***Promote your team on the BOINC forum!!***

Message boards : Team Recruitment Center : ***Promote your team on the BOINC forum!!***
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Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 753395 - Posted: 14 May 2008, 22:53:02 UTC
Last modified: 14 May 2008, 22:56:15 UTC

Due to some recent discussion about the BOINC website, the BOINC message boards have now been expanded to be more inclusive of "Volunteers".

The BOINC message boards have had several new sections and forums added so that users have one common place on the Internet to chat about any BOINC projects including SETI@home.

The BOINC website message boards look a bit like any of the BOINC projects. But the BOINC website is not a science project, its just for developing the software. To use the message boards on the website, you create an account on the BOINC website just like you would do on this website.

You can create an account on the BOINC website here; Create account

Here is a link; BOINC website message boards ; http://boinc.berkeley.edu/dev/

Some of the new area's to chat are;
1. Questions and problems

2. Projects

3. Team recruitment

4. Team talk

5. The Lounge


With some further discussion, we might be able to make the BOINC website and the message boards more "User friendly". This will take some time.

Teams are advised to go and post your team recruitment message here on SETI@home and on the BOINC website in the Team recruitment section. This will get more members for your team and spread the word about your team!.

Enjoy the new BOINC message boards,
(This message should be stickied)
ID: 753395 · Report as offensive
Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 754139 - Posted: 16 May 2008, 20:47:28 UTC

ID: 754139 · Report as offensive
Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 782224 - Posted: 13 Jul 2008, 16:47:44 UTC - in response to Message 753395.  
Last modified: 13 Jul 2008, 16:49:38 UTC

Due to some recent discussion about the BOINC website, the BOINC message boards have now been expanded to be more inclusive of "Volunteers".

The BOINC message boards have had several new sections and forums added so that users have one common place on the Internet to chat about any BOINC projects including SETI@home.

The BOINC website message boards look a bit like any of the BOINC projects. But the BOINC website is not a science project, its just for developing the software. To use the message boards on the website, you create an account on the BOINC website just like you would do on this website.

You can create an account on the BOINC website here; Create account

Here is a link; BOINC website message boards ; http://boinc.berkeley.edu/dev/

Some of the new area's to chat are;
1. Questions and problems

2. Projects

3. Team recruitment

4. Team talk

5. Promotion

6. The Lounge


With some further discussion, we might be able to make the BOINC website and the message boards more "User friendly". This will take some time.

Teams are advised to go and post your team recruitment message here on SETI@home and on the BOINC website in the Team recruitment section. This will get more members for your team and spread the word about your team!.

Enjoy the new BOINC message boards,
ID: 782224 · Report as offensive
Profile GalaxyIce
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Message 782315 - Posted: 13 Jul 2008, 19:14:44 UTC

Cheers John. I've sighed up for Team England.

flaming balloons
ID: 782315 · Report as offensive
Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 782432 - Posted: 14 Jul 2008, 0:53:04 UTC - in response to Message 782315.  

Cheers John. I've sighed up for Team England.

Good work Ice!!
Maybe other teams just don't realise the importance of posting a message advertising your team anywhere you can!. If you don't tell people about your team, how can they find it and join the team!

So Ice, the teams that take the time to post a copy of their team message on the BOINC forum will be the real winners here.

Keep up the recruiting Ice, good work Buddy!


ID: 782432 · Report as offensive
Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 782635 - Posted: 14 Jul 2008, 13:33:28 UTC

Hi John __ <waves> __
ID: 782635 · Report as offensive
Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 782649 - Posted: 14 Jul 2008, 15:02:18 UTC
Last modified: 14 Jul 2008, 15:11:38 UTC

Hi John

In the past I used a lot of html to format our team description page. I guess I got carried away lol :(

I've trim down the html on our team description page a considerable amount - so that now it looks - neat, tidy and compact :)

John I would appreciate your opinion on how it looks now :)

ID: 782649 · Report as offensive
Profile GalaxyIce
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Message 782833 - Posted: 15 Jul 2008, 6:32:39 UTC - in response to Message 782432.  

Cheers John. I've sighed up for Team England.

Good work Ice!!
Maybe other teams just don't realise the importance of posting a message advertising your team anywhere you can!. If you don't tell people about your team, how can they find it and join the team!

So Ice, the teams that take the time to post a copy of their team message on the BOINC forum will be the real winners here.

Keep up the recruiting Ice, good work Buddy!


Thanks John. Your efforts in this are very much appreciated :)

flaming balloons
ID: 782833 · Report as offensive
Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 782843 - Posted: 15 Jul 2008, 7:51:32 UTC - in response to Message 782649.  

Hi John

In the past I used a lot of html to format our team description page. I guess I got carried away lol :(

I've trim down the html on our team description page a considerable amount - so that now it looks - neat, tidy and compact :)

John I would appreciate your opinion on how it looks now :)


You did use a lot of html on your team page in the past, but you were trying your best to make your team page look good.

So really it depends on the individual. The way you have it now Byron is very good, it looks much better. So you have done a very good job in moving some of the valuable info and links off the team page and onto your team website.

But here is a much more methodical line of thought and this is what i have done with my own team. I took all the writing, links and information completely off the team page here at SETI@home and i put all of the info on my team website instead.

Then i made 2 posters instead with all the info and welcome stuff on the posters. The posters are sized especially to fit on the SETI team page without crowding the page completely.

Have a look at my team page; PADDY'S IN SPACE

The top poster is linked to the website and the bottom half of the poster is really just a Hugh join button for the team. Because that is really the critical thing. When people view your team page, the critical and most important thing you want them to do is click the join button. You don't want to be distracting people from finding that "join team" button with lots of links and stuff to draw them away.

So your team page looks very well now and you have a few other things to think about.


ID: 782843 · Report as offensive
Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 782844 - Posted: 15 Jul 2008, 7:52:20 UTC - in response to Message 782833.  

Cheers John. I've sighed up for Team England.

Good work Ice!!
Maybe other teams just don't realise the importance of posting a message advertising your team anywhere you can!. If you don't tell people about your team, how can they find it and join the team!

So Ice, the teams that take the time to post a copy of their team message on the BOINC forum will be the real winners here.

Keep up the recruiting Ice, good work Buddy!


Thanks John. Your efforts in this are very much appreciated :)

Glad to help Ice.


ID: 782844 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Team Recruitment Center : ***Promote your team on the BOINC forum!!***

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