Message boards : Team Recruitment Center : Join Team ##ALLPROJECTSTATS.COM##
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Profile Seejay
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Joined: 5 Jul 06
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Message 736588 - Posted: 9 Apr 2008, 22:06:17 UTC

Join Team ''. I formed the team back in December of 2007, expecting it stay a one man show. After a few days I was joined by a couple of others. We're now nine strong, eight full-timers and one part-timer. I'm hoping we will continue to grow, as we're all very Team orientated and we'd all like to see some new crunchers share the Team experience with us. If you're teamless or if you just want a breath of fresh air moving from another team, all are welcome! We represent, an ever-developing Boinc Combined Statistics Site. It includes some very cool features which you won't find on other sites of this kind:

AND there are always other new features on the drawing board. New ideas are always welcome!!

JOIN NOW!! BOINCing is fun but even more so when you're part of the RIGHT Team:

ID: 736588 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Team Recruitment Center : Join Team ##ALLPROJECTSTATS.COM##

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