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Is Nibiru Approaching?
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Also known as The Twelfth Planet or Planet X, some are warning that this wandering body is quickly nearing the Earth - and could cause global devastation. Should you worry? In 1976, Zecharia Sitchin stirred up a great deal of controversy with the publication of his book, The Twelfth Planet. In this and subsequent books, Sitchin presented his literal translations of ancient Sumerian texts which told an incredible story about the origins of humankind on planet Earth - a story far different and much more fantastic than what we all learned in school. The ancient cuneiform texts - some of the earliest known writing, dating back some 6,000 years - told the story of a race of beings called the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki came to Earth from a planet in our solar system called Nibiru, according to the Sumerians via Sitchin. If you've never heard of it, that's because mainstream science does not recognize Nibiru as one of the planets that revolves around our Sun. Yet it is there, claims Sitchin, and its presence holds great importance not only for humankind's past, but our future as well. Nibiru's orbit around the Sun is highly elliptical, according to Sitchin's books, taking it out beyond the orbit of Pluto at its farthest point and bringing it as close to the Sun as the far side of the asteroid belt (a ring of asteroids that is known to occupy a band of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter). It takes Nibiru 3,600 years to complete one orbital journey, and it was last in this vicinity around 160 B.C.E. As you can imagine, the gravitational effects of a sizable planet moving close to the inner solar system, as it is claimed for Nibiru, could wreak havoc on the orbits of other planets, disrupt the asteroid belt and spell big trouble for planet Earth. Well, prepare for yet another possible apocalypse because, they say, Nibiru is once again heading this way - and will be here soon. A Bit of History The story of the Anunnaki is told in Sitchin's many books and is digested, augmented and speculated about in dozens of websites. But the tale is essentially this: About 450,000 years ago, Alalu, the deposed ruler of the Anunnaki on Nibiru, escaped the planet on a spaceship and found refuge on Earth. He discovered that Earth had plenty of gold, which Nibiru needed to protect its diminishing atmosphere. They began to mine Earth's gold, and there were a lot of political battles among the Anunnaki for power. Then around 300,000 years or so ago, the Anunnaki decided to create a race of workers by genetically manipulating the primates on the planet. The result was homo sapiens - us. Eventually, rulership of the Earth was handed over to humans and the Anunnaki left, at least for the time being. Sitchin ties all this - and much more - into the stories of the first books of the Bible and the histories of other ancient cultures, especially Egyptian. (Here's a good time chart of the alleged events.) It's an astonishing story, to say the least. Most historians, anthropologists and archeologists consider it all Sumerian myth, of course. But Sitchin's work has created a diehard cadre of believers and researchers who take the story at face value. And some of them, whose ideas are getting widespread attention thanks to the Internet, contend that the return of Nibiru is close at hand - possibly as soon as somewhere between 2003 and 2013! Where Is Nibiru and When Will It Arrive? Even mainstream astronomers have long speculated that there may be an unknown planet - a Planet X - somewhere out beyond the orbit of Pluto that would account for the anomalies they were detecting in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. Some unseen body seems to be tugging at them. The finding was reported in the June 19, 1982 edition of the New York Times: Something out there beyond the furthest reaches of the known solar system is tugging at Uranus and Neptune. A gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object, the long-sought Planet X. Astronomers are so certain of this planet's existence that they have already named it "Planet X - the 10th Planet." The anomalous body was first spotted in 1983 by IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite), according to news stories. The Washington Post reported: "A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite. So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby 'protostar' that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through." Some people claims that nibiru location is -6.01931, -91.5903 if u enter the cords in google sky you can see somehing that your not suppose to see. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 9 Jul 08 Posts: 293 Credit: 104,493 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I posted about this planet as a possible cause of the end of the world. I am glad that you posted it and gave us some background info its quit a story and really it could be true my former link was link. What really shows that it could be true is that in the graph of evolution of mankind there is a big gap that can't be explained i.e about 400,000 years ago man was very primitive but suddenly 50,000 years ago every thing changed. Modern humans and the "Great Leap Forward" debate The mayans believed in a similar story , so how can two civilizations miles apart come to the same conclusion unless there is some truth to it. We choose to go to the moon and to do other things, we choose to go to the moon not because its easy but because its hard. kennedy |
![]() Send message Joined: 9 Apr 04 Posts: 8797 Credit: 2,930,782 RAC: 1 ![]() |
An empirical and never explained law for planetary orbits radius is Bode-Tietz (Titius) law which says: R = 0.4 +0.3 x 2 exp n in Astronomical units n = -infinity gives Mercury's orbit radius n = 0 gives Venus's orbit radius n = 1 gives Earth's orbit radius n = 2 gives Mars's orbit radius n = 3 gives the average radius of the asteroids' belt n = 4 gives Jupiter's orbit radius n = 5 gives Saturn's orbit radius n = 6 gives Uranus's orbit radius n = 7 gives Neptune's orbit radius n = 8 gives Pluto's orbit radius The agreement of this empirical law is good but for Neptune and Pluto. For Neptune this law gives 38.8 AU while the real value is 30.1. For Pluto the calculated value is 77.2 while the real average value is 39.7. Tullio |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 4 Oct 00 Posts: 9541 Credit: 50,759,529 RAC: 60 ![]() ![]() |
I'd like to meet these astronomers that believe that there is a large unknown body racing around our solar that has yet to be seen. We've found planets around stars light years away but can't find one in our own neighborhood? Bunk all bunk. Tiresome fictional bunk. Did anyone ever consider that the Sumerians might actually have fictional writing. or that this was part of their God's pagan panatheon. For starters Sumerian astronomy was about as advanced as looking at the stars and seeing shapes. The babelonians were Astronomers. If this planet were approaching earth say... for the 2012 Dooms day. It would have to already be within the orbit of Saturn. This is the same hoax that someone was pushing back in 2000 to say the world was ending then. It seems that everytime anyone finds a reference to an ancient culture that states the world will end in XXXX years we fall for it. If these folks were so good at predicting the future why aren't they here now? ![]() In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face. Diogenes Of Sinope |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 9 Jul 08 Posts: 293 Credit: 104,493 RAC: 0 ![]() |
LINKS Leaked Nasa Nibiru Planet X Doomsday Photos May... The above link is available, if it says not available just keep trying. NIBIRU 2012 A.D. The End ? New Nasa South Pole Telescope Images of Nibiru ... We choose to go to the moon and to do other things, we choose to go to the moon not because its easy but because its hard. kennedy |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 4 Oct 00 Posts: 9541 Credit: 50,759,529 RAC: 60 ![]() ![]() |
LINKS Ok thats just a bunch of pseudo scientific nonsense. I can't tell in how many ways they screwed up basic science. Science is not for the paranoid. ![]() In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face. Diogenes Of Sinope |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 2 Jan 08 Posts: 593 Credit: 68,282 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Is modern astronomy better than it was then? They were responsible for the naming of the constellations, weren't they? Perhaps thats considerably more difficult. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 4 Oct 00 Posts: 9541 Credit: 50,759,529 RAC: 60 ![]() ![]() |
And where is this mystery planet? Like I said, unless this thing is traveling faster than any other object in the solar system then its just not going to get here in 4 years if it even exists. Astronomers are forever finding new Asteroids and comets which are very small compared with any planet yet we still dont see any results. BTW if I'm wrong then it wont matter. If I'm right then you'll look silly in 2013 ![]() In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face. Diogenes Of Sinope |
Taurus Send message Joined: 3 Sep 07 Posts: 324 Credit: 114,815 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Oh dear..... "When Neptune's newly determined mass was used in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Developmental Ephemeris (JPL DE), the supposed discrepancies in the Uranian orbit vanished.[3] Moreover, there are no discrepancies in the trajectories of any space probes such as Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 that can be attributed to the gravitational pull of a large undiscovered object in the outer Solar System.[37] As of 2008, the overwhelming consensus among astronomers is that Planet X, as Lowell defined it, does not exist." Nibiru is about as real as Santa Claus. Hell, at least there's some kind of evidence for the existence of Santa (presents at Christmas). There is no evidence whatsoever for the existence of Nibiru. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. |
Michael Watson Send message Joined: 7 Feb 08 Posts: 1388 Credit: 2,098,506 RAC: 5 |
Leaving aside the interesting problem that it doesn't appear to exist, how is a planet with such an eccentric orbit supposed to have allowed the evolution of intelligent life in the first place? The temperature would range from frigid to abysmal, unimaginable cold. Even if Nibiru were said to be a base for an extra-solar civilization, which I've not seen among Sitchin's claims, why would they select such an inhospitable planet? It seems that Sitchin thought of them as living on the surface of the planet. He mentions some problem with the atmosphere causing them to come to Earth to search for gold, with which to create an atmospheric shield. Michael |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 2 Jan 08 Posts: 593 Credit: 68,282 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Leaving aside the interesting problem that it doesn't appear to exist, how is a planet with such an eccentric orbit supposed to have allowed the evolution of intelligent life in the first place? The temperature would range from frigid to abysmal, unimaginable cold. Even if Nibiru were said to be a base for an extra-solar civilization, which I've not seen among Sitchin's claims, why would they select such an inhospitable planet? It seems that Sitchin thought of them as living on the surface of the planet. He mentions some problem with the atmosphere causing them to come to Earth to search for gold, with which to create an atmospheric shield. Michael Technically, if the core of the planet was creating a fine metal which was sensitive enough {magnetic}to be used has a harness mechanism when interacting with other stars and if they had United Nations tents they could visit any burger restuarant around stars of different regions of the galaxy. If they knew we were watching for them they could even maintain eclipse stealth orbits. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 9 Jul 08 Posts: 293 Credit: 104,493 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Kuiper cliff Nemesis However, astronomers have not excluded the possibility of a more massive Earth-like planetoid located further than 100 AU with an eccentric and inclined orbit. Computer simulations have suggested that a body roughly the size of Earth, ejected outward by Neptune early in the Solar System's formation and currently in an elongated orbit between 80 and 170 AU from the Sun, could explain not only the Kuiper cliff but also the peculiar "detached" TNOs such as Sedna.[48] While some astronomers have cautiously supported these claims, others have dismissed them as "contrived".[45] Another hypothesis argues that long period comets, rather than arriving from random points across the sky as is commonly thought, are in fact clustered in a band inclined to the ecliptic. Such clustering could be explained if they were disturbed by an unseen object at least as large as Jupiter; possibly a brown dwarf. The hypothetical planetâ€â€or companion of the Sunâ€â€would be located in the outer part of the Oort cloud.[49][50] Nemesis is a hypothetical red dwarf star or brown dwarf, orbiting the Sun at a distance of about 50,000 to 100,000 AU, somewhat beyond the Oort cloud. The existence of this star was postulated in an attempt to explain an inferred periodicity in the rate of biological extinction in the geological record. when people talk about planet x one must think of several things like suns binary dark twin, black hole on our door step and even for those who believe in dark matter ,even dark matter not every thing should be taken as face value we need to explain these stuff scientifically and filter out the junk of a common man. We choose to go to the moon and to do other things, we choose to go to the moon not because its easy but because its hard. kennedy |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 9 Jul 08 Posts: 293 Credit: 104,493 RAC: 0 ![]() |
EXTICTION EVENTS Roughly every 50,000years life on earth is forced into extinction and its over 50,000years since the last extinction ,what could follow such a pattern of regularity ,sounds familiar .There is something out there that is in an orbit and it has a gravitational pull on all kinds of heavy objects like comets just look at the graph. It could have even been responsible for bring the comets with water to earth , thats why of all the planets earth has plenty of water. Since life began on earth, several major mass extinctions have significantly exceeded the background extinction rate. The most recent, the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event, occurred 65 million years ago, and has attracted more attention than all others because it killed the dinosaurs. In the past 540 million years there have been five major events when over 50% of animals were extinct. So before anyone dismisses the above ,stop and think could an unseen body take us by suprise and prove to us that we are not as intelligent as we may think. We choose to go to the moon and to do other things, we choose to go to the moon not because its easy but because its hard. kennedy |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 16 Mar 07 Posts: 3949 Credit: 1,604,668 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Sorry but, no, life on earth is not forced into extinction every 50 000 years. Humans (homo sapiens) and lots of other still existing species were around 200 000 years ago. So, obviously, life was not forced into extinction 50 000 years ago. (There were a few ice ages in the meanwhile which certainly made life interesting, but were not extinction level events.) Extinction events do occur sporadically. But in the hundreds of millions of year range. And the rates are wildly unpredictable. If these extinctions were caused by a Nemesis star or Planet X or some other solar system object that just appears from time to time then the fossil record would bear predictable and constant extinctions because the orbits of large objects (even those on extremely elongated orbits) are predictable and constant. Extinction events occur because, every once in awhile some random comet or asteroid that is large enough and moving fast enough, hit’s the Earth and wipes the slate clean. Just bad luck for whatever species’ that happen to exist at the time. (And just bad luck for us if we happen to exist when it happens next time.) Perhaps the next extinction event will happen in 2012 (or 2013 or 2020 or whatever) but if it does it will not be because of Planet X, Nibiru or Nemesis. But it is because some comet is on some clockwork orbit and Earth will continue on it’s clockwork orbit and those two clockworks intersect. That is all, no big theories of non existent death planets needed. Occam's razor will suffice. Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas. Albert Einstein |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 29 Feb 00 Posts: 16019 Credit: 794,685 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Sorry but, no, life on earth is not forced into extinction every 50 000 years. Humans (homo sapiens) and lots of other still existing species were around 200 000 years ago. So, obviously, life was not forced into extinction 50 000 years ago. (There were a few ice ages in the meanwhile which certainly made life interesting, but were not extinction level events.) ![]() Science Status Page . . . |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 16 Mar 07 Posts: 3949 Credit: 1,604,668 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Thank you Richard But you know me: I love to play devil’s advocate. :D Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas. Albert Einstein |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 20 Mar 04 Posts: 69 Credit: 126,979 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Nibiru's orbit around the Sun is highly elliptical, according to Sitchin's books, taking it out beyond the orbit of Pluto at its farthest point and bringing it as close to the Sun as the far side of the asteroid belt (a ring of asteroids that is known to occupy a band of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter). It takes Nibiru 3,600 years to complete one orbital journey, and it was last in this vicinity around 160 B.C.E. I'm open to the possible existence of such a planet, but think it's impossible that life can both originate and evolve into a highly advanced civilization on a planet with such an orbit. How can life survive on a world with an orbit that takes it out beyond the distance of Pluto? The planet would have no water, no heat, or any other essentials needed for such a civilization of beings to evolve and flourish. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 9 Jul 08 Posts: 293 Credit: 104,493 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I was away, but i made an error ,its not 50,000 if you look at the graph its 50,000,000 but all the same i accept your possibility. We choose to go to the moon and to do other things, we choose to go to the moon not because its easy but because its hard. kennedy |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 4 Oct 00 Posts: 9541 Credit: 50,759,529 RAC: 60 ![]() ![]() |
Nibiru's orbit around the Sun is highly elliptical, according to Sitchin's books, taking it out beyond the orbit of Pluto at its farthest point and bringing it as close to the Sun as the far side of the asteroid belt (a ring of asteroids that is known to occupy a band of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter). It takes Nibiru 3,600 years to complete one orbital journey, and it was last in this vicinity around 160 B.C.E. Not that I believe this hooie but what if they are advanced. Have nuclear or other energy sources. THey could have water regardless of the distance from the sun. It would be frozen but they'd have it. Though I'd think that producing food would be the most difficult thing to do in deep space on a frozen planet. ![]() In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face. Diogenes Of Sinope |
Michael Watson Send message Joined: 7 Feb 08 Posts: 1388 Credit: 2,098,506 RAC: 5 |
The thought occurs: Why would anyone use such a dismal planet, even for a space base, in the first place, when Earth was available? We could speculate about super-low-temperature ecologies and species, but there appears to be no evidence that this is the sort of beings Sitchin meant, or that he was even aware that such a thing might be possible. He wrote of the Niburuans visiting Earth and living here without apparent difficulty. Even if a super-low-temperature ecology were to be considered a possible explanation, going from 2.5 AU to 40 means a change in solar energy by a factor of over three hundred. Hard to imagine *any* ecology that could stand up under that! Michael |
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