SETI.USA- #1 in SETI and BOINC Overall (Looking for new members!)

Message boards : Team Recruitment Center : SETI.USA- #1 in SETI and BOINC Overall (Looking for new members!)
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Message 845004 - Posted: 25 Dec 2008, 15:58:13 UTC

Welcome to all new members for 24 December.

2008-12-24 Don Sparks
2008-12-24 EricBrooks
2008-12-24 Vizmod
2008-12-24 Xcathdra
2008-12-24 dan bupp
2008-12-24 mEtzG3r
2008-12-24 madman4355

We are a very active and fun loving team and offer the following to our members:
Message Board
Team Chat!!(Regular Monday night chat session, but always available.)
Team Store
Quarterly Intra Team Races
Project of the Month
Weekly Trivia Contest
Team Graphics (Requests taken as well)
And much, much more....

Come Join in the fun as we strive to reach new goals. Everyone welcome.

If you are already a member of our great team and have not yet visited the message forums, please come on over and introduce yourself. We would love to see you there!! If you have an interest in crunching other projects check out our project of the month or our current push for #1!!

Together we will accomplish something amazing!

Visit our mini city!
ID: 845004 · Report as offensive

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Message 845354 - Posted: 26 Dec 2008, 17:40:52 UTC

Welcome to all new members for 25 December.

2008-12-25 Dewayne E Ballard
2008-12-25 J. Joseph Ganahl
2008-12-25 Jonathan
2008-12-25 TimB
2008-12-25 TyKeith
2008-12-25 xttx2008

We are a very active and fun loving team and offer the following to our members:
Message Board
Team Chat!!(Regular Monday night chat session, but always available.)
Team Store
Quarterly Intra Team Races
Project of the Month
Weekly Trivia Contest
Team Graphics (Requests taken as well)
And much, much more....

Come Join in the fun as we strive to reach new goals. Everyone welcome.

If you are already a member of our great team and have not yet visited the message forums, please come on over and introduce yourself. We would love to see you there!! If you have an interest in crunching other projects check out our project of the month or our current push for #1!!

Together we will accomplish something amazing!

Visit our mini city!
ID: 845354 · Report as offensive

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Message 845680 - Posted: 27 Dec 2008, 15:36:27 UTC

Welcome to all new members for 26 December.

2008-12-26 JaY
2008-12-26 Kochrane
2008-12-26 LakotaElf

We are a very active and fun loving team and offer the following to our members:
Message Board
Team Chat!!(Regular Monday night chat session, but always available.)
Team Store
Quarterly Intra Team Races
Project of the Month
Weekly Trivia Contest
Team Graphics (Requests taken as well)
And much, much more....

Come Join in the fun as we strive to reach new goals. Everyone welcome.

If you are already a member of our great team and have not yet visited the message forums, please come on over and introduce yourself. We would love to see you there!! If you have an interest in crunching other projects check out our project of the month or our current push for #1!!

Together we will accomplish something amazing!

Visit our mini city!
ID: 845680 · Report as offensive

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Message 846023 - Posted: 28 Dec 2008, 15:53:24 UTC

Welcome to all new members for 27 December.

2008-12-27 Administrator
2008-12-27 Engel
2008-12-27 Filip
2008-12-27 Frank Louthan
2008-12-27 HP_Administrator
2008-12-27 Jeremy Caramico
2008-12-27 Kenneth
2008-12-27 Nate McCain
2008-12-27 madberry

We are a very active and fun loving team and offer the following to our members:
Message Board
Team Chat!!(Regular Monday night chat session, but always available.)
Team Store
Quarterly Intra Team Races
Project of the Month
Weekly Trivia Contest
Team Graphics (Requests taken as well)
And much, much more....

Come Join in the fun as we strive to reach new goals. Everyone welcome.

If you are already a member of our great team and have not yet visited the message forums, please come on over and introduce yourself. We would love to see you there!! If you have an interest in crunching other projects check out our project of the month or our current push for #1!!

Together we will accomplish something amazing!

Visit our mini city!
ID: 846023 · Report as offensive

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Message 846361 - Posted: 29 Dec 2008, 14:06:29 UTC

Welcome to all new members for 28 December.

2008-12-28 Bang58
2008-12-28 Mark Walker
2008-12-28 Pst676
2008-12-28 Ryan
2008-12-28 TrECeNTeRs

We are a very active and fun loving team and offer the following to our members:
Message Board
Team Chat!!(Regular Monday night chat session, but always available.)
Team Store
Quarterly Intra Team Races
Project of the Month
Weekly Trivia Contest
Team Graphics (Requests taken as well)
And much, much more....

Come Join in the fun as we strive to reach new goals. Everyone welcome.

If you are already a member of our great team and have not yet visited the message forums, please come on over and introduce yourself. We would love to see you there!! If you have an interest in crunching other projects check out our project of the month or our current push for #1!!

Together we will accomplish something amazing!

Visit our mini city!
ID: 846361 · Report as offensive

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Message 846892 - Posted: 30 Dec 2008, 14:59:17 UTC

Welcome to all new members for 29 December.

2008-12-29 David Patterson
2008-12-29 JDennis
2008-12-29 Marty Skinner
2008-12-29 MarymommyP
2008-12-29 Molly Ruslander
2008-12-29 Pete Stephenson
2008-12-29 Rey
2008-12-29 Ridley64
2008-12-29 okspirit

We are a very active and fun loving team and offer the following to our members:
Message Board
Team Chat!!(Regular Monday night chat session, but always available.)
Team Store
Quarterly Intra Team Races
Project of the Month
Weekly Trivia Contest
Team Graphics (Requests taken as well)
And much, much more....

Come Join in the fun as we strive to reach new goals. Everyone welcome.

If you are already a member of our great team and have not yet visited the message forums, please come on over and introduce yourself. We would love to see you there!! If you have an interest in crunching other projects check out our project of the month or our current push for #1!!

Together we will accomplish something amazing!

Visit our mini city!
ID: 846892 · Report as offensive

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Message 847276 - Posted: 31 Dec 2008, 14:24:44 UTC

Welcome to all new members for 30 December.

2008-12-30 Chris
2008-12-30 Duane Lewis

We are a very active and fun loving team and offer the following to our members:
Message Board
Team Chat!!(Regular Monday night chat session, but always available.)
Team Store
Quarterly Intra Team Races
Project of the Month
Weekly Trivia Contest
Team Graphics (Requests taken as well)
And much, much more....

Come Join in the fun as we strive to reach new goals. Everyone welcome.

If you are already a member of our great team and have not yet visited the message forums, please come on over and introduce yourself. We would love to see you there!! If you have an interest in crunching other projects check out our project of the month or our current push for #1!!

Together we will accomplish something amazing!

Visit our mini city!
ID: 847276 · Report as offensive

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Message 847805 - Posted: 1 Jan 2009, 16:56:29 UTC

Welcome to all new members for 31 December.

2008-12-31 D.Turner
2008-12-31 Duran
2008-12-31 FunnyId
2008-12-31 JACK
2008-12-31 Mike
2008-12-31 Patrick
2008-12-31 Porthos
2008-12-31 Zeta PPTWRAS
2008-12-31 bruce engkjer
2008-12-31 dwnsc128
2008-12-31 john webster
2008-12-31 rwsnavy

We are a very active and fun loving team and offer the following to our members:
Message Board
Team Chat!!(Regular Monday night chat session, but always available.)
Team Store
Quarterly Intra Team Races
Project of the Month
Weekly Trivia Contest
Team Graphics (Requests taken as well)
And much, much more....

Come Join in the fun as we strive to reach new goals. Everyone welcome.

If you are already a member of our great team and have not yet visited the message forums, please come on over and introduce yourself. We would love to see you there!! If you have an interest in crunching other projects check out our project of the month or our current push for #1!!

Together we will accomplish something amazing!

Visit our mini city!
ID: 847805 · Report as offensive

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Message 848260 - Posted: 2 Jan 2009, 17:35:58 UTC

Welcome to all new members for 1 January.

2009-01-01 Adam Hill
2009-01-01 Blake Strickland
2009-01-01 Brian Ahrens
2009-01-01 Chicane
2009-01-01 Chicane
2009-01-01 JGDLP
2009-01-01 Justin Kapust
2009-01-01 Kyle
2009-01-01 Ryan Fliss
2009-01-01 rcf

We are a very active and fun loving team and offer the following to our members:
Message Board
Team Chat!!(Regular Monday night chat session, but always available.)
Team Store
Quarterly Intra Team Races
Project of the Month
Weekly Trivia Contest
Team Graphics (Requests taken as well)
And much, much more....

Come Join in the fun as we strive to reach new goals. Everyone welcome.

If you are already a member of our great team and have not yet visited the message forums, please come on over and introduce yourself. We would love to see you there!! If you have an interest in crunching other projects check out our project of the month or our current push for #1!!

Together we will accomplish something amazing!

Visit our mini city!
ID: 848260 · Report as offensive

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Message 848792 - Posted: 3 Jan 2009, 18:47:09 UTC

Welcome to all new members for 2 January.

2009-01-02 Mark
2009-01-02 cat155
2009-01-02 enusbaum

We are a very active and fun loving team and offer the following to our members:
Message Board
Team Chat!!(Regular Monday night chat session, but always available.)
Team Store
Quarterly Intra Team Races
Project of the Month
Weekly Trivia Contest
Team Graphics (Requests taken as well)
And much, much more....

Come Join in the fun as we strive to reach new goals. Everyone welcome.

If you are already a member of our great team and have not yet visited the message forums, please come on over and introduce yourself. We would love to see you there!! If you have an interest in crunching other projects check out our project of the month or our current push for #1!!

Together we will accomplish something amazing!

Visit our mini city!
ID: 848792 · Report as offensive

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Message 849385 - Posted: 4 Jan 2009, 19:36:31 UTC

Welcome to all new members for 3 January.

2009-01-03 Adrien
2009-01-03 BajaDave
2009-01-03 DAGoucher
2009-01-03 Edward
2009-01-03 John Henry Prieth
2009-01-03 Kevin
2009-01-03 wsroot

We are a very active and fun loving team and offer the following to our members:
Message Board
Team Chat!!(Regular Monday night chat session, but always available.)
Team Store
Quarterly Intra Team Races
Project of the Month
Weekly Trivia Contest
Team Graphics (Requests taken as well)
And much, much more....

Come Join in the fun as we strive to reach new goals. Everyone welcome.

If you are already a member of our great team and have not yet visited the message forums, please come on over and introduce yourself. We would love to see you there!! If you have an interest in crunching other projects check out our project of the month or our current push for #1!!

Together we will accomplish something amazing!

Visit our mini city!
ID: 849385 · Report as offensive

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Message 849719 - Posted: 5 Jan 2009, 16:25:50 UTC

Welcome to all new members for 4 January.

2009-01-04 Art
2009-01-04 Billy Bonin
2009-01-04 Julia Gengenbach
2009-01-04 Karl12982
2009-01-04 Yaya
2009-01-04 compgeek960
2009-01-04 jett
2009-01-04 jsigman

We are a very active and fun loving team and offer the following to our members:
Message Board
Team Chat!!(Regular Monday night chat session, but always available.)
Team Store
Quarterly Intra Team Races
Project of the Month
Weekly Trivia Contest
Team Graphics (Requests taken as well)
And much, much more....

Come Join in the fun as we strive to reach new goals. Everyone welcome.

If you are already a member of our great team and have not yet visited the message forums, please come on over and introduce yourself. We would love to see you there!! If you have an interest in crunching other projects check out our project of the month or our current push for #1!!

Together we will accomplish something amazing!

Visit our mini city!
ID: 849719 · Report as offensive

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Message 850244 - Posted: 6 Jan 2009, 23:23:33 UTC

Welcome to all new members for 5 January.

2009-01-05 Alex Oh
2009-01-05 Bill
2009-01-05 Daryl
2009-01-05 Hitman
2009-01-05 Izreal
2009-01-05 Markus Wullich
2009-01-05 gert
2009-01-05 neonboy88
2009-01-05 wildbob

We are a very active and fun loving team and offer the following to our members:
Message Board
Team Chat!!(Regular Monday night chat session, but always available.)
Team Store
Quarterly Intra Team Races
Project of the Month
Weekly Trivia Contest
Team Graphics (Requests taken as well)
And much, much more....

Come Join in the fun as we strive to reach new goals. Everyone welcome.

If you are already a member of our great team and have not yet visited the message forums, please come on over and introduce yourself. We would love to see you there!! If you have an interest in crunching other projects check out our project of the month or our current push for #1!!

Together we will accomplish something amazing!

Visit our mini city!
ID: 850244 · Report as offensive

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Message 850481 - Posted: 7 Jan 2009, 17:11:50 UTC

Welcome to all new members for 6 January.

2009-01-06 Antkrytis
2009-01-06 Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette
2009-01-06 Eddie R Albertson
2009-01-06 Kreacher
2009-01-06 Langston, Chris
2009-01-06 Mat
2009-01-06 Omar
2009-01-06 Owner
2009-01-06 RobbieJ
2009-01-06 SKoRN
2009-01-06 Shooterpapa
2009-01-06 noob

We are a very active and fun loving team and offer the following to our members:
Message Board
Team Chat!!(Regular Monday night chat session, but always available.)
Team Store
Quarterly Intra Team Races
Project of the Month
Weekly Trivia Contest
Team Graphics (Requests taken as well)
And much, much more....

Come Join in the fun as we strive to reach new goals. Everyone welcome.

If you are already a member of our great team and have not yet visited the message forums, please come on over and introduce yourself. We would love to see you there!! If you have an interest in crunching other projects check out our project of the month or our current push for #1!!

Together we will accomplish something amazing!

Visit our mini city!
ID: 850481 · Report as offensive

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Message 850871 - Posted: 8 Jan 2009, 16:04:58 UTC

Welcome to all new members for 7 January.


We are a very active and fun loving team and offer the following to our members:
Message Board
Team Chat!!(Regular Monday night chat session, but always available.)
Team Store
Quarterly Intra Team Races
Project of the Month
Weekly Trivia Contest
Team Graphics (Requests taken as well)
And much, much more....

Come Join in the fun as we strive to reach new goals. Everyone welcome.

If you are already a member of our great team and have not yet visited the message forums, please come on over and introduce yourself. We would love to see you there!! If you have an interest in crunching other projects check out our project of the month or our current push for #1!!

Together we will accomplish something amazing!

Visit our mini city!
ID: 850871 · Report as offensive

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Message 851339 - Posted: 9 Jan 2009, 17:07:12 UTC

Welcome to all new members for 8 January.

2009-01-08 Craig
2009-01-08 Kenbo
2009-01-08 Nadyr1
2009-01-08 RayC
2009-01-08 Ryan
2009-01-08 Thomas Speer
2009-01-08 ishmoo21
2009-01-08 tiggerdaddy

We are a very active and fun loving team and offer the following to our members:
Message Board
Team Chat!!(Regular Monday night chat session, but always available.)
Team Store
Quarterly Intra Team Races
Project of the Month
Weekly Trivia Contest
Team Graphics (Requests taken as well)
And much, much more....

Come Join in the fun as we strive to reach new goals. Everyone welcome.

If you are already a member of our great team and have not yet visited the message forums, please come on over and introduce yourself. We would love to see you there!! If you have an interest in crunching other projects check out our project of the month or our current push for #1!!

Together we will accomplish something amazing!

Visit our mini city!
ID: 851339 · Report as offensive

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Message 851787 - Posted: 10 Jan 2009, 17:52:33 UTC

Welcome to all new members for 9 January.

2009-01-09 Dad
2009-01-09 ricki
2009-01-09 sean patrick hannon
2009-01-09 sevenof9
2009-01-09 that_one_weird_guy

We are a very active and fun loving team and offer the following to our members:
Message Board
Team Chat!!(Regular Monday night chat session, but always available.)
Team Store
Quarterly Intra Team Races
Project of the Month
Weekly Trivia Contest
Team Graphics (Requests taken as well)
And much, much more....

Come Join in the fun as we strive to reach new goals. Everyone welcome.

If you are already a member of our great team and have not yet visited the message forums, please come on over and introduce yourself. We would love to see you there!! If you have an interest in crunching other projects check out our project of the month or our current push for #1!!

Together we will accomplish something amazing!

Visit our mini city!
ID: 851787 · Report as offensive

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Message 852259 - Posted: 11 Jan 2009, 16:39:19 UTC

Welcome to all new members for 10 January.

2009-01-10 Danny
2009-01-10 Echos
2009-01-10 Michael Shifflett
2009-01-10 Michael Spencer
2009-01-10 Mouse
2009-01-10 jerry
2009-01-10 pearce_rl

We are a very active and fun loving team and offer the following to our members:
Message Board
Team Chat!!(Regular Monday night chat session, but always available.)
Team Store
Quarterly Intra Team Races
Project of the Month
Weekly Trivia Contest
Team Graphics (Requests taken as well)
And much, much more....

Come Join in the fun as we strive to reach new goals. Everyone welcome.

If you are already a member of our great team and have not yet visited the message forums, please come on over and introduce yourself. We would love to see you there!! If you have an interest in crunching other projects check out our project of the month or our current push for #1!!

Together we will accomplish something amazing!

Visit our mini city!
ID: 852259 · Report as offensive

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Message 852643 - Posted: 12 Jan 2009, 12:31:38 UTC

Welcome to all new members for 11 January.

2009-01-11 David Horton
2009-01-11 Debra
2009-01-11 Fuck You, Andromeda
2009-01-11 Innovation Squared
2009-01-11 Janika
2009-01-11 Ronjr
2009-01-11 wilesee

We are a very active and fun loving team and offer the following to our members:
Message Board
Team Chat!!(Regular Monday night chat session, but always available.)
Team Store
Quarterly Intra Team Races
Project of the Month
Weekly Trivia Contest
Team Graphics (Requests taken as well)
And much, much more....

Come Join in the fun as we strive to reach new goals. Everyone welcome.

If you are already a member of our great team and have not yet visited the message forums, please come on over and introduce yourself. We would love to see you there!! If you have an interest in crunching other projects check out our project of the month or our current push for #1!!

Together we will accomplish something amazing!

Visit our mini city!
ID: 852643 · Report as offensive

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Message 853023 - Posted: 13 Jan 2009, 14:41:55 UTC

Welcome to all new members for 12 January.

2009-01-12 Koldor
2009-01-12 SilverBullet
2009-01-12 cinnomonbay
2009-01-12 dj
2009-01-12 gienie
2009-01-12 joshua hanst

We are a very active and fun loving team and offer the following to our members:
Message Board
Team Chat!!(Regular Monday night chat session, but always available.)
Team Store
Quarterly Intra Team Races
Project of the Month
Weekly Trivia Contest
Team Graphics (Requests taken as well)
And much, much more....

Come Join in the fun as we strive to reach new goals. Everyone welcome.

If you are already a member of our great team and have not yet visited the message forums, please come on over and introduce yourself. We would love to see you there!! If you have an interest in crunching other projects check out our project of the month or our current push for #1!!

Together we will accomplish something amazing!

Visit our mini city!
ID: 853023 · Report as offensive
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Message boards : Team Recruitment Center : SETI.USA- #1 in SETI and BOINC Overall (Looking for new members!)

©2025 University of California
SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.