Is Nibiru Approaching?

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Profile Norman Copeland

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Message 855752 - Posted: 20 Jan 2009, 14:08:17 UTC - in response to Message 855606.  

The thought occurs: Why would anyone use such a dismal planet, even for a space base, in the first place, when Earth was available? We could speculate about super-low-temperature ecologies and species, but there appears to be no evidence that this is the sort of beings Sitchin meant, or that he was even aware that such a thing might be possible. He wrote of the Niburuans visiting Earth and living here without apparent difficulty. Even if a super-low-temperature ecology were to be considered a possible explanation, going from 2.5 AU to 40 means a change in solar energy by a factor of over three hundred. Hard to imagine *any* ecology that could stand up under that! Michael

Thats good supposition michael.

[Just consider that humans still have the ability to breath water fluid though].
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Message 861627 - Posted: 3 Feb 2009, 14:44:59 UTC

An alien civilization on Mars was good enough for HG Wells' generation.

The current generation has more eclectic tastes as far as pseudo-science and paranoia.

Planet X is cool because it mixes New Age cultural sensibilities, with a colorful historical narrative of exotic ancient civilizations, and on top of all that, throw in some good old fashioned sci-fi and astronomy for good measure.

Makes Orson Welles' radio broadcast of the Martian invasion seem like a dull yawn fest.

Funny thing is, as much as people seem to have absolute faith in the Mayan calendar and their supernatural ability to see the future, I don't see anybody worshiping dead Mayan kings (as the calendar specifically instructs) or cutting open their penises and appeasing the gods with blood-letting from their sex organs.
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Message 865293 - Posted: 14 Feb 2009, 6:46:27 UTC - in response to Message 861627.  

Unseen dark comets 'could pose deadly threat to earth'

Unseen "dark" comets could pose a deadly threat to earth, astronomers have warned.

Last Updated: 4:08PM GMT 12 Feb 2009

The comets, of which there could be thousands, are not currently monitored by observatories and space agencies.

Most comets and asteroids are monitored in case they start to travel towards earth.

But Bill Napier, from Cardiff University, said that many could be going by unnoticed.

"There is a case to be made that dark, dormant comets are a significant but largely unseen hazard," he said

Scientists estimate that there should be around 3,000 comets in the solar system, but only 25 have so far been identified.

"Dark" comets happen when the water on their surface has evaporated, causing them to reflect less light.

Astronomers have previously spotted comets heading towards earth just days before they passed.

In 1983 a comet called IRAS-Araki-Alcock passed at a distance of just 5 million kilometres, the closest of any comet for 200 years, but it was noticed just a fortnight beforehand.

Tests on another comet, called Comet Borrelly, in 2001 revealed it to have large dark patches across much of its surface.

Steve Larson of the University of Arizona's Catalina Sky Survey in Tucson, which monitors comets, said the idea of an unknown number of "dark" comets circling earth had "merit".

But Clark Chapman from the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, said that such comets "would absorb sunlight very well" and so could be detected by the heat they emit, reports New Scientist magazine.
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Message 865446 - Posted: 14 Feb 2009, 19:44:01 UTC

"Dark" comets happen when the water on their surface has evaporated, causing them to reflect less light.

Norman Copeland wrote:

If anyone has any links to science research that is involved with proving and reproducing the evaporating water on solid rock surface reflecting light theory {which is basically cloaking solid space objects} I'd really appreciate the conversation opportunity.

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Profile Allie in Vancouver
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Message 865606 - Posted: 15 Feb 2009, 2:06:44 UTC - in response to Message 865293.  

Unseen dark comets 'could pose deadly threat to earth'

Unseen "dark" comets could pose a deadly threat to earth, astronomers have warned.

Last Updated: 4:08PM GMT 12 Feb 2009

The comets, of which there could be thousands, are not currently monitored by observatories and space agencies.

Most comets and asteroids are monitored in case they start to travel towards earth.

But Bill Napier, from Cardiff University, said that many could be going by unnoticed.

"There is a case to be made that dark, dormant comets are a significant but largely unseen hazard," he said

Scientists estimate that there should be around 3,000 comets in the solar system, but only 25 have so far been identified.

"Dark" comets happen when the water on their surface has evaporated, causing them to reflect less light.

Astronomers have previously spotted comets heading towards earth just days before they passed.

In 1983 a comet called IRAS-Araki-Alcock passed at a distance of just 5 million kilometres, the closest of any comet for 200 years, but it was noticed just a fortnight beforehand.

Tests on another comet, called Comet Borrelly, in 2001 revealed it to have large dark patches across much of its surface.

Steve Larson of the University of Arizona's Catalina Sky Survey in Tucson, which monitors comets, said the idea of an unknown number of "dark" comets circling earth had "merit".

But Clark Chapman from the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, said that such comets "would absorb sunlight very well" and so could be detected by the heat they emit, reports New Scientist magazine.

There are a good many more than 3000 comets in the solar system when you consider the Oort cloud / Kupier-Edgeworth belt object communities.

And comets represent far more destructive potential than asteroids since they travel at higher velocities and would impact at more acute orbital angles than asteroids.

Asteroid impacts would be like being sideswiped in the road by another auto traveling in roughly the same direction and speed. Comet impacts would be like being T-Boned at an intersection, at full velocity. More unlikely but a lot more damaging.

But in either case, such things are very rare. Though they do represent a greater danger than mythical rogue planets and the danger of asteroid and/or comet impacts are something that our collective planetary governments ought to be paying more attention to.

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Profile Robert Waite

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Message 866055 - Posted: 16 Feb 2009, 8:03:16 UTC

This is exactly the kind pseudo science Carl Sagan warned against in his book Demon Haunted World.

None of this holds up under scientific scrutiny, so just call it what it is, science fiction.
Now carry on and have fun with it.
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Message 866156 - Posted: 16 Feb 2009, 16:51:22 UTC - in response to Message 866092.  

Not a critic but I have to say that placing randomly selected words that fulfill a sentence pattern do not necessarily have make sense nor does this.

[quote]Perhaps if we studied the ice particles on the passing non conforming orbit objects they could tell us why our skies darken when it rains and we may find some other sort of solar system weather pattern relating to water crystal communication[quote]

I can write that the world ends tomorrow because I deciphered an ancient text that I had discovered in my yard while digging for truffles, but it doesn't make it scientific nor does any of this other hogwash.

BTW WTH is an non-conforming orbit object. I'm fairly familiar with Astronomy and haven't heard of these things. and what would they have to do with darkened skies on earth. This drivel is something I read in emails from random word generating spambots not a real human being.

Solar system weather pattern COME ONNNNNN. again I am familiar with Astronomical terms but have yet to read anything about a solar system weather pattern. water crystal communication? are you sure you aren't writing a nice little novela for Azimov magazine.

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Diogenes Of Sinope
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Message 866172 - Posted: 16 Feb 2009, 17:29:26 UTC - in response to Message 866170.  
Last modified: 15 Nov 2009, 15:21:48 UTC

We 300 will not be stomped but will stomp some might big teams.

You still havent explained what a solar weather pattern is. I'm interested in this new field of solar meteorology.

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
Diogenes Of Sinope
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Profile Lynn Special Project $75 donor
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Message 867587 - Posted: 21 Feb 2009, 5:19:55 UTC - in response to Message 866172.  

Cosmic Stage Set for Comet Lulin's Fly-By

A recently discovered comet is making its closest approach to Earth in the next few days and offers anyone with binoculars or a small telescope a chance to see some frozen leftovers of our solar system's making.

Comet Lulin has, as expected, crossed the threshold to naked-eye visibility for people with dark, rural skies. It hovers just inside that envelope of visibility, however, and is not likely visible from cities, where the glare of urban lights can drown out all but the brightest night-sky objects.

"The comet is now naked-eye (if you're out in the country) and is brightening every day as it approaches Earth," said Jack Newton, who has made several photographs of Lulin from his Arizona Sky Village, a residential community committed to pristine natural surroundings and dark skies. "Some feel it will reach maximum brightness on Saturday morning."

NASA has imaged the comet, too, finding that it is shedding into space enough water to fill an Olympic-size swimming pool every 15 minutes, as the sun boils the comet's surface material away.

Lulin will be closest to Earth -- about 38 million miles, or 160 times farther than the moon -- on Feb. 24 [sky map].

Challenging to find

The comet, tinted green because of the chemicals in its head, or coma, has been a delight to seasoned skywatchers like Newton, who know how to find faint objects in the sky and then zoom in on them with binoculars and telescopes.

But a comet this dim can prove challenging for the rest of us.

"For those not-so-seasoned folks, I would advise them not to expect anything awe-inspiring," said Joe Rao,'s Night Sky Columnist. "Visually to the naked eye in a dark sky, Lulin looks like a dim, fuzzy 'star' and in a small telescope it appears like a fuzzball ... somewhat brighter and more concentrated near the center and more diffuse around the edges. As comets go, it's nice, but casual skywatchers are more likely to say, 'That's it?' as opposed to more experienced observers who might actually utter, 'Oh, wow!'"

Comets are known for their tails, which, like the fuzzy heads, form when solar radiation breaks up surface ice and minerals. The stuff escapes into space, forming an ephemeral atmosphere that glows with reflected sunlight. Lulin has formed and lost its tail at least twice, when gusts of solar wind tore it off.

Observers last night found little or no tail.

Worth a look

Still, even a cosmic fuzzball can inspire a wee bit of awe as one goes out, looks up, and spots a frozen ball of rock and ice that's been hurtling through the solar system since its formation 4.6 billion years ago, just now making its first pass through the inner solar system.

For most locations in the Northern Hemisphere, Lulin rises soon enough to be spotted in the late evening if you know where to look. The light from objects nearer to the horizon must pass through more of Earth's atmosphere, however, so the best time to see the comet is after midnight, when it's high in the sky. asked Jack Newton if he'd recommend the comet to casual observers Saturday night. "Absolutely," he said. "Binoculars should be just great."

On the night of Feb. 23, Lulin will be just 2-degrees south-southwest of the planet Saturn, which Rao said will serve as a good benchmark to locate the comet.

800 gallons of water a second

Meanwhile, NASA used its Swift Gamma-ray Explorer satellite to photograph Lulin in ultraviolet and X-rays.

"The comet is quite active," said Dennis Bodewits of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. "The UVOT data show that Lulin was shedding nearly 800 gallons of water each second."

"We are looking forward to future observations of Comet Lulin, when we hope to get better X-ray data to help us determine its makeup," said Jenny Carter, at the University of Leicester, U.K., who is leading the study effort. "They will allow us to build up a more complete 3-D picture of the comet during its flight through the solar system."

The comet is headed away from the sun now, back to the dark depths of the outer solar system. It will fade from our view by mid-March.,2933,497705,00.html
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Profile Lynn Special Project $75 donor
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Message 871470 - Posted: 2 Mar 2009, 22:17:08 UTC - in response to Message 867587.  


Talk about a near miss!

A 200-foot wide asteroid zoomed past Earth today at an altitude of 40,000 miles - swerving far enough from our planet to avoid total destruction, officials said.

Dubbed 2009 DD45, the large rock was discovered only Friday by Australian astronomers.

The enormous asteroid narrowly avoided a collision with Earth at 8:44 EST, officials said.

Although 40,000 miles sounds like a safe distance, it's only about one-seventh of the way to the moon and less than twice as far out as most satellites, astronomers said.

Had 2009 DD45 slammed down onto the Earth, it would have exploded with the force of a large nuclear blast somewhere in the Pacific Ocean west of Tahiti.

Astronomers said the asteroid is likely to return for another series of near misses since it's somehow drawn in by our planet's gravity.

Peter Brown, an astronomer at the University of Western Ontario in Canada, said the last rock "as large or larger than this to come this close was in 1973 and the next time will be in 2029 when Apophis makes its close approach."

Apophis initially caused some concern among scientists when its plotted course revealed it to be on a collision trajectory with Earth, but further investigations have since shown it will pass harmlessly by.


New York Post
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Message 875870 - Posted: 15 Mar 2009, 18:25:29 UTC

So if the Anunnaki get into a fight with Xenu, whose side should I take?

Do they not teach critical thinking and skepticism in school anymore?
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Message 875895 - Posted: 15 Mar 2009, 19:41:06 UTC - in response to Message 875870.  

So if the Anunnaki get into a fight with Xenu, whose side should I take?

Do they not teach critical thinking and skepticism in school anymore?
I'm sceptical about your post. Which Anunnaki are we speaking the reptilians or the sumerians? and fake scientology aliens? I think I will long be dead before any of that happens

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Message 885052 - Posted: 13 Apr 2009, 19:31:43 UTC

Please! Not again "we're all gonna die in 2k12" nonsense. Two things:
1) Nibiru is approaching. Great but since it's going to hit us in ~3 yrs and is let's say the size of Mars then it MUST be visible even in a small telescope/binoculars (why? because journey from Earth to Mars takes more than half a year and I don't thing the planet has a rocket propulsion... so it's somewhere in the asteroids belt). Anybody seen it? Oh I forgot that NASA+CIA+Mossad+KGB+* made it top secret. So get your telescope and look search for clues! Good luck...
2) few links
No Doomsday in 2012
2012: No Planet X
2012: Planet X is not Nibiru
2012: No Killer Solar Flare
2012: No Geomagnetic Reversal
2012: No Comet

Take care and don't let THEM brainwash you! ;-)
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Message 885305 - Posted: 14 Apr 2009, 14:30:54 UTC

and I recall planet X was supposed to come in the year 2000 seems like they revised their dates. I'm willing to bet that they revise them again after 2012

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
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Message 885345 - Posted: 14 Apr 2009, 20:50:18 UTC - in response to Message 885052.  

Please! Not again "we're all gonna die in 2k12" nonsense. Two things:
1) Nibiru is approaching. Great but since it's going to hit us ...

Take care and don't let THEM brainwash you! ;-)

Didn't they tell you that it's already hit us?...

They're also trying to confuse you with a different name!

... probes are entering a mysterious region of space to look for remains of an ancient planet which once orbited the Sun not far from Earth. If they find anything, it could solve a major puzzle...

The name of the planet is Theia

... Only 4.5 billion years ago!

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Message 907832 - Posted: 15 Jun 2009, 14:01:45 UTC

Is Nibiru Approaching?

total BS in my opinion.......hate all these end of the world theories....
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Message 907903 - Posted: 15 Jun 2009, 18:00:56 UTC - in response to Message 852630.  

if i'm right, this is the nearest object at your cords -6.01931, -91.5903
it's not near us

HIP 27803
Magnitude visuelle: 9.70
Indice de couleur: 1.32
Classe spectrale: M0V
Mouvement propre en ascension droite: -0.001
Mouvement propre en déclinaison: -0.347
Parallaxe: 0.0497
Distance: 65.6 années lumière
Magnitude Tycho BT: 11.409
Magnitude Tycho VT: 9.803
Angle de position: 0.0
Séparation: 0.0

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Message 908734 - Posted: 18 Jun 2009, 13:38:17 UTC

Oh where is Rev. William Miller - now that we really need him???

Classic WU= 7,237 Classic Hours= 42,079
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Message 909111 - Posted: 19 Jun 2009, 10:54:04 UTC

I've read that the US Air Force will no longer give informations to astronomers on Near Earth Objects and meteorites spotted by its satellites designed to watch enemy missiles and spacecrafts. Why?
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Message 909140 - Posted: 19 Jun 2009, 13:10:09 UTC

A triple-hit "Nibiru" is on it's way!


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