
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Profile Norman Copeland

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Message 957011 - Posted: 18 Dec 2009, 1:42:42 UTC

Yes, that is you.
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Profile Norman Copeland

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Message 957437 - Posted: 19 Dec 2009, 20:07:21 UTC

Hello Dirk...

Wondering if you had any evidence about this...

Pyramid hovering above Moscow
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Matt Giwer

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Message 963702 - Posted: 16 Jan 2010, 2:43:59 UTC - in response to Message 886897.  

Earth Day may fall later this week, but as far as former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell and other UFO enthusiasts are concerned, the real story is happening elsewhere. Mitchell, who was part of the 1971 Apollo 14 moon mission, asserted Monday that extraterrestrial life exists, and that the truth is being concealed by the U.S. and other governments.


If anyone believe it's Edgar Mitchell.

I have two problems with this. 1) No one in DC can keep a secret unless it is a very narrow field and strictly military. Even then there The Hunt for Red October caused a modest witch hunt. 2) Unless ET has a preference for crashing in western countries with great search and rescue how can all the "other" governments agree to keep the secret?

The first is clearly problematic but the second is what I cannot reconcile with secrecy. I say crashes as what else could possibly be controlled by governments? Are the WUs we get pre-censored to eliminate evidence? If not then the knowledge of their existence is not RF. Visual? Everyone has eyes government and civilian and opinions of what has been seen are just that no matter who holds what opinion.

Which leaves physical evidence, wreckage or deliberate visiting. One government certainly some sort of secret is possible. Multiple governments? Did they align themselves with the Cold War or post Cold War nations to visit? How were they chosen and how is their mutually agree secrecy enforced?

Personally I have had flying saucers as a minor hobby since I was a kid in the 50s when everyone was seeing them. I still follow it today more or less. There are still so many sightings that if 1/10th of 1% of them are 'real' then we are a popular destination. I have no problem with some of them being the real thing. I do have a problem with the way Mitchell has expressed it and he is not the first to express it this way.

Lets ask the obvious question, what is the point of the secrecy? The people need to be prepared for the idea? Three years ago it was 60 years since Arnold's sighting and Roswell. While the first flying sauce movie was in 1950 had it was a Russian invention, all the rest have been aliens. By actual survey more people believe in little green men than in the holocaust. What more preparation is possible?

The only vaguely credible reason for secrecy I have seen was implied by Stargate SG-1, to avoid it becoming a political football. But tell me why this could possibly appeal to governments which by definition are infested with politicians?

Jerusalem Post
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Message 964224 - Posted: 17 Jan 2010, 23:01:33 UTC - in response to Message 869932.  

To paraphrase Arthur C. Clarke, if you haven't seen a UFO you aren't very observant.

If you have seen a pilot of a fighter with directed thrust you have seen "impossible" manoeuvres -- impossible two decades ago anyway. One decade ago you might have seen experimental test flights.

Actual UFO experiments have been done with car headlights and someone saying flying saucer. Afterwards no story resembled what was actually done and each was more fantastical than the last.

I have no problem if we are being visited and as I wrote, sightings are so common that if 1/10 of 1% are real Earth is a popular destination. Relying upon what people say about what they saw is for fools. People have a tendency to tell a story about what they saw rather than what they saw.

If you want to see it yourself search youtube for UFO and see hundreds of videos. One thing stands out to me, UFOs come with blurred edges as there is not sharp image in the lot.

Jerusalem Post
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Message 964901 - Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 9:46:35 UTC - in response to Message 897945.  

Not long ago, there was a meteor that fell over the state of Colorado. It was seen by thousands of people, photographed by hundreds, including many excellent stills as well as motion pictures.

This was just a single meteor that was so well documented in pictures.

The stories of UFO (remember the meaning of the abbreviation?) visitations are quite numerous. And yet, none have been documented with quality photographs and movies as this single meteor was.

If Earth were being visited as often as the UFO enthusiasts think we are, then it would be common knowledge.

UFO = Unidentified Flying Object

No problem there. There certainly are things that happen up there that we cannot, at the time, identify.

The problem is when you decide to Identify the UFO as an alien space craft, without the slightest bit of evidence.

I too saw a UFO once. It was brightly lit, and moving slowly across the sky. I wondered what the heck it could be since it was clearly not an aircraft.

Then it flared up brightly and fell to Earth.

It turns out that someone had placed a lot of birthday candles on a flat piece of cardboard, and attached a paper bag, upside down, by strings from the bag to the corners of the cardboard. Then lit the candles which filled the bag with hot air, lifting the whole contraption into the sky.

So it turned out to be perfectly Earth-bound in origin, but, for a few minutes it was a UFO to my eyes.

Ha, we used to do that when we were kids...Wonder how many people saw our UFO's sometimes they really took off. It was stupid as we could have caused fires...we used white plastic bags.
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Message 969825 - Posted: 11 Feb 2010, 18:29:11 UTC
Last modified: 11 Feb 2010, 18:31:59 UTC

I've saw UFO once. I was sure it was UFO (in fact, it was - Unidentified Flying Object). But then boys found fallen meteorological probe in nearest park and i was feeling very dissapointed. Because it was looking exactly as UFO i've seen.
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Message 985409 - Posted: 30 Mar 2010, 21:45:37 UTC

I often think that we search too much for looks alike, and I wonder around a question. Know with the advance in electronics and computers is it possible to imagine that life could exist without been attached to a physical body. Say eletrical pulses, waves....??? If we need a concept of energy what about crystal receiving direct sun light?
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Profile Lynn Special Project $75 donor
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Message 985964 - Posted: 1 Apr 2010, 22:25:03 UTC - in response to Message 985409.  

Bizarre Radar Map or UFO?

Updated April 01, 2010

Strange images appearing on radar maps from the Australian Government's Bureau of Meteorology have the Web wondering: What is it?

They are the digital-age equivalent of crop circles -- mysterious patterns appearing on the Australian Bureau of Meteorology's national radar system without any explanation. UFOs, perhaps?

And the random images, described as red stars, rings of fire and white doughnuts, are sending online conspiracy Web sites into meltdown. The anomalies first began on January 15 when an "iced doughnut" appeared over Kalgoorlie in Western Australia.

Satellite imagery showed there was no cloud over the area at the time to explain the unusual phenomenon, but farmers' online comments claimed it was "unusually hot" all day. It was followed by a bizarre red star over Broome on January 22 and a sinister spiral burst over Melbourne described by amateur radar buffs as the Ring Of Fire Fault.

The Bureau, which did not respond to repeated requests for comment, has acknowledged the anomalies on its popular Web site. It has posted a disclaimer above the national loop feed putting the images down to "occasional interference to the radar data."

"If you notice any circular patterns or straight lines originating from the center of the radar location, this is due to occasional interference to the radar data. The Bureau is currently investigating ways to reduce these interferences." the disclaimer said.

Conspiracy Web sites, however, have lit up with dozens of breathless theories behind the strange anomalies from alien involvement, secret military testing to government weather modification. One theory gaining traction online is the belief the U.S. military has expanded its High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.

Based at a remote research station in Alaska, the HAARP project involves shooting extremely high frequency radar bursts into the upper reaches of the atmosphere to see what happens after particles of the ionosphere are temporarily excited.

For more theories and speculation,
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